DC 20807

Hawks Ridge - west of 215 Street NW (Winterburn Road NW) and north of Hawks Ridge Boulevard NW

Bylaw 17801 (October 24, 2016)

Charter Bylaw 20807 (May 13, 2024)

To accommodate small-scale pedestrian-friendly mixed-use development, consisting primarily of neighbourhood-level retail with residential and/or commercial uses.

This Provision must apply to Lot 1, Block 7, Plan 1221444, which is located west of 215 Street NW (Winterburn Road NW) and north of Hawks Ridge Boulevard NW, as shown on Schedule "A" of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

Residential Uses
3.1. Home Based Business
3.2. Residential Limited to:
3.2.1. Lodging House
3.2.2. Multi-unit Housing
3.2.3. Supportive Housing
Commercial Uses
3.3. Bar
3.4. Food and Drink Service
3.5. Health Service
3.6. Indoor Sales and Service
3.7. Liquor Store
3.8. Minor Indoor Entertainment
3.9. Office
3.10. Residential Sales Centre
3.11. Vehicle Support Service
Community Uses
3.12. Child Care Service
Sign Uses
3.13. Fascia Sign
3.14. Freestanding Sign
3.15. Projecting Sign
3.16. Portable Sign
4.1. All regulations in the Zoning Bylaw shall apply to development in this Direct Control Provision unless such Regulations are specifically excluded or modified by this Direct Control Provision.
4.2. All development must consist of a combination of Residential Uses and Commercial Uses.
4.3. The following must apply to Multi-unit Housing developments:
4.3.1. the Multi-unit Housing component must have access at Grade, which is separate from the
access for Commercial Uses
5.1. The maximum Height is 16.0 m.
5.2. The Density shall be in accordance with Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM) under Zoning Bylaw 20001.
5.3. The Site Area shall be in accordance with Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM) under Zoning Bylaw 20001.
5.4. Development within this Provision shall ensure that the design of the pedestrian environment is comfortable, convenient, visually attractive and safe for human activity.
5.5. The development shall consist of a combination of Residential Uses and Commercial Uses.
5.6. The following shall apply to Multi-unit Housing developments:
5.6.1. The Multi-unit Housing component shall have access at grade, which is separate from the access for the Commercial Uses
5.7. The minimum Setbacks must be:
5.7.1. 4.0 m along all property lines that do not Abut a public roadway.
5.7.2 2.0 m where the Site Abuts a roadway. 
6.1. The architectural treatment of the buildings must include features such as:
6.1.1. placement of windows to allow for viewing into the building by pedestrians, except where the building contains Residential Uses on the ground floor;
6.1.2. primary entrance features;
6.1.3. canopies, arcades, colonnades;
6.1.4. features that lend visual interest and create a human scale;
6.1.5. a roofline and building Facade which includes design elements that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest; and
6.1.6. Landscaping adjacent to exterior walls that minimize the perceived mass of the building and create visual interest.


7.1. Parking, loading, storage and waste collection areas must be located to the rear or sides of the building and must be screened from view from any adjacent Sites or public roadways. If the rear or sides of a Site are used for parking, an outdoor service or display area and Abuts a Residential Zone or alley serving a Residential Zone, such areas must be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Planner.
7.2. Surface Parking Lots, and loading and waste collection areas must not be located between a principal building and a Street.
8.1. All mechanical equipment, except for Solar Collectors, including roof mechanical units, and surface-level venting systems must be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building. Ground-level vents must be oriented away from adjacent Sites, on-Site amenities and pedestrian circulation areas.
9.1. A detailed Landscape Plan for the Site, prepared by a Landscape Architect registered with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA), including all existing and proposed utilities and off-Site streetscape improvements within the road right-of-way must be submitted as part of a Development Permit application for review and approval by the Development Planner.
9.2. The following applies and must be shown on the required Landscape Plan:
9.2.1. Development within this Zone must ensure that the design of the pedestrian environment is comfortable, convenient, visually attractive and safe for human activity;
9.2.2. Landscape and design elements must be provided within all Yards abutting a public roadway. These features should enhance the streetscape and contribute to a lively, visually interesting public realm, and may include street furniture, decorative features, entrance plazas, or café seating; and
9.2.3. Pedestrian access between the interior of the Site and the street must be provided at a minimum 50 m spacing.
10.1. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Part 6.90
10.2. Landscaping adjacent to exterior walls that minimize the perceived mass of the building and create visual interest.

Bylaw attachments