DC1 14184

McCauley - Hagmann Block/Grand Hotel; 10766 – 97 Street

Bylaw 14184 (February 5, 2006)


This Provision allows the use and preservation of  the Hagmann  Block  and  ensures  that any future alterations  or additions  are compatible with the designation  of  this building as a Municipal  Historic Resource.

Lot 30A, Block13, Plan 0422180, located at 10766 - 97 Street, as shown on Schedule "A", annexed to the Bylaw adopting this DCI Provision, McCauley

a. Apartment Housing
b. Apartment Hotels
c. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs, for less than 100 occupants and 150m2 of Public Space
d. Business Support Services
e. Community Recreation Services
f. Extended Medical Treatment Services
g. General Retail Stores
h. Health Services
i. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
j. Minor Secondhand Stores
k. Personal Service Shops
l. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
m. Restaurants, for less than 100 occupants and l 50m2 of Public Space
n. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
o. Fascia On-premises Signs
p. Projecting On-premises Signs, limited to 2 Signs per tenant
a. All development shall be in accordance with the Site Plan and Elevations, as illustrated on Appendix I and II.
b. Development shall be accommodated within the existing structure, excepting the addition of an exit stair structure and a 19 m2, one-storey structure each located on the south side of the building, as shown on the attached Site Plan and Elevations. The additions, and structural reinforcements, repairs and/or cosmetic alterations shall follow the Heritage Development Regulations of Section 5 of this Provision.
c. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 18.
d. The maximum Height shall not exceed 18 m.
e. No Setbacks or Yards shall be required along the east and west property line.
f. A 1.5m Landscaped Yard shall be provided along the north property line.
g. The owner shall provide Landscaping between the building and the sidewalk abutting the west property line. The Landscaping shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Community Services Department and the Transportation Department.
h. In total, the Landscaping shall contain, at minimum, 5 trees and 52 shrubs in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw. A 3.0m metal fence shall be provided in the location shown on the Site Plan, Appendix I.
i. Parking shall be provided in accordance with the Site Plan, Appendix I, except for Restaurants and Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs where the applicant must submit a vehicular parking demand study in accordance with Section 54.2 (1) (b) of the Zoning Bylaw and identify how parking will be accommodated. The parking demand study shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Transportation Department.
j. The following regulations shall apply to Apartment Housing and Apartment Hotel developments:
  a. Only Apartment Housing and Apartment Hotels shall be developed above the first Storey;
  b. Apartment Housing and Apartment Hotels shall  have access at grade,  which  is separate from  the access to any other use; and,
  c. a minimum of 150 m2 of Amenity Area shall be provided for Apartment Housing in accordance with the provisions of Section 46  of  the  Zoning Bylaw.
k. Signs and Lighting for Signs shall be sympathetic to the historic character of the Hagmann Block, compliment the pedestrian-oriented commercial environment, and shall be provided in the locations and proportions shown on Appendix II and comply with the following regulations to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer:
  i. Fascia On-premises Signs in location ' A' shall be framed and contain painted letters or logos.  The sign shall not extend out more than 15 cm  from  the wall;
  ii. Fascia On-premises Signs in location ' B'  (sign  band or fiieze portion  of  the lower cornice) shall be painted and contain painted letters or logos. The sign shall not extend  out more than  15 cm from the sign band;
  iii. Fascia On-premises Signs in location 'C' (window surface) shall be painted and/or applied decals and/or illuminated signage separately hung behind glass. No Sign or combination of Signs shall cover more than 25% of the window surface;
  iv. Projecting On-premises Signs in location  'D'  shall  be  placed  below  the cornice or sign band and must be centrally  placed  at  right  angles  on  the pilaster between  the store  frontages.  A specialty sign  that  reflects the nature of the business is encouraged.  Signs shall have a  minimum  vertical  clearance of 2.4m from the sidewalk, a horizontal separation distance between  the Sign and curb  line of a  public  roadway not less 0.6m, and  have a  maximum area of 1.0 m2. Awnings shall be retractable, complement the historic period of the building, and will be affixed to the store frontages. Signage on the sloping portion of the awning shall be limited to the name or logo of the business within the premises.
  v. One Fascia On-premises Sign in location 'E' shall be framed, contain painted letters or logos, and limited to advertising the building name or majority occupant of the building. The sign shall not extend out more than 15 cm from the sign band.
  vi. Signs shall be illuminated from an external source and have individually illuminated  texts or logos.  Backlit  box Signs are prohibited.  All transformers or electrical components  must not be visible from the  street.
  vii. Signs shall be affixed to the building structure in a manner that causes minimal damage to the building (i.e., holes must be drilled into the mortar, not into   the   brick,   or   installed   on   rails   rather   than   into   the building).


Structural reinforcement, repairs, or cosmetic alterations and the design of future additions described in 4.b shall be sympathetic to the historic and architecturally significant facades of the Hagmann Block. The Development Officer, in consultation with and to the satisfaction of the Municipal Heritage Officer, shall have regard to the following when reviewing development applications:

5.1  Historic Integrity

a. All development shall conform to the "Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada" published by Parks Canada.
b. The Hagmann Block and associated lands are designated as a Municipal Historic Resource as per Bylaw 14124, approved by City Council on January 31, 2006.
c. All development shall conform to the requirements of the City of Edmonton Designation Bylaw and Policy C-450A's General Guidelines for Rehabilitation.
d. Any addition shall be developed in accordance with the Edwardian Commercial architectural building style and include the following elements:
  i. Materials shall be compatible,  in material and color, with the existing buff brick and sandstone detailing. Preference will be given to matching materials.
  ii. Timber  sash  windows  with  voussoir  lintels   and   keystone features;
  iii. The proportions of the existing  facades  and bays;
  iv. Turn of the century timber storefronts with sandstone pilasters, transom lights with coloured glass, stall risers, and cornice banding.
  v. Notable features, such  as  cornice  detailing  and  window patterns and traditional  commercial  ground  floor  frontages, shall be mainta ined; and,
  vi. The existing rear walls and openings shall be maintained and incorporated  into any addition.


Bylaw attachments