2.210 UI - Urban Institution Zone

To allow for site-specific regulation of large-scale educational, cultural, and institutional facilities with complementary commercial and recreational opportunities.

Community Uses
2.1. Child Care Service
2.2. Community Service
2.3. Library
2.4. Outdoor Recreation Service
2.5. Park
2.6. School
2.7. Special Event
Basic Service Uses
2.8. Health Care Facility
2.9. Minor Utility
2.10. Transit Facility
Commercial Uses
2.11. Bar
2.12. Food and Drink Service
2.13. Health Service
2.14. Hotel
2.15. Indoor Sales and Service
2.16. Major Indoor Entertainment
2.17. Minor Indoor Entertainment
2.18. Office
Agricultural Uses
2.19. Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
2.20. Fascia Sign
2.21. Freestanding Sign
2.22. Minor Digital Sign
2.23. Projecting Sign


Community Uses
3.1. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.
3.2. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Commercial Uses
3.3. Uses with Drive-through Services are not permitted.
3.4. The maximum combined Floor Area for Bars, Food and Drink Services, and Indoor Sales and Services is 20% of the Floor Area of an individual building.
3.5. Bars
3.5.1. A maximum of 1 Bar is permitted per Site.
3.5.2. The maximum Floor Area is 300 m2 per individual establishment.
3.6. Food and Drink Services
3.6.1. The maximum Floor Area is 500 m2 per individual establishment.
3.7. Hotels
3.7.1. A maximum of 1 Hotel is permitted per Site.
3.8. Indoor Sales and Services
3.8.1. The maximum Floor Area is 1,000 m2 per individual establishment.
Sign Uses
3.9. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising
3.10. Freestanding Signs are limited to institutional advertising.
3.11. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Setbacks Abutting Streets
4.1.1. Maximum Setback 1.0 m
Setbacks Abutting Sites
4.1.2. Minimum Setback from a Site in a residential Zone 7.5 m
4.1.3. Minimum Setback for a building containing one or more Commercial Uses from a Site in a residential Zone 10.0 m
Setback Abutting Alleys
4.1.4. Minimum Setback from an Alley that Abuts a Site in a residential Zone 1.5 m
4.1.5. Maximum Height 55.0 m
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.6. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 10.0
4.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 4.1.1:
4.2.1. to accommodate Street-related activities, such as patios and seating areas;
4.2.2. to retain existing mature landscaping; or
4.2.3. where features essential to the Use make the regulation unreasonable to comply with.
4.3. Despite Subsection 6 of Section 7.100, the Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum Height where:
4.3.1. features essential to the Use make the regulation unreasonable to comply with; and
4.3.2. the shadowing and wind impacts on adjacent residential developments are minimized as determined by a technical study required under Section 7.140.


5.1. New buildings and additions must create a pedestrian-friendly environment along Streets by including:
5.1.1. entrances or entrance features;
5.1.2. outdoor seating areas;
5.1.3. weather protection;
5.1.4. Landscaping; or 
5.1.5. other similar features.
5.2. New buildings and additions must: 
5.2.1. ensure that each Storey has windows along Facades facing a Street; and 
5.2.2. ensure that the placement and type of windows on the Ground Floor Facade allow viewing into the building.
5.3. Buildings must be designed and oriented to face the Street with entrances that are clearly visible from the Street.
5.4. On Corner Lots:
5.4.1. the Facade treatment must wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both Streets; and
5.4.2. buildings must provide a courtyard, main entrance, or distinctive architectural feature to enhance pedestrian circulation and, where applicable, enhance Street views.
5.5. For new buildings and additions, the Ground Floor elevation must not exceed the elevation of the Abutting public sidewalk by more than 0.3 m.
5.6. Building Facades must be articulated at regular intervals to add variety, rhythm, and a human-scaled dimension along the block face using design techniques such as:
5.6.1. variation in colours or finishing materials;
5.6.2. use of Architectural Elements;
5.6.3. projections and recessions; or
5.6.4. other similar techniques.


