To allow for a vibrant mixed use Arena and Entertainment District that will accommodate a multi-purpose sports and entertainment complex complemented by a variety of entertainment, retail, service, office, institutional, and Residential Uses that will strengthen the Downtown Core as a regional destination point. The Arena and Entertainment District will be characterized by an accessible, pedestrian-friendly street environment, innovative signage, iconic architecture, and exceptional urban design to create a strong sense of place in the Downtown Core and an exciting new image for Edmonton.
Residential Uses |
2.1. | Home Based Business # | |||||
2.2. | Residential, limited to: | |||||
Commercial Uses # |
2.3. | Bar | |||||
2.4. | Body Rub Centre | |||||
2.5. | Cannabis Retail Store | |||||
2.6. | Casino and Other Gaming Establishment | |||||
2.7. | Centre City Temporary Parking | a | ||||
2.8. | Exhibition and Convention Facility | |||||
2.9. | Food and Drink Service | |||||
2.10. | Health Service | |||||
2.11. | Hotel | |||||
2.12. | Indoor Sales and Service | |||||
2.13. | Liquor Store | |||||
2.14. | Minor Indoor Entertainment | |||||
2.15. | Natural Science Exhibit | |||||
2.16. | Office | |||||
2.17. | Residential Sales Centre | |||||
2.18. | Spectator Entertainment Establishment | |||||
2.19. | Spectator Sports Establishment | |||||
Community Uses |
2.20. | Child Care Service | |||||
2.21. | Community Service | |||||
2.22. | Outdoor Recreation Service | |||||
2.23. | School | |||||
2.24. | Library | |||||
2.25. | Park | |||||
2.26. | Special Event | |||||
Sign Uses |
2.27. | Fascia Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising | |||||
2.28. | Projecting Sign, not including in the form of a Roof Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising |
Residential Uses |
3.1. | Residential, limited to: | ||
Commercial Uses # |
3.2. | Custom Manufacturing | ||
3.3. | Nightclub | ||
Basic Services Uses |
3.4. | Health Care Facility | ||
3.5. | Minor Utility | ||
3.6. | Transit Facility | ||
3.7. | Emergency Service | ||
Agricultural Uses |
3.8. | Urban Agriculture | ||
Sign Uses |
3.9. | Fascia Sign, limited to Off-premises Advertising | ||
3.10. | Freestanding Sign | ||
3.11. | Major Digital Sign | ||
3.12. | Minor Digital Sign | ||
3.13. | Projecting Sign, not including in the form of a Roof Sign, limited to Off-premises Advertising |
Residential Uses |
4.1. | Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Commercial Uses |
4.2. | Bars | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.3. | Centre City Temporary Parking must comply with Section 6.120. | a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.4. | Nightclubs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.5. | Casino and Other Gaming Establishment must be located to provide a 400 m minimum separation distance from other Casino and Other Gaming Establishment Uses. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.6. | Liquor Stores are not required to comply with Section 6.70. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.7. | Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Community Uses |
4.8. | Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.9. | Special Events must comply with Section 6.100. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agricultural Uses |
4.10. | Urban Agriculture | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sign Uses |
4.11. | Signs are intended to consist of an array of high-quality, expressive signage that serves a primary role in establishing the character of the Arena and Entertainment District as a unique place in the city, promotes and supports activities fostering a sense of arrival and excitement, and serving a wayfinding function. Large-format Signs are imagined as an integral component of the Arena and Entertainment District’s design and character. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4.12. | Signs must comply with the regulations found in Subsections 3 and 9 of Section 6.90, except that: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Public Space and Capacity Exceptions |
4.13. | The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum Public Space or capacity of a Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to on-Site or Abutting Uses, including: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5.1. | The Development Planner must ensure that new developments and major renovations reflect the Urban Design Policies of the Capital City Downtown Plan. Where a conflict arises, the AED zoning regulations prevail. |
5.2. | Floor Area Ratios must comply with Table 5.2: |
Table 5.2. Floor Area Ratio | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
Floor Area Ratio | ||
5.2.1. | Maximum Floor Area Ratio | 12.0 |
