DC2 31

Weinlos - southeast corner of 26 Avenue and 45 Street

Bylaw 7506 (April 10, 1984)

To provide a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate four dwelling units within an existing building, constructed under development permit number 82-08459-0.

This district shall apply to Lots 48 and 48A, Block 33, Plan 802 1673, located on the southeast corner of 26 Avenue and 45 Street, Weinlos, Mill Woods

a. Apartment Housing, provided that it is developed as a single building containing not more than four dwellings.
b. Single Detached Housing
c. Semi-detached Housing
d. Limited Group Homes
e. Duplex Housing
f. Linked Housing, except Semi-detached Housing in buildings of up to four dwellings, each dwelling having frontage on a public roadway other than a lane
g. Homecrafts
h. Offices-in-the-Home
i. Group Homes
j. Foster Homes
k. Daytime Child Care Services
l. Religious Assembly
m. Residential Sales Centres
a. The minimum site area shall be 360 m2 (3,875 sq. ft.) for Single Detached Housing, 300 m2 (3,229.2 sq. ft.) for each Semi-detached, Linked or Duplex dwelling and 800 m2 (8,611 sq. ft.) for each Apartment Housing Development.
b. The minimum site width shall be 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) for each Semi-detached, Duplex and Linked Housing dwellings, 12 m (39.4 ft.) for Single Detached dwellings and 20 m (65.6 ft.) for each Apartment Housing development.
c. The minimum site depth shall be 30 m (98.4 ft.).
d. The maximum height shall not exceed 10 m (32.8 ft.) nor two and one half storeys.
e. The maximum total site coverage shall not exceed 40%, with a maximum of 28% for a principal building and a maximum of 12% for accessory buildings. Where a garage is attached to or designated as an integral part of a dwelling, the maximum for the principal building shall be 40%.
f. The minimum front yard shall be 6 m (19.7 ft.).
g. The minimum rear yard shall be 7.5 m (24.6 ft.), except in the case of a corner site shall be 4.5 m (14.8 ft.).
h. Side yards shall be established on the following basis:
i. side yards shall total at least 20% of the site width, but the requirement shall not be more than 6.0 m (19.7 ft.), with a minimum side yard of 1.2 m (3.94 ft.) except that the minimum side yard for buildings over 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) in height shall be 2 m (6.6 ft.);
ii. where there is no lane abutting the site, one side yard shall be at least 3 m (9.8 ft.) for vehicular access, unless there is an attached garage or a garage which is an integral part of the dwelling;
iii. on a corner site where the building fronts on the front yard, the minimum side yard abutting a flanking public roadway other than a lane shall be 20% of the site width, to a maximum requirement of 4.5 m (14.8 ft.); and
iv. on a corner site where the building fronts on a flanking public roadway other than a lane, the minimum side yard abutting the flanking public roadway shall be 4.5 m (14.8 ft.).
i. Separation Space shall be provided between two or more dwellings or portions thereof on the same site, in accordance with Section 58 of the Land Use Bylaw.
j. The lowest level of the existing building, constructed under development permit application number 82-08459-0, may be converted to two separate dwelling units, each having individual access and separate cooking facilities.
k. Offices-in-the-Home shall be developed in accordance with Section 84 of the Land Use Bylaw.
l. Homecrafts shall be developed in accordance with Section 85 of the Land Use Bylaw.
m. Group Homes shall be developed in accordance with Section 91 of the Land Use Bylaw.
n. Notwithstanding the minimum site area and minimum site width provisions of this district, Religious Assembly uses shall be developed in accordance with Section 81 of the Land Use Bylaw.
o. Daytime Child Care Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 93 of the Land Use Bylaw.
p. Residential Sales Centres shall be developed in accordance with Section 95 of the Land Use Bylaw.
q. Development in this district shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50 to 79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
r. Signs shall be allowed in this district as provided for in Schedule 79A and in accordance with the general provisions of Sections 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments