DC1 17382

Yellowhead Corridor East - 12403  Fort Road NW

Bylaw 17382 - Schedule "B"  (September 21, 2015)


To establish a Direct Development Control Provision to accommodate a range of Public Utility, Commercial, and Community Service Uses on the Site; to establish site-specific development regulations to ensure that the Site is remediated to the extent necessary to accommodate the intended Uses; and to preserve, integrate and develop Site-sensitive criteria for the preservation and rehabilitation of the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack as a publicly accessible Amenity Area, while also incorporating the Chimney Stack as a predominant structure on the Site and maintaining its visibility within the Site and from Fort Road.

a. Child Care Services
b. Land Treatment
c. Major Impact Utility Services
d. Minor Impact Utility Services
e. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
f. Protective and Emergency Services
g. Specialty Foods Services
h. Fascia On-premises Signs
i. Freestanding On-premises Signs
j. Projecting On-premises Signs
k. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. Development shall be in general accordance with Appendix I - Site Plan.
b. Prior to the issuance of any Building Permit, excepting an excavation Building Permit, the owner shall provide proof satisfactory to the Development Officer in consultation with the Environmental and Energy Coordination Unit that the lands have been remediated to allow all of the Uses within the subject district. The Development Officer shall not release the Development Permit for the purposes of a Building Permit other than an excavation Building Permit until this regulation has been complied with to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. Prior to the issuance of any Development Permit, the owner(s) shall register a Public Access Easement, as generally shown on Appendix I - Site Plan of this Bylaw. The easement shall ensure that public access to the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack Amenity Area remains available between the hours of 7:00am to 10:00pm and shall make the private property owner(s) responsible for maintenance and liability.
d. The minimum Front Setback from Fort Road shall be 7.5 m.
e. The minimum Side Setback from Yellowhead Trail shall be 7.5 m.
f. The minimum Side Setback from the northeast property line shall be 4.5 m.
g. The minimum Rear Setback from the LRT corridor shall be 7.5 m.
h. The maximum building Height shall be 14.0 m. Structural elements that exceed 10.0 m in Height shall be designed, screened and landscaped as architectural features to minimize the potential adverse effects of the large massing on adjacent properties, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Urban Design planners.
i. Notwithstanding (h) above, the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack is exempt from this regulation.
j. All loading, service, trash collection and Accessory storage areas, and trucking yards shall be screened from view from any public roadway other than a Lane, the LRT corridor, and from adjacent Sites, by building walls, landscape materials, berms, fences or a combination of these.
k. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building.
l. A Landscape Plan from a qualified landscape professional shall be submitted showing pedestrian connections, fencing details, and Landscaping in all Landscaping areas as generally shown on Appendix I - Site Plan of this Bylaw. This Landscape Plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
m. The Development Officer may vary the landscape requirements under Section 55.4 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw provided the applicant seeking a variance to the landscape requirements submits a report from a qualified landscape professional explaining and justifying the variance.
n. The Development Officer shall require a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment prepared by a qualified security consultant.
o. All fencing around the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack Amenity Area shall maintain sight lines into and out of the Amenity Area for CPTED and aesthetic purposes. This fencing shall be decorative and should be coordinated and complementary to other fencing that may be developed around the site, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Urban Design Planners.
p. Access to developments within this Provision from public roadways or primary interior access roads shall provide safe, convenient vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation patterns between parking and Amenity Areas, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services and the Urban Design planners.
q. Parking shall be in accordance with Section 54 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw. The location and orientation of parking shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services.
r. Signs shall be in accordance with Schedule 59C and Section 59 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw. No signs shall be painted on or attached to the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack.

In order to achieve the General Purpose of this Direct Control Provision, objectives and related design guidelines for the development of the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack Site are provided, in addition to the development regulations. The Development Officer, in consultation with the Urban Design planners, shall have regard for these objectives and design guidelines in order to ensure that development is of a high quality and integrates with the surrounding area.

a. General Conditions – The area around the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack situated within the Site shall be preserved, landscaped and made accessible to the public. An outdoor Amenity Area shall be created around the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack to create a publicly accessible destination with a sense of place and character, and to allow for historic interpretation and social interaction. This may be achieved through landscaping, park seating features (benches), pedestrian lighting, waste receptacles, wayfinding signs, appropriate pedestrian and bicycle pathways and road crossings within the Site, and other means integrated with the landscaping.
b. Public Access – A dedicated vehicular and pedestrian access from Fort Road to the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack shall be provided. This access shall be kept open to the public and should be arranged outside the security area of the facility that may be built on the Site. The vehicular access shall include a small drop off zone and parking area of up to 10 cars, which may be integrated within the primary development Site design or be organized separately. The universal pedestrian access to the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack may be combined with the vehicular access or organized separately, to symbolically signify the historic resource. A direct pedestrian connection between the main entrance of the facility and the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack should be considered in the Site plan design.
c. Protected View Corridor/Visibility – The Site design shall ensure that there is a direct, unobstructed view corridor towards the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack  from Fort Road (northwest Site boundary), any future road that may be located alongside the northeast Site boundary, and from the LRT corridor. These view corridors should have a minimum of 15 meters of property frontage, unobstructed with trees, buildings or other vertical elements.
a. The preservation and rehabilitation of the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack shall be undertaken in accordance with the following regulations and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and the Heritage Officer:
  i. Any future development related to the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack shall conform to Park Canada’s Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada;
  ii. Any preservation and rehabilitation activities to the structure and its exterior shall respect its historic character and conform with the requirements set out in Bylaw 17259 and the General Guidelines for Rehabilitation in City Policy C-450B; and
  iii. The design and appearance of development on the Site should complement the historic Canada Packers Chimney Stack and facilitate public access and interpretation of the structure’s history.

Bylaw attachments

Bylaw graphics

17382 Appendix I