DC1 19847

Desrochers - south west corner of Desrochers Gate and James Mowatt Trail SW 

Bylaw 17355 (September 8, 2015) - only the portion south of Desrochers Gate SW

Bylaw 18773 (Jul 3, 2019)

Charter Bylaw 19847 (September 8, 2021)

The purpose of this Provision is to establish opportunities for a mix of residential and commercial uses and pedestrian oriented development within 400m of the Desrochers LRT station, while providing a transition in form and scale from higher to lower intensity and density development.

The Provision shall apply to Lot 175, Block 4, Plan 1822012, located at the south west corner of Desrochers Gate and James Mowatt Trail SW as shown on Schedule A of this Bylaw adopting this DC1 Provision.

  1. Apartment Housing
  2. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
  3. Business Support Services
  4. Cannabis Retail Sales
  5. Child Care Services
  6. Commercial Schools
  7. Convenience Retail Stores
  8. Creation and Production Establishments
  9. General Retail Stores
  10. Government Services
  11. Health Services
  12. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
  13. Liquor Stores
  14. Live Work Unit
  15. Lodging Houses
  16. Major Home Based Business
  17. Media Studios
  18. Minor Amusement Establishments
  19. Minor Home Based Business
  20. Multi-unit Housing
  21. Personal Service Shops
  22. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
  23. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
  24. Residential Sales Centre
  25. Restaurants
  26. Specialty Food Services
  27. Veterinary Services
  28. Fascia On-premises Signs
  29. Freestanding Off-premises Signs
  30. Freestanding On-premises Signs
  31. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
  32. Minor Digital Off-premises Signs
  33. Projecting On-premises Signs
  34. Temporary On-premises Signs
  1. The minimum Density shall be 80 Dwellings/ha.
  2. The maximum Density shall be 125 Dwellings/ha.
  3. The maximum Height shall be 20.0 m.
  4. The maximum total length of a building shall not exceed 80.0 m.
  5. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 1.4.
  6. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m.
  7. The maximum Front Setback shall be 3.0 m.
  8. Commercial Uses shall be located on the ground floor, notwithstanding, where the same Commercial Use is on the ground floor, a second Storey is permitted provided there is internal public access to the second Storey.
  9. Commercial Uses shall only be developed on a Site in conjunction with Residential Uses.
  10. Restaurants and Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs shall not exceed a capacity of 200 Occupants or 240 m2 of Public Space.
  11. Cannabis Retail Sales uses shall comply with Section 70 of the Zoning Bylaw.
  1. Buildings shall be oriented toward the abutting street, provide direct sidewalk entries and the ground floor portion of Façades shall have a high degree of transparency, a minimum of 50% window transparency for Residential Uses and a minimum of 70% window transparency for Commercial Uses.
  2. Low-rise/medium density and mixed Use Sites shall be designed to have a strong street presence, with parking areas located underground or away from the street.
  3. Development Officers shall have regard for Site design, parking areas and building articulation with consideration for the Transit Oriented Guidelines and Winter Design Principles in determination of appropriate Site design.
  4. Amenity Areas such as arcades, plazas, gardens, or outdoor spaces shall be provided on Site. Such Amenity Areas should be easily accessible from surrounding buildings and be provided along the pedestrian network as identified in the Desrochers NASP. Such spaces may be developed as, but not limited to, courtyards, atriums or seating areas.
  1. Entrances for Residential Uses shall be separate from Commercial entrances at ground floor and feature identifiable doorways, soft Landscaping and pedestrian-scale lighting.
  2. The massing of building walls greater than 15.0 m in length shall be reduced through architectural elements such as columns, ribs, pilasters or piers, changes in plane (e.g., recesses and projections), changes in building finishes, materials and textures, or features that create an identifiable pattern and sense of human scale.
  3. Buildings located along Amenity Areas and major pedestrian walkways as identified in the Desrochers NASP shall emphasize architectural elements and Façade enhancements, particularly to the first and second levels of a project to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. Design elements may include the placement of windows to allow for viewing into the building by pedestrians (Non-residential Uses only), entrance features, street furniture, canopies, and other features that lend visual interest and a human scale.
  4. Ground-level Uses shall provide multiple points of interaction in the form of doorways, operable windows, and large display windows to facilitate pedestrian interaction defining a perceived pattern of smaller frontages no more than 15.0 m in width.
  5. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided.
  6. Buildings shall incorporate functional and decorative exterior lighting to enhance building architecture, Landscaping elements, building entrances, and Amenity Areas.
