5.60 Landscaping

To ensure a baseline standard of Landscaping for development, from the initial placement of the Landscaping through to its maturity, and to help support more livable and attractive development, encourage environmental stewardship, and to contribute to Edmonton’s urban forest, biodiversity, and The City Plan’s climate resiliency goals.

2.1. The requirement for Landscaping must be a condition of a Development Permit, except where a proposed development:  
2.1.1. does not significantly increase or intensify the Use of, or result in significant exterior alterations to, an existing development;
2.1.2. is for a Secondary Suite;
2.1.3. is for a Residential Sales Centre;
2.1.4. is for a Special Event; or
2.1.5. only involves interior alterations.
2.2. All open space, including Yards, Setback areas, and Common Amenity Areas must be Landscaped with trees, shrubs, flowers, grass, or other perennial ground cover, except where the open space is:  
2.2.1. designated for Pathways or parking and vehicle circulation;
2.2.2. designated for Hard Surfacing and architectural features for the purpose of on-Site Amenity Areas; or
2.2.3. substituted with other forms of permeable ground cover, including washed rock, shale, mulch, or other similar treatments, 
to the satisfaction of the Development Planner.
2.3. Landscaping on City-owned land must comply with applicable Traffic Bylaw, Bylaw 5590 and the City Design and Construction Standards, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the appropriate City department. a
2.4. Before granting a variance to a Landscaping requirement within this Bylaw, the Development Planner may require the applicant to submit a report justifying the variance from a qualified landscape professional, such as a horticulturist, arborist, landscape architect, or landscape architectural technologist.  


3.1 Trees and shrubs for Single Detached Housing, Duplex Housing, Semi-detached Housing, and Row Housing, excluding Cluster Housing developments, must comply with Table 3.1:
Table 3.1. Minimum Trees and Shrubs
Subsection Measure Minimum Tree and Shrub Requirements
Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, and Duplex Housing
3.1.1. Where the Site Width is less than 8.0 m 1 tree and 4 shrubs 
3.1.2. Where the Site Width is 8.0 m - 15.0 m 2 trees and 6 shrubs
3.1.3. Where the Site Width is greater than 15.0 m 4 trees and 8 shrubs
Row Housing
3.1.4. Per principal Dwelling 1 tree and 4 shrubs
Minimum Soft Landscaping Area
3.2 A minimum Soft Landscaped area equal to 30% of the total Lot area must be provided for:
3.2.1. all development within the RS and RSF Zones;
3.2.2. any Single Detached Housing, Duplex Housing, or Semi-detached Housing development; and 
3.2.3. any Row Housing, Multi-unit Housing or Cluster Housing development up to 8 Dwellings in a residential Zone with a maximum Height of 12.0 m or less.
3.3. Despite Subsection 3.2, a minimum Soft Landscaped area equal to 25% of the total Lot area must be provided:
3.3.1. for all development within the RSM Zone; or
3.3.2. where Row Housing up to 8 Dwellings is developed with front attached garages facing a Street in a residential Zone with a maximum Height of 12.0 m or less.
3.4. Despite the definition of Soft Landscaping, the area of building coverage developed with a Green Roof is included in the calculation of Soft Landscaping on a Site.


4.1. Trees and shrubs for all development not regulated in Subsection 3.1 must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Minimum Trees and Shrubs
Subsection Measure Minimum Tree and Shrub Requirements

All development, excluding development:

-  regulated in Subsection 3.1 and Backyard Housing;
-  on a Site in the AG, AJ, FD, PS, or PSN Zone; or 
-  on a Site in a River Valley Special Area Zone