5.3. | Despite Subsection 6 of Section 7.100, a Development Planner may grant a variance to the Maximum Floor Area Ratio, up to an additional 4.0 for Hotels and Multi-unit Housing, where the development is compatible with the urban context of the area, and adverse environmental impacts, such as sun shadow and wind are minimized. |
5.4. | Development must comply with Table 5.4: |
Table 5.4. Height Regulations | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
Height | ||
5.4.1. | Maximum Height for developments north of 104 Avenue NW | 180 m |
5.4.2. | Maximum Height for developments south of 104 Avenue NW | 195 m |
Unless the following applies: | ||
5.4.3. | Maximum Height for 1 development, including a Tower, Abutting the north side of 103 Avenue NW between 102 Street NW and 103 Street NW | 275 m |
Ground Floor and Street Wall Height | ||
5.4.4. | Minimum Ground Floor Height | 3.5 m |
5.4.5. | Minimum building Street Wall Height, excluding the arena building | 9.0 m |
5.4.6. | Maximum building Street Wall Height, excluding the arena building | 26.0 m |
5.5. | Despite Subsections 5.4.5 and 5.4.6, the Development Planner may vary the Street Wall Height in consideration of the: | ||||||||||
5.6. | Setbacks must comply with Table 5.6: |
Table 5.6. Setback Regulations | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
Setbacks Abutting Streets | ||
5.6.1. | Minimum Setback | 0 m |
5.6.2. | Maximum Setback | 2.5 m |
Unless 1 or more of the following applies: | ||
5.6.3. | Minimum Setback Abutting 104 Avenue NW | 0 m |
5.6.4. | Maximum Setback Abutting 104 Avenue NW | 4.5 m |
5.6.5. | Minimum Setback Abutting 105 Avenue NW between 102 Street NW and 104 Street NW | 0 m |
Side Setbacks | ||
5.6.6. | Required Interior Side Setback and Flanking Side Setback south of 104 Avenue NW | 0 m |
5.7. | Despite Table 5.6, a maximum or required Setback may be increased under a variance to accommodate a particular architectural style or to provide opportunities for features such as sidewalk cafes, patios, or a piazza. |
5.8. | Despite Subsection 5.6.4, the maximum Setback along 104 Avenue NW may be increased under a variance to accommodate public realm improvements, excluding roadway widening. |
5.9. | Despite Section 5.90, architectural features and structures, including the building envelope and weather protection features including awnings, canopies and arcades may project to the property line. |
General Design Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.1. | Developments in this Zone must reflect a coherent architectural style and urban character emphasizing design excellence, quality materials and sustainable features, consistent with planning and urban design principles approved in the Capital City Downtown Plan to enhance the Arena and Entertainment District. | ||||||||||||||||
Street Interface Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.2. | Buildings must generally reflect the Street types identified in the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan, emphasizing specific boulevard treatments to enhance the pedestrian oriented character of the Arena and Entertainment District. | ||||||||||||||||
6.3. | Pedestrian linkages and crossings must be identifiable through decorative paving, stamping, patterned concrete, or brick. | ||||||||||||||||
6.4. | Pedestrian oriented streetscape elements such as pedestrian level street lighting, Landscaping, benches, and street furniture must be provided throughout the Site. | ||||||||||||||||
6.5. | Buildings with Commercial Uses must strengthen the pedestrian-oriented shopping experience by: | ||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
6.6. | Large format Commercial establishments over 2,000 m2 must not be the only Use in a building. | ||||||||||||||||
Pedestrian Circulation Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.7. | In addition to the Street, the Setback area must ensure safe pedestrian stacking room and convenient movement through the Arena and Entertainment District, which must be determined prior to approval of a Development Permit through submission of a pedestrian circulation study, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning as determined at the Development Permit stage. The study must recommend appropriate Setbacks based on the: | ||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
6.8. | Pedestrian connections and linkages must be provided to Light Rail Transit entrances. | ||||||||||||||||
6.9. | Pedestrian connections and linkages must be provided through the Site from 104 Avenue NW to 105 Avenue NW at or above ground level, or a combination of both. | ||||||||||||||||
6.10. | In large developments, through access must be provided to facilitate pedestrian access to other Walkways, linkages, or interior courtyards. | ||||||||||||||||
