To allow for primarily medium to high density residential mixed use developments, with limited commercial, institutional, office and service Uses distributed on-Site in a manner sensitive to the street environment and adjacent residential areas; to support an urban village where amenities are focused on a local main street; and to enhance the institutional and hotel cluster along the north edge of the sub-area.
Residential Uses |
2.1. | Home Based Business # | |||||||||||
2.2. | Residential, limited to: | |||||||||||
Commercial Uses |
2.3. | Body Rub Centre | |||||||||||
2.4. | Centre City Temporary Parking | a | ||||||||||
2.5. | Office | |||||||||||
2.6. | Indoor Sales and Service | |||||||||||
2.7. | Residential Sales Centre | |||||||||||
Community Uses |
2.8. | Child Care Service | |||||||||||
2.9. | Community Service | |||||||||||
2.10. | Library | |||||||||||
2.11. | Special Event | |||||||||||
Sign Uses |
2.12. | Fascia Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising | |||||||||||
2.13. | Projecting Sign, not including in the form of a Roof Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising |
Commercial Uses # |
3.1. | Hotel |
3.2. | Bar |
3.3. | Health Service |
3.4. | Minor Indoor Entertainment |
3.5. | Natural Science Exhibit |
3.6. | Spectator Entertainment Establishment |
3.7. | Food and Drink Service |
Community Uses |
3.8. | School |
Basic Service Uses |
3.9. | Minor Utility |
3.10. | Emergency Service |
3.11. | Transit Facility |
3.12. | Recycling Drop-off Centre |
Agricultural Uses |
3.13. | Urban Agriculture |
Sign Uses |
3.14. | Freestanding Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising |
3.15. | Portable Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising |
Residential Uses |
4.1. | Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60. | |||||||
Commercial Uses |
4.2. | Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20. | |||||||
4.3. | Body Rub Centres, Indoor Sales and Services, and Offices must not be developed as the only Use in a building or above the second Storey, except in the case of conversion of Dwellings to non-Residential Uses adjacent to 99 Avenue NW and 104 Street NW. | |||||||
4.4. | Centre City Temporary Parking must comply with Section 6.120. | a | ||||||
4.5. | Food and Drink Services and Bars | |||||||
4.6. | Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110. | |||||||
Community Uses |
4.7. | Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40. | |||||||
4.8. | Special Events must comply with Section 6.100. | |||||||
Agricultural Uses |
4.9. | Urban Agriculture | |||||||
Sign Uses |
4.10. | Signs must comply with Subsections 3 and 5 of Section 6.90. | |||||||
Public Space and Capacity Exceptions |
4.11. | The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum Public Space or capacity of a Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to on-Site or Abutting Uses, including: | |||||||
5.1. | Development must comply with Table 5.1: |
Table 5.1. Site and Building Regulations | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
Floor Area Ratio | ||
5.1.1. | Maximum total Floor Area Ratio for all combined Uses | 5.5 |
5.1.2. | Maximum Floor Area Ratio for Residential Uses | 4.0 |
5.1.3. | Maximum Floor Area Ratio for non-Residential Uses | 1.5 |
Density | ||
5.1.4. | Maximum Residential Density | 500 Dwellings/ha |
Height | ||
5.1.5. | Maximum building Height | 50.0 m |
Street Wall Height | ||
5.1.6. | Minimum Street Wall Height | 7.0 m |
5.1.7. | Maximum Street Wall Height | 16.0 m |
5.2. | Despite Subsection 6 of Section 7.100, a Development Planner may grant a variance to the Maximum building Height, up to an additional 10.0 m in Height, for development on Sites with a total area greater than 3,716 m2 that is compatible with the urban context of the area and where adverse environmental impacts, such as sun shadow and wind are minimized. |
5.3. | Despite Subsection 5.4, the Development Planner may consider a variance to the Setback regulations in consideration of the existing block face Setback and the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan. |
5.4. | Setbacks must comply with Table 5.4: |
Table 5.4. Setbacks | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
Front Setback | ||
5.4.1. | Minimum Front Setback for buildings facing 99 Avenue NW | 0 m |
5.4.2. | Minimum Front Setback for buildings fronting onto 100 Avenue NW | 1.5 m |
5.4.3. | Minimum Front Setback for buildings fronting onto 105 Street NW | 1.5 m |
5.4.4. | Maximum Front Setback for buildings fronting onto 105 Street NW | 5.0 m |
5.4.5. | Minimum Front Setback for buildings fronting onto all other Streets | 3.0 m |
Rear Setback | ||
5.4.6. | Minimum Rear Setback | 0 m |
Unless the following applies: | ||
5.4.7. | Minimum Rear Setback for residential buildings | 3.0 m |
Side Setback | ||
5.4.8. | Minimum side Setback | 0 m |
5.4.9. | Minimum Interior Side Setback for residential buildings | 2.0 m |
5.4.10. | Minimum Flanking Side Setback for residential buildings | 3.0 m |
5.4.11. | Additional minimum side Setback distance for residential buildings for each Storey or partial Storey:
1.0 m, up to a maximum of 6.0 m total |
5.5. | Despite Subsections 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 the Development Planner may exercise discretion to require a greater minimum Front Setback to require alignment with adjacent buildings in consideration of the existing block face Setback. |
Street Interface Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.1. | Development must reflect the criteria outlined in the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan to enhance the residential mixed use character of the area. | ||||||||||||||||
6.2. | Along 99 Avenue NW and 104 Street NW, developments must: | ||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
6.3. | Buildings less than 26.0 m in Height on Sites 700 m2 or less must feature building design and Facade treatment at the lower 3 floors to strengthen the residential ambiance of the Street or block and enhance the pedestrian environment. | ||||||||||||||||
6.4. | Ground Floor Dwellings must be designed and articulated every 7.5 m to differentiate individual Dwellings and address and provide direct access to the Street. | ||||||||||||||||
6.5. | Ground Floor residential developments must provide separate, individual access to each Dwelling at ground level and feature: | ||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
6.6. | Yards abutting a public sidewalk, including useable outdoor spaces, must continue the public sidewalk paving materials, finish, and pattern. | ||||||||||||||||
Entrance Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.7. | Courtyards, recessed major entryways, or other distinctive architectural features must be provided at building corners. | ||||||||||||||||
6.8. | In mixed use buildings, residential entrances must be separate from Commercial or institutional entrances and address the Street in a prominent manner. | ||||||||||||||||
6.9. | Buildings must be designed and oriented to face all Streets. | ||||||||||||||||
Tower Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.10. | Buildings greater than 16.0 m in Height must have a Tower and Podium configuration | ||||||||||||||||
6.11. | Development must comply with Table 6.11: |
Table 6.11. Tower Regulations | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
6.11.1 | Maximum Tower Floor Plate for any portion greater than 20.0 m in Height | 900 m2 |
6.11.2 | Minimum Tower Stepback from the Street Wall | 3.0 m |
6.11.3 | Minimum separation between Towers on the same Site and Abutting Sites | 25.0 m |
6.12. | The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 6.11.3, taking into consideration factors such as: | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||
6.13. | The mid-level of Towers must provide Setbacks and articulation to minimize the impact of massing. | ||||||||||
6.14. | Towers must be designed, oriented and constructed to: | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Facade Regulations | |||||||||||
6.15. | To support the development of a predominant urban character as identified in the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan, buildings must provide: | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||
6.16. | Infill developments must be sensitive to the rhythm, articulation, colours, and textures of adjacent structures. | ||||||||||
Rooftop Regulations | |||||||||||
6.17. | The roof design may include a combination of: | ||||||||||
Amenity Areas |
7.1. | Despite Section 5.20, Amenity Areas must comply with the following: | ||||
7.2. | Despite Subsection 7.1, Amenity Area is not required for non-residential buildings on Sites less than 1,390 m2. | ||||
7.3. | Developments must provide 5% of Floor Area as open space in the form of atriums and communal open spaces. | ||||
Landscaping |
7.4. | Despite Section 5.60, only deciduous species are allowed in any Setback area Abutting a Street. |