DC1 19888

Alberta Avenue - east of 95a Street and south of 115 Avenue NW (11425 - 95A St NW)

Barto Residence

Charter Bylaw 19888 (November 23, 2021)

To preserve the Barto Residence, a designated Municipal Historic Resource, while allowing for a mix of both Residential and Non-Residential Uses, which are compatible with and enhance the surrounding neighbourhood.

This provision shall apply to Lot 8, Block 23, Plan RN43, located east of 95a Street and south of 115 Avenue NW, as shown on Schedule A of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, Alberta Avenue.

a. Child Care Services
b. Creation and Production Establishments
c. Garden Suite
d. General Retail Stores
e. Live Work Unit
f. Major Home Based Business
g. Media Studios
h. Minor Home Based Business
i. Multi-unit Housing
j. Personal Service Shops
k. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
l. Restaurants
m. Secondary Suite
n. Single Detached Housing
o. Specialty Food Services
p. Urban Gardens
q. Fascia On-premises Signs
r. Freestanding On-premises Signs
s. Projecting On-premises Signs
a. Restaurants or Specialty Food Services shall not exceed 125 m2 of Public Space, excluding exterior patio/deck space which shall not exceed 44 m2.
b. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Section 59H.
a. The maximum Site Coverage shall be 45%.
b. The maximum Height shall be 8.9 m.
c. The minimum Setbacks shall be as follows:
i. 0.6 m from the north Lot line;
ii. 2.1 m from the south Lot line;
iii. 14.6 m from the east Lot line; and
iv. 6.0 m from the west Lot line.
d. For the purpose of determining Accessory Uses and Buildings, this Provision shall be considered a Residential Zone.
e. Vehicular access shall be from the Lane.
f. The principal building shall be separated from a rear detached Garage by a minimum of 3.0 m.
g. A rear detached Garage or Garden Suite shall be fully contained within the rear 12.8 m of the Site.
h. Platform Structures located within the Rear Yard and greater than 1.0 m above the finished ground level, excluding any artificial embankment, shall provide Privacy Screening to prevent visual intrusion into Abutting properties.
i. A single Storey Unenclosed Front Porch may project from the first Storey a maximum of 2.5 m into the required west Setback.
a. The Barto Residence and the associated lands are a Designated Municipal Historic Resource. Exterior alterations and additions shall be sympathetic to and compatible with the south, west, and north Façades of the Barto Residence to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer. The following standards and guidelines shall be applied when reviewing Development Permit applications for the Barto Residence:
i. The General Guidelines for Rehabilitation contained in the City of Edmonton Bylaw 18011, a Bylaw to designate the Barto Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource; and
ii. The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.

Bylaw attachments