  7. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed from street level view by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or by incorporating it within the building.
  1. Direct pedestrian connections to the LRT station shall be provided from surrounding intersections, focal points and nearby open spaces to create an integrated pedestrian system.
  2. Pedestrian connections to the LRT station shall be developed as enhanced walkways with pedestrian- oriented Landscaping. Walkways may include elements such as street trees, plantings, special paving, and street furniture such as benches, lighting and waste receptacles.
  3. Bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw.
  1. A Landscape Plan prepared by a registered landscape architect shall be submitted prior to the approval of any Development Permit. The Landscape Plan shall be in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw and illustrate Landscaping internal to the Site, Amenity Areas and pedestrian linkages. Outdoor Amenity Areas shall be landscaped for the purpose of achieving pedestrian connectivity, opportunities for play and social interaction and a focal point for the development. In addition to Landscaping, this shall be achieved through the use of elements such as park benches, pedestrian level lighting, waste receptacles, directional signage, special paving, public art, and other means integrated with the Landscaping and placed along public walking routes through the Site. The Landscape Plan shall include a species list for proposed plant material appropriate to local climate conditions. Naturalized landscape design is encouraged where possible. The Development Officer in consultation with relevant City Departments shall review and approve the Landscape Plan.
  2. In projects involving multiple buildings, common Amenity Areas shall be provided in the form of courtyards, plazas or parks. The common Amenity Areas shall be directly accessible from surrounding buildings and provide connections to sidewalks within public roadways.
  3. Public open space shall be designed to accommodate year-round use using Winter City principles to encourage space devoted to public gatherings, pedestrian movement and other social and recreational functions.
  4. No outdoor parking, garbage collection, common Amenity Areas, or outdoor storage areas shall be developed within 3.0 m of public roadways. Landscaping shall be used to screen parking, mechanical, and garbage areas from public streets and LRT corridor.
  5. Fencing shall be decorative and transparent using materials such as, but not limited to, glass, wrought iron, and metal.
  1. Parking shall be in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw, except that at such time as a Shared Use Parking Impact Assessment is submitted, the applicant may apply for a reduction to the minimum number of parking spaces. The applicant shall demonstrate through a Shared Use Parking Impact Assessment that by virtue of the Use, character, or location of the proposed development, and its relationship to public transit facilities and any other available parking facilities, the parking required for the proposed development may be less than any minimum set out in the Zoning Bylaw.
  2. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites, public or internal roadways, and Light Rail Transit lines, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. Loading areas shall not encroach onto public right-of-ways.
  3. Parking areas shall be designed for a safe and orderly flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic to minimize pedestrian/vehicular conflicts.
  4. Surface parking areas to accommodate 30 or more vehicles at Grade shall incorporate design elements such as, but not limited to, landscaped open space, islands, Amenity Areas, private roads and/or pedestrian walkways within the parking area. The required landscaped areas shall be calculated on the basis of 2.0 m2 of landscaped island area per required parking space.
  5. Required parking shall not be situated between a building and a public street, other than a Lane.
  6. All resident parking shall be located in an Underground Parkade or in an Above Ground Parkade. Visitor parking for Residential Uses and parking for Commercial Uses may be provided at Grade but shall not be situated between a building and a public street, other than a Lane.
  7. Structured parking shall be designed to minimize visual impact by using material and architectural elements similar to adjacent Façades.
  8. To maintain an active street frontage, a Setback for usable space separating any Above Ground Parkade and the front of the building shall be incorporated into the design, with the following Setbacks:
    a On the ground (first) floor, no portion of the parking area shall be allowed for a minimum depth of 10.0 m from any building Façade facing a public roadway, other than a Lane.
    b. Above the ground (first) floor up to 16 m, no portion of the parking area shall be allowed for a minimum depth of 6.0 m from any building Façade facing a public roadway, other than a Lane.



  1. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Section 59 and Schedule 59E of the Zoning Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments