DC1 17844

Boyle Street (Civic Quarter) - 96 Street, between Jasper Avenue and 101A Avenue

Bylaw 17844 (April 26, 2017)

This Provision shall apply Lot 54, Block 1, Plan 902 2473, located at 96 Street, between Jasper Avenue and 101A Avenue, Boyle Street.

To provide for medium rise mixed commercial and residential uses in order to achieve the intent of Section 7.2.6 of this Plan.

a. Apartment Hotels
b. Apartment Housing
c. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
d. Business Support Services
e. Child Care Services
f. Commercial Schools
g. Community Recreation Services
h. Convenience Retail Stores
i. Extended Medical Treatment Facilities
j. General Retail Stores
k. Government Services
l. Group Homes
m. Health Services
n. Hotels
o. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
p. Lodging Houses
q. Major Amusement Establishments
r. Major Home Based Business
s. Minor Alcohol Sales
t. Minor Amusement Establishments
u. Minor Home Based Business
v. Minor Impact Utility Services
w. Minor Veterinarian Services
x. Nightclubs
y. Non-accessory Parking
z. Personal Service Shops
aa. Private Clubs
bb. Private Education Services
cc. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
dd. Protective and Emergency Services
ee. Public Education Services
ff. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
gg. Public Park
hh. Restaurants
ii. Religious Assembly
jj. Specialty Food Services
kk. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
ll. Fascia on premises signs
mm. Freestanding off premises signs
nn. Freestanding on premises signs
oo. Roof on premises signs
a. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 3.0 except that, the Development Officer may, at his discretion, increase the Floor Area Ratio to a maximum of 5.0 for comprehensive development on sites of 1 600 m2 or greater which, in his opinion, meets the objectives of the Plan and provides the following:
i. effective and efficient local traffic management through the provision of a limited number of common parking and service access points to the site;
ii. parking which is below-grade and covered, or parking in a structure above-grade with an exterior which integrates with the overall design and character of the proposed development;
iii. continuity of pedestrian-oriented retail and service establishments with direct access to grade providing activity and interest for passers-by;
iv. Amenity Area, in excess of the requirements of this Provision, particularly those which promote the pedestrian-oriented nature of the development, through the provision of such features as atriums, plazas and seating areas;
v. Design elements and landscaping features which add to the streetscape and promote the pedestrian-oriented nature of the development, such as:
A. additional building Setbacks used for sidewalk widening with colonnades, awnings, bus shelters, landscaping and other forms of weather and wind protection within the property line; and
B. exterior lighting and furniture, mature trees and other planting including means to facilitate natural growth, in excess of the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw.
vi. Lighting and design elements such as openness to public view and a mixture of uses in addition to the expected retail and residential activity, such as restaurants, theatres, cabarets and nightclubs which ensure the attractiveness and safety of the development at night and encourage the active use of the site beyond normal office hours; and
vii. Architectural detailing, exterior finishing materials and building massing which are in harmony throughout the development and with features prevalent in existing adjacent developments where these are consistent with the objectives of this Plan for this Provision;
b. The maximum total residential density shall be 224 dwellings/ha;
c. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 20 m nor 6 storeys;
d. The minimum site area for new development shall be 360 m2;
e. The first storey of buildings along Jasper Avenue shall not be set back from the front lot line unless a particular design feature is being encouraged that would enhance the overall streetscape;
f. No minimum Yards shall be required; however, Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw;
g. Direct vehicular access shall not be permitted to 95 Street, Jasper Avenue, or 101 Avenue;
h. Parking and loading shall be located, wherever possible, at the rear areas. Required off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw;
i. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw; and
j. Signs shall be developed in accordance with Schedule 59H.

Bylaw attachments