Boyle Street
Hecla Block - North east corner of 101A Avenue and 95 Street, Boyle Street; 10141 - 95 Street NW
Bylaw 18175 (November 15, 2017)
To establish a Direct Development Control District to accommodate a limited range of uses such that by limiting the range of specific land uses that will be compatible with the designation of the Hecla Block as a Municipal Historic Resource.
This DC1 District shall apply to Plan RN49, Lots 5 and 6, located on the north east corner of 101A Avenue and 95 Street, Boyle Street.
The following Discretionary Uses are allowed:
a) Apartment Housing
Residential Related
a) Apartment Hotels
b) Home Occupation, Major
c) Home Occupation, Minor
d) Residential Sales Centres
a) Child Care Services
b) Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
c) Personal Service Shops
d) Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
e) Professional Offices
Development Criteria
The Development Officer and the Heritage Planner shall have the regard to the following guidelines when reviewing a development permit application for Discretionary Uses.
1. | Historic Integrity | ||||||||||||||||||
The General Guidelines for Rehabilitation (the Guidelines) are intended to assist in applying accepted principles and practices to conservation. One of the most commonly used standards is the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, (the Standards) of which these guidelines are derived. In a manner consistent with accepted practice, Policy C-450 requires that the standards be used in conjunction with the guidelines to ensure that the basis for a clear and consistent interpretation of the guidelines is provided to assist owners of historic resources throughout the rehabilitation process. The following guidelines and the referenced standards shall apply to properties on The Register and form part of the bylaw designating a Municipal Historic Resource.
Compatible Uses
Wherever possible, the uses proposed for a Historic Resource shall be compatible with the existing building such that only minimal changes are required to the building. The use of an Historic Resource for its original purpose is desirable.
Original Character
The original distinctive qualities and character of the Historic Resource shall not be destroyed. The removal or alteration of any historical materials or features shall be avoided whenever possible.
Historic Period
The Historic Resource should be recognized as a product of its own time. Alterations which are not based on historical fact or which recreate an earlier or a later appearance shall be discouraged.
Witness to Change
Changes to the Historic Resource may have occurred over time. These alterations are evidence of the history and development of the building. Because this evolution may have acquired significance in its own right, alterations, which are significant to the original building, should be recognized and respected where indicated.
Style and Craftsmanship
Distinctive stylistic features and examples of skilled craftsmanship of the Historic Resource shall be preserved and treated sensitively.
Repair and Replacement
Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible. Where replacement is necessary, the new material should match the original as to material composition, colour, texture, design, etc. The repair or replacement of architectural features shall be based on sound knowledge of the original characteristics of the feature. Such knowledge shall be based on historical or pictorial evidence and not upon conjecture.
In all cases, surface cleaning shall be undertaken with the gentlest means available. Sandblasting and other cleaning methods that damage historic buildings shall not be undertaken.
Reversibility of Intervention
When the introduction of new elements or materials are necessary to stabilize or preserve a Historic Resource, alterations shall be undertaken such that the new materials, should they fail, may be removed at a later date without damage to the original fabric of the Historic Resource. Where this is not possible (i.e., use of epoxy or other permanent interventions) only those methods and materials which have been thoroughly tested and found satisfactory in situ, shall be used.
Prior to undertaking any alterations, particularly in cases where alterations may threaten the building fabric (underpinning, moving structures), the applicant shall provide a complete and accurate record of the architectural features of the Historic Resource. Measured drawings and photographs of details may prove invaluable if major features are damaged or lost during the subsequent repair work. Any historic resource which is the subject of an application to unsympathetically alter or demolish such resource shall be professionally recorded.
Original Construction Details
In some historic structures, poor construction details or inappropriate materials resulted in rapid deterioration of certain building elements. In these instances, accurate reconstruction of the original detail will inevitably result in the failure of the element. Therefore, reconstruction should be undertaken in such a fashion as to duplicate the original appearance as closely as possible while using details based on sound construction practice.
At no time should the life and safety of occupants of an Historic Resource be deemed of lesser importance than the preservation of the original fabric of the resource. The required life and safety standards are those required by the current Alberta Building Code. However, notwithstanding these Code requirements, where the essential character of the structure is threatened by changes for Code reasons, every effort shall be made to achieve an equivalent safety standard by alternate means so as to minimize the impact on the historic fabric
Prior to undertaking any rehabilitation work, the scope of work and a schedule of alterations should be prepared. This schedule should include phasing of alterations where necessary due to program or budget restrictions. The type and timing of both short and long term maintenance work shall also be included.
As a general rule signs should be limited to signs which were originally present on the building. In instances where new uses or interpretative functions dictate the use of additional signs, these new elements should be integrated into the general design of the project. The size, typeface, graphics, and materials should be chosen to suit the period of the Historic Resource wherever possible. Avoid installing new signs such that the repair, replacement or removal of the signs damages the original fabric of the structure.
Alterations and Additions to Historic Resources
Contemporary design for alterations and additions to existing properties shall not be discouraged when such alterations and additions do not diminish the overall historic character of the resource and such design is compatible with the size, scale, colour, material and character of the resource, neighbourhood or environment.