Building Relationship to the Street (Public Realm Interface) |
6.1. |
Residential Uses must have access separated from the non-Residential Uses. |
6.2. |
Non-Residential Uses must have individual external accesses facing a Street which must be well-defined. |
6.3. |
The building Façade fronting onto 105 Street NW: |
6.3.1. |
must be designed to break their appearance between the second and third Storey using a combination of projections, changes in building materials, colours and/or physical breaks in building mass. |
6.3.2. |
The Ground Floor and second Storey must be designed with detail and articulation at a maximum of 11.0 m intervals to create an attractive streetscape and must be articulated by a combination of recesses, projections, changes in building materials, colours, and/or physical breaks in building mass. |
6.4. |
The building Façade fronting onto 81 Avenue NW must provide an open “U-shaped” courtyard to ensure ample natural light for all south-facing units. Units above the second Storey must face the courtyard to create an articulated form and outdoor amenity spaces to the south. |
6.5. |
The Ground Floor and second Storey of the east and south Facades must be compatible with the visual continuity of the adjacent streetscapes which are characterized by buildings which are similar in rhythm, alignment, and Setbacks. |
6.6. |
The active commercial frontages must incorporate traditional storefront features such as recessed entries and large display windows with transom glazing located above. |
Residential Uses |
6.7. |
The development must incorporate a prominent residential entrance facing 81 Avenue NW which may project a maximum of 2.0 m into the south Setback. This residential entrance must provide the following:
6.7.1. |
A distinct architectural treatment or wayfinding techniques to differentiate the entrance to the building; |
6.7.2. |
a weather protection element in the form of a canopy, overhang, or other architectural element to create a comfortable environment for people walking or rolling. This weather protection element can extend to the south Lot line; and |
6.7.3. |
universal accessibility features minimizing level changes from sidewalks to the entrance of the building and ensuring Streetscape furniture and other elements are located out of the travel path to ensure they are not obstacles to building access. |
6.8. |
A minimum of four (4) Dwellings fronting onto 105 Street NW and three (3) fronting onto 81 Avenue NW must be developed as ground-oriented dwellings in accordance with the following:
6.8.1. |
Dwellings fronting 105 Street NW must take the appearance of row housing. |
6.8.2. |
Dwellings fronting onto 81 Avenue NW must be one-Storey or take the appearance of row housing. |
6.8.3. |
Dwellings must be articulated as individual units with windows facing onto the adjacent Street. In addition, features such as staircases, stoops, or landscaped yards must be provided. Sliding patio doors must not serve as these entrances. |
6.8.4. |
Dwellings must provide individual direct entrances either facing onto the adjacent Street or at a 90-degree angle. |
6.8.5. |
There must be a semi-private outdoor area that is provided in a manner that establishes a transition area between the Dwelling and publicly accessible land using landscaping features such as a change in Grade, shrub beds, planters, rock gardens and/or other built elements, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner. |
Non-Residential Uses |
6.9. |
The Ground Floor and second Storey must address both Streets and provide distinctive architectural features consistent with the style of the building to enhance the corner. |
6.10. |
The minimum Ground Floor Height for non-Residential Uses is 4.0 m. |
6.11. |
Building entrances and windows must be oriented to front onto a Street and the Alley on the north side of the building. |
6.12. |
A minimum of 65% of the linear frontage of the non-Residential Uses must consist of transparent glazing. Linear frontage must be measured as the horizontal plane at 1.5 m above the finished Grade of the abutting sidewalk. |
6.13. |
The windows located above the Ground Floor commercial uses must reflect the repetitive, vertical pattern along the Streets. |
Waste Collection |
6.14. |
Waste collection, storage areas, and loading must be located within the Site, accessed from the Alley abutting the Site and enclosed with consistent materials to provide screening from view from the Alley to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for waste management, transportation services and City operations. |
Architectural Treatment |
6.15. |
All building Façades must have consistent and harmonious exterior finishing materials in general conformance with the attached Appendices and as follows:
6.15.1. |
The exterior finishes of the Ground Floor and second Storey must primarily emphasize subdued colours in keeping with the colour schemes of historical buildings in the area. |
6.15.2. |
All building Façades below the third Storey must emphasize the use of materials such as brick, pressed metal, and stone. |
6.15.3 |
All building Façades above the third Storey must be finished with high-quality, durable materials that may include but are not limited to, stone, brick, wood, concrete, exterior insulation and finishing system panels, cementitious and/or acrylic panels, panelized systems, or glass. |
6.16. |
Reflective glass windows are prohibited. |