DC1 15751

Strathcona - Duggan Residence; 10515 Saskatchewan Drive

Bylaw 15751 (May 30, 2011)

This Provision is designed to accommodate the use and preservation of the John Joseph Duggan Residence constructed in 1907 (the House), a Provincial Historic Resource. This provision allows Professional, Financial and Office Support Services within the House, while ensuring that any future alterations or the construction of additional office space shall maintain the architectural theme prescribed by the Historic Resource Authority having jurisdiction.

This DC1 Provision shall apply to the west half of Lot 5, Block 103, Plan I-2, located at 10515 Saskatchewan Drive, Strathcona, as shown on Schedule ”A” attached to the Bylaw adopting this DC1 Provision.

a. Single Detached Housing
b. Semi Detached Housing
c. Duplex Housing
d. Major Home Based Business
e. Minor Home Based Business
f. Freestanding On-premises Signs
a. Modifications to the exterior of the House shall only be made in the event of necessary structural reinforcement or repairs, and shall conform to the provisions of the approved Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, and receive prior approval from the Heritage Officer Having Jurisdiction.
b. Modifications to the interior of the House shall maintain the architectural theme of the House to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Planner.
c. Not withstanding Clause 4(a), additions to the House will be limited to a maximum of 125.0 m2 per storey at the rear, will not exceed the height of the existing structure, and shall maintain the architectural theme of the House to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Planner.
d. A loading space shall not be required.
e. Vehicle and bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with Appendix I: Site Plan. Any deficiencies in parking as determined by the Development Officer may require a Parking Impact Assessment to be reviewed and approved by the Transportation Department and Development Officer.
f. Vehicular access to the site shall be from 87 Avenue only. The access/drive aisle shall be hard surfaced from the commercial crossing into the site for a minimum of 10m, as shown in Appendix I: Site Plan. The Owner must enter into a Municipal Improvement Agreement with the City for construction of a Commercial Crossing to City of Edmonton Design and Construction standards.
g. Any alley, sidewalk or boulevard damage occurring as a result of construction traffic must be restored to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department, as per Section 15.5(f) of the Zoning Bylaw. All expenses incurred for repair are to be borne by the Owner.
h. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Appendix 1: Site Plan.
i. The Freestanding On-premises Signs shall:
  i. be limited to two Signs; one each on the north and / or south sides of the property;
  ii. not exceed 1.5 m2 in area, with no portion of the sign projecting beyond the property line;
  iii. have a maximum height of 1.2 m, including embellishments and support; and
  iv. be compatible with the architectural character and finish of the development and with the design and appearance of other existing signs on the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Planner.
j. If for any reason the land and/or associated building lose their historical significance (i.e. the loss or deterioration of the House), the uses and regulations of the most restrictive Zone on the adjacent lands shall apply.


a.  These regulations ensure that the design of structural reinforcement or repairs, cosmetic alterations, and rear expansion will be sympathetic to the historical and architecturally significant façade (s) of the House. The Development Officer, in consultation with the Heritage Planner, shall consider the following regulations when reviewing development applications for this site:
  i. Any future development shall conform to Parks Canada’s Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
  ii. All development must be sympathetic to the original building’s architectural style, detail and materials and retain a residential appearance.
  iii. As much of the original building’s fabric and structure must be included in any development, to the satisfaction of the Heritage Planner.
  iv. No new development shall exceed the height of the existing structure.

Demolition of any portion of the House shall be to the approval of the Heritage Planner.

Bylaw attachments