Area of Application

7.1. This appendix applies to the lands generally bound by 105 Street NW, 112 Street NW, 104 Avenue NW, and 105 Avenue NW, as illustrated on Map 1.

Additional Permitted Uses

Residential Uses
7.2. Home Based Business #
7.3. Residential, limited to:
7.3.1. Lodging House
7.3.2. Multi-unit Housing 
7.3.3. Row Housing
7.3.4. Secondary Suite
7.3.5. Supportive Housing
Sign Uses
7.4. Major Digital Sign
7.5. Portable Sign

Additional Regulations for Specific Uses

7.6. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
7.7. Despite the other regulations of this Zone, Commercial Uses located within Sub-Area 1 of Map 1 may take up 100% of the Floor Area of a building existing before January 1, 2024.
7.8. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising.

Site and Building Regulations

7.9. Despite the other regulations of this ZoneSetbacks must comply with the following:
7.9.1. A minimum Setback of 10.0 m is required from 104 Avenue NW.
7.9.2. A minimum Setback of 3.0 m is required from 105 Street NW, 109 Street NW, and 112 Street NW.
7.9.3. A maximum Setback of 3.0 m is required from 105 Avenue NW, except: for a maximum of 30% of the Facade facing 105 Avenue NW, the Development Planner may vary the Setback up to a maximum of 9.0 m to accommodate Street-related activities, such as patios, plazas, and seating areas.

Parking, Loading, and Access

7.10. Parking, access, and Site circulation must comply with Section 5.80, except:
7.10.1. a maximum of 3,000 vehicle parking spaces are permitted;
7.10.2. after September 22, 2030, Surface Parking Lots will no longer be permitted;
7.10.3. above-ground Parkades facing 105 Avenue NW must be wrapped with Commercial or Community Uses that have a minimum depth of 6.0 m;
Diagram for Section 7.10.3
Diagram for
7.10.4. the minimum number of bike parking spaces must be equal to 10% of the number of provided vehicle parking spaces, or 200 bike parking spaces, whichever is greater;
7.10.5. a minimum of 25% of the total number of bike parking spaces must be provided as Long Term Bike Parking; and
7.10.6. a centralized loading facility must be provided with a minimum of 4 loading spaces.


7.11. Landscaping must comply with Section 5.60, except that:
7.11.1. within the required Setback along 104 Avenue NW, a minimum 2.5 m Pathway with flanking rows of deciduous trees must be provided. These must be coordinated with sidewalk and tree planting within the adjacent public right-of-way. The overall intent is to develop and maintain a tree-lined promenade as a continuous pedestrian open space between 105 Street NW and 112 Street NW; and
7.11.2. the deciduous to coniferous ratio of required trees and shrubs must be approximately 3:1.

