DC2 1151

Spruce Avenue - located north of 111 Avenue NW, generally between 102 Street NW and 106 Street NW

Charter Bylaw 19596 (April 7, 2021)

To accommodate the comprehensive development of a publicly owned health care facility that includes a variety of institutional uses and complementary commercial uses.

This Provision shall apply to Block 2, Plan 9720909 and Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1921467, located north of 111 Avenue NW, generally between 102 Street NW and 106 Street NW, as shown in Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, Spruce Avenue. The area is further subdivided into two Sub-Areas, as shown in Appendix 1.

a. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
b. Cemeteries
c. Child Care Services
d. Commercial Schools
e. Community Recreation Services
f. Detention and Correction Services
g. Exhibition and Convention Facilities
h. Extended Medical Treatment Services
i. Funeral, Cremation and Interment Services
j. Government Services
k. Health Services
l. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
m. Lodging Houses
n. Natural Science Exhibits
o. Outdoor Participant Recreation Services
p. Private Clubs
q. Private Education Services
r. Protective and Emergency Services
s. Public Education Services
t. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
u. Public Park
v. Recycled Materials Drop-off Centre
w. Religious Assembly
x. Restaurants
y. Specialty Foods Services
z. Spectator Entertainment Establishments
aa. Spectator Sports Establishments
bb. Supportive Housing
cc. Urban Gardens
dd. Urban Indoor Farms
ee. Urban Outdoor Farms
ff. Vehicle Parking
gg. Fascia On-premises Signs
hh. Freestanding On-premises Signs
ii. Freestanding Off-premises Signs
jj. Minor Digital Off-premises Signs
kk. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs
ll. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
mm. Projecting On-premises Signs
nn. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. Child Care Services
b. Commercial Schools
c. Community Recreation Services
d. Convenience Retail Stores
e. Detention and Correction Services
f. Extended Medical Treatment Services
g. General Retail Stores
h. Government Services
i. Health Services
j. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
k. Lodging Houses
l. Market
m. Personal Service Shops, excluding Body Rub Centres
n. Private Clubs
o. Private Education Services
p. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
q. Protective and Emergency Services
r. Public Education Services
s. Publicly Accessible Private Park
t. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
u. Public Park
v. Religious Assembly
w. Restaurants
x. Specialty Foods Services
y. Supportive Housing
z. Urban Gardens
aa. Vehicle Parking
bb. Fascia On-premises Signs
cc. Freestanding Off-premises Signs
dd. Freestanding On-premises Signs
ee. Minor Digital Off-premises Signs
ff. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
gg. Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs
hh. Projecting On-premises Signs
ii. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. Commercial Schools shall only be a temporary or part time Use Accessory to a development lawfully existing at the time of approval of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision.
b. Specialty Foods Services, Restaurants, and Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs shall only be considered as Accessory Uses when integrated with another Use provided they are for less than 100 Occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space and that the Site location is not adjacent to or across from a residentially zoned Site.
c. Freestanding Off-premises Signs shall only be in a location where such Signs lawfully existed at the time of approval of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision.
d. The minimum Front Setback shall be 6.0 m.
e. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m.
f. The minimum Side Setback shall be 4.5 m.
g. If a variance is granted to a Setback regulation of this Provision, the development’s design, siting, landscaping, screening and buffering shall minimize and compensate for any objectionable aspects or potential incompatibility with development in abutting Zones to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
h. The maximum building Height shall be 10.0 m.
i. Fascia On-premises Signs, Projecting On-premises Signs and Temporary On-premises Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59C.2 of the Zoning Bylaw.
j. Freestanding Off-premises Signs, Freestanding On-premises Signs, Minor Digital Off-premises Signs, Minor Digital On-premises Signs and Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59C.3 of the Zoning Bylaw.
k. Prior to the issuance of a Development permit for the construction of a principal building within this Provision, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, and any subsequent assessments, reports or documents required as a result of the review of the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, shall be completed and approved by the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning (Environmental Planner). The Development Officer shall impose any Development Permit conditions necessary, prior to the release of the drawings for Building Permit review, to ensure that the Site is suitable for the full range of uses contemplated on the Development Permit Application
l. Where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, it is unreasonable for a development to comply with any regulation in this Provision due to characteristics fundamental to the nature of the Use, the Development Officer may grant variances as required.
a. The development, including the location and shape of all new buildings, shall be in general conformance with the attached Appendices, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b. The maximum total Floor Area for all buildings within Sub-Area 2 of this Provision shall be 80,000 m2, excluding:
i. Floor Areas devoted exclusively to mechanical or electrical equipment servicing the development; and
ii. Parking Areas below ground level.
c. The maximum Height of Building A-Tower, as shown on Appendix 2, shall be 37.0 m.
d. The maximum Height of Building A-Podium, as shown on Appendix 2, shall be 13.0 m.
e. The maximum Height of Building B, as shown on Appendix 2, shall be 17.0 m.
f. The maximum Height of Building C, as shown on Appendix 2, shall be 29.0 m.
g. The maximum Height of Building D, as shown on Appendix 2, shall be 10.0 m.
h. The minimum building Setbacks shall be as follows:
i. from the west Lot line – 6.0 m;
ii. from the east boundary of Sub-Area 2 – 0.0 m
iii. from the south Lot line – 18.0 m to Building A, 20.0 m to Building B and 9.0 m to Building C; and
iv. from the north Lot line – 28.0 m.
i. The portions of the building below Grade shall not be subject to required Setbacks and can extend to all Lot lines provided there is sufficient soil depth maintained below Grade to support any required Landscaping above.
j. Fascia On-premises Signs, Projecting On-premises Signs and Temporary On-premises Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59C.2 of the Zoning Bylaw.
k. Freestanding Off-premises Signs, Freestanding On-premises Signs, Minor Digital Off-premises Signs, Minor Digital On-premises Signs and Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59C.3 of the Zoning Bylaw.
a. A detailed Landscape Plan, prepared by a registered AALA landscape architect, for the Site, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Development Officer, prior to the issuance of any Development Permit, except for a permit for demolition, excavation or shoring.
b. Building Setbacks at Grade to the south, north and west of the development shall be landscaped with hard and/or soft Landscaping and integrated with the pedestrian oriented public realm, where utilities do not exist below grade.
c. Landscaping shall include the use of plant materials that provide colour and textures to create seasonal interest throughout the year and enhance the appearance of the Site during the winter.
d. Open spaces at Grade shall be Landscaped and shall include, but are not limited to, a combination of landscape elements such as hard or soft landscaping, trees, shrubs, hedges, berms, garden boxes/planters, seating areas, passive or active recreation opportunities or other complementary amenities and should be used to highlight major circulation patterns, pedestrian pathways and the overall development, as well as soften the building form, and mitigate impacts between buildings.
e. Notwithstanding Landscaping regulations of the Zoning Bylaw, there shall be no requirement to provide a 50:50 proportion of deciduous to coniferous trees.
f. A publically accessible north-south multi-use connection shall be provided in the general location depicted on Appendix 3 which shall be openly accessible to the Public at all times through the registration of a 24-hour Public Access Easement in favour of the City of Edmonton which shall be a condition of the Development Permit, and shall comply with the following:
i. the multi-use connection shall have a minimum width of 3.0 m; and
ii. the multi-use connection shall use hard surfacing elements including, but not limited to: bricks, pavers, asphalt or other suitable materials to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
g. An arborist report and tree preservation plan, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Urban Forestry, shall be submitted with a Development Permit application to determine the impact of the proposed development, including excavation and construction, on any existing City owned boulevard trees within 5.0 m of the proposed excavation/construction. If required by the Development Officer, an air spading tool shall be used to determine the amount and size of roots that may need to be cut for the parkade/foundation wall. If:
i. the arborist report indicates that the development will unduly compromise the ongoing viability and health of a tree or trees, each tree shall be removed and replaced by a new tree within an enhanced growing medium at the cost of the owner; or
ii. the arborist report indicates that the development will not unduly compromise the ongoing viability and health of a tree or trees, each tree shall be retained and protected as per the City’s Corporate Tree Management Policy C456B.
Vehicular Circulation, Parking, Access, Loading and Storage
a. All vehicular parking shall be provided in the general locations as depicted in Appendix 2. The development of Building C – Above Ground Parkade shall be phased and constructed at such time that the Building C is required. Parking Area E, as depicted in Appendices 5 and 6 shall be constructed in phases as an interim condition until such time that Building C is required.
b. Only Parking Area D, Building D and the access to the loading dock ramp shall be permitted direct access to 112 Avenue NW. Physical and/or technological measures shall be required to permit only authorized emergency vehicles access to these locations from 111 Avenue NW and to 112 Avenue NW.
c. Public vehicular access to Parking Areas A, B and C and Building C, shall be limited to access via 111 Avenue NW or 105 Street NW, as generally shown on Appendix 2. Surface Parking Lots shall be integrated with the internal circulation network as shown on the Appendices.
d. Notwithstanding regulations for Surface Parking Lots in the Zoning Bylaw:
i. Parking Area A shall not be required to be located a minimum of 3.0 m from a Lot line that Abuts a public sidewalk;
ii. Landscaped open space shall be incorporated on the basis of 2.0 m2 per Vehicle Parking space cumulative across Parking Areas A, C and D, with a minimum of 1 island per Parking Area, and a minimum total of 5 Parking Area islands across all 3 Parking Areas; and
iii. Parking areas shall be organized to provide visual relief, organize large areas of Vehicle Parking into smaller courts and assist vehicular circulation and at minimum pedestrian connections around the perimeters.
e. Notwithstanding maximum on-Site vehicle parking quantities in the Zoning Bylaw, Building C may accommodate up to 1,000 vehicular parking spaces and these spaces shall not be counted in determining the maximum number of spaces for the Site.
