5.80 Parking, Access, Site Circulation, and Bike Parking

1.1. All vehicle access locations and curb crossings require the approval of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. 


2.1. Single Detached Housing, Duplex Housing, Semi-detached Housing, Backyard Housing, and Row Housing, and Multi-unit Housing with 8 Dwellings or less must comply with the following:   
Site Circulation
2.1.1. 1 or more Pathways with a minimum unobstructed width of 0.9 m must be provided from all main entrances of principal Dwellings directly to an Abutting sidewalk, Street where no sidewalk exists or to a Driveway, except that: A handrail on 1 side is permitted to project a maximum of 0.1 m into the Pathway.
2.1.2. Where vehicle access is permitted from a Street, a maximum of 1 Driveway with Street access is permitted for each ground-oriented principal Dwelling.
2.1.3. A Driveway must lead directly from the Street or Alley to the Garage or Parking Area.
2.1.4. A Driveway provided from a Street must comply with the following: Where a Garage or Parking Area has 1 vehicle parking space, the maximum Driveway width is 4.3 m, or the width of the Garage or Parking Area, whichever is less, except: Where 1 or more Pathways Abut and run parallel to a Driveway that leads to a Garage or Parking Area with 1 vehicle parking space, the combined maximum width of the Driveway and Abutting Pathways is 4.3 m. Where a Garage or Parking Area has 2 or more vehicle parking spaces, the maximum Driveway width is equal to the width of the Garage or Parking Area, or the number of side-by-side vehicle parking spaces multiplied by 3.7 m, whichever is less, except: Where 1 or more Pathways Abut and run parallel to a Driveway that leads to a Garage or Parking Area with 2 or more vehicle parking spaces, the combined maximum width of the Driveway and Abutting Pathways is the width of the Garage or Parking Area, or the number of side-by-side vehicle parking spaces multiplied by 3.7 m, whichever is less.
2.1.5. Vehicle parking spaces, other than those located on a Driveway, must not be located within: a Front Yard a Flanking Side Yard; or a Flanking Side Setback.
2.1.6. For Zero Lot Line Development, a Parking Area must not encroach on the easement area.



































3.1. All non-Residential development and Residential development not listed in Subsection 2.1 must comply with the following: 
3.1.1. Vehicle, pedestrian, and active mobility, including cycling and other non-motorized means, access and travel routes must be designed to provide clearly defined, safe, efficient, and convenient circulation patterns, and connectivity to adjacent Sites, where possible.
3.1.2. Non-residential and mixed-use buildings must provide direct Pathways with a minimum width of 1.8 m to enable safe and convenient access for pedestrians and active mobility users from main building entrances to: adjacent sidewalks, shared use paths, and transit stops; Parking Areas; and Public Amenity Areas
3.1.3. Residential development not listed in Subsection 2.1 must provide at least 1 Pathway with a minimum width of 1.8 m to enable safe and convenient access for pedestrians and active mobility users from the main entrance of principal buildings to each of the following: adjacent sidewalks, shared use paths, and transit stops; Parking Areas; and outdoor Common Amenity Areas, where not immediately accessible from another entrance to the building.
3.1.4. Pathways provided in addition to those required under Subsection 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 must have a minimum width of 0.9 m
3.1.5. Pathways must be free from obstructions for the full width and length of the Pathway.
3.1.6. To support a safer environment for pedestrians and active mobility users, Pathways crossing over Drive Aisles in Parking Areas must include pavement markings and crossing Signs. A curb ramp must be provided where a raised Pathway crosses a Drive Aisle