Design Regulations

7.12. Where 106 Street NW, 107 Street NW, 108 Street NW, or 111 Street NW terminate on a building, special architectural design of the building must be provided directly in front of the Street.
7.13. Direct north-south Pathways must be provided through the Site at 106 Street NW, 107 Street NW, 108 Street NW and 111 Street NW.  The owner must enter into public access agreements with the City of Edmonton, where applicable.
7.14. A north-south shared use Pathway connection must be provided through the Site from 104 Avenue NW to 105 Avenue NW between 109 Street NW and 112 Street NW. The specific route of this connection must be determined with consideration for the ability of pedestrians and cyclists to cross 104 Avenue NW.
7.15. A minimum of 30% of the length of a building Facade Abutting 105 Avenue NW must Stepback a minimum of 3.0 m above the fourth Storey. This Stepback space may be used to create an outdoor Amenity Area.
7.16. Where a Ground Floor Commercial Use Abuts 105 Avenue NW, a main entrance to the Use must have direct external access to the adjacent public sidewalk.
7.17. Ground Floor Commercial Facades Abutting 105 Avenue NW must provide windows within the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level in compliance with the following:
7.17.1. A minimum of 50% of the Facade area must be windows.
7.17.2. A maximum of 10% of all Ground Floor windows facing Streets, Parking Areas interior to the Site, or Parks may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
Diagram for Subsection 7.17
Diagram for
7.18. New buildings located along 105 Avenue NW must be designed to strengthen the pedestrian character of the Street through Uses and spaces at the Ground Floor that allow viewing into the building, passive surveillance of the Street, or direct pedestrian access to the Street. This may be achieved by the following:
7.18.1. Commercial Uses that open to a Street rather than an internal atrium;
7.18.2. building entrances and arcades that connect to adjacent Pathways and public sidewalks;
7.18.3. hallways and circulation spaces;
7.18.4. administrative offices;
7.18.5. teaching spaces; or
7.18.6. other similar design strategies.
7.19. Development Abutting 105 Avenue NW must incorporate functional and decorative lighting to enhance the appearance of the building during the winter months and to provide additional lighting for the 105 Avenue NW Corridor.

Environmental Site Assessment and Risk Management Regulations

7.20. A Development Permit application in Sub-Area 1 of Map 2 must include environmental assessment information in accordance with Subsection 3 of Section 7.140.
7.21. A Development Permit application in Sub-Area 2 of Map 2 that creates a new building or expands an existing building footprint greater than 250 m2 must include environmental assessment information in accordance with Subsection 3 of Section 7.140.
7.22. A Development Permit application in Sub-Area 3 of Map 2 must include environmental assessment information in accordance with Subsection 3 of Section 7.140, except that this does not apply to a Development Permit application for a change of Use contained within the existing building.
7.23. For the purposes of this Appendix, building footprint means the surface space occupied by a building at or below Grade.






Area of Application

8.1. This appendix applies to the lands illustrated on Map 3.

Additional Permitted Uses

Residential Uses
8.2. Home Based Business #
8.3. Residential, limited to:
8.3.1. Lodging House 
8.3.2. Multi-unit Housing 
8.3.3. Row Housing
8.3.4. Secondary Suite
8.3.5. Supportive Housing

Additional Regulations for Specific Uses

8.4. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.

Site and Building Regulations

8.5. Despite the other regulations of this Zone, development must comply with Table 8.5:
Table 8.5. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
8.5.1. Minimum Setback 3.0 m
Unless 1 of the following applies:
8.5.2. Minimum Setback from 73 Street NW between 109 Avenue NW and Ada Boulevard NW 6.0 m
8.5.3. Minimum Setback from 112 Avenue NW 6.0 m
8.5.4. Minimum Setback from Ada Boulevard NW 6.0 m
8.5.5. Maximum Height for Sub-Area 1, as shown on Map 4 14.5 m
8.5.6. Maximum Height for Sub-Area 2, as shown on Map 4 22.0 m
8.5.7. Maximum Height for Sub-Area 3, as shown on Map 4 29.0 m
Floor Area Ratio
8.5.8. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 5.0

Landscaping Regulations

8.6. Landscaping must comply with Section 5.60, except that:
8.6.1. existing trees within 4.5 m of the west Lot line adjacent to 73 Street NW must be retained or relocated on the Site when possible and must be protected during construction; and  
8.6.2. screening, such as Fencing or Landscaping, must be provided along the west Lot line of the Site, adjacent to 73 Street NW. 