Entrance Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.11. | Ground Floor Commercial Uses must open to the Street rather than exclusively to an internal atrium. | ||||||||||||||||
6.12. | In mixed use buildings, Residential Uses must have access at ground level that is separate from the commercial premises. | ||||||||||||||||
6.13. | Buildings at corners must provide courtyards, major entrances, or distinctive architectural features consistent with the context of surrounding buildings or other building corner treatments to enhance pedestrian circulation and, where appropriate, enhance axial views. | ||||||||||||||||
6.14. | Buildings must be designed and oriented to face the front property line with entrances that are clearly visible, except on Corner Sites where the building must be designed to face both the street and the avenue. | ||||||||||||||||
Tower Regulations | |||||||||||||||||
6.15. | Buildings greater than 26.0 m in Height must have a Tower and Podium configuration, except for: | ||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
6.16. | Development must comply with Table 6.16: |
Table 6.16. Tower Regulations | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
6.16.1. | Minimum Tower Stepback from the Street Wall | 4.5 m |
6.16.2. | Minimum separation between a Tower with a Residential Use and any other Tower | 25.0 m |
6.16.3. | Minimum separation between non-Residential Towers | 20.0 m |
6.17. | The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsections 6.16.2 and 6.16.3, taking into consideration factors such as: | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
6.18. | Towers must provide a minimum 10% reduction in Floor Plate area for the top 4 Storeys. | ||||||||||||
6.19. | The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 6.18, taking into consideration: | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
6.20. | The mid-level of Towers must provide Setbacks and articulation to minimize the impact of massing. | ||||||||||||
6.21. | The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 6.20. | ||||||||||||
6.22. | Towers must be designed, oriented, and constructed to: | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Facade Regulations | |||||||||||||
6.23. | Building Facades must incorporate architectural design details or features that recognize the predominant urban character of the Street, as identified in the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan. | ||||||||||||
6.24. | The maximum building Facade Length is 10.0 m, except: | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
6.25. | Despite 6.24, the building Facade Length can be increased where articulation is provided, with methods such as: | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
6.26. | Buildings must provide treatments such as: awnings, canopies, window openings, reveals, offsets, multiple entrances, arcades, columns, quality materials, interesting design, fenestrations, double Height entrances, Parks, plazas, appropriate Landscaping, colour, and other architectural features. | ||||||||||||
6.27. | Where practical, weather protection in the form of a canopy greater than or equal to 2.0 m wide or any other method suitable to the architectural style of the building or street theme must be provided one Storey above sidewalk level to provide protection from inclement weather. | ||||||||||||
6.28. | Buildings must provide windows, balconies, shadow lines, textures, or similar treatments to distinguish residential portions of a building from non-residential portions of a building or non-residential buildings. | ||||||||||||
6.29. | Building materials must be sustainable, durable, high quality, and appropriate for the development within the context of the Arena and Entertainment District. |
Amenity Areas | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.1. | Despite Section 5.20, Amenity Areas must comply with the following: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Landscaping | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.2. | Landscaping must be in compliance with Section 5.60 except that: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Outdoor Lighting | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.3. | A detailed lighting plan must be submitted with each Development Permit stage. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.4. | Enhanced lighting at ground level must be provided to improve the pedestrian environment and address the long nights associated with a winter city. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.5. | Large-scale architectural lighting: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||