3.73 CCLD - Clareview Campus Low Density Residential Zone

To allow for the development of low density residential Dwellings with regulations to ensure integration with existing and future residential development within the Clareview Campus neighbourhood.

5.1. Development must comply with Table 5.1:
Table 5.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Site Area
5.1.1. Minimum Site area for Semi-detached Housing 225 m2
5.1.2. Minimum Site area for Single Detached Housing 258 m2
Site Coverage
5.1.3. Maximum total Site Coverage 47%
Site Width
5.1.4. Minimum Site Width for Semi-detached Housing 7.5 m
5.1.5. Minimum Site Width for Single Detached Housing 8.6 m
Site Depth
5.1.6. Minimum Site Depth 30.0 m 
5.1.7. Maximum Height 10.0 m 
Maximum Number of Dwellings
5.1.8. Maximum number of Dwellings 100
5.2. Setbacks must comply with Table 5.2:
Table 5.2. Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Front Setbacks
5.2.1. Minimum Front Setback  5.5 m
Rear Setbacks
5.2.2. Minimum Rear Setback 7.5 m 
Unless the following applies:
5.2.3. Minimum Rear Setback on a Corner Site 4.5 m 
Side Setbacks
5.2.4. Minimum Interior Side Setback 1.2 m 
5.2.5. Minimum Flanking Side Setback  20% of the Site Width, to a maximum of 4.5 m
6.1. On Corner Sites, the Facade design and materials must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both Streets.
6.2. Dwellings on Sites that Abut 36 Street NW and 144 Avenue NW must:
6.2.1. incorporate building articulation and Facade treatments to minimize the perceived impact of massing.
6.3. Site entrances from Streets
6.3.1. must include an enhancement feature on either side of the entrance; and 
6.3.2. the enhancement feature must be consistent in design, material and construction with the entrance treatments in areas zoned CCHD, CCMD and CCSD.


7.1. Despite Section 5.60, the Front Yard of each Dwelling must have:
7.1.1. 3 shrubs; and 1 deciduous tree with a minimum Caliper of 50.8 mm; or 1 coniferous tree with a minimum Height of 1.83 m.
Fencing, Privacy Screening
7.2. Sites that Abut the north boundary adjacent to 144 Avenue NW and Sites that Abut the east boundary adjacent to 36 Street NW must construct a uniform wood screen Fence with:
7.2.1. a Height of 1.8 m; and
7.2.2. an enhancement feature, such as concrete pillars or brick accents, located at least every 30.0 m.
7.3. Fencing on property lines adjacent to an open space corridor must be constructed of a 1.5 m Fence that is consistent with the fencing on property lines of open space corridors that are adjacent to areas zoned CCHD, CCMD and CCSD.
Open Space Amenity Area and Pedestrian Corridor
7.4. A 12.0 m wide Landscaped open space pedestrian corridor is required at the south end of this area, located at the approximate mid-point between 139 Avenue NW and 144 Avenue NW, which must connect an Amenity Area located in the CCMD Zone to 36 Street;
7.5. Development that Abuts the pedestrian corridor must include a portion of Private Outdoor Amenity Area that faces the pedestrian corridor.
7.6. Entrances to the open space Amenity Area along the perimeter Fence must be provided to allow for unobstructed public access.