General Regulations

8.7. A continuous Pathway corridor, with a minimum width of 6.0 m, must be provided for public access across the Site between 112 Avenue NW and Ada Boulevard NW. The Pathway alignment may be altered in the future to accommodate new campus development while maintaining continuous routing from 112 Avenue NW to Ada Boulevard NW. 
8.8. To ensure ongoing analysis of transportation related issues, a Transportation Impact Assessment may be requested to support a Development Permit application for a principal building. The Development Planner must have regard for existing Transportation Impact Assessments available at the time of Development Permit review and only request additional information, as required, in response to changes in conditions since the previous analysis was done.  
8.9. When the Development Planner receives a Development Permit application for a building with a Height of 8.0 m or greater within the boundary of the Wangerin House area as shown on Map 4, the Development Planner must:
8.9.1. send notice to the municipal address and the address of property owners that are wholly or partially located within 60.0 m of the boundaries of the Site of the proposed development and the president of the applicable community leagues; 
8.9.2. not make a decision on the Development Permit application until 21 days after notice has been sent, unless the Development Planner is satisfied that the applicant has conducted consultations with the recipient parties and included a summary of the consultations with the Development Permit application; or unless the Development Planner receives feedback from all specified recipients prior to the end of the 21 days; and 
8.9.3. consider any comments directly related to the proposed development when determining whether to grant a variance to the regulations contained in this Zone



Area of Application

9.1. This Appendix applies to the lands located east of 156 Street NW and north of 100 Avenue NW, as illustrated on Map 5.

Additional Permitted Uses

Commercial Uses
9.2. Custom Manufacturing
Sign Uses
9.3. Portable Sign

Site and Building Regulations

9.4. Despite the other regulations of this Zone, development within the boundaries of Subsection 9.1 must comply with Table 9.4:
Table 9.4. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
9.4.1. Minimum Setback from 100 Avenue NW and 155 Street NW 5.0 m
9.4.2. Maximum Height  25.0 m
Floor Area Ratio
9.4.3. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 2.0
Floor Area
9.4.4. Maximum Floor Area for Commercial Uses 60% of the total
Floor Area of
buildings on the Site
9.5. A maximum of 200 vehicle parking spaces are permitted.
9.6. Development along 100 Avenue NW and 155 Street NW is not required to comply with Subsection 5 of this Zone.
9.7. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising


Area of Application

10.1.This Appendix applies to the lands illustrated on Map 6.

Additional Permitted Uses

Residential Uses
10.2.Home Based Business #
10.3.Residential, limited to:
10.3.1.Lodging House
10.3.2.Multi-unit Housing
10.3.3.Row Housing
10.3.4.Secondary Suite
10.3.5.Supportive Housing
Commercial Uses
10.4.Standalone Parking Facility
Industrial Uses
10.5.Minor Industrial, limited to indoor and outdoor storage
Sign Uses
10.6.Major Digital Sign
10.7.Portable Sign

Additional Regulations for Specific Uses

10.8.Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
10.9.Despite Subsection 3.5.1 of this Zone, a maximum of 2 Bars are permitted.
10.10.Standalone Parking Facilities are not permitted in Sub-Area 4, as shown on Map 6.
10.11.Minor Industrial
10.11.1.are only permitted in Sub-Area 2, as shown on Map 6, except: storage is only permitted within the portion of Sub-Area 2, as shown on Map 6.
10.11.2.A Development Permit for outdoor storage must be temporary and not exceed a maximum of 10 years.
10.11.3.where provided outdoors, storage must be: toward the interior or rear of the Site; and from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones using Fences, Landscaping, or other similar measures. Except for Landscaping, the maximum Height of screening is 3.7 m.
10.11.4.do not have to comply with Subsection 5 of this Zone.  
10.12.Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising.

