DC1 19568

Chappelle - A portion of NW-14-51-25-4; 3103 - 156 Street SW, Chappelle

Charter Bylaw 19568 (February 23, 2021)

The purpose of this Zone is to provide for Single Detached Housing with front attached Garages and increased site coverage.

This Provision shall apply to a portion of NW-14-51-25-4, containing approximately 0.45 ha more or less, as shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision, Chappelle.

a. Garden Suites
b. Major Home Based Business
c. Minor Home Based Business
d. Residential Sales Centre
e. Secondary Suites
f. Single Detached Housing
g. Supportive Housing
h. Urban Gardens
i. Fascia On-premises Signs
a. The minimum Site Area shall be 268 m2 for each Dwelling.
b. The minimum Site Width shall be 8.0 m.
c. The minimum Site Depth shall be 30.0 m.
d. The maximum Height shall not exceed 10.0 m.
e. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 55%, inclusive of the attached Garage and any other Accessory Buildings.
i. The maximum Total Site Coverage shall be increased to 65% if a Garden Suite is constructed.
f. The minimum Front Setback shall be 5.5 m.
g. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m, except in the case of a Corner Site it shall be 4.5 m.
i. Should a Garden Suite be constructed the minimum distance from the Rear Lot Line to the Garden Suite shall be 1.2 m.
h. The Side Setback shall be a minimum of 1.2 m. Except that:
i. The minimum Side Setback Abutting a public roadway other than a Lane shall be 20% of the Site Width or 2.4 m, whichever is greater;
ii. Where a Garage is attached to the principal building, and the vehicles doors of the Garage face a flanking public roadway other than a Lane, the distance between any portion of these vehicle doors and the flanking public roadway shall not be less than 5.5 m; and
iii. Zero Lot Line Development shall be permitted where:
  A. the other Side Setback is a minimum of 1.5 m;
  B. all roof leaders from the Dwelling are connected to the storm sewer service;
  C. all roof leaders from Accessory buildings are connected to the storm sewer service or directed to drain directly to an adjacent Lane;
  D. no  roof  leader  discharge  shall  be  directed  to  the  maintenance easement; and
  E. the  owner  of  the  adjacent  Site  register  against  title,  a  private maintenance easement a minimum of 1.5 m wide that provides for:
    I. a 0.3 m eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves must not be closer than 0.9 m to the eaves on the adjacent building;
    II. a 0.6 m footing encroachment easement;
    III. a drainage swale, constructed as per the City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards; and
    IV. permission to access the easement area for maintenance of both properties.
i. Corner Sites shall have flanking side treatments similar to the front elevation.
j. All roof drainage shall be directed away from buildings and to a public roadway, including a Lane, or to a drainage work. Applications for Development Permit shall include a detailed drainage plan showing the proposed drainage of the Site, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Drainage).
k. Separation Space shall not be required:
i. Where side walls of Abutting buildings face each other and habitable windows are not located directly opposite each other, such that privacy is not impacted and:
  A. in the case of Dwellings on separate Sites, each development complies with the minimum Side Setback requirements for each Dwelling; and
  B. in the case of Dwellings on the same Site, the separation distance between Dwellings is at least equal to the total of the minimum Side Setback requirements for both Dwellings.
l. Single Detached Housing shall be developed in accordance with the following regulations:
i. all Dwellings shall include a front attached Garage;
ii. identical floor plans with similar front elevations must be separated by a minimum of one Lot unless finishing treatments are substantially different;
iii. for Sites with reduced Side Setbacks, including Sites where one Side Setback is reduced to zero, the Garage, Parking Area, or Driveway shall not encroach on the private maintenance easement;
iv. A maximum of one Principle Dwelling per lot and one of either a Secondary Suite or Garden Suite shall be allowed;
v. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A of the Zoning Bylaw; and
vi. Urban Gardens shall comply with Section 98 of the Zoning Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments