DC1 19135

Rossdale ARP DC1 (Area 1) - Rossdale Brewery - north of 97 Avenue NW, east of 101 Street NW, and south of Rossdale Road NW

Bylaw 16543 (August 26, 2013)

Bylaw 19133 and Charter Bylaw 19135 (May 26, 2020)

To preserve the Rossdale Brewery- a designated historic resource- and provide a district for a mix of residential, parks, commercial, entertainment, cultural and educational uses appropriate to its relationship to the downtown and the river edge and to the River Valley lands. A mixed-use urban environment with a balanced range of opportunities for living, working and recreation will be encouraged.

Development will be sensitive to the existing scale and historic character of the Rossdale Brewery, incorporating it as the predominant structure. Commercial Uses will be concentrated in the Rossdale Brewery building, on lands immediately adjacent to it, and on the west side of 100 Street.

Development will provide an opportunity for multifamily housing with the majority of parking located underground.

A portion of North Rossdale generally located north of 97 Avenue NW, east of 101 Street NW, and south of Rossdale Road NW, as shown on Appendix 1 annexed to the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

3.1  Sub Area A  
  a. Creation and Production Establishments
  b. Duplex Housing
  c. General Retail Stores which do not exceed 150 m2
  d. Hotels
  e. Multi-unit Housing
  f. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
  g. Semi-Detached Housing
  h. Single Detached Housing
  i. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
  j. Public Park
  k. Restaurants
  l. Specialty Food Services
  m. Fascia On-Premise Signs
  n. Projecting On-Premise Signs
  o. Temporary Signs, excluding trailer mounted signs and/or signs with changeable copy
  Sub Area B – Rossdale Brewery
  a. Single Detached Housing, only for Lot 17, Block 7, Plan Q
  b. Live Work Unit
  c. Minor Home Based Business
  d. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs, to a maximum of 240m2 of Public Space
  e. Creation and Production Establishments, with a Floor Area up to 480m2
  f. General Retail Stores, with a Floor Area up to 480 m2
  g. Hotels
  h. Multi-unit Housing
  i. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services, with a Floor Area up to 200m2
  j. Restaurants, to a maximum of 480m2 of Public Space
  k. Specialty Food Services, to a maximum of 480m2 of Public Space
  l. Fascia On-Premise Signs
  m. Projecting On-Premise Signs
  n. Temporary Signs, excluding trailer mounted signs and/or signs with changeable copy
  Sub Area C – Public Parks
  a. Child Care Services
  b. Community Recreation Services
  c. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
  d. Outdoor Participant Recreation Services
  e. Public Park
  f. Natural Science Exhibits
  g. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
  h. Restaurants, to a maximum of 120 m2 of Public Space
  i. Specialty Foods Services, to a maximum of 120 m2 of Public Space
  j. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
  k. Spectator Sports Establishments
  l. Fascia On-premises Signs
  m. Freestanding On-premises Signs
  n. Projecting On-premises Signs
  o. Temporary On-premises Signs
  Sub Area D - Metropolitan Recreation
  a. Child Care Services
  b. Community Recreation Services
  c. Exhibition and Convention Facilities
  d. Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Garden Centres
  e. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
  f. Minor Impact Utility Services
  g. Natural Resource Development
  h. Natural Science Exhibits
  i. Outdoor Participant Recreation Services
  j. Protective and Emergency Services
  k. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
  l. Public Park
  m. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
  n. Spectator Sports Establishments
  o. Fascia On-premises Signs
  p. Freestanding On-premises Signs
  q. Projecting On-premises Signs
  r. Temporary On-premises Signs
4.1 Development Regulations for Sub Area A
  a. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 15 m nor 3½ storeys.
  b. Development within the Floodplain shall comply with the Floodplain Protection Overlay – Section 812.
  c. Commercial development will be concentrated generally in the Rossdale Brewery building and on lands immediately surrounding the Brewery on the west side of 100 Street.
  d. Commercial or Urban Service Uses will be limited to small scale operations no larger than 500 m2 gross Floor Area for each business.
  e. Single-detached housing, duplex housing and semi-detached housing shall comply with the Development Regulations of the RF3 Zone
  f. For all other housing types in Residential Uses:
    i. The minimum front Setback shall be 2.5 m
    ii. The minimum rear Setback shall be 3 m
    iii. The Minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be 12 m2 per Dwelling for Dwellings any part of which is contained in the lowest storey and 6 m2 per Dwelling for Dwellings no part of which is contained in the lowest storey. Private Outdoor Amenity Area at ground level shall not be provided in the front Yard.
    iv. The maximum residential density shall be 155 dwellings/ha
  g. Entries to Dwellings at the first and second floor shall be directly accessible to the street.
  h. Parking must be provided in a manner such that it is screened from adjacent streets.
  i. Access to parking and loading areas should be via the lane but, where not feasible, established with minimum disruption to pedestrian use of the streets.
  j. Roof tops shall be designed and oriented such that mechanical equipment is screened from view.
  k. New housing in the form of Multi-unit Housing is the preferred housing form and will be encouraged over Single Detached, Semi-detached and Duplex Housing.
  l. Signs shall be in accordance with Schedule 59H of the Zoning Bylaw.
4.2 Development Regulations for Sub Area B Rossdale Brewery
  a. Development shall be in general conformance with Appendix 2 (Concept Site Plan).
  b. For the purposes of this Bylaw, building Height shall be calculated using the geodetic grade elevation of 622.25 and shall not exceed 19 m.
  c. Notwithstanding Section 4.2(b) a single feature identification spire is permitted within the zone subject to the following restrictions:
    i. The maximum Height of the spire shall be 26m and not exceed 15 m2 in area
    ii. The spire shall be located adjacent to and east of the Brewery, within the adjoining commercial quadrant generally as shown on Appendix 2.
    iii. Finish materials of the spire shall be predominantly brick to match the brewery brick.
    iv. The spire shall contain no occupancy other than an elevator or stairwell.
    v. Signage shall be complementary and sensitive to the adjacent Brewery.
    vi. Signage shall be limited to Fascia On-premises Signs.
  d. Minimum Setbacks shall be as indicated in Appendix 3 (Setbacks) attached.
  e. The minimum Amenity Area shall be 7.5 m2 per Dwelling.
  f. The maximum Density shall be 155 dwellings/ha.
  g. Commercial Uses shall be generally concentrated in the Rossdale Brewery building and on lands immediately surrounding the Brewery on both sides of 100 Street as per Appendix 2 (Concept Site Plan).
  h. All ground floor Commercial Uses shall provide weather protection in the form of a canopy or other architectural element at the entries.
  i. Entries to residential Dwellings at the first and second floor shall be directly accessible at grade.
  j. The Owner shall submit a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Assessment that shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer prior to the issuance of a Development Permit to ensure that development on the Site provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995).
  k. Signs shall be in accordance with Schedule 59H of the Zoning Bylaw.
4.2.1 Parking, Loading and Storage
  a. Vehicular and Bicycle Parking shall be provided and located to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and in accordance with Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw.
  b. Notwithstanding Section 4.2.1(a) minimum vehicular parking requirements shall be as follows:
Use Vehicle Parking Spaces Required
Multi-unit Housing  
Studio 0.5 parking stall/Dwelling
One bedroom Dwelling 0.75 parking stall / Dwelling
Two or more bedroom Dwelling 1.0 parking stall / Dwelling
All Non-Residential Uses

Minimum of 1 parking space / 300m2 of gross Floor Area

Maximum of 2.0 parking spaces / 100m2 of gross Floor Area

  c. For the purposes of parking, Area 1, Sub Area B shall be considered one site.
  d. All required vehicular parking shall be provided underground, except residential visitor vehicular parking to a maximum of 6 spaces.
  e. A maximum of one (1) loading space shall be provided and shall be a minimum of 3.7 m by 5.5 m. Loading and unloading may occur in parking; but, only in off hours.
  f. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be concealed from view from adjacent roadways and sites in accordance with the provisions of Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw. Trash collection and storage areas shall be located within the building. Trash collection areas shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management Services and Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
  g. Access to parking and loading areas should be via the lane but, where not feasible, established with minimum disruption to pedestrian use of the streets. Access to underground parking shall not be permitted via 98 Avenue west of 100 Street.
  h. The driveway ramps for underground parking structures shall be at grade at the property line and must not exceed a slope of 6% for a distance of 4.5m inside the property line, or to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
  i. Retaining walls adjacent to parkade ramps shall not exceed 0.3m in height within 3.0m of property line.
  j. Parkade ramp retaining walls that are visible from the street and/or pedestrian connections shall be architecturally treated and articulated, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
  k. Any portion of the Parkade that is exposed shall be designed and articulated to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
4.2.2 Landscaping
  a. Streetscape improvements along 100 Street, including boulevard trees spaced at a maximum of 10 m and sidewalk upgrades, shall be required as a condition of the issuance of the development permit for the adjacent site, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
  b. A Landscape Plan prepared by a registered Landscape Architect shall be submitted as a condition of the issuance of the development permit for the portion of the Site being developed, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer as per Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw.
4.2.3 Pedestrian Connections
  a. The owner(s) shall design and construct a publicly accessible internal minimum clear width 3.0 m hardscaped pedestrian walkway, including lighting and landscaping, connecting the River Valley to the Rossdale Community, as generally shown in Appendix 4 (Pedestrian Connection Plan) and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and Parks. The hardscaped pedestrian pathway shall be constructed wholly on private lands east of alley west of 100 Street NW (Lot 12-15, Block 15, Plan Q; Lot 19-20, Block 7, Plan Q; and Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 0021114) and 1.5 m on private (Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 0021114) and 1.5 m on public lands west of the alley as shown on Appendix 4 (Pedestrian Connection Plan).
    i. The owner(s) shall enter into a Utility Right-of-Way Agreement for those portions of the hardscaped pedestrian walkway that are located within private property.
    ii. Prior to the issuance of Development Permit, the owner(s) shall register a Public Access Easement to ensure the public access along the hardscaped pedestrian pathway. The easement shall make the private property owner(s) responsible for maintenance and liability.
  b. Off-site Improvements
    i. The owner shall design and construct a minimum clear width 3.0 m hardscaped pedestrian walkway connecting the internal path aforementioned in Section 4.2.3(a) to the River Valley Trail System to the satisfaction of Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and Parks.
4.2.4 Urban Design and Architectural Treatment
  a. Massing and exterior treatments for the development shall be in general conformance with Appendix 5 (Massing and Elevation Treatments).
  b. Buildings shall be constructed with durable, high quality materials. The use of vinyl and masonry stucco as a finishing material shall not be permitted.
  c. Buildings adjacent to the Brewery shall be constructed and consist of a compatible architecture style with the Brewery to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer.
  d. Facades shall be designed to articulate individual Dwellings through the use of entrance features, roofline features, recessed or projected features, colours, materials or other architectural elements.
  e. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building.
  f. Active commercial frontages, generally as shown on Appendix 6 (Active Frontages Plan), shall be developed providing direct entrances and windows fronting onto pedestrian circulation spaces. Provide clear glazing on at least 60% of ground floor windows at these locations. Provide weather protection in the form of canopies or other architectural elements above commercial entrances to create a comfortable pedestrian environment.
  g. Active residential frontages, generally as shown on Appendix 6, shall be developed providing such features as porches, staircases, stoops, semi-private outdoor areas or landscaped yards.
4.2.5 Heritage – Preservation of the Brewery Building
  a. The Brewery building shall be preserved and any development shall be in accordance with the associated designating Bylaw 16360 (as a Municipal Historic Resource).
  b. The Brewery facades (north, west, and the roof), to the extent outlined in Bylaw 16360 shall be protected and form the exterior of the building.
  c. Additions to the Brewery shall be minimized and designed such that it retains its prominence and appearance as a standalone building.
  d. Additions, alterations, and changes shall respect the original character of the building, materials, and architectural features.
4.2.6 Flood Proofing
  a. Development within the Floodplain shall to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
    i. comply with the Floodplain Protection Overlay – Section 812;
    ii. have no bedrooms below grade;
    iii. flood-proofing of electrical panel and heating units;
    iv. provide site and basement drainage plans; and
    v. the grading plan shall mitigate impacts of flooding.
4.2.7 Green Sustainable Practices and Targets
  a. Green sustainable targets shall be applicable to new construction within the zone and shall include the following:
    i. A minimum of 50% of residential and residential related building roof areas shall be covered with high emissivity roofing (emissivity of 0.9 or greater), vegetated roofing, or a combination thereof.
    ii. The design shall reduce energy consumption by 24% over the comparable Canadian Model National Energy Code Building (1997).
    iii. The project shall meet the LEED fundamental refrigerant management prerequisite requirements (no CFC use in HVAC equipment).
    iv. The project’s plumbing fixtures shall meet the LEED baseline standard for water use.
    v. Lighting in all residential common areas and commercial areas shall exceed the efficiency specified in the Model National Energy Code for Buildings by 15% (1997) and shall comply with IES recommendations for illumination levels and lighting energy density.
    vi. The design shall specify paints with VOC emissions that do not exceed the VOC and chemical component limits of Green Seal’s Standards SS-11 January 1997 requirements or acceptable alternate standard.
  b. Demonstration of compliance for each stage of the development shall be provided with declaration of performance letters pertaining to each sustainable target signed by a design professional to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The declaration of performance letters may be signed by the appropriate team member working on a specific sustainable target or by an independent design professional retained by the owner(s) to verify the design adherence to a particular sustainable target.
4.2.8 Environmental
  a. Prior to the release of drawings for Building Permit review, the applicant and/or owner shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Environmental Planner that the lands have been remediated to allow for the intended Use.
  b. Lot 17, Block 7, Plan Q may develop Single Detached Housing without Environmental review.
4.3 Development Regulations for Area C Public Parks
  a. The minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m.
  b. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m.
  c. The minimum Side Setback shall be 4.5 m.
  d. The maximum building Height shall be 10.0 m unless otherwise approved by the Development Officer where deemed appropriate for the Use and having regard to the Height allowed in adjacent Zones.
  e. Signs shall comply with the regulations in Schedule 59C.
  f. Prior to the release of drawings for Building Permit review, the applicant and/or owner shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Environmental Planner that the lands have been remediated to allow for the intended Use.
4.4 Development Regulations for Area D Metropolitan Recreation
  a. The minimum Front Setback shall be 7.5 m.
  b. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m.
  c. The minimum Side Setback shall be 7.5 m.
  d. The maximum Building Height shall be 10.0 m unless otherwise approved by the Development Officer where deemed appropriate for the Use.
  e. An environmental review for all developments may be required prior to the issuance of a Development Permit at the discretion of the Development Officer.
  f. Where a Single Detached Dwelling is developed in this Zone, a maximum of one Dwelling per lot shall be allowed.
  g. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59H.
  h. Prior to the release of drawings for Building Permit review, the applicant and/or owner shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Environmental Planner that the lands have been remediated to allow for the intended Use.

Bylaw attachments