DC1 19485 (Area B)

KESWICK - north of 28 Avenue SW and east of 182 Street SW

Charter Bylaw 19313 (June 9, 2020)

Charter Bylaw 19485 (December 8, 2020)

To provide for semi-detached residential housing whereby homes front onto a public park space and vehicular access is provided by a public lane, providing the opportunity for pedestrian-oriented development.

This Provision shall apply to the lands located north of 28 Avenue SW and east of 182 Street SW, Keswick, shown on Schedule “A” and legally described on Schedule “B”; attached to the Bylaw adopting this Provision and as identified on Appendix “1,” attached.

a. Child Care Services
b. Minor Home Based Business
c. Residential Sales Centre
d. Secondary Suites
e. Semi-detached Housing
f. Supportive Housing
g. Fascia On-premises Signs
a. The Site shall be developed in general accordance with the example provided in Appendix 1, attached.
b. Except as expressly modified herein, the development regulations specified in Section 150 of the Zoning Bylaw for (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone shall regulate development of Semi-detached Housing in this Provision.
c. The minimum Site area shall be 195 m2.
d. The minimum Site depth shall be 27 m.
e. The minimum Site Width shall be 7.4 m.
f. The minimum Front Setback shall be 3 m.
g. The minimum Rear Setback Abutting the Lane shall be 5.5m.
h. The minimum Side Setback shall be 1.2 m, except that:
i. the minimum Side Setback Abutting a public roadway other than a Lane shall be 3.5 m; and
j. the Side Setback along a common wall shall be 0 m.
k. All roof leaders from buildings shall be connected to the storm sewer service.
l. The maximum Height shall not exceed 12.0 m.
m. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 55%.

Bylaw attachments