Site and Building Regulations

10.13.Despite the other regulations of this Zone, development must comply with Table 10.13:
Table 10.13. Building Regulations
10.13.1.Minimum Setback from 106 Street NW, Princess Elizabeth Avenue NW, 118 Avenue NW, 106 Street NW and 109 Street NW.3.0 m
10.13.2.Minimum Stepback in Sub-Area 4, as shown on Map 6, for the portion of the Facade that is facing the Rear Lot Line and that is 10.0 m in Height or greater. Platform Structures are not permitted within the Stepback area.3.0 m
10.13.3.Maximum Height in Sub-Area 4, as shown on Map 623.0 m
Floor Area Ratio
10.13.4.Maximum Floor Area Ratio in Sub-Area 4, as shown on Map 62.5
10.14.All Uses must be designed as an integral component of the NAIT Main Campus and primarily oriented to serve the educational or residential needs of NAIT students.
10.15.Development in Sub-Area 4, as shown on Map 6, must incorporate design techniques that minimize the perception of massing of the building when viewed from adjacent Sites zoned residential and adjacent Streets including:
10.15.1.varying rooflines;
10.15.2.projections and recessions;
10.15.3.different materials or colours; 
10.15.4.articulation of building Facades; or
10.15.5.other similar measures.
Parking, Loading, and Access
10.16.Parking, access, and Site circulation must comply with Section 5.80, except that:
10.16.1.a maximum of 6,300 vehicle parking spaces are permitted;
10.16.2the Development Planner may vary Subsection 10.16.1 where recommended by an approved parking study in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning;
10.16.3.a minimum of 250 bike parking spaces are required;
10.16.4.a minimum of 40% of bike parking spaces must be Long Term Bike Parking;
10.16.5.required bike parking may be provided within common bike parking facilities located within 400 m of the proposed development;
10.16.6.a centralized loading facility may be used to satisfy the required loading spaces;
10.16.7.for new buildings and additions, loading requirements may be varied by the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning, where recommended by an approved vehicle loading demand study; and
10.16.8.in Sub-Area 4, as shown on Map 6: access to the Site must be from an Abutting Alley; and parking must be located in an underground Parkade or at the rear of the building.

Environmental Site Assessment and Risk Management Regulations

10.17.Sub-Areas 2 and 3, as shown on Map 6, must comply with the following:
10.17.1.A Development Permit application that creates a new building footprint or expands an existing building footprint greater than 250 m2, excluding a Development Permit application for demolition, excavation, or Signs, must include environmental assessment information in accordance with Subsection 3 of Section 7.140.



Area of Application

11.1. This appendix applies to the lands illustrated on Map 7.

Additional Permitted Uses

11.2. Sub-Area A - Campus Academic
11.2.1. Home Based Business #
11.2.2. Residential, limited to: Lodging House Multi-unit Housing Row Housing Secondary Suite Supportive Housing
11.2.3. Major Digital Sign
11.2.4. Portable Sign
11.3. Sub-Area B - Residences
11.3.1. Home Based Business #
11.3.2. Residential, limited to: Lodging House Multi-unit Housing Row Housing Secondary Suite Supportive Housing
11.4. Sub-Area C - Market District
11.4.1. Home Based Business #
11.4.2. Residential, limited to: Lodging House Multi-unit Housing Row Housing Secondary Suite Supportive Housing
11.4.3. Standalone Parking Facility
11.4.4. Major Digital Sign
11.4.5. Portable Sign

Additional Regulations for Specific Uses

11.5. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.
11.6. Despite the other regulations of this Zone:
11.6.1. 1 Bar is permitted per Sub-Area shown on Map 7;
11.6.2. 1 Hotel is permitted per Sub-Area shown on Map 7; and
11.6.3. development in Sub-Area C of Map 7 is exempt from Subsections 3.5.2, 3.6.1 and 3.8.1 of this Zone.
11.7. Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising.
Regulations for Sub-Area A (Campus Academic)
11.8. Despite the other regulations of this Zone, development in Sub-Area A of Map 7 must comply with the following:
11.8.1. A minimum Setback of 2.0 m and a maximum Setback of 3.0 m is required from an LRT corridor or other public right-of-way, with the exception of 109 Street NW and 120 Avenue NW.
11.8.2. A minimum Setback of 3.0 m and a maximum Setback of 5.0 m is required from 109 Street NW and 120 Avenue NW, to accommodate main entrances or to allow street oriented activities such as outdoor seating.
11.8.3. The minimum Height is 16.0 m where the Site is adjacent to an LRT Station.
11.8.4. The minimum Height is 8.0 m where the Site Abuts the LRT corridor.
11.8.5. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is 6.0.
11.8.6. For buildings that Abut the LRT corridor: a minimum Stepback of 2.0 m is required for any portion of the building greater than 20.0 m in Height; and the length of each Frontage must be visually differentiated at a maximum interval of 65.0 m. This must be achieved through the use of colours, materials, architectural features that give the appearance of smaller buildings or physical breaks in the building, or other similar measures.
11.8.7. For buildings facing any public right-of-way, a minimum of 60% of the Facade must form a Street Wall.
11.8.8. Ground Floor Facades facing the LRT corridor must provide windows within the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level in compliance with the following: A minimum of 70% of the Facade area must be windows. A maximum of 10% of all Ground Floor windows facing Streets, Parking Areas interior to the Site, or Parks may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
Diagram for Section 11.8.8
Diagram for
11.8.9. Buildings on Sites that Abut the LRT corridor must front onto the LRT corridor with active Frontages or Amenity Areas.
11.8.10. Main entrances must be provided adjacent to an LRT Station and entrances must be provided along the LRT corridor, in compliance with the following: entrances along the LRT corridor must provide public access, must face the LRT corridor, and must not include maintenance or emergency accesses; entrances must be clearly defined by architectural details such as canopies, signage, or articulation of the Facade; and entrances must be provided every 60.0 m, at minimum.  
11.8.11. Buildings facing the LRT corridor must be designed to comply with the following: the Ground Floor must be differentiated from the rest of the building, using glazing, material changes, Stepbacks, overhangs, canopies, or other similar features; the minimum Height of the Ground Floor is 3.5 m; and Architectural Elements may project a maximum of 2.0 m into the Setback.
11.8.12. Exterior finishing materials must be durable, high quality, and appropriate for the development within the context of the surrounding area. 
11.8.13. Parking must comply with the following: A maximum of 1 vehicle parking space per 200 m2 of Floor Area is permitted. Surface Parking Lots and Parkades must not be visible from the LRT corridor, public Pathways, or Streets. Each Surface Parking Lot is limited to a maximum of 100 vehicle parking spaces. Parkades must not have direct access to or from 119 Street NW or 120 Street NW. Vehicle parking must only be accessed from 109 Street NW or private Alleys. Bike parking spaces must be provided at an amount equal to a minimum of 40% of the number of vehicle parking spaces provided on Site. Required bike parking may be provided within common bike parking facilities located within 400 m of a proposed development.
11.8.14. Private Alleys must comply with the following: Private Alleys must not be provided along the LRT corridor and must not have access to or from the LRT corridor. Private Alleys must not be provided adjacent to any public right-of-way. Private Alleys must only be accessed from 109 Street NW.
11.8.15. Site circulation must comply with the following: Publicly accessible Pathways must: be a minimum of 6.0 m wide; include a 3.0 m wide shared use path; and include pedestrian lighting and a Landscape Buffer from adjacent buildings. For buildings Abutting the LRT corridor, building Setbacks must be integrated with the public realm by providing seating and Landscaping that contributes to the pedestrian-oriented character of the area. The design must not hinder the movement of pedestrians from the public realm to the buildings.
Regulations for Sub-Area B (Residences)
