DC1 19382

Charlesworth - 3707 - 8 Avenue SW

Bylaw 17351 (August 24, 2015)

Charter Bylaw 19382 (August 18, 2020)

To accommodate the development of medium density Residential with limited low intensity Commercial Uses.

Lot 1, Block 6, Plan 1623687; located in the Charlesworth Neighborhood shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

  1. Apartment Housing

  2. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs

  3. Cannabis Retail Sales

  4. Child Care Services

  5. Commercial Schools

  6. Community Recreation Services

  7. Convenience Retail Stores

  8. General Retail Stores

  9. Health Services

  10. Limited Group Homes

  11. Liquor Stores

  12. Live Work Unit

  13. Major Home Based Business

  14. Minor Home Based Business

  15. Personal Service Shops

  16. Professional Financial and Office Support Services

  17. Residential Sales Centre

  18. Restaurants

  19. Row Housing

  20. Specialty Food Services

  21. Stacked Row Housing

  22. Veterinary Services

  23. Fascia On-premises Signs

  24. Freestanding On-premises Signs

  25. Projecting On-premises Signs

  26. Temporary On-premises Signs

  1. Total amount of Commercial Uses for the site shall be limited to 1,730 sq m.

  2. The maximum residential Density shall be 125 dwellings/ha.

  3. The Floor Area Ratio shall not exceed 2.5.

  4. The maximum Building Height shall not exceed 23.0 meters.

  5. Notwithstanding clause 4(d.) architectural elements that create focal point(s) within the development (for example clock towers or façade details) shall not exceed 27.0 meters.

  6. The minimum building Setback from the north and west property lines shall be 0.0 meters, and the maximum Setback shall be 4.5 meters.

  7. The minimum building Setback from the south property line shall be 5.5 meters.

  8. The building Setback from the east property line shall be a minimum of 1.2 meters and shall be an additional 1.0 meter for each storey or partial storey.

  9. The following uses shall only be allowed where they are located primarily at Grade: Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs; Cannabis Retail Sales, Community Recreational Services; Convenience Retail Stores; General Retails Stores; Liquor Stores; Residential Sales entre; Restaurants; Specialty Food Services; Veterinary Services.

  10. The following commercial uses shall be allowed at or above grade: Child Care Services; Commercial Schools; Health Services; Live Work Unit; Major and Minor Home Based Businesses; Personal Services Shops; Professional Financial and Office Support Services.

  11. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59D of the Zoning Bylaw.

  1. The development shall create a pedestrian-friendly environment, which may include entrance features, outdoor sitting areas, canopies, arcades, landscaping, and other features that lend visual interest and a human scale to development.

  2. Any canopies, arcades, or other attached building features shall be contained within the property and may be placed within the required Setback.

  3. Loading, storage, and waste removal collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites or public roadways, in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw.

  1. Façade treatment and general building design shall provide a similar architectural theme on all sides.

  2. Ground floor commercial Facades fronting onto a public right-of-way other than Ellerslie Road shall have display windows and entryways that front on to the public sidewalk associated with the public roadway, with clear glazing constituting a minimum of 50% of the Façade.

  3. Buildings developed with mixed commercial and residential Uses shall have separate commercial and residential accesses

Bylaw attachments