2.40 RM - Medium Scale Residential Zone

Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
3.2. Residential
3.2.1. Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing are only permitted where: existing as of January 1, 2024; or developed on the same Site as Multi-unit Housing.
3.2.2. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Food and Drink Services, Health Services, Indoor Sales and Services, Minor Indoor Entertainment and Offices
3.3.1. Developments must only be located on the Ground Floor of residential buildings.
3.3.2. The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.4. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development.
Community Uses
3.5. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.
3.6. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
3.7. Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building.
Sign Uses
3.8. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising
3.9. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


4.1. Maximum Height, maximum Floor Area Ratio and minimum Density must comply with Table 4.1:
4.1. Maximum Height, Maximum Floor Area Ratio and Minimum Density
Subsection Modifier on Zoning Map Maximum Height Maximum
Floor Area Ratio
Minimum Density
4.1.1. h16.0 16.0 m 2.3 45 Dwellings/ha
4.1.2. h23.0 23.0 m 3.0 75 Dwellings/ha
4.1.3. h28.0 28.0 m 3.8 90 Dwellings/ha
4.2. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 0.7 where a minimum of 10% of all Dwellings
4.2.1. comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50;
4.2.2. have a Floor Area greater than 100 m2, a minimum of 3 bedrooms; and access to an outdoor Common Amenity Area designed for children that is at least 50.0 m2; and access to dedicated and enhanced bulk storage within the Dwelling or within the building; or
4.2.3. comply with any combination of Subsections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
4.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 0.7 where:
4.3.1. a minimum of 30% of all Supportive Housing Sleeping Units comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50; or
4.3.2. 1 or more buildings listed on the Inventory of Historic Resources is maintained as part of a proposed development to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for heritage planning.
4.4. Development must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Building Length
4.4.1. Maximum total length of any building for new buildings and additions 80.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.4.2. Minimum Setback where a Treed Boulevard is present 3.0 m A
4.4.3. Minimum Setback where a Treed Boulevard is not present 4.5 m B
Unless the following applies:
4.4.4. Minimum Setback where non-Residential Uses are developed on the Ground Floor and form a Main Street Development 1.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.4.5. Minimum Setback 3.0 m C
Diagram for Subsections 4.4.2, 4.4.3, and 4.4.5
Diagram showing minimum Setbacks Abutting Streets and Alleys
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.4.6. Minimum Setback 3.0 m D
Unless the following applies:
4.4.7. Minimum Interior Side Setback for buildings less than or equal to 12.0 m in Height 1.5 m E
Diagram for Subsections 4.4.6 and 4.4.7
Diagram showing minimum Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.5. Despite Subsection 4.4.6, for buildings greater than 12.0 m in Height, the minimum Setback from an Abutting Site in a residential Zone that has a maximum Height of 12.0 m or less must comply with Table 4.5:
Table 4.5. Minimum Transition Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Minimum Setback for buildings greater than 12.0 m in Height  Symbol Minimum Setback for portions of the building greater than 16.0 m in Height Symbol
4.5.1. Where the building wall facing the Abutting Site is less than or equal to 40.0 m in length 3.0 m A 6.0 m B
4.5.2. Where the building wall facing the Abutting Site is greater than 40.0 m in length 6.0 m C 9.0 m D
Diagram for Subsection 4.5
Diagram showing minimum transition Setbacks for building walls less than or equal to 40.0 m in length
Diagram showing minimum transition Setbacks for building walls greater than 40.0 m in length
4.6. Despite Subsection 4.5.2, where the required minimum Setback is 9.0 m, this is reduced to 6.0 m where a Landscape Buffer is provided in compliance with Subsection 5 of Section 5.60, except:
4.6.1. the Setback Abutting the south Lot line of a Site in a residential Zone must not be reduced.




Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:  
5.1.1. faces a Street; or
5.1.2. faces a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; features such as windows, balconies, or porches; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features.
5.2. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-Residential Facades must comply with the following:  
5.2.1. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
5.2.2. A maximum of 10% of the Facade area windows facing a Street, a Park, or along Facades with a main entrance facing Parking Areas interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
Diagram for Subsection 5.2
Diagram showing design regulations for Ground Floor, non-Residential Facades
5.3. On Corner Sites, the principal building Facades facing a Street must use consistent exterior finishing materials and architectural features, and include features such as windows, doors, or porches.  
Entrance Design Regulations
5.4. Principal buildings located adjacent to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk must have an entrance facing a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk.   
5.5. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.   
5.6. Where:  a
5.6.1. the building length is greater than 12.8 m;
5.6.2. the building Facade fronts onto a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk; and
5.6.3. the Setback from the Street with an existing or approved sidewalk is 4.5 m or less,
each Ground Floor Dwelling along that Facade must have an individual entrance with direct ground level access to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk.




5.7. Sliding patio doors must not serve as the individual entrance required under Subsection 5.6.  




Parking, Loading, and Access
6.1. Vehicle access must be from an Alley where a Site Abuts an Alley.
6.2.  Surface Parking Lots, and loading and waste collection areas must not be located between a principal building and a Street.
6.3. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4, Surface Parking Lots and loading and waste collection areas may project into a Setback from:
6.3.1. an Alley; and
6.3.2. an Abutting Site, where a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback.