DC2 699

Rural Northeast - South Sturgeon - west of 17 Street NE and south of 153 Avenue NE, Rural Northeast

Bylaw 14633 (July 9, 2007)

To accommodate the development of an Outdoor and Indoor Participant Recreation area, providing mentally, physically and financially challenged children and families an opportunity for active and passive recreational activities with accessory uses including a riding stable, overnight camping facilities, cabins, exhibition and convention facilities, camp office, self-serving utility services, and environmental preservation area in conformance with Plan Edmonton and the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan.

This Provision shall apply to a portion of NE and SE 28-53-23-4, containing approximately 80.8 ha, more or less, located west of 17 Street NE and south of 153 Avenue NE, Rural Northeast - South Sturgeon,  as shown on Schedule ”A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

a.Outdoor Participant Recreation Services
b.Child Care Services (as an accessory use to the Outdoor Participant Recreation Services use)
c.Exhibition and Convention Facilities (as an accessory use to the Outdoor Participant Recreation Services use)
d.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
e.Single Detached Dwelling (limited to the two existing dwellings)
f.Freestanding On-premises Signs
g.Fascia On-premises Signs
h.Temporary On-premises Signs, excluding portable signs
a. All development shall be generally in accordance with the site plan illustrated in Appendix 1.
b. The minimum landscaped Yard along the North, West and East property lines shall be 6.0 m.
c. The corrals/riding stable shall be a minimum of 30.0 m from the lower bank (elevation - 615 m) of the North Saskatchewan River.
d. The maximum Building Height shall be 12.0 m unless otherwise approved by the Development Officer where deemed appropriate for the Use.
e. The Environmental Preservation area, as outlined on Appendix 1, shall be preserved and retained in its natural vegetation and grade. No development, except for a multi-use trail, horse trails, two existing Single Detached Dwellings and essential utility crossings, shall be allowed in the Environmental Preservation Area as shown on the Appendix 1.
f. The Developer shall install demarcation fences (two-rail fences and gates) to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Asset Management and Public Works Department (Parks Branch), along the northern boundary of the Environmental Preservation area (outlined on Appendix 1), to delineate the Environmental Preservation area and minimize the impacts from the rest of this site.
g. A continuous multi-use trail corridor of 7.5 m wide for public use and access over the southerly portion of this site, generally as shown on Appendix 1, shall be developed and provided to the City of Edmonton in a manner satisfactory to the Development Officer in consultation with the Asset Management and Public Works Department (Parks Branch) and the Transportation Department. The Developer must enter into a written agreement with the City of Edmonton for the construction of the multi-use trail, as a condition of the first Development Permit approved for this site.
h. A geotechnical report shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer at the time of application for the Development Permit which shall include (but not be limited to) recommendations on the:
i. Development-specific recommendations addressing top of bank issues, multi-use trail corridor development and slope stability assessment;
ii. Review of the potential impacts on slope stability of the existing major pond area near the valley crest;
iii. Evaluation of the potential impacts of any major re-grading or modification of the site to create recreational lake features or other water retention structures; and
iv. Geotechnical recommendations related to any proposed infilling of the existing pond areas, including guidance on issues of fill settlement and the potential impacts on any planned buildings or infrastructure.
i.The Development Officer shall require the submission of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment prepared by a qualified security consultant for the development on the subject site. The Development Officer shall advise applicants of the approved crime prevention design guidelines contained in the Design Guide for a Safer City, such as the layout and design of buildings and associated parking and loading areas, yards and landscaped areas, to promote a safe, well-lit physical environment.
j.In the event the operation includes a riding stable operation, prior to the issuance of any Development Permit, a Sewage (Manure) Management Plan prepared by a qualified consultant is required to be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD) and the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB), to demonstrate that the management of manure produced by this development and the setbacks of the manure storage and operations are in accordance with the Agricultural Operations Practices Act (AOPA).
k.The Development Officer shall require the submission of an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report prepared by a qualified environmental consultant, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Alberta Environment and the Capital Health Authority that the site is suitable for its full range of allowable uses.
l.Section 55 of this Bylaw does not apply; however, to ensure that a high standard of appearance, detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the Parks Branch of the Asset Management & Public Works Department, at the time of application for the Development Permit which shall incorporate both the existing and new vegetation, plantings, fencing and promotion of naturalization. The existing vegetation within the treed area along the Top-of-the–bank shall be retained. The landscape plan should include the requirement for a written explanation/rational for the planting scheme, including naturalization buffering and retention of the environmental preservation area.
m.Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59H.
n.A parking impact assessment shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the Transportation Department, at the time of application for the Development Permit which shall include recommendations on the vehicular and bicycle parking requirement, and loading and passenger drop-off requirements for the site. The parking (vehicular and bicycle) and the off-street loading requirement shall be provided in accordance with the recommendations contained within the parking impact assessment review, as a condition of the issuance of a Development Permit.
o.A Reclamation Certificate shall be submitted, verifying that the Province is in acceptance of the remediation of this site, within 3 years from the issuance of a Development Permit.

Bylaw attachments