4.1.1. Total Setback area, calculated based on the Setbacks at ground level 1 tree and 2 shrubs per 30.0 m2
4.1.2. Length of Pathways along internal Streets and private roads, for Sites greater than or equal to 2 ha that are in a commercial or mixed use Zone 1 deciduous tree per 10.0 m
4.1.3. The total Public Amenity Area or Park area with a depth greater than 3.0 m between a Lot line Abutting a Street and a building, for Sites in the MU Zone 1 tree and 2 shrubs per 30 m2
Development on Sites in the PS or PSN Zone
4.1.4. For non-City owned Sites, total area, excluding building footprints and sports field playable areas  55 trees per ha
4.2. For the purposes of calculating Subsection 4.1.1, the portion of the Setback area that Abuts a Street and is directly in front of a Ground Floor non-Residential Use in a mixed use Zone is excluded from the calculation of the total Setback Area.
4.3. For Sites in an industrial Zone, a Landscape Buffer must be provided to screen outdoor storage and outdoor activities associated with an Industrial Use on Sites Abutting the following Streets or corridors:
4.3.1. Anthony Henday Drive;
4.3.2. Calgary Trail N.W.; 
4.3.3. Gateway Boulevard N.W.; 
4.3.4. Manning Drive N.W.;
4.3.5. Mark Messier Trail N.W.;
4.3.6. Sherwood Park Freeway N.W.;
4.3.7. St. Albert Trail N.W.;
4.3.8. Stony Plain Road N.W.;
4.3.9. Whitemud Drive N.W.; and
4.3.10. Yellowhead Trail N.W.
Parking, Waste Collection, Storage and Service Areas
4.4. Landscaping must be provided to shade and enhance the appearance of Surface Parking Lots, Landscaped islands, and along Pathways within Surface Parking Lots, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner
4.5. Trees and shrubs within Landscaped islands and along Pathways within Surface Parking Lots as specified in Section 5.80 must be well suited to survive in high-traffic areas and comply with Table 4.5:
Table 4.5. Minimum Trees and Shrubs
Subsection Measure Minimum Tree and Shrub Requirements
Per Landscaped Island
4.5.1. Landscaped islands up to 11.0 m2 1 tree and 2 shrubs
4.5.2. Landscaped islands greater than 11.0 m2 and up to 22.0 m2 2 trees and 4 shrubs
4.5.3. Landscaped islands greater than 22.0 m2 2 trees and 4 shrubs up to 22.0 m2; and
1 tree and 2 shrubs for each additional 22.0 m2 
Along Pathways within Surface Parking Lots
4.5.4. Length of Pathways 1 deciduous tree per 10.0 m
4.6. To enhance the view and soften the edge along Surface Parking Lots, trees and shrubs must be provided along the perimeter of Surface Parking Lots Abutting Streets or other Sites, except that: 
4.6.1. this requirement does not apply to Sites in the IM or IH Zone, for portions of a Surface Parking Lot Abutting other Sites in an IM or IH Zone.
4.7. Waste collection areas, open storage areas, and outdoor service areas, including loading, unloading, or vehicle service areas, must be screened from view from Abutting non-industrial Zones, Streets, and light rail transit lines with a Landscape Buffer that has a minimum Height of 1.8 m


5.1. The Development Planner may require additional Landscaping above the minimum trees and shrubs required in this Bylaw:
5.1.1. to mitigate a Nuisance
5.1.2. to provide a Landscape Buffer to meet a requirement in this Bylaw; or
5.1.3. on portions of a Site intended for future development, where the lack of Landscaping may create a negative visual impact on Abutting Sites or Streets.
5.2. Landscape Buffers provided to meet a requirement in this Bylaw must comply with the following, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner:
5.2.1. Landscape Buffers required to minimize impacts to privacy, lighting or other negative visual impacts must use tree and shrub plantings that provide an adequate height and width to screen the view from an Abutting Use, Street or Site.
5.2.2. Landscape Buffers required to reduce the perceived size or scale of a building must use tree plantings that provide an adequate height and arrangement to reduce the perceived size or scale of a building from Abutting Sites and Streets.
5.2.3. Landscape Buffers required to reduce wind related impacts must use tree or shrub plantings as identified in a Wind Impact Assessment.
5.3. Where the Development Planner requires additional Landscaping, they may consult with a qualified landscape professional, such as a horticulturist, arborist, landscape architect, or landscape architectural technologist to determine the amount and type of additional Landscaping required.
5.4. Where, in the opinion of the Development Planner, a required Landscape Buffer for the purpose of screening is not reasonably expected to survive, berms, masonry walls, Fences or other similar features may be required.


6.1. New trees and shrubs must comply with the following:
6.1.1. Deciduous trees must have a minimum Caliper of 50 mm.
6.1.2. Coniferous trees must have a minimum Height of 2.0 m.
6.1.3. Deciduous shrubs must have a minimum Height of 300 mm (5 gallon pot).
6.1.4. Coniferous shrubs must have a minimum spread of 450 mm (5 gallon pot).
6.1.5. The proportion of deciduous to coniferous trees and shrubs must be as close to 50:50 as reasonably practicable.