f. Prior to the issuance of the Development Permit for construction of Building C, a new or updated Traffic Impact Assessment, which identifies the Building C access strategy and required supporting traffic infrastructure, shall be submitted, if required by the Development Officer, to the Development Officer’s satisfaction in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
g. A minimum of 30 Bicycle Parking spaces shall be provided.
h. Loading, storage and waste collection areas shall be concealed from view from adjacent sites and public roadways with the waste collection areas located within the buildings or adequately screened. The waste collection area, and access to it, shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management Services and Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
i. A minimum of 4 on-site vehicle loading spaces shall be provided for the Site.
Built Form and Urban Design Regulations
a. Exterior building materials must be sustainable, durable, high quality, and appropriate for the development. The use of vinyl or stucco as finishing materials shall not be permitted.
b. Notwithstanding regulations for Above Ground Parkades in the Zoning Bylaw, Building C shall not be required to provide a minimum 4.0 m in Height on the ground level Storey.
c. Building C shall be designed to screen parked vehicles from view with architectural elements or screens, artistic or stylized glass and/or other materials, artistic lighting, living walls, and/or other methods which disguise the Above Ground Parkade, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
d. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall be provided to ensure a well-lit and safe environment for building users and pedestrians, to accentuate artwork and building elements, and to highlight the development at night time and in winter months.
e. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units and ground level vents, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with or complementary to the architectural character and materials of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building framework. Ground level vents shall be oriented away from on-Site amenity or pedestrian circulation areas.
a. Prior to the issuance of the Development Permit for the construction of Building A-Tower, a Wind Impact Study shall be prepared by a qualified, registered Professional Engineer in accordance with Section 14 of the Zoning Bylaw and shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The development shall incorporate design features to minimize adverse microclimatic effects such as wind tunneling, snow drifting, rain sheeting both on and off Site, consistent with the recommendations of the Wind Impact Study.
b. Prior to the issuance of a Development Permit for a principal building, a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Assessment shall be submitted and recommendations to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment shall be incorporated into the Site and building design to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. Prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, except for Development Permits for demolition or signage, additional Environment Site Assessment work regarding the testing areas that were previously road right-of-way, shall be submitted and reviewed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with City Planning (Environmental Planner). The Development Officer shall impose any Development Permit conditions necessary, prior to the release of the drawings for Building Permit review, to ensure that the Site is suitable for the full range of uses contemplated on the Development Permit Application.
d. As a condition of any Development Permit, the Owner shall enter into a Servicing Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-Site improvements necessary to serve the development, and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and others as required. The Agreement shall include an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements shall be constructed at the owner’s cost and shall include, but are not limited to:
i. construction of curb ramps to connect to the multi-use path with the intersection of 104 Street NW and 112 Avenue NW;
ii. construction of curb ramps and installation of a pedestrian crossing on the west leg of the intersection of 105 Street NW and 111 Avenue NW;
iii. closure of the existing site access and construction of the new access between 105 Street NW and Glenrose Hospital access, restoration of the sidewalk and boulevard, construction of curb and gutter and median modification along 111 Avenue NW to facilitate right-in right-out access only;
iv. construction of curb ramps and installation of a pedestrian crossing on the west leg of the intersection of the Glenrose Hospital access and 111 Avenue NW;
v. installation of traffic signals at the intersection of the Glenrose Hospital access and 111 Avenue NW;
vi. improvements to the existing sidewalk on the north side of 111 Avenue NW between the existing vehicular access east of 105 Street NW and the Glenrose Hospital access to a minimum 2.0 m wide monolithic sidewalk, including improvements to the existing bus stop, and relocation of existing street light poles as required; and
vii. repair of any damage to the abutting roadways, sidewalks, street furniture, street trees, and/or boulevards resulting from construction of the development.
e.The storm and sanitary drainage systems required to service the development, including on-Site stormwater management, shall be in general conformance with the Drainage Servicing Report or alternatives to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Development Services (Drainage). Such improvements are to be constructed at the owner's cost.
f.Prior to the issuance of the Development Permit for Building A, the Development Officer shall ensure that a Geotechnical Stress and Interaction Analysis is submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and approved in consultation with Development Services (Drainage) and EPCOR Drainage, that addresses the protection of the existing deep combined sewer trunk within the land on Site formerly part of the 105 Street NW road right-of way.

Bylaw attachments