3.42 BRH - Blatchford Row Housing Zone

To allow for medium density street oriented Row Housing and Multi-unit Housing in the form of stacked row housing, which are developed in a manner characteristic of urban settings, including but not limited to smaller Yards, greater Height, and Dwellings with individual access at ground level.

Residential Uses
4.1. Residential  
4.1.1. Backyard Housing must comply with Section 6.10, except that: The maximum Height is 9.0 m, or the Height of any other Dwelling on the Site, whichever is lesser. The maximum second Storey Floor Area is 80.0 m2. The minimum separation distance between Backyard Housing and other Dwellings is 4.0 m. Windows must be oriented and sized to minimize overlook into Yards and windows of Abutting Sites through one or more of the following: off-setting window placement to limit direct views of Abutting Rear or Interior Side Yard Amenity Areas, or direct view into a Backyard Housing window on an adjacent Site; strategic placement of windows in conjunction with Landscaping or the placement of Accessory buildings; and placing larger windows such as living room windows, to face an Alley or a flanking Street. Rooftop Terraces are not allowed. Platform Structures, including balconies, must face an Alley or flanking Street. Backyard Housing must not be separated from other Dwellings on a Site through condominium conversions or subdivision. Backyard Housing is not included in the calculation of Density








4.1.2. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60, except that storefronts may only be located along Primary Active Streets and Secondary Active Streets  
Community Uses
4.2. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
4.3. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Agricultural Uses
4.4. Urban Agriculture is not permitted within a standalone principal building.  
Sign Uses
4.5. Sign Uses must comply with Subsections 3 and 4 of Section 6.90.  


5.1.Development must comply with Table 5.1:
Table 5.1. Density and Height Regulations
5.1.1Minimum Density35 Dwelling/ha
5.1.2Maximum Density130 Dwelling/ha
5.1.3.Maximum Height  a13.0 m
Unless the following applies:
5.1.4.Maximum Height for Sites that Abut Sites in the BP Zone15.0 m
5.2.Development must comply with Table 5.2: 
Table 5.2. Site and Setback Regulations
Site Coverage
5.2.1.Maximum Site Coverage60%
Site Dimensions 
5.2.2.Minimum Site area125.0 m2
5.2.3.Minimum Site Width5.0 m
5.2.4Minimum Site Depth30.0 m
Lot Width
5.2.5.Minimum Lot Width for Row Housing internal Dwellings where developed on separate Lots Abutting an Alley  a4.25 m
5.2.6.Minimum Lot Width for Row Housing end Dwellings where developed on separate Lots Abutting an Alley  a5.0 m
5.2.7Minimum Setback1.2 m
Setbacks Abutting Streets, Sites in the BP Zone, or public Pathways
5.2.8.Minimum Setback2.0 m
5.2.9.Maximum Setback4.0 m
Unless the following applies: 
5.2.10.Maximum Setback where an outdoor Amenity Area is provided adjacent to the Lot line that Abuts a Site in the BP Zone  6.0 m
Setbacks Abutting Sites in the BRH Zone
5.2.11.Minimum Setback1.2 m
5.2.12.Maximum Setback3.0 m
Setbacks for Accessory buildings or structures
5.2.13.Despite Subsections 5.2.7 to 5.2.12, minimum Interior and Flanking Side Setback  a0.6 m
Building Length
5.2.14.Maximum total length of a building75.0 m
5.3.For the purposes of determining side and Rear Lot Lines, the Front Lot Line must be determined on a hierarchy based on the Lot line firstly Abutting:
5.3.1.a Retail Street;
5.3.2.a Primary Active Street;
5.3.3.a Secondary Active Street;
5.3.4.a Site in the BP Zone;
5.3.5.a Primary Quiet Street; and finally
5.3.6.a Secondary Quiet Street


6.1. All Facades of a principal building must be designed with detail and articulation to ensure that each Dwelling is individually identifiable to create attractive streetscapes and interfaces where Abutting a Site zoned BP, a Street, or an Alley, through a combination of:  
6.1.1. recesses;
6.1.2. entrances;
6.1.3. windows;
6.1.4. projections;
6.1.5. change in building materials;
6.1.6. colours; or
6.1.7. physical breaks in building mass. 
The following illustrations provide a conceptual application of this regulation for interpretive purposes.
Interpretive Diagram for Subsection 6.1
Diagram for


