DC1 20696

SECORD - south of Secord Boulevard, north of 96 Avenue, east of 223 Street and west of 221 Street / 425 - Secord Boulevard NW

Charter Bylaw 20696 (December 11, 2023)


To accommodate the creation of new lots and new local roads in a zone that supports a variety of single family, low-rise and medium scale building at a density consistent with the Neighbourhood Structure Plan and providing uses that meet the needs of the local community.

This Provision shall apply to Lot 41, Block 15, Plan 1425542, located south of Secord Boulevard, north of 96 Avenue, east of 223 Street and west of 221 Street, Secord, as shown in Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision.

a. Additional Uses in Area A

i. All Uses listed in 3(b)
ii. Business Support Services
iii. Child Care Services
iv. Convenience Retail Stores
v. Health Services
vi. Personal Service Shops
vii. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
viii. Residential Sales Centre
ix. Restaurants
x. Specialty Food Services


b. Uses for Area B and C

xi. Duplex Housing
xii. Garden Suites
xiii. Supportive Housing
xiv. Lodging Houses
xv. Major Home Based Business
xvi. Minor Home Based Business
xvii. Multi-unit Housing
xviii. Secondary Suites
xix. Semi-detached Housing
xx. Single Detached Housing
xxi. Urban Gardens
xxii. Urban Outdoor Farms
xxiii. Fascia On-premises Signs, for Commercial Uses and Home Based Businesses
xxiv. Temporary On-premises Signs, for Commercial Uses and Home-Based Businesses
  1. The development of the Site shall be in general conformance with the appendices.
  2. The minimum Density shall be 60 Dwellings/h for the 2.0 hectare Site.
    a. Each Development Permit application shall have an overall Site Plan for the whole Site (2.0 hectares) demonstrating how the number of Dwellings will be distributed on the Site to meet the required Density.
    b. For the purposes of this Direct Control Provision, Secondary Suites and Garden Suites do not count towards the minimum Density of the Site.
  3. A maximum of 15 Lots in either Area A, B or C of the Site may be developed as Single Detached Housing or Semi-detached Housing.
  4. A minimum of three Dwellings shall be developed on a minimum of ten Lots.
  5. A  minimum of two Dwellings shall be developed on all other Lots.
  6. Duplex Housing, Single Detached Housing, Semi-detached Housing, and Multi-unit Housing may be developed as a Zero Lot Line Development.
  7. The minimum Site Depth, Site Width and Site Area shall be in accordance with the following:
      Min. Site Area (m2) Min. Site Depth (m) Min. Site Width (m)
    (a) Single Detached Housing 170 23 7.5
    (b) All other Residential Use Classes 135 23 6.0
     In this zone, Site Width on pie shaped Lots shall be measured 9.0 m into the Site from the Front Lot Line.
  8. The maximum Height shall not exceed 16.0 m in Area A.
    a.  Despite 4.8, the maximum Height shall not exceed 14.0 m, where no commercial development is located on the ground floor of the building.
  9. The maximum Height shall not exceed 14.0 m in Area B.
  10. The maximum Height shall not exceed 12.5 m in Area C.
  11. In Area B, the Rear Setback for portions of the building over 12.5 m in Height that Abut a Site zoned for Single Detached Dwellings at the rear shall be 5.2 m.
  12. The maximum Floor Area Ratio for Sites that have Commercial Uses shall be 3.0.
  13. The minimum Front Setback shall be 4.5 m, except that:
    a. The minimum Front Setback shall be 3.0 m when a Treed Landscaped Boulevard is provided; and
    b. The minimum Driveway length between a Garage door and the back of the sidewalk shall be 6.0 m.
  14. Vehicle access must be from a Lane where a Site Abuts a Lane.
  15. The minimum Rear Setback for Lots that do not Abut a Lane shall be 4.0 m with a landscaped buffer in addition to the requirements of Section 5.2.
  16. The minimum Rear Setback for Lots that Abut a Lane shall be 2.0 m.
  17. The minimum Setback for Lots fronting or flanking onto Secord Boulevard shall be 1.5 m., except that this may be reduced to 0.0 m where the Ground Floor is for Commercial Use.
  18. The minimum Side Setback shall be 1.5 m, except that:
    a. One Side Setback may be reduced to 0.0 m, where:
      i. The other Side Setback is a minimum of 1.5 m;
      ii. All roof leaders from the Dwelling are connected to the storm sewer service for each Lot;
      iii. All roof leaders from Accessory buildings are connected to the storm sewer service for each Lot;
      iv. No roof leader discharge shall be directed to the maintenance easement; and
      v. The owner of a Lot within a development proposed for the Zero Lot Line Development and the owner of the adjacent Lot shall register, on titles for all adjacent lots, a minimum 0.6m private maintenance easement along the shared lot line that provides for:
