2.10 RS - Small Scale Residential Zone

To allow for a range of small scale Residential development up to 3 Storeys in Height, including detached, attached, and multi-unit Residential housing. Limited opportunities for community and commercial development are permitted to provide services to local residents.

Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
3.2. Residential
3.2.1. The maximum number of Dwellings on an Interior Site is 8.
3.2.2. The maximum number of Lodging House Sleeping Units is 8 per Site.
3.3.3. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Food and Drink Services, Health Services, Indoor Sales and Services, and Offices
3.3.1. These Uses are only permitted where an Interior Side Lot Line Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone that permits Commercial Uses, at the time of Development Permit application. 
3.3.2. Where one or more of these Uses are proposed in a building previously developed as Semi-detached Housing or Row Housing, the entire building must be converted for non-residential Uses
3.3.3. The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.3.4. Developments must carry out their operations so that no Nuisance is created.
3.3.5. Outdoor business activity, storage, and outdoor speakers and amplification systems are not permitted.
3.3.6. Despite Subsection 3.3.5, outdoor seating areas are permitted to a maximum area of 20 m2 and must only be located in the Front Yard or Flanking Side Yard.
3.4. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site must only be issued as a Discretionary Development.
Community Uses
3.5. Community Services and Child Care Services:
3.5.1. Community Services and Child Care Services are only permitted: on Corner Sites that Abut a Collector Road or Arterial Road, except Child Care Services are permitted on any Corner Site where proposed in a building previously developed as Single Detached Housing; in an existing non-residential building; or on a Site where an Interior Side Lot Line Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone,
at the time of Development Permit application. 
3.5.2. The maximum Floor Area for Community Services is 1,000 m2 per Site.
3.5.3. The maximum Floor Area for Child Care Services is 300 m2 per Site
3.5.4. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40
3.6. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
3.7. Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building.
Sign Uses
3.8. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising
3.9. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Dimensions
4.1.1. Minimum Site area per Dwelling 75.0 m2 -
4.1.2. Minimum Site Depth 30.0 m A
4.1.3. Minimum Site Width 7.5 m B
Lot Width for Attached Principal Dwellings
4.1.4. Minimum Lot Width where the Dwellings are developed on separate Lots not Abutting an Alley 5.0 m C
4.1.5. Minimum Lot Width where the Dwellings are developed on separate Lots Abutting an Alley 4.0 m D
Diagram for Subsections 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, and 4.1.5
Diagram for 2.10_4.1.2_-_4.1.5
4.1.6. Maximum Height 10.5 m -
Site Coverage
4.1.7. Maximum Site Coverage 45% -
Building Length
4.1.8. Maximum length of any building  30.0 m E
Diagram for Subsection 4.1.8
Diagram for 2.10_4.1.8
4.2. Despite Subsection 4.1.7, the maximum Site Coverage is increased by 2% where: 
4.2.1. it is used to accommodate a single storey unenclosed front porch;
4.2.2. 1 or more buildings listed in the Inventory of Historic Resources are retained as part of a proposed development to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for heritage planning; or
4.2.3. Supportive Housing, or a minimum of 20% of all Dwellings, comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50.
4.3. Setbacks must comply with Table 4.3:
Table 4.3. Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Front Setback
4.3.1. Minimum Front Setback 4.5 m A
Diagram for Subsection 4.3.1
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.1
Rear Setback
4.3.2. Minimum Rear Setback 10.0 m B
Diagram for Subsection 4.3.2
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.2
Side Setbacks
4.3.3. Minimum Interior Side Setback 1.2 m C
Unless the following applies:
4.3.4. Minimum Interior Side Setback when Row Housing or Multi-unit Housing faces an Interior or Flanking Side Lot Line 1.5 m D
Diagram for Subsections 4.3.3 and 4.3.4
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.3_and_4.3.4
4.3.5. Minimum Flanking Side Setback 1.2 m E
Unless the following applies:
4.3.6. Minimum Flanking Side Setback when a main entrance of a principal Dwelling faces a Flanking Side Lot Line 2.0 m F
Diagram for Subsections 4.3.5 and 4.3.6
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.5_and_4.3.6
4.4. Driveway length must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Driveway Length Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Area
4.4.1. Minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the back of an existing or approved sidewalk at the time of the Development Permit application 6.0 m A
Unless the following applies:
4.4.2. Minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the Front Lot Line or Flanking Side Lot Line, where there is no existing or approved public sidewalk at the time of the Development Permit application 5.5 m -
Diagram for Subsection 4.4.1
Diagram for 2.10_4.4.1
4.5. The minimum distance between a rear detached Garage and a principal Dwelling, except for Backyard Housing, on the same Site is 3.0 m.


Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:   
5.1.1. faces a Street; or 
5.1.2. has a total length greater than 20 m facing a Site in a residential Zone
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; features such as windows, balconies, or porches; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features. 
5.2. Identical or mirrored front Facades are not permitted on Abutting Sites. Developments on Abutting Sites must be differentiated by 2 or more design features. This does not apply to attached Dwellings within the same building.  
5.3. On Corner Sites, all principal building Facades facing a Street must use consistent exterior finishing materials and architectural features and include features such as windows, doors, or porches.  
Entrance Design Regulations
5.4. All principal ground-oriented Dwellings and non-Residential Uses adjacent to a Front or Flanking Side Lot Line must have a main entrance door, porch, or landing facing either the Front or Flanking Side Lot Line, except:  
5.4.1. this regulation does not apply to Backyard Housing, Cluster Housing or Multi-unit Housing.
5.5. All Cluster Housing and Multi-unit Housing principal buildings adjacent to a Street must have at least 1 main entrance:  
5.5.1. facing a Street; or
5.5.2. facing an internal courtyard that is visible from a Street.
5.6. Where Multi-unit Housing has a building wall length greater than 12.8 m and fronts onto a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk, each Ground Floor Dwelling along that wall must have an individual entrance with direct ground level access to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk. a
5.7. Sliding patio doors must not serve as the main entrance of a Dwelling.  
5.8. Main entrances for Multi-unit Housing must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.  


Parking, Loading, and Access
6.1. Vehicle access must be from an Alley where a Site Abuts an Alley
6.2. Rear attached Garages are not permitted.  i
6.3. Where permitted, the maximum Garage door width for a front attached Garage is 60% of the total length of the front building wall.
6.4. Surface Parking Lots must not be located between a principal building and a Street.