7.1. Existing plant material should be preserved and protected unless removal is demonstrated to be necessary or desirable to accommodate a proposed development.
7.2. Tree and shrub requirements may be satisfied by preserving existing trees and shrubs at the rates specified in Table 7.2:
Table 7.2. Substituting Required Trees or Shrubs
Subsection Requirement Preserved Trees or Shrubs that can be Substituted
7.2.1. 2 trees 1 existing deciduous tree with a minimum 100 mm Caliper; or
1 existing coniferous tree with a minimum Height of 4.0 m
7.2.2. 3 trees 1 existing deciduous tree with a minimum 200 mm Caliper; or
1 existing coniferous tree with a minimum Height of 7.0 m
7.2.3. 1 shrub 1 existing deciduous shrub with a minimum Height of 300 mm; or 
1 existing coniferous shrub with a minimum spread of 450 mm
7.3. The Development Planner must, where applicable in consideration of Subsections 7.1 and 7.2, require mitigation measures in compliance with Subsections 8.7 and 8.8 to protect existing trees and shrubs intended to meet Landscaping requirements.


8.1. Trees and shrubs must be provided within a planting bed with proper mulch to support better growing conditions and plant survival.
8.2. Sufficient soil depths and volumes in planting areas, including in planters and above Parkades, must be provided to support suitable growing conditions, plant survival, and to accommodate the Landscaping intended for plant materials and ground cover.
8.3. Landscaping must integrate plant material that provides colour or interest throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development during winter months.
8.4. Plant material must:
8.4.1. be hardy to the Edmonton area and to the Site conditions; and
8.4.2. meet horticultural standards from the current edition of the “Canadian Nursery Stock Standard”, produced by the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association.
8.5. Plant material must be installed at finished grade, except where this is not practical, planters may be used.
8.6. Landscaping located in planters or Green Roofs must have sufficient thermal insulation to support better growing conditions and plant survival.
8.7. The Development Planner may require that a Yard or Setback, or a portion of it, be unobstructed and undisturbed below or above ground level, or require mitigation measures specified in Subsection 8.8, to:
8.7.1. preserve and protect existing vegetation on-Site intended to meet Landscaping requirements; or
8.7.2. provide an adequate growing environment for proposed required Landscaping.
8.8. Mitigation measures to protect existing Landscaping or provide an adequate growing environment for required Landscaping may include:
8.8.1. measures specified in a landscape or tree protection plan;
8.8.2. recommendations from an arborist or horticulturalist report; and
8.8.3. other similar measures.



9.1. Required Landscaping for Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, Duplex Housing, and Row Housing where these developments are not part of a Cluster Housing development, or where Backyard Housing is the only principal building on the Site, must:
9.1.1. be installed within 18 months of occupancy of the development; and 
9.1.2. be maintained in a healthy condition from the date of installation until a minimum of 42 months after the occupancy of the development. 
9.2. Required Landscaping for Multi-unit Housing, Cluster Housing and all other development to which Subsection 4 applies, must:
9.2.1. be installed within 12 months after the occupancy of a development or commencement of a Use; and
9.2.2. be maintained in a healthy condition for a minimum of 24 months after a Development Planner determines, at the time of landscape inspection, that the required Landscaping has been installed.


