DC1 17646

McCauley - north of 106 Ave NW, east of 96 Street NW; 10631 - 96 Street NW/ Phyllis Grocery Store

Bylaw 17646 (May 25, 2016)



The purpose of this Zone is to provide for the restoration and redevelopment of a municipally designated historic building, the Phyllis Grocery Store, while allowing for limited commercial and residential Uses to operate within the building.


This Provision shall apply to Lot 21, Block 20, Plan ND; as shown on Schedule “A” appended to the Bylaw adopting this provision, McCauley

a. Convenience Retail Stores
b. Health Services
c. Single Detached Housing
d. Secondary Suites
e. Minor Home Based Business
f. Freestanding On-premises Signs
g. Fascia On-premises Signs
a. The overall site development shall be in general accordance with Appendix I – Site Plan.
b. The rear detached garage shall be demolished and the area to the rear of the principle building shall be developed in general accordance with Appendix I – Site Plan.
c. Convenience Retail Use and Health Services shall be limited to the existing principle building, as shown on Appendix I – Site Plan.
d. Health services shall be limited to consulting services pertaining to a pharmacy operation. At the time of Development Permit application, the Development Officer shall require a written statement verifying the nature of the business.
e. Vehicular Parking and Bicycle Parking and Loading shall be in accordance with Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw.
f. Notwithstanding clause 4.e of this provision, the following shall apply
  i. The parking layout shall be in accordance with Appendix I – Site Plan;
  ii. 3 Tandem Vehicular Parking spaces shall be allowed;
  iii. Loading shall be provided within a Parking Space and utilized outside of business hours; and
  iv. 3 bicycle parking stalls shall be provided with 2 at the southwest corner of the Site and 1 at north side of garbage enclosure in general accordance with Appendix I – Site Plan.
g. In addition to Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw, Landscaping shall be in general accordance with Appendix II – Landscape Plan
h. A Fence, equal to 1.06m in Height, measured from the general ground level 0.5m back of property line of the Site on which the fence is to be constructed, is to be constructed along the northern property line, adjacent to 106A Avenue, and shall be constructed of ornamental, wrought iron and painted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. This fencing shall extend from the rear property line to the rear of the existing building, in general accordance to Appendix I – Site Plan.
i. A Fence, equal to 1.85m in Height, measured from the general ground level 0.5m back of the property line of the Site on which the fence is to be constructed, is to be constructed along the south property line to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. This Fence shall not extend beyond the foremost portion of the principal building on the adjacent building to the south, in general accordance to Appendix I – Site Plan
j. A Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Assessment shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995), and in accordance with Section 58 of the Zoning Bylaw.
k. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall be provided to ensure a well-lit and safe environment for pedestrians, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Any outdoor lighting for any development shall be located and arranged so that no direct rays of light are directed at any adjoining properties, or interfere with the effectiveness of any traffic control devices, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
l. A trash collection area shall provide effective screening from the ground to a height of 1.85m and shall be secured in a manner to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. This trash collection area shall be located to the rear of the building in accordance with Appendix I – Site Plan. The gates and doors of the garbage enclosure must not open or encroach into the abutting road right-of-way.
m. As a condition of the Development Permit, the owner must enter into an encroachment agreement with the City for any structure within the road right-of-way of the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services.
a. The owner shall consult the City of Edmonton Heritage Officer and throughout the design and construction process, including the preliminary stage of decision.
b. Any future development shall conform to the requirements of the City of Edmonton Designation Bylaw 17589 and Policy C-450B’s General Guidelines for Rehabilitation.
c. Any alterations to the existing building shall integrate design features of the historic Phyllis Grocery Store, and shall meet the following regulations:
  i. Building materials - any new material shall be compatible with the existing stucco, wood windows, and original colour asphalt roof shingles.
  ii. Design elements - notable shall be included such as the crenellated facade, the storefront and side cornice, doorways and arches, and windows. Period stucco, soffits, and headers shall be maintained and restored.
d. The building shall maintain, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer, the external appearance of the regulated portions of the building defined in Designation Bylaw 17589 as existing at the time of adoption of this Bylaw.
e. The design and appearance (materiality, colour scheme & signage) of the building, including any alterations shall complement the original 1941 historical building in scale, materials, proportions, details, colours and design elements.
a. Signs shall be integrated into the general design of the building and shall follow the traditional pattern of location Signs. The Sign size, typeface, graphics, and materials shall suit the period of the original building to the satisfaction of the Development Office, and new sign installation shall be limited to reduce damage to the existing building
b. Signs shall be designed with a clear emphasis on pedestrians rather than automobile oriented Signs.
c. Fascia On-Premises Signs shall be restricted to individual lettering.
d. Fascia On-Premises Signs shall not extend more than 14.5 cm out from the wall nor beyond the horizontal limits of the wall.
e. If illuminated, Signs shall be lit from an external source including Goose Neck lighting. Backlit or internally illuminated Fascia On - premises Signs are prohibited, except where only the lettering is backlit.
f. Fascia On -Premises Signs which consist only of a company Logogram, or an Identification Sign formed of individual letters, shall be allowed. Not more than one such Sign per business shall be allowed per building face and the Sign shall only be used to identify the tenants of the building.
g. Fascia On-Premises signs shall be restricted to the front (west) façade.
h. A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan, Schedule and coloured rendering showing the Sign and the complete Façade of the building on which the Sign shall be located, consistent with the overall intent of Section 59.3 of the Zoning Bylaw, shall be prepared for the development and submitted with the development or sign permit application to be approved by the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer

Bylaw attachments