DC1 19477

Westmount - 10822-123 Street NW

Charter Bylaw 19477 (November 17, 2020)

This Provision is designed to accommodate the use and preservation of the Walton L. Smith Residence as a designated Municipal Historic Resource. This Provision allows Residential and Residential-related Uses while ensuring that any future alterations are compatible with the architectural elements and historical significance of the Residence.

This DC1 Provision shall apply to the most northerly eight (8) feet throughout of Lot 13,  and the most southerly thirty-five (35) feet throughout of Lot 14, Block 26, Plan RN22, located at 10822-123 Street NW, as shown on Schedule “A” of this Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, Westmount.

a. Garden Suite
b. Limited Group Homes
c. Minor Home Based Business
d. Single Detached Housing
e. Secondary Suite
f. Urban Gardens
g. Fascia On-Premises Signs
a. All new development shall be within or to the rear of the existing structure, and shall maintain the architectural character of the Walton L. Smith Residence to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the Heritage Officer.
b. The following development criteria shall apply to the prescribed Uses pursuant to the Zoning Bylaw:
  i. The regulations of the RF3 Zone shall apply, except where superseded by the development criteria contained herein.
  ii. The Front Setback shall be a minimum of 6 m and there shall be no building development within this Setback.
  iii. The Side Setbacks for the primary residence shall total at least 20% of the Site Width to a maximum total of 6.0 m, with a minimum Side Setback of 1.2 m on each side.
  iv. Vehicular access to on-site parking shall only be from an abutting lane;
  v. Any Garage must have vehicle doors that face the abutting Lane to the west and shall require, at minimum, a west Setback of 1.2 m and a north Setback of 1.2 m.
  vi. The minimum distance between the Garage and the principal Dwelling on the same Site shall be 7.5 m.
  vii. An entranceway required for a Secondary Suite shall only be provided on the side (north) or rear (west) elevation of the Building.
a. The character-defining architectural elements as expressed in the form, massing and materials of the north, west, south and east elevations of the Building, as outlined in the City of Edmonton Heritage Designation Bylaw 18790, must be retained to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the Heritage Officer.
b. The Walton L. Smith Residence and associated lands are a Designated Municipal Historic Resource.  The design and appearance of any alterations, additions and Accessory buildings shall be sympathetic to and compatible with the historic north, west, south and east facades of the Walton L. Smith Residence in scale, proportion, architectural style, detail and materials to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer. The following standards and guidelines shall be applied when reviewing development applications for the Walton L. Smith Residence:
  i. The General Guidelines for Rehabilitation contained in The City of Edmonton Bylaw 18790, Bylaw to Designate the Walton L. Smith Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource; and
  ii. The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.

Bylaw attachments