6.2. On Corner Sites and Sites Abutting BP Zone or public Pathways, every Façade of a principal building, must contain at least 1 window to provide overlook. a
6.3. For any Dwelling fronting a Street or a Site zoned BP:  
6.3.1. all principal Dwellings along this Facade with Floor Area at ground level must have an individually articulated entrance at ground level that faces the Street or Site in the BP Zone;
6.3.2. sliding patio doors must not serve as this entrance; and
6.3.3. features such as porches, stoops, landscaped terraces, pedestrian lighting and patios, decks or gardens must be provided. 
6.4. A Fence or Landscaped buffer with a maximum Height of 1.2 m is required along property lines that Abut a Site in the BP Zone, a public Pathway, or Amenity Area at ground level, which must include an opening or gate to ensure connectivity between public and private space.  
6.5. All mechanical equipment, except Solar Collectors, on a roof of any building must be concealed from view from the Abutting Streets by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building.  
6.6. The roof design of a building may include a combination of Green Roofs, Solar Collectors, and/or Amenity Area for residents of the building.  
6.7. Decorative and security lighting must be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the architectural theme of the development and will be provided to ensure a well-lit environment for pedestrians, and to accentuate Architectural Elements or public art.  


Parking, Loading, Storage and Access
7.1.Despite Section 5.80, the maximum number of parking spaces per Dwelling is 3 for Sites outside of the defined radius of a Mass Transit Station or the Parking Maximums Map. 
7.2.Where provided, vehicle access must be from an Alley 
7.3.Despite Subsection 7.2, where there is no Abutting Alley, vehicle access must only be provided through one shared access per block face. Said access from the Abutting Street must be in priority order of the following list:  
7.3.1.Secondary Quiet Street;
7.3.2.Primary Quiet Street; 
7.3.3.Secondary Active Street;
7.3.4.Primary Active Street; and finally
7.3.5.Retail Street.
7.4.Provided parking for a Residential Use must be: 
7.4.1.at the Ground Floor to the rear of a Site;
7.4.2.incorporated into the rear of a row house; or
7.4.3.in an underground Parkade
7.5.Garages or Hard Surfaced parking pads for a Residential Use that Abuts an Alley must:a
7.5.1.have a minimum Rear Setback of 1.2 m;
7.5.2.provide a Hard Surfaced Pathway to the Dwelling entrance; 
7.5.3.provide an underground electrical power connection with an outlet on a post approximately 1.0 m in Height, located within 1.0 m of the Hard Surfaced parking 
7.6.Provided parking for Multi-unit Housing or Row Housing must: 
7.6.1.be located at ground level behind the principal building with access from an Abutting Alley or private roadway, and not be visible from a Street; or
7.6.2.be in an underground Parkade
7.7.Parking Areas that Abut a public Pathway or sidewalk must be screened from view.  
7.8.The maximum number of separate Garages within a rear detached Garage is 4.  
7.9.No parking, loading, storage, or waste collection area is permitted within any Setback other than the Rear Setback 
7.10.Despite Subsection 7.9, no parking, loading, storage or waste collection area is permitted within any Setback Abutting a Site zoned BP. 
Other Regulations
7.11.Where any Site has a length or width of 160 m or greater, a pedestrian connection must be provided through the Site, perpendicular to the 160 m or greater length or width, which must: 
7.11.1be publicly accessible at all times;
7.11.2.be generally located at the middle of the block and connect to public sidewalks adjacent to the Site;
7.11.3.be a minimum 6.0 m in width;
7.11.4provide a minimum 2.5 m wide Hard Surfaced Pathway;
7.11.5.provide Soft Landscaping such as shrub planting, ornamental grasses and tree plantings; and
7.11.6.provide pedestrian scaled lighting.






7.12.In addition to Subsection 7.11: 
7.12.1.the pedestrian connection may be included as part of the required Amenity Area when it is 10.0 m or greater in width;
7.12.2.Facades of Ground Floor Dwellings that Abut the pedestrian connection must be articulated by a combination of recesses, windows, projections, change in building materials, colours, and physical breaks in building mass; 
7.12.3.Ground Floor Dwellings that Abut the pedestrian connection that do not front onto a Street or a Site zoned BP must provide an entrance facing the pedestrian connection; and
7.12.4.the owners of impacted Lots must register a Public Access Easement for the pedestrian connection, that ensures the owners are responsible for maintenance and liability, as a condition of the Development Permit
7.13.Maintenance, drainage, and utility easements between Abutting buildings and through private Yards of one or more Dwellings may be required as a condition of Development Permit approval to ensure adequate access for property, drainage and utility maintenance.