        A. A 0.30 m eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves must not be closer than 0.90 m to the eaves on the adjacent building;
        B. A 0.60 m footing encroachment easement;
        C. Permission to access the easement area for maintenance of the properties.
        D. Construction of a drainage swale and an unobstructed drainage path with a minimum width of 0.3 m to be free and clear of all objects.
        E. that the Garage shall not encroach on the private maintenance easement.
      vi. The owner of the Site proposed for Zero Lot Line Development shall register on all titles within the Zero Lot Line Development Site as well as all titles on the adjacent Site a restrictive covenant and easement that:
        A. Requires a drainage swale constructed to City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards; and
        B. Provides for the protection of drainage of the Site, including the right for water to flow across Lots and the requirement not to inhibit the flow of water across Lots.
      vii. The owner of the Site proposed for Zero Lot Line Development shall register a utility easement(s) on, where necessary, all Lots within the Zero Lot Line development and the Abutting Lots to ensure adequate access for utility maintenance.
  19. Identical floor plans with similar front elevations must be separated by a minimum of one Lot unless finishing treatments are substantially different.
  20. On-site parking shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw except that,
    a. Tandem parking is permitted for Lots containing Multi-unit development where the Multi-unit development does not exceed three Dwelling units.
  21. All building development, including a Zero Lot Line Development Site, shall be individually defined through a combination of architectural features that may include variations in the rooflines, projection or recession of the Façade, porches or entrance features, building materials, or other treatments.
  22. The Direct Control Provision shall follow all rules and regulations for Projection into Setbacks as per Zoning Bylaw 20001 with the following exceptions:
    a. Architectural features may project 1.0 m into the required Front Setback.
    b. Unenclosed steps may project into a required Setback as long as a minimum distance of 0.6 m is maintained between the Lot line and the unenclosed steps.
    c. Unenclosed steps that have a landing less than or equal to 1.5 m2 and that provide Ground Floor access to a building may project any distance into a required Setback.
    d. Unenclosed steps may only project into a required Interior Side Setback where they have a maximum Height of 1.5 m.
    e. Unenclosed steps must not project into a required Setback used for vehicles or in a required drainage path on a Zero Lot Line Development.
  23. Platform Structures in the form of balconies with a minimum depth of 1.2 m may be used to satisfy required Amenity Area and may project into Setbacks.
  1. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided for multi-unit development. This may be achieved through the use of Platform Structures, Rooftop Terraces, and outdoor Common Amenity Areas such as front and rear yards.
  2. Landscaped shall be in accordance with the following:
    a. Landscaping shall be provided on a Site within 18 months of the occupancy of    a development or commencement of a Use;
    b. Trees and shrubs shall be maintained on a Site for a minimum of 24 months after the occupancy of a development or commencement of a Use;
    c. all applications for a Development Permit under this zone shall include a Site plan that identifies:
      i. The number, type and approximate size of existing trees and shrubs;
      ii. Trees and shrubs proposed for preservation;
      iii. The number, type and approximate size of proposed trees and shrubs; and
      iv. Proposed ground cover.
    d. A minimum of one deciduous tree, one coniferous tree and four shrubs shall be provided on each Lot;
    e. New trees and shrubs shall be provided on the following basis:
      i. Deciduous trees shall be a minimum 50 mm Caliper;
      ii. Coniferous trees shall be a minimum of 2.5 m in Height;
      iii. Deciduous shrubs shall be a minimum of 300 mm in Height; and
      iv. Coniferous shrubs shall have a minimum spread of 450 mm;
  3. All Yards visible from a public roadway other than a Lane shall be seeded or sodded.
  4. At the discretion of the Development Officer, seeding or sodding may be substituted with alternate forms of ground cover, including hard decorative pavers, washed rock, shale or similar treatments, and perennials, provided that all areas of exposed earth are designed as either flower beds or cultivated gardens.
