DC 182

Callingwood North - 6903 - 6923 - 172 Street.

Bylaw 9212 (August 8, 1989)


To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate a limited range of convenience commercial uses such that by limiting the range of specific land uses and developing sensitive site development criteria the development will be compatible with the surrounding land uses.

Lot 64, Block 4, Plan 7922454 Callingwood North.

a. Business Support Services
b. Daytime Child Care Services
c. General and Convenience Retail Stores
d. Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
e. Personal Service Shops
f. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
g. Health Services
a. The maximum building height shall not exceed 4.5 m or 1 storey.
b. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 1.0.
c. The maximum gross floor area of any individual business premise shall not exceed 375 m2, except that the Development Officer may allow an increase in gross floor area up to a maximum of 561 m2 in floor area for any use in this District where, in his opinion, the increase in floor area would not adversely affect traffic circulation on the site or the function of the adjacent roadways and would not have a negative impact on the surrounding residential land uses.
d. A landscaped yard a minimum of 4 m in depth shall be provided adjacent to the north property line. Such landscaped yard shall contain 4 mature deciduous trees and 4 mature evergreens, and 20 shrubs for a maximum of every 30 m of frontage with the plant material grouped in modules not greater than 25 m in length. There shall be a minimum of two modules in the north yard.
e. A landscaped yard a minimum of 3 m in depth shall be provided adjacent to the west and south property lines. The west landscaped yard shall contain not less than 2 mature deciduous trees and 3 mature evergreens. The south landscaped yard shall contain 3 mature deciduous trees, 2 mature evergreens and 10 shrubs for a maximum of every 30 m of frontage with the plant material grouped in modules not greater than 25 m in length.
f. A landscaped yard a minimum of 3 m in depth shall be provided adjacent to the east property line. Such landscaped yard shall consist of one tree for every 6 m length of yard with tree planting to consist of a mix of mature evergreen and deciduous trees.
g. Mature deciduous trees shall be a minimum calliper of 8 cm and mature evergreen trees shall be a minimum height of 3 m.
h. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the building such that their impact on the surrounding residential development is minimized, and shall be screened from view from adjacent sites and public roadways.
i. Development shall comply with the following architectural guidelines:
i. the principal exterior building finishes shall be of a consistent treatment on all building faces and shall consist of brick, stucco, split stone concrete or other material of a high quality to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
ii. building roofs shall be sloped and finished with cedar shakes, cedar siding, pre-finished metal and asphalt shingles or clay tiles, unless the roof is concealed from view by other building details, such as a parapet wall, when viewed at normal eye level;
iii. exterior finishing materials shall be limited to muted earth tones, with strong colours limited to use as accents;
iv. all mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be completely screened or incorporated within the building roof; and
v. the north and east building faces shall incorporate sloped roof elements or other design details common to the overall architectural theme of the building, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, so as to ensure a high standard of appearance when viewed from the residential development to the north and east.
j. Signs shall be allowed in this District as provided for in Schedule 79D of the Land use Bylaw and in accordance with the general conditions of Sections 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw. Free standing signs shall be restricted to the south side of the lot fronting 69 Avenue.
k. Lighting for this site shall be designed such that all illumination is directed downwards or towards the building face and is of an intensity that will prevent illumination into the adjacent residential lots.
l. To ensure that a high standard appearance and a sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses are achieved, detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted with the initial development permit application for approval by the Development Officer which, in the opinion of the Development Officer, must comply with the planting and berming requirements specified by Clauses 4d to 4f of this District.
m. The Development Officer shall require, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide an irrevocable letter of credit or a performance bond, in the amount of 100% of the established landscaping cost, the conditions of the security being that:
i. if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of this District and the landscaping plan, within one growing season after the completion of the development, then the amount fixed shall be paid to the City, for its use absolutely; and
ii. the Development Officer shall not release the Landscaping Bond until an inspection of the site has demonstrated that the landscaping has been well maintained and is in healthy condition two growing seasons after completion of the landscaping.
n. Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulation of Sections 5079 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
o. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Section 5079 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District, if in his opinion such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of the neighbouring properties.
a. Daytime Child Care Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 93 of the Land Use Bylaw and shall be located such that direct access at grade can be provided to an outdoor play area. The outdoor play area, which shall be approved by the Development Officer in consultation with the General Manager of Social Services, shall be located away from vehicular-oriented uses and from parking and loading areas on the site and shall be enclosed by building walls or a screen fence, a minimum of 1.8 m high.
b. Automotive Equipment and Repair Shop shall be developed in accordance with Section 82 of the Land Use Bylaw, where applicable and the following additional criteria:
i. the siting, access and traffic impact of an Automotive Equipment and Repair Shop shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the City Engineer, who shall ensure that such developments do not prejudice the safety and transportation function of the adjacent roadways;
ii. any vehicular doors associated with an Automotive Equipment and Repair Shop shall be oriented west and south and be setback a minimum of 20 m from the north property line and the east property line; and
iii. all mechanical equipment associated with an Automotive Equipment and Repair Shop shall be housed within an enclosed building.
c. Any Drive-in Food Service pickup window shall be oriented towards 172 Street or 69 Avenue and the siting access and traffic impact of such use shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the City Engineer, who shall ensure that such developments do not prejudice the safety and transportation function of the adjacent roadways.

Bylaw attachments