DC1 15964

Chappelle - 2804 - 141 Street SW; located north of Carruthers Lane and east of Chapman Way S.W. 

Bylaw 15964 (December 12, 2011)

To provide a district for low density residential housing (”reverse housing”) whereby single detached residential uses front onto a multi-use trail and stormwater management facility and vehicular access at the rear of the property is provided by a public rear Lane roadway, providing an opportunity for a unique pedestrian-oriented development with architectural and urban design standards.

Portions of NE ¼ 14-51-25-W4M, 0.72 ha, more or less; located north of Carruthers Lane and east of Chapman Way S.W., Chappelle Neighbourhood, shown on Schedule ”A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

a. Limited Group Homes
b. Minor Home Based Business
c. Major Home Based Business
d. Single Detached Housing
e. Secondary Suites
f. Fascia On-premises Signs
g. Freestanding On-premises Signs
h. Residential Sales Centre
i. Temporary On-premises Signs
j. Non-accessory Parking on the lot located at the northeast corner of Chapman Way and Carruthers Lane intersection
a. The front lot line shall be the property line along the linear multi-use trail except for properties along Chapman Way.
b. Notwithstanding the other regulations of this Zone, the sites fronting onto Chapman Way shall be developed in accordance with the provisions of the RSL Zone.
c. The minimum Site Area shall be 270 m2.
d. The Site Width shall be 8.7 m except for properties along Chapman Way
e. The minimum Site Depth shall be 33 m.
f. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0m nor 2 ½ Storeys.
g. The following Setbacks shall be provided on each lot:
i. The Front Setback shall be 4.0m;
ii. The minimum required Side Setback shall be 1.2 m; and
iii. The minimum Side Setback abutting a public roadway, other than a rear Lane shall be 20% of the Site Width or 2.4 m, whichever is greater. The minimum side setback abutting a Lane shall be 1.2 m.
h. Notwithstanding subsection g(ii) above, the Development Officer may reduce the Side setback to be less than 1.2 m where:
i. The wall facing onto such Side Setback shall be a blank wall; and
ii. A maintenance easement shall be granted by the owner of the adjacent lot that shall:
  1. Be registered by caveat against the title of the adjacent lot; and
  2. Include any required encroachment easements to establish a minimum separation distance of 2.4 m.
i. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 6.0 m.
j. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 47% with a maximum of 35% for a principal building and a maximum Site Coverage of 17% for Accessory buildings.
k. Detached Garages shall comply with Section 50.3.2 and 50.3.3 of this Bylaw.
l. A minimum private outdoor amenity area of 45 m2 per dwelling shall be designated on the Site Plan for the active or passive recreation use of the occupants. This outdoor amenity area shall be located immediately adjacent to, and with direct access from, the Dwelling it is intended to serve. Neither the width nor length of such an outdoor amenity area shall be less than 4.0 m. This area shall be permanently retained as open space, unencumbered by an Accessory Building or future additions.
m. On-site parking shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements:
i. One garage, or an area for one Garage, shall be clearly demarcated both on the Site and on the plan accompanying any application for a principal building. The minimum distance from the Rear Lot Line to a Garage or Garage area shall be 6.0 m from the building face to property line. A hard surface walkway is required between the Garage or Garage area and an entry to the dwelling.
ii. Where no Garage is developed, a hard surface parking pad a minimum of 6.1 m wide and a minimum of 6.0 m deep, shall be constructed at the rear of each lot. Such hard surface parking pad shall include an underground electrical power connection with outlet on a post 1.0 m in height, located within 1.0 m of the parking pad.
n. All roof drainage shall be directed away from buildings and to a public roadway, including a rear Lane, or to a drainage work. Applications for a Development Permit shall include a detailed drainage plan showing the proposed drainage of the Site.
o. Individual Development Permit applications shall be evaluated in terms of compatibility with existing structures on the block face, taking into account proposed development Setbacks, Dwelling entrances and orientation, massing, roof-lines, the location of windows and other openings in walls and elevation treatment of wall openings, building façades, and finishing materials.
p. General Site Landscaping shall be developed in accordance with the following:
i. one deciduous tree, one coniferous tree and four shrubs shall be required for each Dwelling;
ii. all applications for a Development Permit shall include a site plan that identifies the location, species and size of landscaping required in subsection 15(a) above;
iii. the required Site Plan shall also identify the proposed Landscaping and screening for any required private Setback area, which is not provided with external access from a rear Lane, Side Setback or passageway through a Garage; and
iv. all required Landscaping shall be consistent with the relevant requirements of subsection 55.4.
q. Except where Secondary Suites are allowed in this Zone and may thereby constitute two Dwellings on a lot, a maximum of one Dwelling per lot shall be allowed.
r. Secondary Suites shall comply with Section 86 of this Bylaw.
s. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A.
t. Appendix A shows a conceptual site plan to illustrate a possible development pattern.
a. Similar floor plans with similar front elevations must be separated by a minimum of one lot unless finishing treatments are substantially different;
b. The Development Officer may require a graduated transition between different house styles, which shall be accommodated by varied roof lines and architectural projections;
c. Principal Building must include a doorway, which includes a front entrance feature, and a principal living room window at the front of the structure oriented to the multi use trail.
d. Corner Sites shall have flanking side treatments similar to the front elevation;
e. Where an application for a multi unit project is received, the Development Officer shall require the submission of Site Plans showing Setbacks, Dwelling entrances and orientation, massing, roof-lines, the location and elevation treatment of wall openings, building façades, and finishing materials for all of the developments. The Development Officer shall require elevations and photos of adjacent developments and that the exteriors of the Dwellings that are the subject of the applications provide individuality and variety of building design in terms of Setbacks, entrances, elevations and finishing materials.
a. All units shall use non-combustible siding or vinyl siding with exterior grade wallboard underneath.
b. Municipal address signs shall be required for each lot and be attached to Garages or fences visible from the rear Lane.
c. The Development Officer shall require the submission of an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report prepared by a qualified environmental consultant, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Alberta Environment and the Capital Health Authority that the site is suitable for the full range of allowable uses, prior to the issuance of development permits.
d. A 1.5 m easement shall be registered on private property abutting the adjacent east-west rear Lane (Carruthers Lane) to facilitate streetlighting.
e. The owner shall enter into a Servicing Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvement necessary to serve the development. Improvements to be addressed in the Agreement include but are not limited to the following:
i. Provision of streetlighting within the 1.5 m easement area abutting the adjacent east-west rear Lane (Carruthers Lane).

Bylaw attachments