DC2 238

Mill Woods Town Centre - north of 23 Avenue and west of 50 Street

Bylaw 9685 (January 29, 1991)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate medium rise apartment housing and to establish site development regulations which will ensure both compatibility with surrounding land uses and a high quality of appearance that will ensure compliance with the Mill Woods Town Centre Area Structure Plan, as amended.

This DC5 District shall apply to a portion of Lot 1, Block 7, Plan 842 1979, Mill Woods Town Centre, Johnsonwood, as shown on the sketch plan to the Bylaw adopting this DC5 District.

a. Apartment Housing
b. Offices-in-the-Home
c. Homecrafts
d. Residential Sales Centre
a. The maximum floor area ratio shall not exceed 1.5.
b. The maximum density shall be 175 units per hectare.
c. The maximum building height shall not exceed 18 m from grade to the eaves nor exceed 4½ storeys when viewed from the outside of the building. The maximum height from grade to the highest point of the roof line for architectural features, such as dormers, shall not exceed 22 m. Roofs shall be sloped and be of a residential design character with dormers and other architectural features which add to the visual interest and articulation of the development when viewed from abutting sites.
d. A landscaped yard a minimum of 6.0 m in width, shall be provided adjacent to the north property line.
e. A landscaped yard a minimum of 6.0 m in width shall be provided adjacent to the south property line (proposed 25 Avenue) and the east property line (proposed 52 Street).
f. A landscaped yard a minimum of 4.5 m in width shall be provided adjacent to the west property line.
g. Yards required under Clauses 4(d), 4(e), and 4(f) shall be landscaped with one mature evergreen tree, one mature deciduous tree and five shrubs for each 46 m2 of required yard. Mature evergreen trees shall be a minimum of 2.5 m in height and mature deciduous trees shall be a minimum of 8 cm caliper.
h. The major entrance points to the site shall be accentuated by means of landscaping, signage, lighting and other urban design techniques.
i. Resident parking shall be integrated with the design of the landscaping to minimize its visibility and overall impact on the development through the use of landscaped berms, landscaped central islands, and 1.8 m high privacy fencing, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
j. To ensure that a high standard of appearance and a sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses are achieved, detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted with the initial development permit application for approval by the Development Officer which comply with the requirements specified by Clauses 4(d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of this District.
k. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per dwelling shall be provided in accordance with Section 56 of the Edmonton Land Use Bylaw.
l. The development shall provide Separation Space in accordance with Section 58 of the Edmonton Land Use Bylaw.
m. An open terrace or patio may be allowed to project into a yard or separation space, if such terrace or patio is unenclosed except by a guard rail or parapet wall not exceeding a maximum height of 1.2 m. No terrace or patio shall project into any required yard more than 1 m.
n. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Storage, loading and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal buildings, away from the north and east property lines and shall be screened from view from adjacent sites and public roadways in accordance with the provisions of Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw.
o. Development in this District shall generally comply with the following guidelines, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
i. an architectural and landscaping theme shall be created through the exterior treatment of buildings, (i.e., materials, colour and design) on the site and through the use of landscaping techniques and materials, all of which are to be compatible with the residential context of the development;
ii. buildings shall be designed and finished in a manner that minimizes the perceived massing of development when viewed from the west and north;
iii. all exterior finishing materials must be of good quality, durable, attractive in appearance with consistent treatment on all faces of the building. No painted and/or scored concrete block construction will be permitted;
iv. all mechanical equipment of the roof of any building shall be completely screened or incorporated within the building roof; and
v. the roof of any building shall consist of cedar shakes, clay tiles, asphalt shingles or materials having a similar character unless hidden from view by a parapet wall, when viewed from normal standing eye level at grade.
p. Signs shall be allowed in this District as provided for in accordance with Schedule 79B and in accordance with the general provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
q. The Development Officer shall require, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of 100% of the established landscaping costs, the conditions being that:
i. if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of this District and the landscape plan, within one growing season after the completion of the development, then the amount fixed shall be paid to the City, for its use absolutely; and
ii. the Development Officer shall not release the letter of credit until an inspection of the site has demonstrated that the landscaping has been well maintained and is in a healthy condition two growing seasons after completion of the landscaping.
r. Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50-79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
s. The Development Officer may grant relaxation to Sections 50-79 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District, if in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
t. Offices-in-the-Home shall be developed in accordance with Section 84 of the Land Use Bylaw.
u. Homecrafts shall be developed in accordance with Section 85 of the Land Use Bylaw.
v. Residential Sales Centres shall be developed in accordance with Section 95 of the Land Use Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments