DC2 1108

Parsons Road - east of the Canadian Pacific Rail Main Line and west of Parsons Road, South Edmonton Common and the Edmonton Research and Development Park

Charter Bylaw 19037 (April 28, 2020)

To establish a Site Specific Control Provision to accommodate a range of highway commercial and general commercial uses with site development regulations that will ensure a high standard of appearance appropriate to the site’s location on a major entrance route to the City and arterial roadway (Parsons Road).

The DC2 Provision shall apply to Lot 7A, Block 17, Plan 0922968, east of the Canadian Pacific Rail Main Line and west of Parsons Road, South Edmonton Common and the Edmonton Research and Development Park, as shown on Appendix 1 attached to the Schedule.

a. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
b. Bars and Neighborhood Pubs
c. Business Support Services
d. Cannabis Retail Sales
e. Commercial Schools
f. Convenience Retail Stores
g. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
h. Creation and Production Establishments
i. Drive-in Food Services
j. Equipment Rentals
k. Funeral, Cremation and Internment Services
l. Gas Bars
m. General Retail Stores
n. Green Houses, Plant Nurseries and Market Gardens
o. Government Services
p. Health Services
q. Hotels
r. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
s. Limited Contractor Services
t. Liquor Stores
u. Major Amusement Establishments
v. Major Service Stations
w. Minor Amusement Establishments
x. Minor Service Stations
y. Media Studios
z. Motels
aa. Nightclubs
bb. Non-accessory Parking
cc. Personal Service Shops
dd. Private Clubs
ee. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
ff. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
gg. Recycling Depots
hh. Religious Assembly, excluding rectories, manses, dormitories, convents, monasteries and other residential buildings
ii. Restaurants
jj. Specialty Food Services
kk. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
ll. Veterinary Services
mm. Warehouse Sales
nn. Fascia On-premises Signs
oo. Freestanding On-premises Signs
pp. Freestanding Off-premises Signs
qq. Projecting On-premises Signs
rr. Temporary On-premises Signs
ss. Major Digital Signs
tt. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
uu. Minor Digital Off-premises Signs
vv. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs
a. Notwithstanding Section 720.3 (2) of the Zoning Bylaw, no Site Plan is appended to this Provision however the overall site development shall be generally in accordance with Appendix 2, he Overall site Plan.
b. The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 1.0 except that the maximum FAR for Professional, Financial and Office Support Services shall be 1.5.
c. The maximum building Height shall be 12 m.
i. Notwithstanding the maximum building Height set out in b, above:
ii. the maximum Height for a Hotel shall be 30 m,
iii. the maximum Height for Professional, Financial and Office Support Services shall be 14 m; and
iv. the maximum Height for Spectator Entertainment Establishments shall be 30 m and may contain architectural projections or special attraction building envelopes being limited to an additional maximum Height of 7.5 m (total 37.5 m).
d. A minimum building Setback of 14 m in width shall be provided from property lines adjacent to the Canadian Pacific Rail Main Line.
e. A landscaped Yard a minimum of 7.5 m in width shall be provided from the property line adjacent to Parsons Road and to 13 Avenue. Landscaping shall consist of a berm that varies in Height to a maximum of 1.0 m creating interest and plantings of five deciduous trees (a minimum of 8 cm calliper), four coniferous trees (a minimum of 3.0 m) in height) and twenty shrubs for every 35 m of lineal Yard frontage, with plant material being grouped within modules not greater than 25 m in length or 4.5 m in width.
f. A landscaped Yard a minimum of 4.5 m in width shall be provided adjacent to internal public roadways. Landscaping within this Yard shall be in accordance with Section 55.
g. A landscaped Yard a minimum of 3.0 m shall be provided abutting the west property boundary. Landscaping within this Yard shall be in accordance with per Section 55.
h. Development shall comply with the provisions of Section 813.
i. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required Yard. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal buildings and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites or public roadways in accordance with the provisions of Section 55.4. Waste collection siting shall provide opportunities for recycling initiatives.
j. All vehicular and bicycle parking shall be provided in a location to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services.
k. A limited movement access to Parsons Road shall be in a location approved to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services. The access location will be reviewed upon submission of a detailed Site plan or development application.
l. Signs shall be in accordance with Section 59.2 and Schedule 59F, with the following exceptions:
i. The maximum Height of a Freestanding Sign shall be 8.0 m. The Development Officer may allow a Freestanding Sign up to 10.0 m in Height if a Residential Zone is not within 60.0 m, measured from the Sign location to the nearest Site zoned Residential;
ii. One (1) Freestanding On-premises Sign in the Northwest corner of Parsons Road and 13 Avenue may be increased to a maximum Height of 12 m with a maximum copy area of 60 sq. m;
iii. Digital Signs, and Digital Sign panels that are part of the same Freestanding Sign structure shall not exceed a maximum Height of 8.0 m;
iv. The maximum copy area for Minor Digital Signs shall be 20 sq.m;
v. The maximum copy area for Major Digital Signs shall be 12 sq.m;
vi. At the discretion of the Development Officer, a Comprehensive Sign Design Plan shall be required, in accordance with Section 59.3; and
vii. All Digital Signs shall be processed as a Class B development.
m. Placement of Digital Signs within the area illustrated on the Appendix 2, Overall Site Plan shall be subject to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services.
n. All Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs Use shall be limited to a maximum of 240m2 of Public Space and 200 seats for occupants.

Bylaw attachments