DC1 14681

Strathcona - George Durrand Residence - 10417 Saskatchewan Drive

Bylaw 14681 (December 12, 2007)


This Provision is designed to accommodate the use and preservation of the George Durrand Residence, a Municipal Historic Resource. This provision allows limited commercial use and a residential use within the existing building, while ensuring that any future alterations or the construction of an Accessory building are compatible with the designation of this building as a Municipal Historic Resource.

This DC1 Provision shall apply to Plan 9922055, Block 102, Lot A and Lot B, located at 10417 Saskatchewan Drive, Edmonton as shown on Schedule ”A” attached to the Bylaw adopting this DC1 Provision.

a. Garage Suites
b. Health Services, limited to Counseling Services, and no more than a combination of two Medical or Dental Offices
c. Personal Service Shop, limited to a massage therapy studio
d. Professional, Financial, Office Support Services
e. Single Detached Housing
f. Fascia On-premises Signs, limited to one Sign on the north façade
g. Freestanding On-premises Signs, limited to one Sign, in the Front Yard of Lot A
a. All new development shall be accommodated within the existing Residence and to the rear of the property, and maintain the architectural theme of the George Durrand Residence, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the City of Edmonton Heritage Officer.
b. Not withstanding Clause 4(a), development of Lot B shall be limited to an Accessory Building (garage), a Garage Suite, and parking. Any accessory building shall be complementary to the historic George Durrand residence. The Development Officer shall have regard to preserving a mature tree located on Lot B in approving any development on Lot B.
c. A Garage Suite shall be developed in accordance with the following:
  i. there shall be no more than one Garage Suite developed;
  ii. Garage Suites shall only be developed above a rear detached garage;
  iii. the maximum height of a garage containing a Garage Suite shall be 7.5m;
  iv. the maximum site coverage of a garage containing Garage Suite shall be 12%;
  v. the maximum floor area of a Garage Suite shall be 50 m2
  vi. one on-site parking space, not in tandem with any other required parking, shall be provided for a Garage Suites; and
  vii. notwithstanding subsection 6.1.(34) of the Zoning Bylaw, the number of unrelated persons occupying a Garage Suite shall not exceed three.
d. The Development Officer shall have regard to the privacy of adjacent properties in approving a Garage Suite.
e. A loading space shall not be required.
f. Vehicle and bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw except that a minimum of two bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in any case. Any deficiencies in parking shall require a Parking Impact Assessment to be reviewed and approved by the Transportation Department and Development Officer.
g. Landscaped Yards for Lot A shall be provided in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer. Landscaped Yards for Lot B shall be in accordance with the RF4 Zone and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
h. Signs, and Lighting for Signs shall be integrated into the historical character of George Durrand Residence, and shall comply with the following regulations to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the City of Edmonton Heritage Officer:
i. The Fascia On-premises Sign shall not exceed 0.9 m².
j. The Freestanding On-premises Signs shall not exceed 0.6 m² with no portion of the sign projecting beyond the property line. The maximum Height of the Freestanding On-premises Sign shall be 1.8 m, including embellishments.
k. Modifications to the exteriors of the George Durrand Residence shall only be made in the event of necessary structural reinforcement or repairs, and shall conform to the provisions of the approved Municipal Designation Bylaw, and receive prior approval from the City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department's Heritage Officer.


a. These regulations ensure that the design of structural reinforcement or repairs, and cosmetic alterations will be sympathetic to the historical and architecturally significant facades of the George Durrand Residence. The Development Officer shall have regard to the following regulations when reviewing development applications:
b. Any future development shall conform to the ”Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada” published by Parks Canada.
c. Any development shall conform to the requirements of the City of Edmonton Designation Bylaw 13077 and Policy C-450A’s General Guidelines for Rehabilitation.
d. All development must be sympathetic to the original building’s architectural style, detail and materials and retain a residential appearance.
e. As much of the original building’s fabric and structure must be included in any development.
f. No new development shall exceed the height of the existing structure.

Bylaw attachments