DC1 19988

Ritchie and CPR Irvine - Historic West Ritchie - along 81 Avenue NW, between 101 Street NW and 102 Street NW as well as the lot on the west side of 102 Street NW at 81 Avenue NW

Bylaw 15811 (July 4, 2011)

Charter Bylaw 19988 (January 23, 2023)

To preserve the unique architectural character of a portion of 81 Avenue NW, provide for new commercial and compatible mixed use development opportunities and, if possible, preserve the view of the historic Canadian Pacific Railway Station to the west.  This provision creates a unique pedestrian commercial shopping district while ensuring future development is compatible with the character of buildings with historic false Façades.

This Provision shall apply to Lot 4, Block L, Plan 0521161; Lot 13A, Block 51, Plan 1221272; Lots 1-10, Block 51, Plan I; and Lots 19-28, Block 60, Plan I, generally located along 81 Avenue NW, between 101 Street NW and 102 Street NW as well as the lot on the west side of 102 Street NW at 81 Avenue NW, as shown on Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, Ritchie and CPR Irvine.

1. Animal Hospitals and Shelters
2. Apartment Hotels
3. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
4. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
5. Breweries, Wineries and Distilleries
6. Business Support Services
7. Cannabis Retail Sales
8. Child Care Services
9. Commercial Schools
10. Convenience Retail Stores
11. Creation and Production Establishments
12. Equipment Rentals
13. General Retail Stores
14. Government Services
15. Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Garden Centres
16. Health Services
17. Hotels
18. Household Repair Services
19. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
20. Limited Contractor Services
21. Liquor Stores
22. Live Work Units
23. Major Amusement Establishments
24. Major Home Based Business
25. Market
26. Media Studios
27. Minor Amusement Establishments
28. Minor Home Based Business
29. Mobile Catering Food Services
30. Multi-unit Housing
31. Nightclubs
32. Personal Service Shops
33. Private Clubs
34. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
35. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
36. Residential Sales Centre
37. Restaurants
38. Secondhand Stores
39. Special Event
40. Specialty Food Services
41. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
42. Supportive Housing
43. Urban Gardens
44. Urban Indoor Farms
45. Urban Outdoor Farms
46. Vehicle Parking
47. Veterinary Services
48. Warehouse Sales
49. Fascia On-premises Signs
50. Projecting On-premises Signs
51. Temporary On-premises Signs
1. Except if modified by this Provision, development regulations in this Provision shall be as prescribed in Section 340 of Zoning Bylaw 12800 (the CB2 General Business Zone) and as modified by Section 819 of Zoning Bylaw 12800 (the Main Streets Overlay), notwithstanding Section 800.2(2)(a) of Zoning Bylaw 12800.
  a. The Development Officer may exercise normal variance power for those  regulations of the CB2 General Business Zone and Main Streets Overlay, in accordance with Section 11 of the Zoning Bylaw.
2. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops shall only be allowed if existing under a valid Development Permit on the date of approval of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Direct Control Provision.
3. Warehouse Sales shall be limited to a maximum of 400 m2 of Floor Area.
4. Each Restaurants, Specialty Food Services, Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs and Nightclubs Use shall be limited to a maximum of 240 m2 of Public Space.
5. Liquor Stores shall comply with Section 85 of the Zoning Bylaw.
6. Cannabis Retail Sales shall comply with Section 70 of the Zoning Bylaw.
7. Where a development contains two or more Live Work Units, a minimum of 7.5 m2 of Amenity Area per Dwelling is required.
8. Development Permit applications for Residential or Residential-related Uses within 75.0 m of the CP Rail Yard or Rail Line shall include a noise and vibration study and any Development Permits shall include any required noise mitigation measures, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, as long as the CP Rail Yard is operational.
9. For the building existing on the date of the approval of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision west of 102 Street NW (Lot 4, Block L, Plan 0521161), Residential and/or Residential-Related Uses shall be allowed in the first Storey.
10. If the building west of 102 Street NW (Lot 4, Block L, Plan 0521161), existing on the date of the approval of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, is destroyed or demolished, the following regulations shall apply to redevelopment of this land:
  a. A 20.2 m historic view corridor, defined as the equivalent of an extension of 81 Avenue NW through Lot 4, Block L, Plan 0521161, on the west side of 102 Street NW, with the centre of the extension being aligned with the centre of the existing 81 Avenue NW right-of-way, shall be maintained, as shown in Appendix 1.
  b. Within the 20.2 m historic view corridor, no buildings shall be constructed, however limited development may be allowed as follows:
    i. outdoor Amenity Areas, pedestrian pathways, street furniture, landscaping (provided no trees exceed a height of 3.0 m), driveways or drive aisles may be developed provided that the view of the Canadian Pacific Railway Station is unimpeded to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer.
11. Historic False Façades (See Appendix 2 for Examples):
  a. Historic false Façades shall be maintained, renovated or reconstructed as part of new development within existing buildings with historic false Façades facing 81 Avenue NW.
  b. One or more new false Façades in character with the historic false Façades of the area shall be a requirement of development of new buildings.
  c. New false Façades should be 1 ½ to 2 Storeys in height.
  d. In multi-Storey buildings there shall be a minimum 2.5 m Stepback above the first Storey to give prominence to the false Façade.
  e. Multi-Storey development should be designed such that upper floors relate to the ground floor in style, material and/or architecturally to ensure the building reads as a cohesive unit.
  f. Symmetrical false Façades, using stucco or cementitious finishes, are encouraged.
  g. The design of new false Façades and the renovation or reconstruction of existing buildings with historic false Façades shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer.
  h. Alternative architecture that is not completely compliant with Section 4.10 (c through f) of this Provision shall be considered at the discretion of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer, provided that it compliments and otherwise does not conflict with the existing character of the historic false Façades within this area.
  i. Where the Frontage of a Site exceeds 20.2 m, the front of the building shall be designed to break the appearance into sections with a maximum width of 20.2 m.
  j. The Development Officer shall consult with the Heritage Officer on any development permit application for a Sign prior to rendering a decision to ensure compatibility with the false Façades within this area.
12. Notwithstanding the development regulations of this Provision, the Development Officer, in consultation with the Heritage Officer, may vary any regulation within this Provision where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, such variances would lead to better retention of character defining elements for any building on the Register or Inventory of Historic Resources in Edmonton.

Bylaw attachments