DC2 142

McCauley - east of 96 Street, south of 105A Avenue

Bylaw 8870 (May 10, 1988)

To provide a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate the renovation of an existing warehouse for the purpose of housing the program and administrative activities of the Bissell Centre Society, an outreach ministry of the United Church of Canada providing assistance, educational, social and recreational programs for the disadvantaged in the inner city.

This District shall apply to a 0.251 ha portion of Block 16, Plan D, River Lot 14; located east of 96 Street, south of 105A Avenue, as shown on the sketch plan appended to the bylaw adopting this DC5 District, McCauley River Lots 12 and 14.

a. Professional Offices
b. Daytime Child Care Services
c. Community Recreation Services
d. Private Education Services
e. Private Clubs
f. Religious Assembly
g. Recycling Depot
h. Retail and office uses when accessory and secondary to a Use Class listed herein, in the opinion of the Development Officer.
a. The Development should be sited and developed generally in accordance with the attached site plan and elevations, Appendix 1.
b. The existing structure shall not be enlarged or added to, except for routine maintenance, and for renovations specifically for purposes of improving the exterior appearance of the structure.
c. The minimum number of parking stalls shall be 18.
d. Fencing to a height of 1.85 m (6.1 ft) shall be provided as shown on the attached site plan.
e. The front yard shall be fully landscaped to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
f. The Development Officer shall require, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide an irrevocable letter of credit or a performance bond, in the amount of 100% of the established landscaping cost, the conditions of the security being that:
i. if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of this District and the landscaping plan, within one growing season after the completion of the development, then the amount fixed shall be paid to the City, for its use absolutely;
ii. the Development Officer shall not release the Landscaping Bond until an inspection of the site has demonstrated that the landscaping has been well maintained and is in a healthy condition two growing seasons after completion of the landscaping.
g. Professional offices shall be restricted to social service programs such as counselling, emergency relief, advocacy, life skills, crisis intervention, referrals to other agencies where appropriate.
h. Any Private Club shall have as its principal function the offering of services to the surrounding community and shall not be of a magnitude to cause parking and traffic activity problems.
i. Recycling Depot shall be restricted to the distribution of donated clothing and household items.
j. Daytime Child Care Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 93 of the Land Use Bylaw and shall be located such that direct access at grade can be provided to an outdoor play area. The outdoor play area shall be approved by the Development Officer in consultation with the General Manager of Social Services.
k. Signs shall be allowed in this district as provided for in Schedule 79I and in accordance with the general provision of Sections 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
l. Development in this district shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Section 50 to 79 inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw.
m. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to the regulations contained in Sections 50 through 79 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District, if, in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not adversely affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.

Bylaw attachments