6.120 Centre City Temporary Parking

3.1. The following Subsections of Section 5.80 apply to Centre City Temporary Parking:  
3.1.1. Subsection 1;
3.1.2. Subsection 5, excluding Subsections 5.3, 5.4, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9;
3.2. Vehicle access must be from an Alley where the Site Abuts an Alley, except that:  
3.2.1. an existing vehicle access from a Street may be permitted without a variance where the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning, determines that the access is safe and compatible with the Abutting Street.  
3.3. The minimum Setback Abutting a Street is 2.0 m.  
3.4. Surface Parking Lots must be designed to:  
3.4.1. include adequate, safe, and convenient: vehicle access; provisions for pedestrians and active mobility users; Drive Aisles; and ramps,  


to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning; and

3.4.2. include stormwater drainage facilities or provide stormwater retention or detention facilities to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for drainage planning.  
3.5. For Sites with a width or depth greater than 54.0 m, Pathways must be provided within the Surface Parking Lot so that there is no more than 54.0 m between Pathways.  
3.6. All Sites must provide a Pathway through the Landscaped Setback Area Abutting a Street to connect the Surface Parking Lot to adjacent sidewalks.  
3.7. Pathways must have a minimum width of 1.8 m and must be free from obstructions for the full width and length of the Pathway.  
3.8. Despite the definition of Pathways, Pathways may be surfaced in accordance with Subsection 3.9.1 where the maximum duration of the validity of a Development Permit is in accordance with Subsection 2.1.  
3.9. Surface Parking Lots must be:  
3.9.1. surfaced with hard-packed gravel using a well-graded material with a maximum aggregate particle size of 40 mm; or  
3.9.2. Hard Surfaced.  
3.10. Each Barrier-free parking space must be:  
3.10.1. located Abutting a 2.4 m wide access space in which no parking is permitted;  
3.10.2. located adjacent to a Pathway or sidewalk;  
3.10.3. marked by a vertically mounted Sign; and  
3.10.4. demarcated with a painted line where the Surface Parking Lot is Hard Surfaced.  
3.11. The minimum number of Barrier-free parking spaces must comply with Table 3.11:  
Table 3.11. Minimum Number of Barrier-free Parking Spaces
Subsection Number of Provided Parking Spaces Barrier-free Parking Spaces
3.11.1. 2-10 1
3.11.2. 11-25 2
3.11.3. 26-50 3
3.11.4. 51-100 4
3.11.5. For each additional increment of 100 or part thereof 1 additional space
3.12. A lighting plan must be submitted as part of a Development Permit application, and comply with Subsection 3 of Section 5.1



4.1. The following Subsections of Section 5.60 apply to Centre City Temporary Parking:  
4.1.1. Subsection 1;  
4.1.2. Subsection 2, excluding Subsection 2.1;  
4.1.3. Subsection 8;  
4.1.4. Subsection 10, excluding Subsections 10.1 and 10.7; and  
4.1.5. Subsection 11.  
4.2. The requirement for Landscaping must be a condition of a Development Permit.  
4.3. A minimum of 1 tree and 4 shrubs per 20.0 m2 of total Setback area must be provided, except:  
4.3.1. the Development Planner may approve a development that does not provide the minimum number of trees and shrubs, if the development provides low impact development (LID) installations that include plantings, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City departments responsible for lot grading, drainage and landscaping.  
4.4. Landscaping provided in accordance with Subsection 4.3 must be provided along the perimeter of Surface Parking Lots Abutting Streets to enhance the view and soften the edge.  
4.5. Only deciduous trees are permitted in a Setback Abutting a Street.  
4.6. New trees and shrubs must comply with the following:  
4.6.1. Deciduous trees must have a minimum Caliper of 50 mm.  
4.6.2. Deciduous shrubs must have a minimum Height of 300 mm (5 gallon pot).  
4.6.3. Coniferous shrubs must have a minimum spread of 450 mm (5 gallon pot).  
4.7. Trees and shrubs must be maintained in a healthy condition for a minimum of 24 months after a Development Planner determines, at the time of landscape inspection, that the required Landscaping has been installed.  
4.8. The maximum Height of Fences and Landscaping, excluding trees, is 1.0 m.  
4.9. A landscape security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit or cheque must be provided prior to the issuance of a Development Permit.  
4.10. The City may draw on the landscape security for the City’s use absolutely to install, maintain, or replace improperly maintained Landscaping required for the development if the Landscaping has not been:  
4.10.1. installed within 18 months of the date of issuance of the Development Permit; or  
4.10.2. maintained in a healthy condition for a minimum of 24 months after the Landscaping has been determined to be installed in compliance with Subsection 10.5 of Section 5.60.  


All expenses incurred by the City to renew or draw upon the security must be reimbursed by the property owner to the City by payment of an invoice or from the landscape security.



Appendix I: Centre City Temporary Parking Boundary


6.120 Centre City Temporary Parking Boundary