General Design Regulations
4.1. Surface Parking Lots and Parkades must be designed: 
4.1.1. to include adequate, safe, and convenient: vehicle access; provisions for pedestrians and active mobility users; private roads; Drive Aisles; ramps; and loading areas, 
to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning; and
4.1.2. to include stormwater drainage facilities or provide stormwater retention or detention facilities, where applicable.
Parkade Design
4.2. A Parkade must:
4.2.1. provide clear sightlines between the vehicle exit and any Abutting Pathway, Drive Aisle, sidewalk, or Street, to allow a clear view of approaching vehicles and pedestrians;
4.2.2. have entrances and exits that are designed to ensure that vehicles entering and exiting the Parkade do not block an Abutting Pathway or sidewalk, or interfere with vehicle traffic flow;
4.2.3. provide pedestrian access at ground level that is separate from vehicle access;
4.2.4. for an above ground Parkade, incorporate 1 or more of the following design techniques: windows or wall openings at regular intervals along Ground Floor Facades facing a Street, Pathway, or Park; non-Residential Uses on the Ground Floor, with a minimum depth of 8.0 m, in order to screen the Parking Area from Abutting Streets; or a minimum 3.0 m Landscaped Setback between the Parkade and an Abutting Street;
4.2.5. not have blank walls facing a Street;
4.2.6. be designed so that Storeys above the Ground Floor are screened with building Facades or public art; and
4.2.7. provide a minimum Ground Floor Height of 4.0 m, where located above ground.
Surface Parking Lot Design
4.3. Unless otherwise specified, a Surface Parking Lot must be located a minimum of 2.0 m from the Lot line of an Abutting Site, or the minimum required Setback in the underlying Zone, whichever is greater, except that:
4.3.1. Subsection 4.3 does not apply to Sites Zoned IM or IH, for portions of a Surface Parking Lot Abutting Sites Zoned IM or IH
4.4. A Surface Parking Lot must be located a minimum of 3.0 m from a Lot line Abutting a Street, or the minimum required Setback Abutting a Street in the underlying Zone, whichever is greater.
4.5. Landscaping must be incorporated to shade and enhance the appearance of the Parking Area and Pathways, in compliance with Section 5.60.
4.6. Pathways within Surface Parking Lots must be provided so that there is no more than 54.0 m between Pathways.
4.7. Where a Surface Parking Lot has 30 or more parking spaces, it must contain Landscaped islands that comply with the following: 
4.7.1. The total cumulative Landscaped island area required within a Surface Parking Lot must be calculated on the basis of 2.0 m2 per vehicle parking space provided.
4.7.2. Landscaped islands must be placed within the Surface Parking Lot to provide visual relief, assist vehicle and pedestrian circulation, and to organize large Parking Areas into smaller areas by being located at a minimum: at the end of each parking aisle; and after a maximum of 20 parking spaces in a parking aisle. 
4.7.3. To ensure the vitality of trees and shrubs required in Section 5.60, a Landscaped island must have a minimum width of 2.0 m and: a minimum area of 11.0 m2 where at the end of or within a single parking aisle; or a minimum area of 22.0 m2 where at the end of or within a double parking aisle.
Diagram for Subsections 4.6 and 4.7
Diagram for 5.80_4.6-4.7



4.8. Continuous raised or precast curbing a minimum of 0.1 m in Height must be provided within Surface Parking Lots adjacent to Streets, Pathways, sidewalks, and Landscaped areas, except that:
4.8.1. curbing may be replaced by bollards to separate shared vehicle and pedestrian and active mobility areas from pedestrian and active mobility only areas.
Diagram for Subsection 4.8  a
Diagram for 5.8_Parking, Access, Site Circ_4.8.1
Parking Space Regulations
5.1. Provided parking spaces must:
5.1.1. subject to Subsection 5.1.3, be clear of obstructions including vehicle accesses, Drive Aisles, ramps, columns and other structural supports, Signs, Pathways, building door swing areas, mechanical equipment, plumbing and other pipes, and other similar obstructions;
5.1.2. include wheel stops to prevent vehicle overhang where adjacent to Streets, Pathways, sidewalks, required Landscaped areas, and other similar features, that must be: a minimum 0.1 m in Height; and located 0.6 m from the front of the parking space; and
Diagram for Subsection 5.1.2
Diagram for 5.80_5.1.2
5.1.3. comply with Table 5.1.3, measured to the nearest point of an obstruction where an obstruction is present:
Table 5.1.3. Minimum Parking Space Design Requirements
Subsection Parking Space Type Length Width Vertical Clearance Width with Obstruction on 1 Side Width with Obstruction on Each Side Standard  5.5 m 2.6 m 2.1 m 2.7 m 3.0 m Small car 4.6 m 2.6 m 1.9 m 2.7 m 3.0 m Barrier-free 5.5 m 2.4 m in compliance with Subsection 5.3  2.4 m - - Parallel 7.0 m 2.6 m 2.1 m - -
Diagram for Table 5.1.3   a
Diagram for 5.80_5.1.3
5.2. Small car parking spaces provided in compliance with Subsection must:
5.2.1. not be directly accessed from an Alley; and 
5.2.2. be clearly identified as a small car parking space.
5.3. Barrier-free parking spaces provided in compliance with Subsections and 6.6 must: 
5.3.1. be located Abutting a 2.4 m wide access space in which no parking is permitted; and 
5.3.2. be located near a path of travel that is free from obstacles and that leads to an entrance designed to be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways or sidewalks.
5.4. Parking spaces provided as visitor parking for Residential developments must:
5.4.1. be visible from a main building entrance; and 
5.4.2. be clearly identified as visitor parking spaces.
Drive Aisle Regulations
5.5. Drive Aisles must comply with Table 5.5:
Table 5.5. Minimum Drive Aisle Widths
Subsection Regulation Width Symbol
5.5.1. 90° parking spaces 7.0 m A
5.5.2. 60° parking spaces 5.5 m B
5.5.3. 45° parking and parallel parking spaces 3.6 m C
Diagram for Subsection 5.5
Diagram for 5.80_5.5
5.6. Where access to a parking space is provided directly from an Alley, an on-Site Drive Aisle is not required, but the entire parking space must be provided on the Site.
Hard Surfacing Regulations
5.7. Unless otherwise specified, vehicle access, Surface Parking Lots, and loading spaces must be Hard Surfaced where vehicle access is provided from a Street or an Alley.
5.8. Despite Subsection 5.7, Hard Surfacing is not required:
5.8.1. where the Street or Alley that provides vehicle access is not Hard Surfaced and Hard Surfacing of the development would not be appropriate as determined by the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation; or
5.8.2. for parking spaces and loading spaces at the rear or sides of Industrial developments, if they are designed to minimize the carrying of dirt or debris onto the Street.
5.9. Despite Subsection 5.7, Driveways and Parking Areas for Residential developments specified in Subsection 3.1 may be provided as Hard Surfaced tire tracks.


