Bylaw PDF

City of Edmonton | Zoning Bylaw 20001

Passed by Council on October 23, 2023, effective January 1, 2024

Land Acknowledgement

The lands on which Edmonton sits and the North Saskatchewan River that runs through it have been the sites of natural abundance, ceremony and culture, travel and rest, relationship building, making and trading for Indigenous peoples since time immemorial.

Edmonton is located within Treaty 6 Territory and within the Métis homelands and Otipemisiwak Metis Government, including District 9- Fort Edmonton and District 10-Edmonton Whitemud.

We acknowledge this land as the traditional territories of many First Nations such as the Nehiyaw (Cree), Denesuliné (Dene), Nakota Sioux (Stoney), Anishinaabe (Saulteaux) and Niitsitapi (Blackfoot).

The City of Edmonton owes its strength and vibrancy to these lands and the diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors’ footsteps have marked this territory as well as settlers from around the world who continue to be welcomed here and call Edmonton home.

Together, we call upon all our collective honoured traditions and spirits to work in building a great city for today and future generations.

How to use this bylaw
Part 1 - Contents and Zoning Map
  • Determine your property’s zone by looking up the address in the Zoning Map.

Part 2 - Standard Zones and Overlays

Part 3 - Special Area Zones

Part 4 - Direct Control Zones

  • Review the rules in the zone that applies to your property.
  • Review the rules in an overlay (Part 2) if it applies to your property. An overlay is a set of additional zoning rules that are applied to specific and special areas around the city. It can override or add to the rules of the underlying zone.

Part 5 - General Development Regulations

Part 6 - Specific Development Regulations 

  • Review the general regulations that may apply to your property, such as Parking, Landscaping or Site Performance Standards.
  • Review for any specific requirements related to the proposed uses on the property.
Part 7 - Administrative Regulations
  • Review for any administrative or interpretive regulations regarding the bylaw, development permits and enforcement.
  • Review Section 7.120 - No Development Permit Required to see the types of development and uses that do not require a development permit.
Part 8 - Definitions 
  • Review the definitions to ensure a clear understanding of the terms used in this bylaw. The definitions are separated by land use and other related (general) terms. 
  • This icon means there is 'Additional Information' available to help provide clarification or direct you to additional resources.
  • This information is not part of the Zoning Bylaw and is provided for informational purposes only.
  • This icon means there has been an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw and provides information on the amending Bylaw and when the amendment occurred.
  • This information is not part of the Zoning Bylaw and is provided for informational purposes only.

This online version of the City of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw is a reproduction of legal bylaws, and is consolidated for convenience only. Although all reasonable attempts were made in the production of these consolidations to accurately reflect the original bylaw, and any subsequent Council-approved amendments, the City of Edmonton does not assume responsibility or accept any liability arising from any use of the information presented. In case of uncertainty, the reader is advised to consult the original bylaws, available at the Office of the City Clerk.

Any interpretation or inquiries regarding the Zoning Bylaw can be directed to the Urban Planning and Economy (UPE) Department via 311.

Part 1 - Contents and Zoning Map

1.10 Title and Contents

1.1. Zoning Bylaw 20001 may be cited as the Zoning Bylaw.
1.2. Unless otherwise referenced in a Direct Control Zone or Agreement, references to “this Bylaw” are interpreted to be references to Zoning Bylaw 20001 including, but not limited to, the Direct Control Zones contained therein.


2.1. The contents of this Bylaw include:
2.1.1. Part 1 - Contents and Zoning Map
2.1.2. Part 2 - Standard Zones and Overlays
2.1.3. Part 3 - Special Area Zones
2.1.4. Part 4 - Direct Control Zones
2.1.5. Part 5 - General Development Regulations
2.1.6. Part 6 - Specific Development Regulations
2.1.7. Part 7 - Administrative and Interpretive Regulations
2.1.8. Part 8 - Definitions


Part 2 - Standard Zones and Overlays

2.10 RS - Small Scale Residential Zone

To allow for a range of small scale Residential development up to 3 Storeys in Height, including detached, attached, and multi-unit Residential housing. Limited opportunities for community and commercial development are permitted to provide services to local residents.

Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
3.2. Residential
3.2.1. The maximum number of Dwellings on an Interior Site is 8.
3.2.2. The maximum number of Lodging House Sleeping Units is 8 per Site.
3.3.3. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Food and Drink Services, Health Services, Indoor Sales and Services, and Offices
3.3.1. These Uses are only permitted where an Interior Side Lot Line Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone that permits Commercial Uses, at the time of Development Permit application. 
3.3.2. Where one or more of these Uses are proposed in a building previously developed as Semi-detached Housing or Row Housing, the entire building must be converted for non-residential Uses
3.3.3. The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.3.4. Developments must carry out their operations so that no Nuisance is created.
3.3.5. Outdoor business activity, storage, and outdoor speakers and amplification systems are not permitted.
3.3.6. Despite Subsection 3.3.5, outdoor seating areas are permitted to a maximum area of 20 m2 and must only be located in the Front Yard or Flanking Side Yard.
3.4. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site must only be issued as a Discretionary Development.
Community Uses
3.5. Community Services and Child Care Services
3.5.1. Community Services and Child Care Services are only permitted: on Corner Sites that Abut a Collector Road or Arterial Road, except Child Care Services are permitted on any Corner Site where proposed in a building previously developed as Single Detached Housing; in an existing non-residential building; or on a Site where an Interior Side Lot Line Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone,
at the time of Development Permit application. 
3.5.2. The maximum Floor Area for Community Services is 1,000 m2 per Site.
3.5.3. The maximum Floor Area for Child Care Services is 300 m2 per Site
3.5.4. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40
3.6. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
3.7. Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building.
Sign Uses
3.8. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising
3.9. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Dimensions
4.1.1. Minimum Site area per Dwelling 75.0 m2 -
4.1.2. Minimum Site Depth 30.0 m A
4.1.3. Minimum Site Width 7.5 m B
Lot Width for Attached Principal Dwellings
4.1.4. Minimum Lot Width where the Dwellings are developed on separate Lots not Abutting an Alley 5.0 m C
4.1.5. Minimum Lot Width where the Dwellings are developed on separate Lots Abutting an Alley 4.0 m D
Diagram for Subsections 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, and 4.1.5
Diagram for 2.10_4.1.2_-_4.1.5
4.1.6. Maximum Height 10.5 m -
Site Coverage
4.1.7. Maximum Site Coverage 45% -
Building Length
4.1.8. Maximum length of any building  30.0 m E
Diagram for Subsection 4.1.8
Diagram for 2.10_4.1.8
4.2. Despite Subsection 4.1.7, the maximum Site Coverage is increased by 2% where: 
4.2.1. it is used to accommodate a single storey unenclosed front porch;
4.2.2. 1 or more buildings listed in the Inventory of Historic Resources are retained as part of a proposed development to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for heritage planning; or
4.2.3. Supportive Housing, or a minimum of 20% of all Dwellings, comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50.
4.3. Setbacks must comply with Table 4.3:
Table 4.3. Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Front Setback
4.3.1. Minimum Front Setback 4.5 m A
Diagram for Subsection 4.3.1
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.1
Rear Setback
4.3.2. Minimum Rear Setback 10.0 m B
Diagram for Subsection 4.3.2
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.2
Side Setbacks
4.3.3. Minimum Interior Side Setback 1.2 m C
Unless the following applies:
4.3.4. Minimum Interior Side Setback when Row Housing or Multi-unit Housing faces an Interior or Flanking Side Lot Line 1.5 m D
Diagram for Subsections 4.3.3 and 4.3.4
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.3_and_4.3.4
4.3.5. Minimum Flanking Side Setback 1.2 m E
Unless the following applies:
4.3.6. Minimum Flanking Side Setback when a main entrance of a principal Dwelling faces a Flanking Side Lot Line 2.0 m F
Diagram for Subsections 4.3.5 and 4.3.6
Diagram for 2.10_4.3.5_and_4.3.6
4.4. Driveway length must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Driveway Length Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Area
4.4.1. Minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the back of an existing or approved sidewalk at the time of the Development Permit application 6.0 m A
Unless the following applies:
4.4.2. Minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the Front Lot Line or Flanking Side Lot Line, where there is no existing or approved public sidewalk at the time of the Development Permit application 5.5 m -
Diagram for Subsection 4.4.1
Diagram for 2.10_4.4.1
4.5. The minimum distance between a rear detached Garage and a principal Dwelling, except for Backyard Housing, on the same Site is 3.0 m.


Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:   
5.1.1. faces a Street; or   
5.1.2. has a total length greater than 20 m facing a Site in a residential Zone  
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and accentuate main entrances facing the Street. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; features such as windows, balconies, or porches; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features.  a
5.2. Identical or mirrored front Facades are not permitted on Abutting Sites. Developments on Abutting Sites must be differentiated by 2 or more design features. This does not apply to attached Dwellings within the same building.  
5.3. On Corner Sites, all principal building Facades facing a Street must use consistent exterior finishing materials and architectural features and include features such as windows, doors, or porches.  
Entrance Design Regulations
5.4. All principal ground-oriented Dwellings and non-Residential Uses adjacent to a Front or Flanking Side Lot Line must have a main entrance door, porch, or landing facing either the Front or Flanking Side Lot Line, except:  
5.4.1. this regulation does not apply to Backyard Housing, Cluster Housing or Multi-unit Housing.
5.5. All Cluster Housing and Multi-unit Housing principal buildings adjacent to a Street must have at least 1 main entrance:  
5.5.1. facing a Street; or
5.5.2. facing an internal courtyard that is visible from a Street.
5.6. Where Multi-unit Housing has a building wall length greater than 12.8 m and fronts onto a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk, each Ground Floor Dwelling along that wall must have an individual entrance with direct ground level access to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk. a
5.7. Sliding patio doors must not serve as the main entrance of a Dwelling. a
5.8. Main entrances for Multi-unit Housing must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.  


Parking, Loading, and Access
6.1. Vehicle access must be from an Alley where a Site Abuts an Alley
6.2. Rear attached Garages are not permitted.  i
6.3. Where permitted, the maximum Garage door width for a front attached Garage is 60% of the total length of the front building wall.
6.4. Surface Parking Lots must not be located between a principal building and a Street.


2.20 RSF - Small Scale Flex Residential Zone

To allow for a range of small scale Residential development up to 3 Storeys in Height, including detached, attached, and multi-unit Residential housing. This Zone has site and building regulations that provide additional development flexibility in appropriate contexts, such as new neighbourhoods and large undeveloped areas. Limited opportunities for community and commercial development are permitted to provide services to local residents.

Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
3.2. Residential
3.2.1. The maximum number of Lodging House Sleeping Units is 8 per Site.
3.2.2. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Food and Drink Services, Health Services, Indoor Sales and Services, and Offices
3.3.1. These Uses are only permitted where an Interior Side Lot Line Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone that permits Commercial Uses, at the time of Development Permit application.
3.3.2. Where one or more of these Uses are proposed in a building previously developed as Semi-detached Housing or Row Housing, the entire building must be converted for non-residential Uses
3.3.3. The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.3.4. Developments must carry out their operations so that no Nuisance is created.
3.3.5. Outdoor business activity, storage, speakers and amplification systems are not permitted.
3.3.6. Despite Subsection 3.3.5, outdoor seating areas are permitted to a maximum area of 20.0 m2 and must only be located in the Front Yard or Flanking Side Yard.
3.4. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site must only be issued as a Discretionary Development.
Community Uses
3.5. Community Services and Child Care Services
3.5.1. Community Services and Child Care Services are only permitted: on Corner Sites that Abut a Collector Road or Arterial Road, except Child Care Services are permitted on any Corner Site where proposed in a building previously developed as Single Detached Housing; in an existing non-residential building; or on a Site where an Interior Side Lot Line Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone,
at the time of Development Permit application. 
3.5.2. The maximum Floor Area for Community Services is 1,000 m2 per Site.
3.5.3. The maximum Floor Area for Child Care Services is 300 m2 per Site
3.5.4. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.
3.6. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
3.7. Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building.  
Sign Uses
3.8. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising
3.9. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Width - Where the Site does not Abut an Alley
4.1.1. Minimum Site Width 7.5 m A
Lot Width - Where the Site does not Abut an Alley
4.1.2. Minimum Lot Width for each attached principal Dwelling where the attached Dwellings are developed on separate Lots 5.0 m B
Diagram for Subsections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
Diagram for 2.20_4.1.1-4.1.2
Site Width - Where the Site Abuts an Alley
4.1.3. Minimum Site Width 7.0 m C
Unless the following applies:
4.1.4. Minimum Site Width on a Local Road or for Reverse Housing  a   5.5 m -
Lot Width - Where the Site Abuts an Alley
4.1.5. Minimum Lot Width for Row Housing internal Dwellings developed on separate Lots 3.6 m D
4.1.6. Minimum Lot Width for Semi-detached Housing or Row Housing end Dwellings developed on separate Lots 4.8 m E
Diagram for Subsections 4.1.3, 4.1.4 and 4.1.5
Diagram for 2.20_4.1.3-4.1.4
4.1.7. Maximum Height 12.0 m -
Site Coverage
4.1.8. Maximum Site Coverage 55% -
Building Length
4.1.9. Maximum length of any building  30.0 m F
Diagram for Subsection 4.1.8
Diagram for 2.20_4.1.8
4.2. Setbacks must comply with Table 4.2:
Table 4.2. Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Front Setback
4.2.1. Minimum Front Setback 4.5 m A
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
4.2.2. Minimum Front Setback where a Treed Boulevard is provided and vehicle access is from an Alley 3.0 m B
4.2.3. Minimum Front Setback where the development is for Reverse Housing 3.0 m C
Diagram for Subsections 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3
Diagram for 2.20_4.2.1_-_4.2.3
Rear Setback
4.2.4. Minimum Rear Setback 6.0 m D
Unless the following applies:
4.2.5. Minimum Rear Setback for a building with a rear attached Garage where the Site depth is less than or equal to 30.0 m 1.2 m E
Diagram for Subsections 4.2.4 and 4.2.5
Diagram for 2.20_4.2.4-4.2.5
Interior Side Setback
4.2.6. Minimum Interior Side Setback 1.2 m G
4.2.7. Minimum Interior Side Setback for Zero Lot Line Development where the Abutting Interior Side Setback is 0 m 1.5 m H
4.2.8. Minimum Interior Side Setback for Reduced Setback Development where the Abutting Interior Side Setback is greater than or equal to 0.6 m and less than 1.2 m 1.2 m I
Diagram for Subsections 4.2.6, 4.2.7, and 4.2.8
Diagram for 2.20_4.2.6_-_4.2.8
Unless the following applies:
4.2.9. Minimum Interior Side Setback when Row Housing or Multi-unit Housing faces an Interior or Flanking Side Lot Line 1.5 m J
Diagram for Subsections 4.2.9
Diagram for 2.20_4.2.9
Flanking Side Setback
4.2.10. Minimum Flanking Side Setback 2.0 m K
Diagram for Subsections 4.2.10
Diagram for 2.20_4.2.10
4.3. Driveway length must comply with Table 4.3:
Table 4.3. Driveway Length Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.3.1. Minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the back of an existing or approved sidewalk at the time of the Development Permit application 6.0 m A
Unless the following applies:
4.3.2. Minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the Front Lot Line or Flanking Side Lot Line, where there is no existing or approved sidewalk at the time of the Development Permit application 5.5 m -
Diagram for Subsection 4.3.1
Diagram for 2.20_4.3.1
Building Design Regulations
5.1. For Multi-unit Housing, where a building wall:  
5.1.1. faces a Street; or
5.1.2. has a total length greater than 20 m facing a Site in a residential Zone,
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; features such as windows, balconies, or porches; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features.
Entrance Design Regulations
5.2. All principal ground-oriented Dwellings and non-Residential Uses adjacent to a Front or Flanking Side Lot Line must have a main entrance door, porch, or landing facing either the Front or Flanking Side Lot Line, except:  
5.2.1. this regulation does not apply to Backyard Housing, Cluster Housing or Multi-unit Housing.
5.3. All Cluster Housing and Multi-unit Housing principal buildings adjacent to a Street must have at least 1 main entrance:  
5.3.1. facing a Street; or
5.3.2. facing an internal courtyard that is visible from a Street.
5.4. Where Multi-unit Housing has a building wall length greater than 12.8 m fronts onto a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk, each Ground Floor Dwelling along that wall must each have an individual entrance with direct ground level access to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk. a
5.5. Sliding patio doors must not serve as the main entrance of a Dwelling.  
5.6. Main entrances for Multi-unit Housing must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of the entrance.  


Parking and Access
6.1. Where a Site Abuts an Alley at the Rear Lot Line, vehicle access must be from the Alley, except that:
6.1.1. Vehicle access may be from a Street for a maximum of 50% of principal Dwellings per Site, not including Backyard Housing; and
6.1.2. Vehicle access may be from a Street where it will result in a consistent streetscape with Lots on the same side of the Street that do not Abut an Alley.
Diagram for Subsection 6.1.1
Diagram for 2.20_6.1.1


6.2. Where developed with front attached garages, Row Housing and Zero Lot Line Development must not be accessed directly from a Collector Road or located directly across from a school or public park Site.
6.3. Surface Parking Lots must not be located between a principal building and a Street.
Additional Regulations for Zero Lot Line Development and Reduced Setback Development
6.4. Zero Lot Line Development is permitted where:
6.4.1. all roof drainage from principal and Accessory buildings is directed towards a Street, Alley, or private drainage system, and no roof leader discharge is directed to the easement area required in Subsection 6.4.2; and
6.4.2. the owners of impacted Lots register on title a minimum 1.5 m private easement along the entire distance of the shared Lot line that requires: construction of a drainage swale and an unobstructed drainage path with a minimum width of 0.3 m to be free and clear of all objects; protection of drainage of the Site, including the right for water to flow across Lots and the requirement not to inhibit the flow of water across Lots; a 0.3 m eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves must not be closer than 0.9 m to the eaves of a building on an Abutting Lot; a 0.6 m footing encroachment easement; permission to access the easement area for maintenance of the properties; adequate access for utility maintenance, where applicable; and that an Accessory building must not encroach on the easement.
Diagram for Subsection 6.4.2
Diagram for 2.20_6.4.2


6.5. Where provided, side entrances on Zero Lot Line Developments must not be developed more than 0.3 m above the finished ground surface. 
6.6. Reduced Setback Development is permitted where:
6.6.1. eaves are a minimum of 0.45 m from the Interior Side Lot Line;
6.6.2. all roof drainage from principal and Accessory buildings is directed towards a Street, Alley, or private drainage system, and no roof leader discharge is directed to the easement area required in Subsection 6.6.3; and
6.6.3. the owners of impacted Lots register on title a minimum 0.6 m private easement along the entire distance of the shared Lot line. The easement must: be located entirely on the Lot with the minimum 1.2 m Interior Side Setback ensure a 0.15 m wide unobstructed drainage path along each side of the shared Lot line; and require permission to access the easement area to allow for maintenance of the Lot with a smaller Interior Side Setback.
Diagram for Subsection 6.6.3
Diagram for 2.20_6.6.3


6.7. Fences are not permitted within the Interior Side Yard of a Reduced Setback Development.
Diagram for Subsection 6.7
Diagram for 2.200_6.8

2.30 RSM - Small-Medium Scale Transition Residential Zone

To allow for a range of small to medium scale Residential development up to 3 or 4 Storeys in Height, in the form of Row Housing and Multi-unit Housing in developing and redeveloping areas. Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, and Duplex Housing are not intended in this Zone unless they form part of a larger multi-unit Residential development. The scale of development in this Zone may act as a transition between small scale Residential development and larger scale Residential development. Limited opportunities for community and commercial development are permitted to provide services to local residents. 

Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
3.2. Residential
3.2.1. The maximum number of Sleeping Units in a Lodging House is 8.
3.2.2. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10.
3.2.3. Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing are only permitted where: existing as of January 1, 2024; or developed on the same Lot as Row Housing or Multi-unit Housing.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Food and Drink Services, Health Services, Indoor Sales and Services, and Offices
3.3.1. These Uses are only permitted where an Interior Side Lot Line of a Site Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone that permits Commercial Uses at the time of Development Permit application. 
3.3.2. Where one or more of these Uses are proposed in a building previously developed as Semi-detached Housing or Row Housing, the entire building must be converted for non-residential Uses
3.3.3. The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.3.4. Where a building is greater than 12 m in Height or greater than 30 m in length, Commercial Uses are limited to the Ground Floor.
3.3.5. Developments must carry out their operations so that no Nuisance is created.
3.3.6. Outdoor business activity, storage, and outdoor speakers and amplification systems are not permitted.
3.3.7. Despite Subsection 3.3.6, outdoor seating areas are permitted, limited to a maximum area of 20 m2 and must only be located in the Front Yard or Flanking Side Yard
3.4. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development.
Community Uses
3.5. Community Services and Child Care Services
3.5.1. These Uses are only permitted: on Corner Sites that Abut a Collector Road or Arterial Road in an existing non-residential building; or on a Lot that Abuts a Site in a non-residential Zone; or in a residential Zone that has a maximum Height greater than or equal to 16.0 m,
at the time of Development Permit application.
3.5.2. The maximum Floor Area for Community Services is 1,000 m2 per Site.
3.5.3. The maximum Floor Area for Child Care Services is 300 m2 per Site.
3.5.4. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.
3.6. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
3.7. Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building.
Sign Uses
3.8. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising
3.9. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


4.1. The maximum Height must comply with Table 4.1:
4.1. Maximum Height
Subsection Modifier on Zoning Map Maximum Height
4.1.1. h12 12.0 m
4.1.2. h14 14.0 m
4.2. Development must comply with Table 4.2:
Table 4.2. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Width
4.2.1. Minimum Site Width 5.0 m A
Lot Width
4.2.2. Minimum Lot Width for Row Housing internal Dwellings where developed on separate Lots Abutting an Alley 3.6 m B
4.2.3. Minimum Lot Width for Semi-detached Housing or Row Housing end Dwellings where developed on separate Lots Abutting an Alley 4.8 m C
Diagram for Subsections 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 4.2.3
Diagram for 2.30_4.2.1-4.2.3
Residential Density
4.2.4. Minimum Density 45 Dwellings/ha -
Site Coverage
4.2.5. Maximum total Site Coverage 60% -
Building Length
4.2.6. Maximum length of any building 45.0 m D
Diagram for Subsection 4.2.6
Diagram for 2.30_4.2.6
4.3. Setbacks must comply with Table 4.3:
Table 4.3. Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Front Setback
4.3.1. Minimum Front Setback 4.5 m A
Unless the following applies:
4.3.2. Minimum Front Setback where a Treed Boulevard is provided and vehicle access is from an Alley 3.0 m B
Diagram for Subsections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2
Diagram for 2.30_4.
Rear Setback
4.3.3. Minimum Rear Setback 5.5 m C
Diagram for Subsection 4.3.3
Diagram for 2.30_4.3.3
Side Setbacks
4.3.4. Minimum Interior Side Setback 1.2 m D
Unless the following applies:
4.3.5. Minimum Interior Side Setback when Row Housing or Multi-unit Housing face an Interior or Flanking Side Lot Line 1.5 m E
Diagram for Subsections 4.3.4 and 4.3.5
Diagram for 2.30_4.3.4_-_4.3.5
4.3.6. Minimum Flanking Side Setback 2.0 m F
Diagram for Subsection 4.3.6
Diagram for 2.30_4.3.6
4.4. Driveway lengths must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Driveway Length Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.4.1. Minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the back of an existing or approved public sidewalk 6.0 m A
Unless the following applies:
4.4.2. Minimum Driveway length between the Garage door and the Front Lot Line or Flanking Side Lot Line, where there is no existing or approved public sidewalk at the time of the Development Permit application  5.5 m -
Diagram for Subsection 4.4.1
Diagram for 2.30_4.4.1
Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:   
5.1.1. faces a Street; or 
5.1.2. has a total length greater than 20 m facing a Site in a residential Zone
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; features such as windows, balconies, or porches; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar features.
5.2. On Corner Sites, the principal building Facades facing a Street must use consistent exterior finishing materials and architectural features and include features such as windows, doors, or porches.  
Entrance Design Regulations
5.3. All principal ground-oriented Dwellings and non-Residential Uses adjacent to a Front or Flanking Side Lot Line must have a main entrance door, porch, or landing facing either the Front or Flanking Side Lot Line, except:   
5.3.1. this regulation does not apply to Backyard HousingCluster Housing, or Multi-unit Housing.


5.4. All Cluster Housing and Multi-unit Housing principal buildings adjacent to a Street must have at least 1 main entrance: a
5.4.1. facing a Street; or
5.4.2. facing an internal courtyard that is visible from a Street.
5.5. Where Multi-unit Housing has a building wall length greater than 12.8 m and fronts onto a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk, each Ground Floor Dwelling along that wall must have an individual entrance with direct ground level  access to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk. a
5.6. Sliding patio doors must not serve as the main entrance of a Dwelling.  
5.7. Main entrances for Multi-unit Housing must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.  


2.40 RM - Medium Scale Residential Zone

Residential Uses
2.1. Home Based Business #  
2.2. Residential  
Commercial Uses
2.3. Centre City Temporary Parking   a
2.4. Food and Drink Service  
2.5. Health Service  
2.6. Indoor Sales and Service  
2.7. Minor Indoor Entertainment  
2.8. Office  
2.9. Residential Sales Centre  
Community Uses
2.10. Child Care Service  
2.11. Community Service  
2.12. Library  
2.13. Park  
2.14. Special Event  
Agricultural Uses
2.15. Urban Agriculture  
Sign Uses
2.16. Fascia Sign  
2.17. Freestanding Sign  
2.18. Portable Sign  
2.19. Projecting Sign  


Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.  
3.2. Residential  
3.2.1. Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing are only permitted where: existing as of January 1, 2024; or developed on the same Site as Multi-unit Housing.
3.2.2. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Centre City Temporary Parking must comply with Section 6.120 a
3.4. Food and Drink Services, Health Services, Indoor Sales and Services, Minor Indoor Entertainment and Offices  
3.4.1. Developments must only be located on the Ground Floor of residential buildings.
3.4.2. The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.5. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development.  
Community Uses
3.6. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
3.7. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Agricultural Uses
3.8. Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building.  
Sign Uses
3.9. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising  
3.10. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.  


4.1. Maximum Height, maximum Floor Area Ratio and minimum Density must comply with Table 4.1:
4.1. Maximum Height, Maximum Floor Area Ratio and Minimum Density
Subsection Modifier on Zoning Map Maximum Height Maximum
Floor Area Ratio
Minimum Density
4.1.1. h16.0 16.0 m 2.3 45 Dwellings/ha
4.1.2. h23.0 23.0 m 3.0 75 Dwellings/ha
4.1.3. h28.0 28.0 m 3.8 90 Dwellings/ha
4.2. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 0.7 where a minimum of 10% of all Dwellings
4.2.1. comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50;
4.2.2. have a Floor Area greater than 100 m2, a minimum of 3 bedrooms; and access to an outdoor Common Amenity Area designed for children that is at least 50.0 m2; and access to dedicated and enhanced bulk storage within the Dwelling or within the building; or
4.2.3. comply with any combination of Subsections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
4.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 0.7 where:
4.3.1. a minimum of 30% of all Supportive Housing Sleeping Units comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50; or
4.3.2. 1 or more buildings listed on the Inventory of Historic Resources is maintained as part of a proposed development to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for heritage planning.
4.4. Development must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Building Length
4.4.1. Maximum total length of any building for new buildings and additions 80.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.4.2. Minimum Setback where a Treed Boulevard is present 3.0 m A
4.4.3. Minimum Setback where a Treed Boulevard is not present 4.5 m B
Unless the following applies:
4.4.4. Minimum Setback where non-Residential Uses are developed on the Ground Floor and form a Main Street Development 1.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.4.5. Minimum Setback 3.0 m C
Diagram for Subsections 4.4.2, 4.4.3, and 4.4.5
Diagram showing minimum Setbacks Abutting Streets and Alleys
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.4.6. Minimum Setback 3.0 m D
Unless the following applies:
4.4.7. Minimum Interior Side Setback for buildings less than or equal to 12.0 m in Height 1.5 m E
Diagram for Subsections 4.4.6 and 4.4.7
Diagram showing minimum Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.5. Despite Subsection 4.4.6, for buildings greater than 12.0 m in Height, the minimum Setback from an Abutting Site in a residential Zone that has a maximum Height of 12.0 m or less must comply with Table 4.5:
Table 4.5. Minimum Transition Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Minimum Setback for buildings greater than 12.0 m in Height  Symbol Minimum Setback for portions of the building greater than 16.0 m in Height Symbol
4.5.1. Where the building wall facing the Abutting Site is less than or equal to 40.0 m in length 3.0 m A 6.0 m B
4.5.2. Where the building wall facing the Abutting Site is greater than 40.0 m in length 6.0 m C 9.0 m D
Diagram for Subsection 4.5
Diagram showing minimum transition Setbacks for building walls less than or equal to 40.0 m in length
Diagram showing minimum transition Setbacks for building walls greater than 40.0 m in length
4.6. Despite Subsection 4.5.2, where the required minimum Setback is 9.0 m, this is reduced to 6.0 m where a Landscape Buffer is provided in compliance with Subsection 5 of Section 5.60, except:
4.6.1. the Setback Abutting the south Lot line of a Site in a residential Zone must not be reduced.




Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:  
5.1.1. faces a Street; or
5.1.2. faces a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; features such as windows, balconies, or porches; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features.
5.2. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-Residential Facades must comply with the following:  
5.2.1. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
5.2.2. A maximum of 10% of the Facade area windows facing a Street, a Park, or along Facades with a main entrance facing Parking Areas interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
Diagram for Subsection 5.2
Diagram showing design regulations for Ground Floor, non-Residential Facades
5.3. On Corner Sites, the principal building Facades facing a Street must use consistent exterior finishing materials and architectural features, and include features such as windows, doors, or porches.  
Entrance Design Regulations
5.4. Principal buildings located adjacent to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk must have an entrance facing a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk.   
5.5. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.   
5.6. Where:  a
5.6.1. the building length is greater than 12.8 m;
5.6.2. the building Facade fronts onto a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk; and
5.6.3. the Setback from the Street with an existing or approved sidewalk is 4.5 m or less,
each Ground Floor Dwelling along that Facade must have an individual entrance with direct ground level access to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk.




5.7. Sliding patio doors must not serve as the individual entrance required under Subsection 5.6.  




Parking, Loading, and Access
6.1. Vehicle access must be from an Alley where a Site Abuts an Alley.
6.2.  Surface Parking Lots, and loading and waste collection areas must not be located between a principal building and a Street.
6.3. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4, Surface Parking Lots and loading and waste collection areas may project into a Setback from:
6.3.1. an Alley; and
6.3.2. an Abutting Site, where a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback.


2.50 RL - Large Scale Residential Zone

To allow for high-rise Residential development that ranges from approximately 9 to 20 Storeys. Row Housing is not intended in this Zone unless it forms part of a larger multi-unit Residential development. Limited opportunities for community and commercial development are permitted to provide services to local residents.   

Residential Uses
2.1. Home Based Business #  
2.2. Residential, limited to:  
2.2.1. Lodging House
2.2.2. Multi-unit Housing
2.2.3. Row Housing
2.2.4. Secondary Suite
2.2.5. Supportive Housing
Commercial Uses
2.3. Centre City Temporary Parking a
2.4. Food and Drink Service  
2.5. Health Service  
2.6. Indoor Sales and Service  
2.7. Minor Indoor Entertainment  
2.8. Office  
2.9. Residential Sales Centre  
Community Uses
2.10. Child Care Service  
2.11. Community Service  
2.12. Library  
2.13. Park  
2.14. Special Event  
Agricultural Uses
2.15. Urban Agriculture  
Sign Uses
2.16. Fascia Sign  
2.17. Freestanding Sign  
2.18. Portable Sign  
2.19. Projecting Sign  


Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.  
3.2. Residential  
3.2.1. Row Housing is only permitted: where developed on the same Site as Multi-unit Housing; or where existing as of January 1, 2024.
Non-Residential Uses
3.3. Non-Residential Use developments, excluding Parks, Special Events and Signs, must only be located on the Ground Floor or second Storey of Residential buildings, except:  
3.3.1. Child Care Services are permitted up to and including the fourth Storey.
Commercial Uses
3.4. The maximum Floor Area for Commercial Uses, other than Residential Sales Centres, is 300 m2 per individual establishment.  
3.5. Centre City Temporary Parking must comply with Section 6.120. a
3.6. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development  
Community Uses
3.7. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
3.8. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Sign Uses
3.9. Fascia Signs, Freestanding Signs, Portable Signs, and Projecting Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising.  
3.10. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.  
Uses with Floor Area Exceptions
3.11. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum Floor Area of a non-Residential Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to Abutting Uses or Sites, including:  
3.11.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120;
3.11.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize visual, noise, lighting, odour, or other similar Nuisances; or 
3.11.3. other similar measures. 


4.1. Maximum Height and maximum Floor Area Ratio must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Maximum Height and Floor Area Ratio
Subsection Modifier on Zoning Map Maximum Height Maximum Floor Area Ratio
4.1.1. h50.0 50.0 m 4.5
4.1.2. h65.0 65.0 m 5.5
4.2. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 1.0 where a minimum of 10% of all Dwellings:
4.2.1. comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50
4.2.2. have a Floor Area greater than 100 m2, a minimum of 3 bedrooms, are located below the 10th Storey of the building, and have: access to an outdoor Common Amenity Area designed for children that is at least 50.0 m2; and dedicated and enhanced bulk storage within the Dwelling or within the building; or
4.2.3. comply with any combination of Subsections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
4.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 1.0 where:
4.3.1. a minimum of 30% of all Supportive Housing Sleeping Units comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50; or
4.3.2. 1 or more buildings listed in the Inventory of Historic Resources is maintained as part of a proposed development to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for heritage planning.
4.4. Development must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Setbacks Abutting Streets and Alleys
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.4.1. Minimum Setback where a Treed Boulevard is present 3.0 m A
4.4.2. Minimum Setback where a Treed Boulevard is not present 4.5 m B
Unless the following applies:
4.4.3. Minimum Setback for portions of development less than or equal to 16 m in Height with: 1.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.4.4. Minimum Setback 3.0 m C
Diagram for Subsections 4.4.1, 4.4.2, and 4.4.4
Diagram showing minimum Setbacks Abutting Streets and Alleys
4.5. Development must comply with Table 4.5:
Table 4.5. Minimum Setbacks from Abutting Sites  
Subsection Regulation Value  
4.5.1. Minimum Setback 3.0 m  
Unless the following applies:  
4.5.2. Minimum Setback for portions of development greater than 23.0 m in Height 6.0 m  
Diagram for Subsection 4.5.1 and 4.5.2
Diagram for 2.50_4.5.1 and 2.50_4.5.2
4.6. Development must comply with Table 4.6:
Table 4.6. Tower Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
4.6.1. Maximum Tower Floor Plate for portions of Towers greater than 23.0 m in Height  850 m2
4.6.2. Minimum separation between Towers on the same Site or Abutting Sites, for portions of Towers greater than 23.0 m in Height 25.0 m
4.6.3. Minimum Setback for portions of Towers greater than 23.0 m in Height from an Abutting Street 6.0 m
4.7. Towers must mitigate microclimatic impacts based on a Wind Impact Assessment and Sun Shadow Impact Study, where applicable, in compliance with Section 7.140.
4.8. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the regulations in Table 4.6, taking into consideration factors such as:
4.8.1. the orientation and placement of the Tower and associated visual, sun, shadow, and microclimatic impacts on Amenity Areas, Pathways, and Abutting residential or mixed use developments; 
4.8.2. the context of the Site in relation to the location and Height of buildings on Abutting Sites; and
4.8.3. recommendations and mitigation measures specified in any required technical studies or applicable urban design guidelines. 




Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:
5.1.1. faces a Street; or
5.1.2. has a total length greater than 20.0 m facing a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone,
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projections or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features. 
5.2. Subsection 5.1 does not apply to Facades of a Tower above:
5.2.1. a Podium; or 
5.2.2. 23.0 m in Height.
5.3. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-Residential Facades must comply with the following:
5.3.1. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
5.3.2. A maximum of 10% of the Facade area windows facing a Street, a Park, or along Facades with a main entrance facing Parking Areas interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
Diagram for Subsection 5.3
Diagram showing design regulations for Ground Floor, non-Residential Facades
5.4. On Corner Sites, the Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both Streets.
Entrance Design Regulations
5.5. For new buildings and additions, where a Use is located on the Ground Floor adjacent to a Street, the main entrance for non-Residential Uses, and the main shared entrance for Multi-unit Housing or Supportive Housing must:
5.5.1. be directed towards the Street; and 
5.5.2. be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways and public sidewalks.
5.6. Dwelling units with at-grade entrances must provide a semi-private space to act as a transition area from Streets. This can be established through the use of features such as fencing, Landscaping, porches, or other similar measures.
5.7. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, common vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances. 




Parking, Loading, Storage and Access
6.1. Vehicle access must be from an Abutting Alley. Where there is no Abutting Alley, vehicle access must:
6.1.1. be from the Flanking Street for Corner Sites
6.1.2. be designed to minimize disruption to vehicle and pedestrian circulation; and
6.1.3. be designed to minimize impacts to existing trees and the streetscape,
to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation services.
6.2. Despite the Setbacks specified in Tables 4.4 and 4.5:
6.2.1. Surface Parking Lots, and loading, storage, and waste collection areas must not be located between a principal building and a Street and must provide a minimum 3.0 m wide Landscape Buffer where adjacent to a Street.
6.2.2. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste collection areas may project into, or be located within, a Setback Abutting another Site where a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback.
6.2.3. Surface Parking Lots, and loading, storage, and waste collection areas may project into, or be located within, a Setback Abutting an Alley.
6.3. Above-ground Parkade Facades facing a Street or a Park must be screened from view at ground level and wrapped with Residential, Commercial or Community Uses with a minimum depth of 8.0 m
Other Regulations
6.4. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4, outdoor display areas and Public Space associated with a Main Street Development may be located in a Setback Abutting a Street.


2.60 RR - Rural Residential Zone

To allow for rural residential development while prohibiting further subdivision of rural residential lands.

Residential Uses
3.1. A Residential Use must only be in the form of a maximum of 1 Single Detached House, 1 Dwelling of Backyard Housing, and 1 Secondary Suite
3.2. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10.
3.2.1. The maximum Floor Area for Backyard Housing is 130.0 m2.
3.3. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
Commercial Uses
3.4. Veterinary services must be located and developed on a Site in such a manner that the keeping of animals does not create a Nuisance.
Community Uses
3.5. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.
3.6. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
3.7. Agricultural Uses must be located and developed on a Site in such a manner that the keeping of animals or livestock does not create a Nuisance
Sign Uses
3.8. Fascia Signs, Freestanding Signs, and Portable Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising
3.9. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


2.70 MUN - Neighbourhood Mixed Use Zone

To allow for neighbourhood scale pedestrian oriented mixed use development anticipated in Local Nodes, as directed by statutory plans, that is integrated with the neighbourhood and intended to serve as a community focal point for commercial businesses, services, social gathering, and Residential Uses.

Residential Uses
2.1. Home Based Business #
2.2. Residential, limited to:
2.2.1. Lodging House
2.2.2. Multi-unit Housing
2.2.3. Row Housing
2.2.4. Secondary Suite
2.2.5. Supportive Housing
Commercial Uses
2.3. Bar
2.4. Body Rub Centre
2.5. Cannabis Retail Store
2.6. Custom Manufacturing
2.7. Food and Drink Service
2.8. Health Service
2.9. Hotel
2.10. Indoor Sales and Service
2.11. Liquor Store
2.12. Minor Indoor Entertainment
2.13. Office
2.14. Residential Sales Centre
2.15. Vehicle Support Service, limited to those existing prior to January 1, 2024
Community Uses
2.16. Child Care Service
2.17. Community Service
2.18. Library
2.19. Park
2.20. School
2.21. Special Event
Basic Service Uses
2.22. Emergency Service
2.23. Recycling Drop-off Centre
2.24. Transit Facility
Agricultural Uses
2.25. Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
2.26. Fascia Sign
2.27. Freestanding Sign
2.28. Major Digital Sign
2.29. Minor Digital Sign
2.30. Portable Sign
2.31. Projecting Sign


Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.  
3.2. Residential  
3.2.1. The Residential Use must be on a Site with at least 1 non-Residential Use other than a Sign Use
3.2.2. Ground Floor Residential Uses located adjacent to a Street may only be approved where: located on a Corner Site and facing a Local Road; and the Residential Ground Floor building Frontage is not more than 70% of the total building Frontage facing the Local Road.





Non-Residential Uses
3.3. All Ground Floor building Frontages adjacent to a Street must consist of non-Residential Uses oriented towards the adjacent Street, except as identified in Subsection 3.2.2.  
3.4. On Corner Sites that Abut an Arterial Road or Collector Road, and a Local Road, Ground Floor non-Residential Uses must be oriented towards and include a main entrance that faces the Abutting Arterial Road or Collector Road.  
3.5. The maximum Floor Area for non-Residential Uses is:   
3.5.1. 500 m2 per individual establishment, where the only Streets Abutting the Site are Local Roads;
3.5.2. 1,000 m2 per individual establishment, where located on a Site Abutting one or more Collector or Arterial Roads; or
3.5.3. 2,500 m2 per individual establishment, where located on a Site greater than 1 ha that Abuts one or more Arterial Roads.
Commercial Uses
3.6. Bars and Food and Drink Services  
3.6.1. Despite Subsection 3.5, the maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.7. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.  
3.8. Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30.  
3.9. Custom Manufacturing  
3.9.1. Despite Subsection 3.5, the maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment, except: Where Custom Manufacturing is combined with a Bar or Food and Drink Service, the maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.9.2. Manufacturing activities and storage must be located within an enclosed building. 
3.10. Hotels  
3.10.1. Ground Floor guest rooms must not be located adjacent to a Street.
3.11. Indoor Sales and Services  
3.11.1. Despite Subsection 3.5, the maximum Floor Area for Grocery Stores is 2,500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.12. Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70.  
3.13. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development  
3.14. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services  
3.14.1. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110.
3.14.2. Uses with Drive-through Services are only permitted where existing prior to January 1, 2024.
Community Uses
3.15. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
3.16. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Basic Service Uses
3.17. Basic Service Uses must be on a Site with at least 1 additional Use other than a Sign Use. a
3.18. Recycling Drop-Off Centres  
3.18.1. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre is 300 m2 per Site.
3.18.2. Recycling bins and associated drive aisles and queuing lanes must not be located between a building and a Street.
3.18.3. Perimeter screening using Fences, Landscape Buffers, or other similar features, must be provided to screen the view of drop-off areas and bins from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones
3.19. Transit Facilities  
3.19.1. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4, Transit Facilities may project into a Setback Abutting a Street to integrate with transit infrastructure in the road right-of-way.
Agricultural Uses
3.20. Urban Agriculture  
3.20.1. Despite Subsections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3, the maximum Floor Area is 600 m2 per individual establishment where located on a Site Abutting one or more Collector or Arterial Roads.
3.20.2. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.20.3. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.20.2 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental or risk assessment report in compliance with Section 7.140
Sign Uses
3.21. Fascia Signs, Freestanding Signs, Portable Signs, and Projecting Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising, except that:   
3.21.1 Off-premises Advertising is permitted where existing as of January 1, 2024.
3.22. Major Digital Signs and Minor Digital Signs are only permitted where existing as of January 1, 2024.   
3.23. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.  
Uses with Total Area and Floor Area Exceptions
3.24. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum total area or Floor Area of a non-Residential Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to Abutting Uses or Sites, including:  
3.24.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120;
3.24.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize visual, noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or 
3.24.3. other similar measures. 


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Site Area
4.1.1. Maximum Site area 2.0 ha
4.1.2. Maximum Height 16.0 m
4.1.3. Minimum Ground Floor Height for non-Residential Uses in new buildings 4.0 m
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.4. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 3.5
4.2. Floor Area associated with Residential Uses is excluded from the calculation of the maximum Floor Area Ratio where a minimum of 10% of all Dwellings:
4.2.1. comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50;
4.2.2. have a Floor Area greater than 100 m2 and a minimum of 3 bedrooms; and access to an outdoor Common Amenity Area designed for children of at least 50.0 m2; and dedicated and enhanced bulk storage within the Dwelling or within the building; or
4.2.3. comply with any combination of Subsections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
4.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 0.7 where:
4.3.1. a minimum of 30% of all Supportive Housing Sleeping Units comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50; or
4.3.2. 1 or more buildings listed in the Inventory of Historic Resources is maintained as part of a proposed development to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for heritage planning.
4.4. Development must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
For portions of development with non-Residential Uses on the Ground Floor Abutting a Street
4.4.1. Minimum Setback 1.0 m -
4.4.2. Maximum Setback 3.0 m A
4.4.3. Maximum Setback No maximum -
Unless the following applies:
4.4.4. Minimum Setback for Ground Floor non-Residential Uses where Abutting a Street with a sidewalk width 4.7 m or greater, measured from the Lot line to the curb 0 m -
For portions of development with Residential Uses on the Ground Floor Abutting a Street
4.4.5. Minimum Setback from Abutting Streets with a Treed Boulevard 3.0 m B
4.4.6. Minimum Setback from Abutting Streets without a Treed Boulevard 4.5 m C
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.4.7. Minimum Setback 0 m -
Unless the following applies:
4.4.8. Minimum Setback for new buildings and additions where an Abutting Alley is less than 6.0 m wide 1.0 m D
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.4.9. Minimum Setback 3.0 m E
Unless the following applies:

Minimum Setback where Abutting a Site:

0 m -
Diagram for Subsection 4.4
Diagram for 2.70_4.3




Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:
5.1.1. faces a Street or Park;
5.1.2. has a main entrance facing a Public Amenity Area or Parking Area interior to the Site; or
5.1.3. has a total length greater than 20.0 m facing a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone,
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projections or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features.
5.2. Subsection 5.1 does not apply to building walls facing and built to a shared Lot line to establish a continuous Street Wall with the Abutting Site.
5.3. Ground Floor non-Residential Facades facing Streets, and any Facade with a main entrance that faces a Park, must be designed to break up the appearance into sections of 11.0 m or less by incorporating 2 or more design techniques or features such as those described in Subsection 5.1.
5.4. Each Storey must have windows on all building Facades facing a Street.
5.5. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-Residential Facades must comply with the following:
5.5.1. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 65% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
5.5.2. Despite Subsection 5.5.1, for exterior alterations to existing storefronts that involve adding or removing windows, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level facing a Street must be windows.
5.5.3. A maximum of 10% of all Ground Floor windows facing a Street, a Park, or along Facades with a main entrance facing a Public Amenity Area or Parking Area interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
Diagram for Subsection 5.5
Diagram for 2.80_5.9
5.6. The Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a: 
5.6.1. consistent profile facing both Streets for Corner Sites; and 
5.6.2. consistent profile for building corners facing Streets and Alleys for Interior Sites, except that Facades facing an Alley do not require windows.
Entrance Design Regulations
5.7. Ground Floor non-Residential Uses adjacent to a Street must have separate individual entrances, but may share a common vestibule.
Diagram for Subsection 5.7
Diagram for 2.80_5.1
5.8. For new buildings and additions, where a Use is located on the Ground Floor adjacent to a Street:
5.8.1. the main entrance must be directed towards the Street; and 
5.8.2. the main entrance for non-Residential Uses, and shared entrances for Multi-unit Housing or Supportive Housing must be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways and public sidewalks.
5.9. Dwelling units with at-grade entrances must provide a semi-private space to act as a transition area from Streets. This can be established through the use of features such as fencing, Landscaping, porches, or other similar measures.
5.10. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances, or other Architectural Elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.




Parking, Loading, Storage and Access
6.1. Vehicle access must be from an Abutting Alley. Where there is no Abutting Alley, vehicle access must:
6.1.1. be from a Flanking Street for Corner Sites;
6.1.2. be designed to minimize disruption to vehicle and pedestrian circulation; and
6.1.3. be designed to minimize impacts to existing trees and the streetscape,
to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation services.
6.2. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4:
6.2.1. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste collection areas must not be located between a principal building and a Street and must provide a minimum 2.0 m wide Landscape Buffer where adjacent to a Street.
6.2.2. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste collection areas may project into, or be located within, a Setback Abutting another Site where a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback
6.3. Above-ground Parkade Facades facing a Street or a Park must be wrapped with Commercial or Community Uses, with a minimum depth of 8.0 m, on the Ground Floor
6.4. Above-ground Parkades must be designed to be adaptable for future non-parking Uses by having:
6.4.1. a minimum floor to ceiling clearance of 4.0 m at ground level, and 3.1 m above the Ground Floor;
6.4.2. floors that can readily become level; and
6.4.3. drive ramps located and designed to allow for future removal without interfering with developable space.
Other Regulations
6.5. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4, outdoor display areas and Public Space may be located in a Setback Abutting a Street.


2.80 MU - Mixed Use Zone

To allow for varying scales of mixed use development that enables the growth and development anticipated in the Nodes and Corridors as directed by statutory plans. This Zone allows for a range of Uses and supports housing, recreation, commerce, and employment opportunities. Site and building design in this Zone promotes development that enhances the public realm and publicly accessible amenities to create vibrant, walkable destinations at a scale inviting to pedestrians.

Residential Uses
2.1. Home Based Business #  
2.2. Residential, limited to:  
2.2.1. Lodging House
2.2.2. Multi-unit Housing
2.2.3. Row Housing
2.2.4. Secondary Suite
2.2.5. Supportive Housing
Commercial Uses
2.3. Bar  
2.4. Body Rub Centre  
2.5. Cannabis Retail Store  
2.6. Centre City Temporary Parking a
2.7. Custom Manufacturing  
2.8. Food and Drink Service  
2.9. Health Service  
2.10. Hotel  
2.11. Indoor Sales and Service  
2.12. Liquor Store  
2.13. Major Indoor Entertainment  
2.14. Minor Indoor Entertainment  
2.15. Office  
2.16. Residential Sales Centre  
2.17. Vehicle Support Service, limited to those existing prior to January 1, 2024  
Industrial Uses
2.18. Indoor Self Storage  
Community Uses
2.19. Child Care Service  
2.20. Community Service  
2.21. Library  
2.22. Park  
2.23. School  
2.24. Special Event  
Basic Service Uses
2.25. Emergency Service  
2.26. Health Care Facility  
2.27. Recycling Drop-off Centre  
2.28. Transit Facility  
Agricultural Uses
2.29. Urban Agriculture  
Sign Uses
2.30. Fascia Sign  
2.31. Freestanding Sign  
2.32. Major Digital Sign  
2.33. Minor Digital Sign  
2.34. Portable Sign  
2.35. Projecting Sign  


Non-Residential Uses
3.1. On Sites with the Commercial Frontage Modifier, all Ground Floor building Frontages adjacent to a Street must consist of non-Residential Uses oriented towards the adjacent Street, except as identified in Subsection 3.4.2.  
3.2. On Corner Sites that Abut an Arterial Road or Collector Road, and a Local Road, Ground Floor non-Residential Uses must be oriented towards, and include a main entrance that faces, the Abutting Arterial Road or Collector Road.  
Residential Uses
3.3. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.  
3.4. Residential  
3.4.1. Row Housing is only permitted where developed on the same Site as Multi-unit Housing or non-Residential Uses.
3.4.2. Ground Floor Residential Uses located adjacent to a Street may only be approved on a Site with the Commercial Frontage Modifier where: located on a Corner Site and facing a Local Road; and the residential Ground Floor building Frontage is not more than 70% of the total building Frontage facing the Local Road.
Commercial Uses
3.5. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.  
3.6. Centre City Temporary Parking must comply with Section 6.120. a
3.7. Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30.  
3.8. Custom Manufacturing  
3.8.1. The maximum Floor Area is 600 m2 per individual establishment.
3.8.2. Manufacturing activities and storage must be located within an enclosed building.
3.9. Hotels  
3.9.1. Ground Floor guest rooms must not be located adjacent to a Street.
3.10. Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70.  
3.11. Major Indoor Entertainment  
3.11.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment, except where located on a Site greater than 1 ha.
3.12. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development  
3.13. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services   
3.13.1. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110.
3.13.2. Uses with Drive-through Services are only permitted where existing prior to January 1, 2024.
Industrial Uses
3.14. Indoor Self Storage  
3.14.1. Must not be developed as a standalone building. 
3.14.2. Must incorporate windows at regular intervals on all Storeys on Facades facing Abutting Streets. Windows must be clear, transparent and non-reflective.
3.14.3. The maximum Ground Floor building Frontage for Indoor Self Storage is 11.0 m. The remaining Ground Floor building Frontage must be used for Community Uses or Commercial Uses other than Vehicle Support Services.
Community Uses
3.15. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
3.16. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Basic Service Uses
3.17. Basic Service Uses must be on a Site with at least 1 additional Use other than a Sign Use. a
3.18. Health Care Facilities  
3.18.1. The maximum Floor Area is 1,000 m2 per individual establishment.
3.19. Recycling Drop-off Centres  
3.19.1. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre on a Site is 300 m2.
3.19.2. Recycling bins and associated drive aisles and queuing lanes must not be located between a building and a Street.
3.19.3. Perimeter screening using Fences, Landscape Buffers, or other similar features, must be provided to screen the view of drop-off areas and bins from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones
3.20. Transit Facilities  
3.20.1. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4, Transit Facilities may project into a Setback Abutting a Street to integrate with transit infrastructure in the road right-of-way.
Agricultural Uses
3.21. Urban Agriculture  
3.21.1. The maximum Floor Area is 600 m2 per individual establishment.
3.21.2. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.21.3. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.20.2 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140.
Sign Uses
3.22. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.  
Uses with Total Area and Floor Area Exceptions
3.23. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum total area or Floor Area of a non-Residential Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to Abutting Uses or Sites, including:  
3.23.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120;
3.23.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize visual, noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or 
3.23.3. other similar measures. 


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
4.1.1. Maximum Height The number (in metres) following the Modifier ‘h’ as indicated on the Zoning Map
4.1.2. Minimum Ground Floor Height for non-Residential Uses in new buildings 4.0 m
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.3. Maximum Floor Area Ratio The number following the Modifier ‘f’ as indicated on the Zoning Map
4.2. Floor Area associated with Residential Uses is excluded from the calculation of the maximum Floor Area Ratio where a minimum of 10% of all Dwellings:
4.2.1. comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50
4.2.2. have a Floor Area greater than 100 m2, a minimum of 3 bedrooms, are located below the 10th Storey of the building, and have: access to an outdoor Common Amenity Area designed for children of at least 50.0 m2; and dedicated and enhanced bulk storage within the Dwelling or within the building; or
4.2.3. comply with any combination of Subsections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
4.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is increased by 1.0 where:
4.3.1. a minimum of 30% of all Supportive Housing Sleeping Units comply with the inclusive design requirements of Section 5.50; or
4.3.2. 1 or more buildings listed in the Inventory of Historic Resources is maintained as part of a proposed development to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for heritage planning.
4.4. Development must comply with Table 4.4:
Table 4.4. Setbacks Abutting Streets
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.4.1. Minimum Setback 1.0 m -
4.4.2. Maximum Setback for Ground Floor non-Residential Uses 3.0 m A
4.4.3. Maximum Setback No maximum -
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
4.4.4. Minimum Setback for Ground Floor non-Residential Uses where Abutting a Street with a sidewalk width 4.7 m or greater, measured from the Lot line to the curb 0 m -
4.4.5. Minimum Setback for portions of development with Residential Uses on the Ground Floor Abutting a Street, where a Treed Boulevard is present 3.0 m B
4.4.6. Minimum Setback for portions of development with Residential Uses on the Ground Floor Abutting a Street, where a Treed Boulevard is not present 4.5 m C
4.4.7 Minimum Setback for portions of development greater than 16.0 m in Height, or greater than the Height of the tallest Street Wall on an Abutting Site in a non-residential Zone where applicable, whichever is greater 4.5 m D
Diagram for Subsections 4.4.2, 4.4.5, 4.4.6 and 4.4.7
Diagram for 2.80_4.3.1_4.3.2_4.3.5_4.3.6_4.3.7
4.5. Development must comply with Table 4.5:
Table 4.5. Setbacks Abutting Alleys
Subsection Regulation Value
4.5.1. Minimum Setback 0 m
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
4.5.2. Minimum Setback for new buildings and additions where the Abutting Alley is less than 6.0 m wide 1.0 m
4.5.3. Minimum Setback for portions of development greater than 16.0 m in Height 3.0 m
4.6. Development must comply with Table 4.6:
Table 4.6. Minimum Setbacks from Abutting Sites
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.6.1. Minimum Setback 3.0 m A
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
4.6.2. Minimum Setback for portions of development less than or equal to 23.0 m in Height, where Abutting a Site: 0 m  
4.6.3. Minimum Setback for portions of development greater than 16.0 m in Height, where Abutting a Site in a residential Zone that has a maximum Height of 12.0 m or less 6.0 m B
Diagram for Subsections 4.6.1 and 4.6.3
Diagram for 2.80_4.5.3
4.6.4. Minimum Setback for portions of development greater than 23.0 m in Height 6.0 m C
Diagram for Subsections 4.6.1 and 4.6.4
Diagram for 2.80_4.5.4
4.7. Development must comply with Table 4.7:
Table 4.7. Tower Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.7.1. Maximum Tower Floor Plate for portions of Towers greater than 23.0 m in Height  850 m2  
4.7.2. Minimum separation between Towers on the same Site or Abutting Sites, for portions of Towers greater than 23.0 m in Height 25.0 m  
4.7.3. Minimum Tower Setback from Abutting Streets for portions of Towers greater than 23.0 m in Height Setback provided at the Ground Floor plus an additional 4.5 m A
4.7.4. Despite Subsection 4.7.3, up to 1/3 of a Tower Facade facing an Abutting Street may extend to ground level -  
Diagram for Subsection 4.7.3 and 4.7.4
Diagram for 2.80_4.7.4
4.7.5. A Public Amenity Area must be provided between a Tower and a Street where a Podium is not provided -  
4.8. Towers must mitigate microclimatic impacts based on a Wind Impact Assessment and Sun Shadow Impact Study, where applicable, in compliance with Section 7.140.
4.9. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the regulations in Table 4.7, taking into consideration factors such as:
4.9.1. the orientation and placement of the Tower and associated visual, sun, shadow, and microclimatic impacts on Amenity Areas, Pathways, and Abutting residential or mixed use developments; 
4.9.2. the context of the Site in relation to the location and Height of buildings on Abutting Sites; and
4.9.3. recommendations and mitigation measures specified in any required technical studies or applicable urban design guidelines. 




Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall:
5.1.1. faces a Street or Park;
5.1.2. has a main entrance facing a Public Amenity Area or Parking Area interior to the Site; or
5.1.3. has a total length greater than 20.0 m facing a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone,
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projections or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features.
5.2. Subsection 5.1 does not apply to:
5.2.1. building walls facing and built to a shared Lot line to establish a continuous Street Wall with the Abutting Site; or
5.2.2. Facades of a Tower above a Podium or the Street Wall.
5.3. Ground Floor non-Residential Facades facing Streets, and any Facade with a main entrance that faces a Park, must be designed to break up the appearance into sections of 11.0 m or less by incorporating 2 or more design features such as those described in Subsection 5.1.
5.4. Each Storey must have windows on all building Facades facing a Street.
5.5. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-Residential Facades must comply with the following:
5.5.1. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 65% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
5.5.2. Despite Subsection 5.5.1, for exterior alterations to existing storefronts that involve adding or removing windows, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level facing a Street must be windows.
5.5.3. A maximum of 10% of all Ground Floor windows facing a Street, a Park, or along Facades with a main entrance facing a Public Amenity Area or Parking Area interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
Diagram for Subsection 5.5
Diagram for 2.80_5.9
5.6. The Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a: 
5.6.1. consistent profile facing both Streets for Corner Sites; and 
5.6.2. consistent profile for building corners facing Streets and Alleys for Interior Sites, except that Facades facing an Alley do not require windows.
Entrance Design Regulations
5.7. Ground Floor non-Residential Uses adjacent to a Street must have separate individual entrances, but may share a common vestibule.
Diagram for Subsection 5.7
Diagram for 2.80_5.1
5.8. For new buildings and additions, where a Use is located on the Ground Floor adjacent to a Street, the main entrance for non-Residential Uses, and the main shared entrance for Multi-unit Housing or Supportive Housing must:
5.8.1. be directed towards the Street; and 
5.8.2. be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways and public sidewalks.
5.9. Dwelling units with at-grade entrances must provide a semi-private space to act as a transition area from Streets. This can be established through the use of features such as fencing, Landscaping, porches, or other similar measures.
5.10. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances, or other Architectural Elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances.




Parking, Loading, Storage and Access
6.1. Vehicle access must be from an Abutting Alley. Where there is no Abutting Alley, vehicle access must:
6.1.1. be from a Flanking Street for Corner Sites;
6.1.2. be designed to minimize disruption to vehicle and pedestrian circulation; and
6.1.3. be designed to minimize impacts to existing trees and the streetscape,
to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation services.
6.2. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4 and 4.6:
6.2.1. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste collection areas must not be located between a principal building and a Street and must provide a minimum 2.0 m wide Landscape Buffer where adjacent to a Street.
6.2.2. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste collection areas may project into, or be located within, a Setback Abutting another Site where a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback
6.3. Above-ground Parkade Facades facing a Street or a Park must be wrapped with Commercial or Community Uses, with a minimum depth of 8.0 m, on the Ground Floor
6.4. Above-ground Parkades must be designed to be adaptable for future non-parking Uses by having:
6.4.1. a minimum floor to ceiling clearance of 4.0 m at ground level, and 3.1 m above the Ground Floor;
6.4.2. floors that can readily become level; and
6.4.3. drive ramps located and designed to allow for future removal without interfering with developable space.
Other Regulations
6.5. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.4, outdoor display areas and Public Space may be located in a Setback Abutting a Street.


2.90 CN - Neighbourhood Commercial Zone

To allow for small scale activity centres to support Local Nodes, as directed by statutory plans, that become community focal points for commercial businesses, services, social gathering and limited Residential Uses that are integrated with the neighbourhood. These activity centres can accommodate both vehicle-oriented and pedestrian oriented developments.  

Commercial Uses
2.1. Bar
2.2. Body Rub Centre
2.3. Cannabis Retail Store
2.4. Custom Manufacturing
2.5. Food and Drink Service
2.6. Health Service
2.7. Hotel
2.8. Indoor Sales and Service
2.9. Liquor Store
2.10. Minor Indoor Entertainment
2.11. Office
2.12. Outdoor Sales and Service, limited to those existing as of January 1, 2024
2.13. Residential Sales Centre
2.14. Vehicle Support Service
Residential Uses
2.15. Home Based Business #
2.16. Residential, limited to:
2.16.1. Lodging House
2.16.2. Multi-unit Housing
2.16.3. Supportive Housing
Community Uses
2.17. Child Care Service
2.18. Community Service
2.19. Library
2.20. Park
2.21. School
2.22. Special Event
Basic Service Uses
2.23. Emergency Service
2.24. Recycling Drop-off Centre
2.25. Transit Facility
Agricultural Uses
2.26. Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
2.27. Fascia Sign
2.28. Freestanding Sign
2.29. Major Digital Sign
2.30. Minor Digital Sign
2.31. Portable Sign
2.32. Projecting Sign


Non-Residential Uses
3.1. The maximum Floor Area for non-Residential Uses is:   
3.1.1. 500 m2 per individual establishment, where the only Streets Abutting the Site are Local Roads;
3.1.2. 1,000 m2 per individual establishment, where located on a Site Abutting one or more Collector or Arterial Roads; or
3.1.3. 2,500 m2 per individual establishment, where located on a Site greater than 1 ha Abutting one or more Arterial Roads.
Commercial Uses
3.2. Bars and Food and Drink Services  
3.2.1. Despite Subsection 3.1, the maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.3. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.  
3.4. Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30.  
3.5. Custom Manufacturing  
3.5.1. Despite Subsection 3.1, the maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment, except: Where Custom Manufacturing is combined with a Bar or Food and Drink Service, the maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.5.2. Manufacturing activities and storage must be located within an enclosed building. 
3.6. Hotels, where part of a Main Street Development, must comply with the following:  
3.6.1. Ground Floor guest rooms must not be located adjacent to a Street.
3.7. Indoor Sales and Services  
3.7.1. Despite Subsection 3.1, the maximum Floor Area for Grocery Stores is 2,500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.8. Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70.  
3.9. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development  
3.10. Outdoor Sales and Services  
3.10.1. Outdoor display and service areas visible and adjacent to a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone must be located and screened to minimize visual impacts. Screening must include a Landscape Buffer, Fencing, or other similar measures.
3.11. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110.  
Residential Uses
3.12. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.  
3.13. Residential   
3.13.1. Where provided, must be located above Ground Floor non-Residential Uses.
Community Uses
3.14. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
3.15. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Basic Service Uses
3.16. Basic Service Uses must be on a Site with at least 1 additional Use other than a Sign Use. a
3.17. Recycling Drop-Off Centres  
3.17.1. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre is 300 m2, where the only Streets Abutting the Site are Local Roads.
3.17.2. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre is 650 m2, where located on a Site Abutting one or more Arterial or Collector Roads.
3.17.3. Perimeter screening using Fences, Landscape Buffers, or other similar features must be provided to screen the view of drop-off areas and bins from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones
3.18. Transit Facilities  
3.18.1. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.1, Transit Facilities may project into a Setback Abutting a Street to integrate with transit infrastructure in the road right-of-way.
Agricultural Uses
3.19. Urban Agriculture  
3.19.1. Despite Subsections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, the maximum Floor Area is 600 m2 per individual establishment where located on a Site Abutting one or more Collector or Arterial Roads.
3.19.2. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.19.3. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.19.2 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140
Sign Uses
3.20. Fascia Signs, Freestanding Signs, Portable Signs, and Projecting Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising, except that:   
3.20.1 Off-premises Advertising is permitted where existing as of January 1, 2024.
3.21. Major Digital Signs and Minor Digital Signs are only permitted where existing as of January 1, 2024.   
3.22. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.  
Uses with Total Area and Floor Area Exceptions
3.23. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum total area or Floor Area of a non-Residential Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to Abutting Uses or Sites, including:  
3.23.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120;
3.23.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize visual, noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or 
3.23.3. other similar measures. 


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Area
4.1.1. Maximum Site area, for Lots approved for subdivision after January 1, 2024 2.0 ha  
4.1.2. Maximum Height 12.0 m  
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.3. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 2.0  
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.1.4. Minimum Setback 3.0 m A
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
4.1.5. Minimum Setback for Main Street Developments 1.0 m -
4.1.6. Minimum Setback for Main Street Developments, where Abutting a Street with a sidewalk width 4.7 m or greater, measured from the Lot line to the curb 0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.1.7. Minimum Setback 0 m B
Unless the following applies:
4.1.8. Minimum Setback for new buildings and additions where the Abutting Alley is less than 6.0 m wide  1.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.1.9. Minimum Setback 3.0 m C
Unless the following applies:
4.1.10. Minimum Setback where Abutting a Site: 0 m D
Diagram for Subsection 4.1
Diagram for 2.90_4.1
Building Design Regulations 
5.1. Where a building wall has a total length greater than 20.0 m that:
5.1.1. faces a Street, Park, or a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone; or
5.1.2. has a main entrance facing a Parking Area internal to the Site,
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projections or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features. 
5.2. Subsection 5.1 does not apply to building walls facing and built to a shared Lot line in order to establish a continuous Street Wall with the Abutting Site.
5.3. On Corner Sites, the Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both Streets.
5.4. For new buildings and additions, main entrances must be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways and public sidewalks.
5.5. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances, or other Architectural Elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances. 
5.6. New buildings and additions must be developed as a Main Street Development where:
5.6.1. a Main Street Development exists on the Site as of January 1, 2024; or
5.6.2. a Main Street Development Abuts the Site.
Additional Building Design Regulations for Main Street Developments
5.7. For new buildings and additions, where a non-Residential Use is located on the Ground Floor adjacent to a Street the main entrance must be directed towards a Street.
5.8. Ground Floor Facades facing a Street must be designed to break up the appearance into sections of 11.0 m or less by incorporating 2 or more design features such as those described in Subsection 5.1. 
5.9. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-residential Facades must comply with the following:
5.9.1. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 65% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
5.9.2. Despite Subsection 5.9.1, for exterior alterations to existing storefronts that involve adding or removing windows, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level facing a Street must be windows.
Diagram for Subsection 5.9
Diagram for 2.80_5.9
5.10. Facade design and materials for Interior Sites must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile for building corners facing Streets and Alleys, except that Facades facing an Alley do not require windows. 


Safe Urban Environments
6.1.  In addition to the regulations in Section 5.110, developments must include design elements that promote a safe urban environment for portions of development accessible to the public, including the following:
6.1.1. Primary public access to a building must be located at entrances that are visible from a Street or Surface Parking Lot.
6.1.2. A maximum of 10% of Ground Floor windows along Facades with a main entrance facing a Street or Parking Area interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, untinted and free from obstruction.
6.1.3. Landscaping must be arranged to ensure clear sightlines into Ground Floor storefronts that are visible from a Street.
Parking, Loading, Storage and Access 
6.2. Surface Parking Lots and loading, waste collection, storage, service, and display areas must not be located within a required Setback.
6.3. Surface Parking Lots and loading, waste collection, and storage areas must be located to the rear or sides of the principal building or interior to the Site.    
6.4. Despite Subsection 6.3, waste collection areas for non-Residential Uses in the form of containers with underground or semi-underground waste containment areas may be located in Parking Area islands in Surface Parking Lots.
Additional Parking and Access Regulations for Main Street Developments
6.5. Vehicle access must be from an Abutting Alley. Where there is no Abutting Alley, vehicle access must:
6.5.1. be from the Flanking Street for Corner Sites;
6.5.2. be designed to minimize disruption to vehicle and pedestrian circulation; and
6.5.3. be designed to minimize impacts to existing trees and the streetscape,
to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation services.
6.6. Above-ground Parkade Facades facing a Street or a Park must be wrapped with Commercial or Community Uses, that have a minimum depth of 8.0 m, on the Ground Floor.
6.7. Despite Subsections 6.2 and 6.3, and the Setbacks specified in Table 4.1:
6.7.1. Outdoor display areas and Public Space associated with a Main Street Development may be located in a Setback Abutting a Street.
6.7.2. Surface Parking Lots, loading, and waste collection areas may project into a Setback Abutting another Site where a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback.
6.7.3. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste collection areas must provide a minimum 2.0 m wide Landscape Buffer where adjacent to a Street.


2.100 CG - General Commercial Zone

To allow for a variety of commercial businesses that range from low impact commercial and office activities with limited opportunities for Residential Uses, to higher impact activities including larger shopping centres and malls in areas generally outside of the Nodes and Corridors, as directed by statutory plans

Commercial Uses
3.1. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.  
3.2. Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30.  
3.3. Custom Manufacturing  
3.3.1. The maximum Floor Area is 600 m2 per individual establishment.
3.3.2. Manufacturing activities and storage must be located within an enclosed building. 
3.4. Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70.  
3.5. Outdoor Sales and Services  
3.5.1. Outdoor display and service areas visible and adjacent to a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone, must be located and screened to minimize visual impacts. Screening must include a Landscape Buffer, Fencing, or other similar measures.
3.6. Residential Sales Centres may be approved for a maximum of 5 years. Subsequent Development Permits for Residential Sales Centres on the same Site may only be issued as a Discretionary Development  
3.7. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110.  
Residential Uses
3.8. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.  
3.9. Residential   
3.9.1. Where provided, must be located above Ground Floor non-Residential Uses.
3.9.2. Despite Subsection 4.1.1, where a building containing a Hotel Use is converted to accommodate Supportive Housing the maximum Height is 30.0 m.
Industrial Uses
3.10. Indoor Self Storage  
3.10.1 Despite Subsection 5.1, all Facades associated with Indoor Self Storage must incorporate 2 or more design features, such as those described in Subsection 5.1, to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. 
3.10.2. In addition to Subsection 3.10.1, Facades associated with Indoor Self Storage must incorporate windows at regular intervals on all Storeys where the Facade faces an Abutting Street.
Community Uses
3.11. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
3.12. Community Services  
3.12.1. Despite Subsection 4.1.1, where a building containing a Hotel Use is converted to accommodate a Year-round Shelter or Seasonal Shelter the maximum Height is 30.0 m.
3.13. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Basic Service Uses
3.14. Health Care Facilities  
3.14.1. The maximum Floor Area is 2,000 m2 per individual establishment.
3.15. Recycling Drop-Off Centres  
3.15.1. Recycling Drop-off Centres must be on a Site with at least 1 additional Use other than a Sign Use.    
3.15.2. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre on a Site is 650 m2.
3.15.3. Perimeter screening using Fences, Landscape Buffers, or other similar features, must be provided to screen the view of drop-off areas and bins from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones




3.16. Transit Facilities  
3.16.1. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.1, Transit Facilities may project into a Setback Abutting a Street to integrate with transit infrastructure in the road right-of-way.
Agricultural Uses
3.17. Urban Agriculture  
3.17.1. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.17.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.17.1 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140
Sign Uses
3.18. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.  
Uses with Total Area and Floor Area Exceptions
3.19. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum total area or Floor Area of a non-Residential Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to Abutting Uses or Sites, including:  
3.19.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120;
3.19.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize visual, noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or 
3.19.3. other similar measures. 


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.1.1. Maximum Height 16.0 m -
4.1.2. Maximum Height for Hotels 30.0 m -
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.3. Maximum total Floor Area Ratio 3.5 -
4.1.4. Maximum Floor Area Ratio for Residential Uses 2.0 -
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.1.5. Minimum Setback 4.5 m A
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
4.1.6. Minimum Setback Abutting an Arterial Road 6.0 m B
4.1.7. Minimum Setback for Main Street Developments 1.0 m -
4.1.8. Minimum Setback for Main Street Developments, where Abutting a Street with a sidewalk width 4.7 m or greater, measured from the Lot line to the curb 0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.1.9. Minimum Setback 0 m C
4.1.10. Minimum Setback for portions of a Hotel greater than 23.0 m in Height 3.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.1.11. Minimum Setback 0 m D
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:

Minimum Setback Abutting a Site:

3.0 m E
4.1.13. Minimum Setback Abutting a Site in a residential Zone 6.0 m F
4.1.14. Minimum Setback for portions of a Hotel greater than 23.0 m in Height 6.0 m G
4.1.15. Minimum Setback for portions of a Hotel greater than 23.0 m in Height where Abutting a Site: 9.0 m H
Diagram for Subsection 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.9, 4.1.11, 4.1.12, 4.1.13
Diagram for 2.100_4.1
Diagram for Subsection 4.1.11, 4.1.13, 4.1.14, 4.1.15
Diagram for 2.100_4.1.11_4.1.13_4.1.14_4.1.15
Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall has a total length greater than 25.0 m that:
5.1.1. faces a Street, Park, or a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone; or
5.1.2. has a main entrance facing a Parking Area internal to the Site,
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projections or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features. 
5.2. Subsection 5.1 does not apply to building walls facing and built to a shared Lot line in order to establish a continuous Street Wall with the Abutting Site.
5.3. The maximum Facade length is 30.0 m for portions of Hotels that are greater than 23.0 m in Height on Sites Abutting, or directly across an Alley from, a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone
Diagram for Subsection 5.3
Diagram for 2.100_5.3
5.4. On Corner Sites, the Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both Streets.
5.5. For new buildings and additions, main entrances must be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways and public sidewalks.
5.6. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances, or other Architectural Elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances. 
Additional Building Design Regulations for Main Street Developments
5.7. For new buildings and additions, where a non-Residential Use is located on the Ground Floor adjacent to a Street:
5.7.1. the main entrance must be directed towards a Street; and
5.7.2. the main entrance must be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways and public sidewalks.
5.8. Ground Floor Facades facing a Street must be designed to break up the appearance into sections of 11.0 m or less by incorporating 2 or more design features such as those described in Subsection 5.1. 
5.9. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non-residential Facades must comply with the following:
5.9.1. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 65% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
5.9.2. Despite Subsection 5.9.1, for exterior alterations to existing storefronts that involve adding or removing windows, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level facing a Street must be windows.
Diagram for Subsection 5.9
Diagram for 2.80_5.9
5.10. Facade design and materials for Interior Sites must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile for building corners facing Streets and Alleys, except that Facades facing an Alley do not require windows. 


Safe Urban Environments
6.1.  In addition to the regulations in Section 5.110, developments must include design elements that promote a safe urban environment for portions of development accessible to the public, including the following:
6.1.1. Primary public access to a building must be located at entrances that are visible from a Street or Surface Parking Lot.
6.1.2. A maximum of 10% of Ground Floor windows along Facades with a main entrance facing a Street or Parking Area interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, untinted and free from obstruction.
6.1.3. Landscaping must be arranged to ensure clear sightlines into Ground Floor storefronts that are visible from a Street.
Parking, Loading, Storage and Access 
6.2. Surface Parking Lots and loading, waste collection, storage, service, and display areas must not be located within a required Setback.
6.3. Loading, waste collection, and storage areas must not be located between a building and a Street.
6.4. Despite Subsection 6.3, waste collection areas for non-Residential Uses in the form of containers with underground or semi-underground waste containment areas may be located in front of principal buildings in Parking Area islands.
Additional Parking and Access Regulations for Main Street Developments
6.5. Vehicle access must be from an Abutting Alley. Where there is no Abutting Alley, vehicle access must:
6.5.1. be from the Flanking Street for Corner Sites;
6.5.2. be designed to minimize disruption to vehicle and pedestrian circulation; and
6.5.3. be designed to minimize impacts to existing trees and the streetscape,
to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation services.
6.6. Above-ground Parkade Facades facing a Street or a Park must be wrapped with Commercial or Community Uses, that have a minimum depth of 8.0 m, on the Ground Floor.
6.7. Despite Subsections 6.2 and 6.3, and the Setbacks specified in Table 4.1:
6.7.1. Outdoor display areas and Public Space associated with a Main Street Development may be located in a Setback Abutting a Street.
6.7.2. Surface Parking Lots, loading, and waste collection areas may project into a Setback Abutting another Site where a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback.
6.7.3. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, and waste collection areas must provide a minimum 2.0 m wide Landscape Buffer where adjacent to a Street.


2.110 CB - Business Commercial Zone

To allow for a variety of commercial businesses and limited light industrial activities that require large Sites or a location with good visibility from a Street. This Zone is generally located along major roadways, Abutting Arterial Roads, or within Non-Residential Areas where appropriate as directed by statutory plans.

Commercial Uses
3.1. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.  
3.2. Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30.  
3.3. Custom Manufacturing  
3.3.1. Manufacturing activities and storage must be located within an enclosed building. 
3.4. Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70.  
3.5. Outdoor Entertainment and Outdoor Sales and Services  
3.5.1. Outdoor activities that are visible from a Street or are Abutting a Site in a non-industrial Zone must be developed and carried out in a manner that does not create a Nuisance.
3.6. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110.  
Residential Uses
3.7. Supportive Housing  
3.7.1. Supportive Housing is only permitted as part of a Hotel conversion, in accordance with Subsections 2 and 3 of Section 6.80.
3.7.2. Despite Subsection 4.1.1, where a building containing a Hotel Use is converted to accommodate Supportive Housing the maximum Height is 30.0 m.
Industrial Uses
3.8. Crematoriums must comply with Section 6.50.  
Community Uses
3.9. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
3.10. Community Services  
3.10.1. Despite Subsection 4.1.1, where a building containing a Hotel Use is converted to accommodate a Year-round Shelter or Seasonal Shelter the maximum Height is 30.0 m.
3.11. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Basic Service Uses
3.12. Health Care Facilities  
3.12.1. The maximum Floor Area is 2,000 m2 per individual establishment.
3.13. Recycling Drop-Off Centres  
3.13.1. Recycling Drop-off Centres must be on a Site with at least 1 additional Use other than a Sign Use.
3.13.2. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre on a Site is 650 m2.
3.13.3. Perimeter screening using Fences, Landscape Buffers, or other similar features, must be provided to screen the view of drop-off areas and bins from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones




3.14. Transit Facilities  
3.14.1. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.1, Transit Facilities may project into a Setback Abutting a Street to integrate with transit infrastructure in the road right-of-way.
Agricultural Uses
3.15. Urban Agriculture  
3.15.1. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.15.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.15.1 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140
Sign Uses
3.16. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.  
Uses with Total Area and Floor Area Exceptions
3.17. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum total area of a non-Residential Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to Abutting Uses or Sites, including:  
3.17.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120;
3.17.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize visual, noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or 
3.17.3. other similar measures. 


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.1.1. Maximum Height 16.0 m  
4.1.2. Maximum Height for Hotels 30.0 m  
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.3. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 3.5  
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.1.4. Minimum Setback 4.5 m A
Unless the following applies:
4.1.5. Minimum Setback Abutting an Arterial Road 6.0 m B
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.1.6. Minimum Setback 0 m C
4.1.7. Minimum Setback for portions of a Hotel greater than 23.0 m in Height 3.0 m -
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.1.8. Minimum Setback 0 m D
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
4.1.9. Minimum Setback Abutting a Site in an Open Space and Urban Services Zone  3.0 m E
4.1.10. Minimum Setback Abutting a Site in a residential Zone 6.0 m F
4.1.11. Minimum Setback for portions of a Hotel greater than 23.0 m in Height 6.0 m G
4.1.12. Minimum Setback for portions of a Hotel greater than 23.0 m in Height where Abutting a Site: 9.0 m H
Diagram for Subsection 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.8, 4.1.9, 4.1.10
Diagram for 2.110_4.1
Diagram for Subsection 4.1.8, 4.1.10, 4.1.11, 4.1.12
Diagram for 2.100_4.1.11_4.1.13_4.1.14_4.1.15
Building Design Regulations
5.1. For new buildings and additions, main entrances must be level with, or have sloped doorway thresholds to, Abutting Pathways and public sidewalks.
5.2. Where a building wall has a total length greater than 25.0 m that:
5.2.1. faces a Street, Park, or a Site in a residential or mixed use Zone; or
5.2.2. has a main entrance facing a Parking Area internal to the Site,
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design techniques or features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projections or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; use of a combination of finishing materials; or other similar techniques or features. 
Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances, or other Architectural Elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances. 
5.4. On Corner Sites, the Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both Streets.


Safe Urban Environments
6.1.  In addition to the regulations in Section 5.110, developments must include design elements that promote a safe urban environment for portions of development accessible to the public, including the following:
6.1.1. Primary public access to a building must be located at entrances that are visible from a Street or Surface Parking Lot.
6.1.2. A maximum of 10% of Ground Floor windows along Facades with a main entrance facing a Street or Parking Area interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, untinted and free from obstruction.
6.1.3. Landscaping must be arranged to ensure clear sightlines into Ground Floor storefronts that are visible from a Street.
Parking, Loading, Storage and Access 
6.2. Surface Parking Lots and loading, waste collection, storage, service, and display areas must not be located within a required Setback.
6.3. Loading, waste collection, and storage areas must not be located between a building and a Street.
6.4. Despite Subsection 6.3, waste collection areas for non-Residential Uses in the form of containers with underground or semi-underground waste containment areas may be located in front of principal buildings in Parking Area islands.


2.120 BE - Business Employment Zone

To allow for light industrial and a variety of small commercial businesses with a higher standard of design that carry out their operations in a manner where no Nuisance is created or apparent outside an enclosed building. This Zone is intended to be compatible with any Abutting non-industrial Zone, while also serving as a transition Zone to buffer medium and heavy industrial Zones. This Zone is generally located on the periphery of industrial areas, Abutting Arterial and Collector Roads, or along mass transit routes. 

Industrial Uses
2.1. Crematorium  
2.2. Indoor Self Storage  
2.3. Minor Industrial  
Commercial Uses
2.4. Bar  
2.5. Body Rub Centre  
2.6. Cannabis Retail Store  
2.7. Custom Manufacturing  
2.8. Food and Drink Service  
2.9. Health Service  
2.10. Indoor Sales and Service  
2.11. Liquor Store  a
2.12. Major Indoor Entertainment a
2.13. Minor Indoor Entertainment a
2.14. Office  
2.15. Outdoor Entertainment  
2.16. Outdoor Sales and Service  
2.17. Vehicle Support Service  
Community Uses
2.18. Child Care Service  
2.19. Community Service  
2.20. Special Event  
Basic Service Uses
2.21. Emergency Service  
2.22. Minor Utility  
2.23. Recycling Drop-off Centre  
2.24. Transit Facility  
Agricultural Uses
2.25. Urban Agriculture  
Sign Uses
2.26. Fascia Sign  
2.27. Freestanding Sign  
2.28. Major Digital Sign  
2.29. Minor Digital Sign  
2.30. Portable Sign  
2.31. Projecting Sign  


Industrial Uses
3.1. Crematoriums must comply with Section 6.50.
3.2. Minor Industrial
3.2.1. Minor Industrial Uses must be located within an enclosed building except that loading, waste collection, and storage activities may be located outdoors.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Bars, Food and Drink Services, Health Services, and Major Indoor Entertainment
3.3.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.4. Body Rub Centres
3.4.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment. 
3.4.2. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.
3.5. Cannabis Retail Stores
3.5.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment. 
3.5.2. Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30.
3.6. Custom Manufacturing
3.6.1. Manufacturing activities must be located within an enclosed building.
3.7. Indoor Sales and Services
3.7.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment, except that: The maximum Floor Area does not apply to an Indoor Sales and Service Use existing as of January 1, 2024, but the Use must not expand its Floor Area. The maximum Floor Area does not apply to warehouse sales establishments used for the wholesale or retail sales of a limited range of bulky goods. 
3.8. Liquor Stores
3.8.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment. 
3.8.2. Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70.
3.9. Outdoor Sales and Services and Outdoor Entertainment
3.9.1. Outdoor activities that are visible from a Street or are Abutting a Site in a non-industrial Zone must be developed and carried out in a manner that does not create a Nuisance.
3.10. Vehicle Support Services and Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110.
Community Uses
3.11. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.
3.12. Community Services
3.12.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment. 
3.13. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Basic Service Uses
3.14. Recycling Drop-Off Centres
3.14.1. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre on a Site is 650 m2.
3.14.2. Perimeter screening using Fences, Landscape Buffers, or other similar features, must be provided to screen the view of drop-off areas and bins from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones
3.15. Transit Facilities
3.15.1. Despite the Setbacks specified in Table 4.1, Transit Facilities may project into a Setback Abutting a Street to integrate with transit infrastructure in the road right-of-way.
Agricultural Uses
3.16. Urban Agriculture
3.16.1. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.16.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.16.1 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140
Sign Uses
3.17. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.
Uses with Total Area and Floor Area Exceptions
3.18. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum total area or Floor Area of a Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to on-Site or Abutting non-Industrial Uses, including:
3.18.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120;
3.18.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or 
3.18.3. other similar measures. 


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
4.1.1. Maximum Height 16.0 m -
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.2. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 1.6 -
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.1.3. Minimum Setback 6.0 m A
Unless the following applies:
4.1.4. Minimum Setback Abutting a Collector Road or a Local Road 4.5 m B
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.1.5. Minimum Setback 0 m C
Unless the following applies:
4.1.6. Minimum Setback Abutting a Site in a residential Zone 6.0 m D
Setbacks Abutting Alleys
4.1.7. Minimum Setback 0 m E
Diagram for Table 4.1
Diagram for 2.120_4.1
Building Design Regulations
5.1. Where a building wall faces a Street or Site in a non-industrial Zone and is:
5.1.1. associated with Indoor Self Storage; or 
5.1.2. greater than 25.0 m in length, 
the Facade must be articulated using 2 or more design techniques or features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, provide visual interest, and enhance the appearance of buildings during winter months. Design features may include: variations in rooflines; vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions; visual breaks of building Facades into smaller sections; using a combination of finishing materials; windows at regular intervals, or other similar techniques or features.
5.2. All mechanical and electrical equipment, transformers, ducts, cooling towers, materials handling equipment or other similar exposed projections must be screened from view from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones.
Safe Urban Environment 
5.3. In addition to the regulations in Section 5.110, developments  must incorporate design elements that promote a safe urban environment for portions of development accessible to the public, including the following:
5.3.1. Main entrances for public access to a building must be visible from a Street or Surface Parking Lot.
5.3.2. A maximum of 10% of Ground Floor windows facing a Street or Surface Parking Lot may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, untinted and free from obstruction.
5.3.3. Landscaping must be arranged to ensure clear sightlines into Ground Floor storefronts that are visible from a Street
Parking, Loading, and Storage
5.4. Surface Parking Lots, and loading, waste collection, storage, service, and display areas must not be located within a Setback.
5.5. Despite Subsection 5.4, Surface Parking Lots and display areas may project into a Setback Abutting a Site in a residential Zone where a minimum 3.0 m Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback.
5.6. Outdoor display areas visible from a Street must be located and Landscaped to be compatible with surrounding developments.
5.7. Outdoor display areas visible from an Abutting Site in a residential Zone must be located, screened, and Landscaped to be compatible with surrounding developments.
5.8. Loading, waste collection, storage, and service areas must not be located between a building and a Street and must be screened from view from Abutting Streets and Abutting Sites in non-industrial Zones using methods such as Landscaping, Fencing, or other similar measures.


2.130 IM - Medium Industrial Zone

To allow for light to medium industrial developments that may carry out a portion of their operation outdoors or require outdoor storage areas, with limited supporting commercial businesses. Any Nuisance conditions associated with such developments are minimal. This Zone is intended to be used as a transition Zone to buffer between light industrial and heavy industrial Zones and is generally located on the interior of industrial areas Abutting Collector and Local Roads and separated from non-industrial Zones

Industrial Uses
2.1. Crematorium
2.2. Indoor Self Storage
2.3. Major Industrial, limited to those existing as of January 1, 2024
2.4. Minor Industrial
2.5. Natural Resource Development
Commercial Uses
2.6. Custom Manufacturing
2.7. Indoor Sales and Service, limited to:
2.7.1. Indoor Sales and Service existing as of January 1, 2024
2.7.2. animal hospitals and shelters
2.8. Office
2.9. Outdoor Sales and Service
2.10. Vehicle Support Service
Community Uses
2.11. Special Event
Basic Service Uses
2.12. Emergency Service
2.13. Minor Utility
2.14. Recycling Drop-off Centre
2.15. Transit Facility
Agricultural Uses
2.16. Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
2.17. Fascia Sign
2.18. Freestanding Sign
2.19. Major Digital Sign
2.20. Minor Digital Sign
2.21. Portable Sign
2.22. Projecting Sign


Industrial Uses
3.1. Crematoriums must comply with Section 6.50.
3.2. Minor Industrial
3.2.1. The maximum Floor Area for any indoor display, office, technical or administrative support areas or retail sale operations is 33% of the total Floor Area of the building(s) devoted to a Minor Industrial Use, except that: This restriction does not apply where more than 50% of the Site area is used for outdoor industrial activities.
3.2.2. The Development Planner may approve a development that is intended to provide temporary sleeping accommodation for employees as an Accessory Use to a Minor Industrial Use. Where a Minor Industrial Use provides Accessory temporary sleeping accommodations for employees, it must comply with the following: The Accessory temporary sleeping accommodation must not be larger than necessary to support industrial activities on the Site, and the design and layout of the accommodation must not be suitable for use as permanent residence. 
3.3. Natural Resource Developments must comply with Section 5.40.
Commercial Uses
3.4. Custom Manufacturing 
3.4.1. The maximum Public Space area is 150 m2 per individual establishment.
3.5. Offices
3.5.1. The maximum Floor Area for Offices is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.6. Vehicle Support Services must comply with Section 6.110.
Community Uses
3.7. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
3.8. Urban Agriculture
3.8.1. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.8.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.8.1 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140.
Sign Uses
3.9. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.