11.9. Despite the other regulations of this Zone, development in Sub-Area B of Map 7 must comply with the following:
11.9.1. The minimum Setback is 2.0 m and the maximum Setback is 3.0 m. The maximum Setback may be increased to a maximum of 4.5 m at entrances or to accommodate street-oriented amenities such as street furniture and public art.
11.9.2. The maximum Height is 45.0 m.
11.9.3. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is 6.0.
11.9.4. Non-Residential Uses are only permitted where they are Accessory to a Residential Use.
11.9.5. Where a building exceeds 16.0 m in Height, a minimum 2.5 m Stepback is required above a Height of 14.0 m, for all Facades Abutting a public right-of-way.
11.9.6. Urban design must comply with the following: Facades facing a Street must be architecturally differentiated at a maximum interval of 65.0 m. This may be achieved through the use of different colours, materials, architectural features that give the appearance of smaller buildings and/or physical breaks in the building, or other similar measures. For buildings facing a public right-of-way, a minimum of 75% of the Facade must form a Street Wall. Ground Floor Residential Facades must provide a minimum of 30% windows within the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level. Ground Floor Common Amenity Area and non-Residential Facades must provide a minimum of 70% windows within the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level.  
Diagram for Section
Diagram for
11.9.7. Building entrances must be designed to comply with the following: Ground Floor Residential Uses must provide individual or shared external entrances from the Street, a maximum of 15.0 m apart. Individual and shared external entrances must be oriented toward, and be clearly visible from, the Street using features such as porches, stairs, and stoops. Sliding patio doors may not serve as main entrances to individual Dwellings. Entrances must be designed to provide a semi-private outdoor area that establishes a transition area between the Dwelling and publicly accessible land using Landscape features such as decorative Fencing, change in grade, shrub beds, planters, rock gardens, or other built elements. Entrances must not have solid Fences or other solid screening elements greater than 1.2 m in Height. Landscaping, retaining walls or other low Height elements may be used to visually separate the semi-private courtyards facing the Street. Outdoor Common Amenity Areas must have direct access to the Street.
11.9.8. The Ground Floor and Podium of buildings must be designed to comply with the following: The Ground Floor must be a maximum of 1.0 m above ground level. Podiums must be architecturally defined to support transitions to adjacent Residential Uses, through the use of projections and recessions, vertical articulation, Architectural Elements, or other similar techniques. Canopies and other Architectural Elements may project into building Setbacks to define the Ground Floor and entrances. Blank walls exceeding 12.0 m in length must not face any public right-of-way. To create attractive streetscapes and interfaces, Podium Facades and rooflines must be designed with detail and articulation to a maximum of 15.0 m intervals, through the use of materials, projections and recessions, and architectural features.
Diagram for Subsection
Diagram for UI2.
11.9.9. Exterior finishing materials must be durable, high quality, and appropriate for the development within the context of the surrounding area. 
11.9.10. Parking must comply with the following: A maximum of 0.5 vehicle parking spaces per Sleeping Unit is permitted. Vehicle parking must be provided in an underground Parkade, except Surface Parking Lots are permitted to cover a maximum of 10% of Site area where they are screened from view from a Street with active building frontage; A maximum of 1 Parkade entrance is permitted per 90.0 m of building Facade facing a Street. Parkade entrances must be a minimum distance of 50.0 m from a private Alley access. Entrances to Parkades from Streets must minimize the physical and visual impacts of the entrances on the adjacent public realm by requiring the ramp to be located entirely within the building and through the design and materials of the entrance and surrounding Facade. A minimum of 0.5 bike parking spaces per Sleeping Unit is required.
11.9.11. Private Alleys, where provided, must comply with the following: Private Alleys must not be provided along the LRT corridor. Private Alleys must not be provided adjacent to a public right-of-way. Private Alley access points must not exceed 1 access per 90.0 m and must not be provided within 50.0 m of a Parkade access.
11.9.12. Site circulation must comply with the following: Outdoor Amenity Areas must be screened to minimize light and noise impacts on adjacent Residential Uses through the use of Fencing, Landscaping, or other similar techniques. Building Setbacks that do not provide private or semi-private Amenity Areas must be integrated with the public realm by providing seating, Landscaping, and planting that contributes to the pedestrian oriented character of the area. The design must not hinder the movement of pedestrians from the public realm to the buildings.