Parking Maximums
6.1. The maximum number of vehicle parking spaces permitted on a Site located within the boundaries of the Capital City Downtown Plan must comply with Tables 6.1.1 and 6.1.2:
Table 6.1.1. Maximum Number of Parking Spaces for Residential Uses Per Zone
Subsection Regulation Zone
AED CCA CMU HA HDR JAMSC RMU UW Per studio Dwelling 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Per 1 bedroom Dwelling 1.25 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.0 0.75 1.0 0.75 Per 2 or more bedroom Dwelling 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.25 1.5 1.25 Visitor parking spaces 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Table 6.1.2. Maximum Number of Parking Spaces for Non-Residential Uses Per Zone
Subsection Regulation Zone

All Uses except those listed in, and

(number of parking spaces per Floor Area)

1.0 per
200 m2
1.0 per
200 m2
1.0 per
200 m2
1.0 per
200 m2
1.0 per
100 m2
1.0 per
100 m2
1.0 per
100 m2
1.0 per
200 m2

Child Care Services

(number of parking spaces per Floor Area

1.0 per 200 m2 Urban Agriculture 5
6.1.3. Despite Subsections and, the maximum number of parking spaces does not apply to passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces for Schools or Child Care Services as specified in Subsections 6.7 and 6.10.
6.2. All other Zones not listed in Tables and within the boundaries of the Capital City Downtown Plan must use the Abutting Downtown Special Area Zone with the longest shared Zoning boundary to determine the maximum number of parking spaces. 
6.3. Development on a Site outside the boundaries of the Capital City Downtown Plan must comply with the following: 
6.3.1. The maximum number of parking spaces for Multi-Unit Housing where located within 600 m of a Mass Transit Station or on Sites within the boundaries of Appendix I must comply with Table 6.3.1:
Table 6.3.1. Maximum Number of Parking Spaces for Multi-unit Housing
Subsection Number of Bedrooms per Dwelling Parking Spaces per Dwelling 0 - 1 bedroom  1 2 bedrooms 1.5 3 or more bedrooms 1.75
6.3.2. The maximum number of parking spaces for non-Residential Uses where located within 200 m of a Mass Transit Station or on Sites within the boundaries of Appendix I must comply with Table 6.3.2:
Table 6.3.2. Maximum Number of Parking Spaces for Non-Residential Uses
Subsection Use Number of Parking Spaces per Floor Area non-Residential Uses 1 per 50.0 m2
6.3.3. Despite Table 6.3.2, the maximum number of parking spaces does not apply to: Public Park and Ride Facilities; underground Parkades where the development does not include a Residential Use; and passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces for Schools or Child Care Services as specified in Subsections 6.8 and 6.11.
6.4. The distances specified in Subsection 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 must be measured from the closest point of the Mass Transit Station to the closest point of the Lot line of the subject Site
Diagram for Subsection 6.4
Diagram for 5.80_6.4
Barrier-free Parking Spaces
6.5. Barrier-free parking spaces must be constructed and identified in compliance with the applicable building code. 
6.6. Table 6.6 specifies the deemed minimum parking space requirement, which must only be used to calculate the minimum number of required Barrier-free parking spaces in compliance with the applicable building code. It does not create a minimum requirement for any other parking spaces. 
Table 6.6. Deemed Minimum Parking Space Requirements
Subsection Uses Where Located within the boundaries of Appendix I or Downtown Special Area Deemed Minimum Parking Space Requirement All Other Areas

