3.176 GMRA - Griesbach Medium Rise Apartment Zone

Residential Uses
3.1. Residential, limited to:
3.1.1. Duplex Housing that existed prior to August 26, 2019
3.1.2. Backyard Housing
3.1.3. Semi-detached Housing that existed prior to August 26, 2019
3.1.4 Single Detached Housing that existed prior to August 26, 2019
Commercial Uses
3.2. Body Rub Centre
3.3. Residential Sales Centre
Community Uses
3.4. Community Service
3.5. Special Event
Agricultural Uses
3.6. Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
3.7. Freestanding Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising
3.8. Portable Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising


Residential Uses
4.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
Commercial Uses
4.2. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.
4.3. All Commercial Uses
4.3.1. Commercial Uses must not be located above the Ground Floor.
4.3.2. The maximum Floor Area is 275 m2 for each individual establishment that does not face an Arterial Road
4.3.3. Commercial Uses must only be in a building with a Residential Use
Community Uses
4.4. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40
4.5. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Agricultural Uses
4.6. Urban Agriculture must not be the only Use in a principal building.
Sign Uses
4.7. Sign Uses must comply with Subsections 3 and 4 of Section 6.90
Floor Area and Capacity Exceptions
4.8. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum Floor Area of a Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to on-Site or Abutting Uses, including:
4.8.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120
4.8.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or
4.8.3. other similar measures.


5.1. Development must comply with Table 5.1: 
Table 5.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
5.1.1. Maximum Height 23.0 m
Floor Area Ratios
5.1.2. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 3.0
Unless the following applies
5.1.3. Maximum Floor Area Ratio where:
  • a minimum of 10 percent of Dwellings in a building have a Floor Area greater than 100 m2; and
  • the average number of bedrooms in these Dwellings is greater than or equal to 3.
Front Setback
5.1.4. Minimum Front Setback 4.5 m
Unless the following applies
5.1.5. Minimum Front Setback for Main Street Developments 1.0 m
5.1.6. Maximum Front Setback for Main Street Developments 3.0 m
Side Setbacks
5.1.7. Minimum Interior Side Setback 1.5 m
5.1.8. Minimum Flanking Side Setback 3.0 m
Unless the following applies:
5.1.9. Minimum Interior Side Setback for buildings greater than 10.0 m in Height 3.0 m
5.1.10. Minimum Interior Side Setback Abutting a Site zoned to allow for Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use for any portion of the building over 14.5 m in Height 6.0 m
Rear Setbacks
5.1.11. Minimum Rear Setback 7.5 m
Unless the following applies
5.1.12. Minimum Rear Setback for buildings that are less than or equal to 6.5 m in Height 1.2 m
5.1.13. Minimum Density 75 Dwellings/ha
5.2. Despite Subsection 5.1, for buildings on a Site larger than 1.0 ha Abutting a Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use, the following applies:
5.2.1. The minimum Setback along that Abutting property line is 7.5 m. This minimum Setback is permitted to be a minimum of 3.0 m where an acceptable Landscaped Buffer is provided. This Subsection does not apply where the proposed building Abuts the south property line of a neighbouring site.
5.2.2. For buildings over 10.0 m in Height, the portion of the building above this Height must have a minimum Setback of 10.0 m from that Abutting property line, except that: This minimum Setback is permitted to be a minimum of 2.5 m plus 1.0 m per Storey, where variations in Yards and Stepbacks, recessed balconies, or other design techniques minimize building massing and/or shadow impacts, provide architectural interest, and are complementary to the surrounding development. This Setback cannot be less than 5.5 m. This Subsection does not apply where the proposed building Abuts the south property line of a neighbouring site.
5.3. Cluster Housing on Sites greater than 1.0 ha must comply with the following:
5.3.1. Buildings must address all Street Frontages, and may be configured in shapes such as an ”L” or ”U” in order to reduce the perceived massing of any particular elevation.
5.3.2. On-Site pedestrian circulation must be encouraged by ensuring that Pathways, Amenity Areas, and parking areas are connected.
5.3.3. Perceived massing must be minimized through the following design elements: building setback variations, building orientation, window placement, awnings, articulation around entrances, roof treatment, and the choice of exterior materials and colors; Landscaping situated so as to mitigate the perceived mass of the Street Facade; and the total length of any building Facade is limited to 80 m.


6.1. Side and front Façades must include design techniques such as the use of varied rooflines, variations in building Setbacks and articulation of building Façades, in order to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large uninterrupted expanses of wall and provide visual interest when the structure is Abutting an adjacent road.
6.2. All principal Dwellings located on the Ground Floor must have an individual Ground Floor entrance, where:
6.2.1. the Site Abuts a Street;
6.2.2. the building Facade that faces the Street is greater than or equal to 12.2 m in length; and
6.2.3. the Setback from the Street is less than 4.5 m.
6.3. Principal Dwellings that have an individual Ground Floor entrance:
6.3.1. may share one of these entrance doors between 2 Dwellings; and
6.3.2. sliding patio doors cannot serve as this entrance. 


Parking, Loading, Storage and Access
7.1. Surface Parking is not permitted to be located between any building and a Street.
7.2. Parking, loading, storage, or trash collection may be permitted within the Side Setback, provided a minimum 1.5 m wide Landscaped Buffer, including vegetation such as trees or shrubs, is provided within the Setback and that all parking and service areas are screened from view from any Site zoned to allow Single Detached Housing as a Permitted Use.
7.3. Where the Site Abuts an Alley, vehicle access must be from the Alley.
7.4. Principal buildings adjacent to a Street must have an entrance feature facing that public roadway.