  5. All planting shall be installed at finished Grade. Where this is not practical in the opinion of the Development Officer, planters may be used. Such planters shall be of adequate design, having sufficient soil capacity and insulation to promote healthy growth.
  6. All plant materials shall be hardy to the Edmonton area and to the Site conditions.
  7. The use of trees, shrubs, Fences, walls and / or berms along the edge of a Site that Abuts an existing Site zoned to allow for Single Detached Housing as a permitted use may be required for buffering or screening purposes.
  8. In Areas B and C, a minimum Soft Landscaped area equal to 25% of the total Lot area must be provided.
  9.  In Area A, where a Lot is developed only with a Use listed under Section 3(a)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x), minimum Soft Landscaped area equal to 25 % of the total Lot area must be provided.
1. The following regulations shall apply to Commercial Uses in Area A:
  a. Commercial developments must only be located on the Ground Floor of residential buildings. Their principal entrance shall be a separate, outside entrance.
  b. The total Floor Area of each commercial premises not fronting on an arterial road shall not exceed 300 m2.
  c. Area A Lots may be consolidated to provide for a Ground Floor Commercial Use with Multi-unit Housing above.
2. Additional Development Regulations for Uses in Area A:
  a. Building Design Regulations
    i. Where a building wall faces a Street or another Site the Facade must be articulated using two or more design features to minimize the perception of massing, eliminate large blank walls, and provide visual interest. Design features may include:
      A. Variations in rooflines;
      B. Vertical or horizontal building wall projection or recessions;
      C. Visual breaks of building facades into smaller sections;
      D. Features such as windows, balconies, or porches;
      E. Using a combination of finishing materials; or
      F. Other similar features.
    ii. To promote pedestrian interaction and safety, Ground Floor non Residential Facades must comply with the following:
      A. Where a Facade faces a Street, a minimum of 50% of the Facade area between 1.0 m and 2.0 m above ground level must be windows.
    iii. A maximum of 10% of the Facade area windows facing a Street, a Park, or along Facades with a main entrance facing Parking Areas interior to the Site may be covered by non-transparent material. The remainder must be clear, non-reflective and free from obstruction.
    iv. On Corner Sites, the principal building Facades facing a Street must use consistent exterior finishing materials and architectural features and include features such as windows, doors, or porches.
  b. Entrance Design Regulations
    i. Principal buildings located adjacent to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk must have an entrance facing a Street with an existing or approved Sidewalk.
    ii. Main entrances must incorporate weather protection features in the form of canopies, awnings, overhangs, vestibules, recessed entrances or other architectural elements to provide all-season weather protection to pedestrians and to enhance the visibility of entrances where:
      A. The building length is greater than 30.0 m;
      B. The building Facade fronts onto a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk;
    iii. Where the Setback from a Street is 4.5 m or less; each Ground Floor Dwelling must have an individual entrance with direct outside access to a Street with an existing or approved sidewalk.
    iv. Sliding patio doors shall not serve as the individual entrance.
  c. Other Regulations
    i. The proposed location and design of Road A East and Road A West and the Lane shall be in general conformance with Appendix A and Appendix B.
  d. Off-Site Improvements
    i. Prior to the release of a Development Permit for the construction of a principal building, the owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-Site improvements necessary to serve or enhance the development to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and Fire Rescue Services. Such improvements shall be constructed at the owner’s cost. The Agreement process shall include an engineering drawing review and approval. Improvements to address in the Agreement include but are not limited to:
      A. Repair of any damage to the Abutting roadways, sidewalks and boulevard, including Lanes not directly adjacent to the Site, caused by the construction of the development.
      B. A marked crosswalk and curb extension are required on the west side of the 222 Street and Secord Boulevard intersection. Engineering drawings will be reviewed at the subdivision and engineering drawing stage in consultation with the Safe Mobility team.


Bylaw attachments