0 per the first 60.0 m2 of Floor Area


1 per additional 30.0 m2 of Floor Area greater than 60.0 m2

1 per 10.0 m2 of Floor Area

0 per the first 100.0 m2 of Floor Area


1 per additional 50.0 m2 of Floor Area greater than 100 m2

1 per 16.0 m2 of Floor Area

0 per the first 60.0 m2 of Floor Area


1 per additional 100 m2 of Floor Area greater than 60 m2

1 per 30.0 m2 of Floor Area
6.6.4. 1 per 100 m2 of Floor Area 1 per 100 m2 of Floor Area

1 per 1.2 Dwellings 


1 per 5 Hotel rooms or Sleeping Units, whichever is greater

1 per 0.8 Dwellings 


1 per 3 Sleeping Units, whichever is greater

Passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces for Schools
6.7. Passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces for Schools must comply with Table 6.7:
Table 6.7. Minimum Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Spaces for Schools
Subsection Use Total Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Spaces On-Site Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Spaces
6.7.1. Elementary or junior high school 3 spaces per 100 students, or 5 spaces, whichever is greater 1 space per 100 students, or 5 spaces, whichever is greater
6.7.2. High school  1.5 spaces per 100 students, or 5 spaces, whichever is greater 0.5 spaces per 100 students, or 5 spaces, whichever is greater
6.8. For the purpose of Table 6.7 "on-Site” means those passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces located on School lands, and "Total spaces" means the total of on-Site passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces plus passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces located on a Street, where permitted.
6.9. Passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces may be located on a Street subject to the approval of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning.
Passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces for Child Care Services
6.10. Passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces for Child Care Services must:
6.10.1. not be located more than 100 m from the entrance used by the Child Care Service;
6.10.2. contain signage indicating a maximum duration for parking of 30 minutes or less; and
6.10.3. comply with Table 6.10.3:
Table 6.10.3. Minimum Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Spaces for Child Care Services
Subsection Number of Children Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Spaces Less than or equal to 10 2 Each additional 10 1
6.11. Despite Table 6.10.3, passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces for Child Care Services are not required:
6.11.1. within the boundary of Appendix I, or the boundaries of the Capital City Downtown Plan; or
6.11.2. where Child Care Services are on the same Site as a School.
6.12. Despite Table 6.10.3, an on-Street loading zone may satisfy a portion of the required passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces without a variance, subject to the approval of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning.


Loading Space Requirements
7.1. Loading spaces must:
7.1.1. be able to safely accommodate a standard delivery vehicle such as a delivery van, semi-tractor-trailer truck, or tenant moving box truck, having regard for the vehicle length and frequency of trips that are anticipated to meet the needs of the development;
7.1.2. be wholly located on-Site
7.1.3. be arranged so that backing and turning movements do not interfere with access and traffic on Abutting Streets or Alleys; and 
7.1.4. comply with Table 7.1.4, measured to the nearest point of any obstruction where an obstruction is present: 
Table 7.1.4. Minimum Loading Space Dimensions
Subsection Length Width Width with Obstruction on
1 Side
Width with Obstruction on Each Side Vertical Clearance 9.0 m 3.0 m 3.1 m 3.3 m 4.0 m
Loading Space Quantities
7.2. Loading spaces must comply with Table 7.2:
Table 7.2. Minimum Loading Space Quantities
Subsection Threshold Minimum Number of Loading Spaces
7.2.1. Less than 2,500 m2 of Floor Area in the case of non-Residential Uses or less than 100 Dwellings 0
7.2.2. Between 2,500 m2 and 7,500 m2 of Floor Area in the case of non-Residential Uses or 100 to 199 Dwellings 1
7.2.3. Greater than 7,500 m2 of Floor Area in the case of non-Residential Uses or 200 Dwellings or greater 2
Bike Parking Space Design
8.1. Each Bike Parking Space must:
8.1.1. where not directly Abutting a Street, be accessible from off-Site by a Hard Surfaced unobstructed path of travel that is separate from vehicle access and circulation with a minimum width of 1.5 m;
8.1.2. be located on a Hard Surfaced area; 
8.1.3. be located to maximize visibility and be well-lit to discourage theft and vandalism; 
8.1.4. be located within 15.0 m of a main building entrance, except that: Bike Parking Spaces may be located further than 15.0 m from a main building entrance provided there is wayfinding signage from the main building entrance directing users to their location; and
8.1.5. provide a method for ensuring bike security in the form of individual bike racks or individual bike lockers. 
8.2. Bike Parking Spaces must comply with Table 8.2, measured to the nearest point of an obstruction where an obstruction is present:
Table 8.2. Minimum Bike Parking Space Dimensions
Subsection Regulation Horizontal Bike Parking Space Vertical Bike Parking Space Inclusive Bike Parking Symbol
8.2.1. Width 0.6 m  0.6 m 1.1 m A
8.2.2. Depth 1.8 m  1.4 m  3.0 m B
8.2.3. Vertical clearance 1.4 m 2.0 m 2.0 m  C
Bike Rack Design
8.3. Each bike rack must:
8.3.1. include mounting points or racks that are securely anchored to the ground, floor, or wall;
8.3.2. where for a horizontal Bike Parking Space, include mounting points that support a bike at least 1 point on the front wheel and 1 point on the frame at least 0.2 m apart horizontally so that the bicycle cannot fall or be pushed over; 
8.3.3. where for a vertical Bike Parking Space, include mounting points that support the bike by at least 1 wheel and 1 other point of contact so that the bicycle cannot fall or be pushed over; and
8.3.4. be designed to secure the bike frame and wheel to the bike rack or mounting point through the use of a standard U lock.
Diagrams for Subsections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
Diagram for 5.80_1_8.1.1_8.1.2_8.2_and_8.3
Bike Locker Design
8.4. Each bike locker must: 
8.4.1. be securely anchored to the ground, floor, or wall;
8.4.2. provide minimum interior dimensions in compliance with Table 8.2; and
8.4.3. have a locking mechanism.
General Bike Parking Quantities
8.5. The minimum number of Bike Parking Spaces must comply with Table 8.5:
Table 8.5. Minimum Number of Bike Parking Spaces
Subsection Use Minimum Number of Bike Parking Spaces
8.5.1. Commercial Uses, Community Uses, Health Care Facilities, and Transit Centres, where less than 2,500 m2 of Floor Area

2.0 spaces for the first 280 m2 of Floor Area


1.0 space per additional 140 m2 of Floor Area

8.5.2. Commercial Uses, Community Uses, Health Care Facilities, and Transit Centres where greater than or equal to 2,500 m2 of Floor Area

18.0 spaces for the first 2,500 m2 of Floor Area


1.0 space per additional 414 m2 of Floor Area

8.5.3. Multi-unit Housing, Supportive Housing, or Lodging House, with 9 or more Dwellings or Sleeping Units

1.0 spaces per Dwelling or per 3 Sleeping Units, whichever is greater

8.6. Despite Table 8.5, public off-Site Bike Parking Spaces that are located within 50.0 m of a main entrance may be used to meet a portion of the required Bike Parking Spaces for non-Residential Uses without a variance, at the discretion of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning.  
Long Term Bike Parking Quantities
8.7. A minimum of 85% to a maximum of 90% of all required Bike Parking Spaces for Multi-unit Housing, Supportive Housing, Lodging Houses, and Offices specified in Table 8.5 must be Long Term Bike Parking a
8.8. Where the minimum Bike Parking Space requirement for Commercial Uses, excluding Offices, Community Uses, Health Care Facilities, and Transit Centres specified in Table 8.5 is 10 spaces or more, a minimum of 10% of all required bike parking must be Long Term Bike Parking a
Inclusive Bike Parking Quantities
8.9. A minimum of 10% of required Short Term Bike Parking spaces, or 1 Short Term Bike Parking space, whichever is greater, must be Inclusive Bike Parking.  
8.10. A minimum of 10% of required Long Term Bike Parking spaces, or 1 Long Term Bike Parking space, whichever is greater, must be Inclusive Bike Parking.  
Horizontal Bike Parking Quantities
8.11. A minimum of 50% of Short Term Bike Parking and Long Term Bike Parking spaces must be provided as horizontal Bike Parking Spaces  


 Appendix I