Schonsee - east of 82 Street and north of Schonsee Way
Charter Bylaw 20382 (February 21, 2023)
To allow for the development of a low-rise apartment building complex suitable for seniors which will accommodate a mix of uses including residential, institutional, assisted living, extended medical treatment services and limited neighbourhood level commercial uses.
This Provision shall apply to Lot 1, Block 4, Plan 0726145, east of 82 Street and north of Schonsee Way, as shown on Schedule ”A”of the Charter Bylaw adoption this Provision, Schonsee.
Assisted Living (AL): for the purposes of this direct control zone means accommodation with moderate care provisions for residents in a congregate setting. Assisted living residents do not require continuous access to professional services or on-site professional services. Room and board services, light housekeeping services, 24 hour availability of assistance and oversight with personal care and social and recreational support may be provided. Assisted living suites may contain up to two bedrooms, living area space and cooking facilities.
Designated Assisted Living (DAL): for the purposes of this direct control zone means accommodation with flexible 24-hour on-site personal care and oversight, with access to professional services. Residents receive room and board services, light housekeeping services, 24-hour availability of assistance and oversight with personal care and social and recreational support. Professional services include 24-hour Licensed Practical Nurse oversight, Registered Nurse on-call and intermittent scheduled services. Settings are therapeutically designed to offer comfort and safety to clients who are fearful, who may be at risk for wandering and who need more structure and stimulation. Suites are contained within a larger residence and may contain up to two bedrooms and living area space.
1. | Assisted Living (AL) |
2. | Lodging Houses |
3. | Business Support Services |
4. | Commercial Schools |
5. | Community Recreation Services |
6. | Convenience Retail Stores |
7. | Designated Assisted Living (DAL) |
8. | Extended Medical Treatment Services |
9. | Government Services |
10. | Health Services |
11. | Multi-unit Housing |
12. | Personal Service Shops |
13. | Professional, Financial and Office Support Services |
14. | Residential Sales Centre for the sale of onsite condominium units |
15. | Restaurants, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space |
16. | Secondary Suites |
17. | Supportive Housing |
18. | Specialty Food Services, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space |
19. | Fascia On-premises Signs |
20. | Temporary Signs, limited to residential sale purposes only, and excluding trailer mounted signs and/or signs with changeable copy |
5.1 |
General |
1. | Development shall be generally in accordance with the following regulations and the attached Appendix to the satisfaction of the Development Officer | ||
2. | The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 1.5 as follows: | ||
i. | Maximum residential FAR shall be 1.25 | ||
ii. | Maximum commercial FAR shall be 0.25 | ||
3. | The maximum Building Height shall not exceed 15.0 m. | ||
4. | The minimum Setbacks shall be: | ||
i. | 7.5 m on the north; | ||
ii. | 4.5 m on the south; | ||
iii. | 4.0 m on the east; and | ||
iv. | 4.5 m on the west. | ||
5. | Commercial development shall only be allowed on the ground floor. | ||
6. | Platform Structures may project 1.0 m into the Setbacks. | ||
5.2 |
Residential and Assisted Living Development |
1. | The maximum density shall be 90.0 dwellings/ha, restricted to 108 dwellings in total. For the purposes of calculating Density, one unit of Assisted Living, or one unit of Designated Assisted Living, shall be equal to 0.5 of a Dwelling unit (i.e. two Assisted Living units count as one Dwelling unit). | ||
2. | A minimum amenity area of 7.5 m2 shall be provided for at least 50% of the Assisted Living (AL) and Designated Assisted Living (DAL) units and achieved through the use of balconies, grade level display gardens, terraces, or communal amenity spaces. | ||
3. | Communal Indoor Amenity Area shall be provided within the building for use by residents, including but not be limited to, change room facilities, fitness room, or meeting room. | ||
4. | Outdoor communal recreation space of at least 100 m2 shall be provided, to be aggregated into areas of not less than 50 m2. This area shall be developed as a usable recreation space to be furnished for active or passive use. | ||
5.3 |
Parking and Loading |
1. | Should the Site not be developed to accommodate Assisted Living and/or Designated Assisted Living, units, the parking requirements of Zoning Bylaw 12800 shall apply. | ||
2. | Access: | ||
i. | Vehicular access and egress shall be to Schonsee Way as shown in Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan; | ||
ii. | Emergency response vehicles shall have clear and effective access to the buildings on the site to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department and Fire Rescue. | ||
