DC1 15578

McCauley - Hull Block; 10601-97 Street NW, 9651 – 106A Avenue NW and 9654-106 Avenue NW 

Bylaw 15578 (November 8, 2010)


The Hull Block was designated as a Municipal Historic Resource on August 28, 2001, as per Bylaw 12623, and as a Provincial Historic Resource on July 21, 2003.

Alterations or additions to the Hull Block must conform to the provisions of the Municipal Designation Bylaw 12623 and receive prior approval from both the Provincial Minister of Community Development and the City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department's Heritage Officer.  

To accommodate a range of uses for the Hull Block Building, retain an accessory parking structure located immediately to the east of the Hull Block, and to allow for an accessory vehicular surface parking lot and limited residential uses to the northeast of the Hull Block.

Lots 20, 27, 28, and 29, Block 19, Plan ND, located east of 97 Street and north of 106 Avenue, McCauley, as shown on Schedule "A" annexed to the Bylaw adopting this DC1 Provision.

Lots 27 & 28 (Hull Block Building)

a. Apartment Hotel
b. Apartment Housing
c. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space
d. Business Support Services
e. Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
f. Commercial Schools
g. Custom Manufacturing
h. General Retail Stores
i. Government Services
j. Health Services
k. Household Repair Services
l. Minor Home Occupation
m. inor Secondhand Stores
n. Personal Service Shops
o. Private Clubs
p. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
q. Religious Assembly
r. Restaurants, for less that 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space
s. Specialty Food Service, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space
t. Fascia On-premise Signs
u. Projecting On-premise Signs


Lot 29 

a.    Accessory Parking Structure


Lot 20

a. Accessory surface vehicular parking
b. Stacked row housing, including row housing, semi-detached housing, and duplex housing
c. Single detached housing
d. Minor home-based business

Lots 27, 28 & 29

a. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 14.0 m nor three Storeys.
b. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 3.0 for Lots 27 and 28 and 0.75 for Lot 29.
c. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building.
d. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59F of the Zoning Bylaw and in consultation with the City of Edmonton Heritage Officer.
e. The general site layout and location of the parking structure on Lot 29 shall be in accordance with the site plan as illustrated in Appendix I.
f. Development of the parking garage on Lot 29 shall comply with Appendix II.
g. Apartment Housing, Apartment Hotels and Minor Home Occupations shall only be allowed above the first storey of the Hull Block Building, Lots 27 & 28.
h. Only Apartment Housing and Minor Home Occupations shall be allowed on the 2nd floor of the Hull Block Building, Lots 27 & 28.
i. A minimum of 6 Apartment Dwellings shall be provided in the Hull Block Building, Lots 27 & 28.
j. Uses on the 3rd floor of the Hull Block Building, Lots 27 & 28, shall be limited to Apartment Housing, Apartment Hotels, Minor Home Occupations, Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios, and Professional, Financial and Office Support Services.
k. The maximum Public Space associated with any combination of Restaurant Use, Bar and Neighbourhood Pub Use and Specialty Food Service Use shall be for less than 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space.
l. Parking shall be in accordance with the following:


Lot 20

m. Development of accessory surface vehicular parking on Lot 20 for the commercial tenants of the Hull Block shall be in accordance with the parking requirements outlined in Section 54 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800. The general site layout and location of surface vehicular parking shall be in accordance with the site plan illustrated in Appendix III.
n. Development of residential uses on Lot 20 shall be in accordance with the (RF6) Medium Density Multiple Family Zone development regulations as outlined in Section 170 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800.
o. Landscaping requirements outlined in Section 55 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall be adhered to in the development of Lot 20. Notwithstanding Section 55, landscaping shall be provided generally in accordance with the landscaping concepts illustrated in Appendix III, including the provision of a 1.85m solid screen fence between Lot 20 and the adjacent residential lot (9647-106A Ave) to mitigate negative impacts and enhance the visual appearance of the site in all seasons. The landscape plan shall be designed by a landscape architect and reviewed by a Development Officer and Asset Management and Public Works - Parks Branch for approval.


The Development officer shall have regard to the following guidelines when reviewing development applications:

Historic Integrity

a. This Site includes the Hull Block which, together with the lands on which those facades are located, are designated as Provincial Historic Resource as per Alberta Historical Resources Act.
b. The Hull Block and associated lands are also designated as Municipal Historic Resource as per Bylaw 12623 approved by Council on August 28, 2001.
c. Any future development shall conform to the "Guidelines for Rehabilitation" published by Alberta Community Development and be approved by the Minister of Alberta Community Development.
d. Any future development shall conform to the requirements City of Edmonton Designation Bylaw 12623 and Policy C-450A’s General Guidelines for Rehabilitation.

The intent of these guidelines is to ensure the design of any addition and or alterations will be sympathetic to the historical facades of the Hull Block.  The facades of the Hull Block have been identified as historically and architecturally significant.  Since the facades are designed in a particular style, it is desirable to design an addition or alterations that will complement the building’s overall design and does not overtly compete with the original structure by means of its own design features.

It is important that the owner and the architect consult the City of Edmonton Heritage Officer at the preliminary stage and throughout the design process.

The design of the new construction and/or any alterations should consider and be sympathetic to the following design features of the historic Hull Block:

a. Commercial Style of Architecture - The Hull Block is a fine example of this style of architecture in Edmonton. It is also considered to be one of Chinatown’s more notable buildings. Typical features being projecting pressed metal cornice with dentils, decorated parapet with front and side arched pediment with large ornamental balls at corners and name stones "Hull Block", storefront cornice, keystones over windows, recessed panels, and brick corbelling.
b. Proportions of the facades - the building exhibits a 3 unit width with 3 storeys. Any alterations or additions should abide by this pattern.
c. Building materials - while new material does not necessarily have to be the same material, any new material should be compatible with the existing brick, buff window headers and keystones, grey/white brick on rear façade.
d. Colour - the colours of any addition and/or alterations should be complementary to the colours originally on the Hull Block.
e. Design elements - the notable features to be carried across would be the strong horizontal elements such as the projecting cornice, the storefront cornice and windows.
f. Any development shall maintain, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Heritage Officer, the external appearance of the regulated portions of the building defined in Designation Bylaw 12623 as existing at the time of adoption of this Bylaw.
g. The design and appearance of any additions and/or alterations shall complement the original 1914 historical building in scale, materials, proportions, details and design elements.

Bylaw attachments