Landscape Security Requirements
10.1. As a condition of Development Permit approval, a landscape security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit or cheque must be provided at the time of the Landscape inspection, as outlined in Subsection 10.5, for every application for Multi-unit Housing, Cluster Housing, and non-Residential development, excluding those listed in Subsection 2.1.
10.2. The amount of the landscape security must be sufficient to cover the cost to install and maintain the required Landscaping, as determined by the Development Planner based on the information provided with the landscape plan, except that:
10.2.1. If at the time of the initial Landscape inspection the required Landscaping has been fully installed, the amount of the landscape security may be reduced to 20% of the Landscaping costs to ensure the required Landscaping is maintained in a healthy condition for a minimum of 24 months.
10.3. Where a landscape security is submitted in the form of a cheque or other secure form of payment, the following applies:
10.3.1. The cheque must be cashed and held by the City, without interest payable, until the Development Planner confirms that the required Landscaping has been maintained in a healthy condition in compliance with Subsection 9.2.
10.3.2. Despite Subsection 10.3.1, a portion of the landscape security may be released prior to the completion of the maintenance period after the installation of the required Landscaping, at the discretion of the Development Planner.
10.4. Where a landscape security is submitted in the form of a letter of credit, the following applies:
10.4.1. The letter of credit must be in a form satisfactory to the Development Planner and must allow for partial draws by the City.
10.4.2. The initial term of the letter of credit must be for at least 30 months and automatically renew until the landscape security is no longer required.
10.4.3. The letter of credit must be fully released when the Development Planner determines that the required Landscaping has been maintained in a healthy condition in compliance with Subsection 9.2.
10.4.4. The letter of credit may be amended to a reduced amount prior to the completion of the maintenance period after the installation of the required Landscaping, at the discretion of the Development Planner.
Inspections and Maintenance Period
10.5. To verify the installation of the required Landscaping and to initiate the maintenance period, the Development Planner:
10.5.1. must conduct an inspection after the property owner provides notice to the City upon installation of the required Landscaping; or
10.5.2. may conduct an inspection after the occupancy of a development or commencement of a Use.
10.6. Landscape inspections must occur during the growing season between May 1 and September 30, unless otherwise permitted at the discretion of the Development Planner.
Enforcement and Use of the Landscape Security
10.7. The City may draw on the landscape security for the City’s use absolutely to install, maintain, or replace improperly maintained Landscaping required for the development if the Landscaping has not been:
10.7.1. installed within 12 months after the occupancy of a development or commencement of a Use; or
10.7.2. maintained in a healthy condition for a minimum of 24 months after the Landscaping has been determined to be installed in compliance with Subsection 10.5.
All expenses incurred by the City to renew or draw upon the security must be reimbursed by the property owner to the City by payment of an invoice or from the landscape security.
10.8. In the event the City uses funds from the landscape security to install, maintain, or replace improperly maintained Landscaping required for the development, the City must provide a report to the property owner or the owner's representative indicating how the funds from the landscape security were applied after installing, maintaining or replacing improperly maintained Landscaping required for the development.
10.8.1. If the landscape security is insufficient, the property owner must pay the deficiency to the City immediately upon being invoiced.


11.1. Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, Duplex Housing, and Row Housing, that is not part of a Cluster Housing development, must provide a Site plan with the following information:
11.1.1. number, location, type and size of existing trees and shrubs;
11.1.2. trees and shrubs proposed for preservation;
11.1.3. number, type and size of proposed trees and shrubs; and
11.1.4. proposed ground cover, Soft Landscaping, and Hard Surfacing areas.
11.2. Every application for all other development not listed under Subsection 11.1 or Subsection 2.1, must include a landscape plan.
11.3. Landscape plans must comply with:
11.3.1. Subsection 1.1.3 of Section 7.130; and
11.3.2. City Design and Construction Standards for Landscaping on City-owned land, where applicable.
11.4. The Development Planner may consider an application for a Development Permit where the landscape plan does not provide all the information specified in the appropriate application form if, in the opinion of the Development Planner, the landscape plan is sufficient to show that the Landscaping requirements of the Bylaw will be met.
11.5. The Development Planner may require the following information to ensure the Landscaping requirements of the Bylaw can be met:
11.5.1. existing grading and final Site grading, including the direction of Site drainage, and berming shown on a grading plan in 0.5 m contours; 
11.5.2. the geodetic elevations of proposed catch basin rim, the corners of the Lot(s), the top and bottom of retaining walls, and of the plant material to be retained;
11.5.3. a detailed landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect registered with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects; and
11.5.4. other similar information. 
11.6. In addition to Subsection 11.5, a detailed landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect registered with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects must be provided for development that include:
11.6.1. Green Roofs;
11.6.2. Green Parking Lots; or
11.6.3. Landscaping proposed above Parkades.
11.7. The Development Planner must require Landscaping to be installed in accordance with an approved landscape plan as a condition of the Development Permit for applications of development specified in Subsection 11.2. Any changes to an approved landscape plan must be approved by the Development Planner before the Landscaping is installed.