DC2 21

Kernohan - east of 25 Street, south of 133 Avenue and north of the Kennedale Ravine

Bylaw 7333 (December 14, 1983)

To provide a site specific development control district to accommodate a multiple family housing development at a maximum density of 64.6 dwellings/ha (26.2 dwellings/ac), in a variety of housing forms including row housing, stacked townhousing, and apartments.

Lot 78, Block 42, Plan 792 0127, being a portion of N.E. ¼ Section 19-53-23-W4M, located east of 25 Street, south of 133 Avenue and north of the Kennedale Ravine, Kernohan, Clareview.

a. Stacked Row Housing including Row Housing, Linked Housing, Semi-detached Housing and Duplex Housing.
b. Apartment Housing which is Family-oriented and provided that where the principal access to exterior grade is shared by more than two dwellings, the number of dwellings in each building shall not exceed 12; and
c. Single Detached Housing
a. The maximum density shall be 64.6 dwellings/ha (26.2 dwelling/acre) which will permit a maximum of 148 dwelling units on the site.
b. The maximum height shall not exceed 14 m (45.9 ft.) nor four storeys.
c. The maximum total site coverage shall be 40% with a maximum of 28% for a principal building and a maximum of 12% for accessory buildings. The area of the pipeline right-of-way shall be used to determine site coverage although no habitable dwellings shall be developed within the right-of-way.
d. The minimum front yard shall be 6 m (19.7 ft.).
e. The minimum rear yard shall be 7.5 m (24.6 ft.).
f. Minimum side yards of 1 m (3.3 ft.) for each storey or partial storey shall be provided, except that a total of 2 m (6.6 ft.) shall be provided in all cases.
g. Separation space shall be provided in accordance with Section 58 of the Land Use Bylaw 5996 as amended.
h. Minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Area of 30 m2 (322.9 sq. ft.) per dwelling for dwellings any part of which is contained in the lowest storey and 15 m2 (161.5 sq. ft.) per dwelling for dwellings no part of which is contained in the lowest storey shall be provided.
i. Except for the housing units located along 133 Avenue which will have front yard amenity areas, a minimum of 2.5 m2 (26.9 sq. ft.) of Amenity Area per dwelling shall be provided and be developed as children's play space or other communal recreation space and be aggregated into areas of not less than 50 m2 (538.0 sq. ft.).
j. Except for housing developed for the purpose of accommodating senior citizens, dwellings shall be family-oriented in accordance with the requirements of Section 9, Clause (20) of the Land Use Bylaw 5996 as amended.
k. Single detached housing in this District shall be developed in accordance with the provisions of the RF1 District of the Land Use Bylaw 5996 as amended.
l. Housing in the form of row housing, including linked housing, semi-detached housing and duplex housing shall be developed along the northern portion of the site in order to ensure compatibility with the adjacent single family development.
m. Housing in the form of stacked housing and/or apartment housing shall be developed on the southern and eastern portions of the site in order to take advantage of both the views and proximity to natural open space offered by the Kennedale Ravine and the North Saskatchewan River Valley located to the south and east respectively.
n. Urban design techniques shall be used to minimize the perceived height and massing of the development, including:
i. varied setbacks to building facade;
ii. varied roof treatments (sloping, terracing);
iii. choice of exterior materials and colours; and
iv. landscaping.
o. The south facing orientation of this site shall be taken full advantage of in the energy conscious design and orientation of the buildings within this development.
p. The pipeline right-of-way traversing the site diagonally from northwest to southeast shall be landscaped and an appropriate type of barrier put in place which will permit local access to the right of way while at the same time decreasing the likelihood of third party damage to the pipeline itself.
q. Development adjacent to the ravine system comply with all the restrictions and recommendations contained in the "Bank Stability Neighbourhood III, Clareview" study complied by R.M. Hardy and Associates, dated 1974 03 28, and that this parcel shall be caveated to ensure compliance by future owners, and to further prevent the intrusion of any form of development within the 7.62 m (25 ft.) top-of-bank setback line from the top-of-bank into the adjoining ravine.

Bylaw attachments