Regulations for Sub-Area C (Market District)
11.10. Despite the other regulations of this Zone, development in Sub-Area C of Map 7 must comply with the following:
11.10.1. The minimum Setback is 1.2 m and the maximum Setback is 3.0 m.
11.10.2. Despite Subsection 11.10.1, up to 25% of the Facade may be Setback greater than 3.0 m where pedestrian-oriented activities, such as seating areas, are provided adjacent to entrances.
11.10.3. The maximum Height is 45.0 m, except that: the maximum Height for a building facing the plaza is 55.0 m.
11.10.4. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is 6.0.
11.10.5. Urban design within Sub-Area C must comply with the following: Active frontages must be provided on the Ground Floor to ensure lively Street relationships and integration with adjacent land Uses. A minimum 2.5 m Stepback is required above 20.0 m in Height. Facades facing a Street must be architecturally differentiated at a maximum interval of 65.0 m. This may be achieved through the use of different colours, materials, architectural features that give the appearance of smaller buildings or physical breaks in the building, or other similar measures. For buildings facing the plaza, a minimum of 90% of the Facade must form a Street Wall. For buildings facing a public right-of-way, a minimum of 75% of the Facade must form a Street Wall. Where the block exceeds 160 m in length, a mid-block pedestrian connection must be provided. Ground Floor Facades must provide a minimum of 70% windows within the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level.
Diagram for Section
Diagram for Building entrances must comply with the following: A minimum of 4 entrances must be provided from the plaza. Building entrances must be provided every 30.0 m, at a minimum, and must be provided for each separate Use on the Ground Floor. The Ground Floor and Podiums of buildings must comply with the following: The Ground Floor must have a maximum elevation of 0.3 m above the Abutting public land. The Ground Floor must be differentiated from the rest of the building, using windows, material and colour changes, Stepbacks, overhangs, canopies, or other similar features. Despite Section 5.90, canopies and other Architectural Elements may project any distance into building Setbacks to define the Ground Floor and entrances. Architectural projections above the Ground Floor are limited to a maximum projection of 2.0 m from the Ground Floor Facade and must be a maximum of 10.0 m in length and comprise less than 40% of the overall Facade length, in order to avoid a tunnel effect at the Street level. Podium Facades must be designed with detail and articulation to a maximum of 12.0 m intervals, to create attractive streetscapes and interfaces. Exterior finishing materials must be durable, high quality, and appropriate for the development within the context of the surrounding area.  
11.10.6. Parking must comply with the following: A maximum of 1 vehicle parking space per 100 m2 of Floor Area is permitted. Parking Areas must be located underground. A maximum of 1 Parkade entrance is permitted per 90.0 m of building Facade facing a Street. Parkade entrances must be a minimum distance of 50.0 m from a private Alley access. Entrances to Parkades from Streets must minimize the physical and visual impacts of the entrances on the adjacent public realm by requiring the ramp to be located entirely within the building, and through the design and materials of the entrance and surrounding Facade. A minimum of 1 bike parking space per 100 m2 of Floor Area is required.
11.10.7. Private Alleys must comply with the following: Private Alleys must not be provided adjacent to any public right-of-way. Private Alley access points must not exceed 1 access per 90.0 m and must not be provided within 50.0 m of a Parkade access.
11.10.8. Development must comply with the following: Publicly accessible Pathways must: be a minimum of 6.0 m wide; include a 3.0 m wide shared use path; and include pedestrian lighting and a Landscaped Buffer from adjacent buildings. Building Setbacks must be integrated with the public realm by providing seating and Landscaping that contributes to the pedestrian-oriented character of the area. The design must not hinder the movement of pedestrians from the public realm to the buildings.

Sustainability and Environmental Regulations

11.11. A minimum of 50% of roof areas must be used as Amenity Area, solar photovoltaic panels, Green Roofs, or other renewable energy production.
11.12. Development Permit applications for new buildings in Sub-Areas B and C, as shown on Map 7 must include environmental assessment information in accordance with Subsection 3 of Section 7.140.