3. | Bicycle Parking spaces for staff and retail users shall be provided in accordance with Section 54.3 of the Zoning Bylaw. | ||
4. | Loading, storage, and garbage collection areas shall be screened from view from adjacent sites and public. Garbage bins shall be located so that all turning manoeuvres for waste management vehicles are accommodated on site. | ||
5. | The Owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton, in conjunction with the issuance of the initial development permit, for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. The Agreement process includes an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements to be addressed in the Agreement include but are not limited to the following: | ||
i. | Construction of site access to Schonsee Way, as shown on Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan; | ||
ii. | Construction of an emergency access to 82 Street, subject to the approval of the Transportation Department, as shown on Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan; | ||
iii. | Repair of any damage to the abutting roadways, sidewalks and/or boulevards resulting from construction of the development, to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department; | ||
iv. | All relocation of surface utilities and boulevard trees shall be the responsibility of the Owner to facilitate the construction of the bus stop pad, emergency access and site access. | ||
5.4 | Landscaping | ||
1. | A detailed Landscape Plan for the Site shall be submitted by a registered landscape architect for review and approval by the Planning Department, and Asset Management & Public Works Department prior to the approval of any development permit. | ||
2. | Landscaping shall consider the use of plant materials that provide colour throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development during cold weather months. | ||
3. | Opportunities shall be created for pedestrian circulation throughout the site by connecting walkways, amenity areas and parking areas while adhering to the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and being in accordance with Section 58 of the Zoning Bylaw. | ||
5.5 | Signage | ||
1. | Sign types permitted by this provision may be allowed in accordance with Schedule 59B and shall be located entirely within the development in accordance with the General Provisions of Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw |
6.1 | Site Planning | |
1. | A Site Plan generally in accordance with Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan, along with building plans, shall be submitted with the initial Development Permit application to the Development Officer consistent with the Urban Design Regulations in Section 6 of this DC2 Provision. | |
2. | Buildings shall be dispersed and separated by landscaped areas and surface parking areas to reduce the perception of height and massing of built forms. | |
3. | Buildings shall be generally configured in shapes such as an ”r;L” to reduce the appearance of massing of any particular elevation in accordance with Appendix I. | |
6.2 | Architectural Control | |
1. | The exterior of the building shall be finished with quality materials including but not limited to masonry, concrete, acrylic stucco, pre-finished metal, and glazing. Refer to Figure 1: Illustrative Rendering below for visual interpretation. |

2. | Architectural diversity and visual interest shall be created through the following: | |
i. | The use of distinctive treatments at the southwest corner of the development and at its main entrances; and | |
ii. | The articulation and incorporation of other design elements in the development’s façades and rooflines. | |
iii. | Differentiation between retail and residential façade expression. | |
6.3 | Massing and Building Articulation | |
1. | Perceived massing shall be minimized through design elements such as building setback variations, building orientation, articulation around entrance ways, roof treatment, and the choice of exterior materials and colors. | |
2. | All mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view or be concealed by incorporating it within the roof envelope or by screening it in a way that is consistent with the character and finishing of the development. | |
3. | The building located on the southwest corner of the site shall step back 0.5 m above 5.0 m at portions of the building facing 82 Street. | |
6.4 | Entrances | |
1. | The main building entrances and the first level parkade lobby entrance to the buildings shall be designed to meet universal accessibility standards in the following ways: | |
i. | Main entrance doors shall have barrier-free access in accordance with the applicable building code; | |
ii. | Level changes from the sidewalk to the main entrance of the buildings shall be minimized; and | |
iii. | Landscaping elements shall be located out of the travel path to ensure they are not obstacles to building accesses. |