DC2 732

Garneau - located at 8215-112 Street NW

Bylaw 14966 (November 17, 2008)

To accommodate an existing high density mixed use commercial and residential development that is designed to provide a pedestrian oriented retail environment on 82 Avenue and 112 Street and maintain the character of the adjacent Garneau community and University lands.

This provision shall apply to Lots 1A, 2A and 3A, Block 158, Plan 5384RS, located at 8215-112 Street NW; 11135-83 Avenue NW; and 8210-111 Street NW, respectively, as shown on Schedule "A" attached to this bylaw.

a.Apartment Housing
b.Stacked Row Housing
c.Row Housing
d.Apartment Hotels
e.Boarding and Lodging Houses
f.Minor Home Based Business
g.Major Home Based Business
h.Residential Sales Centre
i.Business Support Services
j.Commercial Schools
k.General Retail Stores
l.Health Services
n.Household Repair Services
o.Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs, limited to 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space
p.Restaurants, limited to 200 occupants and 240m2 of Public Space
q.Specialty Food Services, excluding alcohol beverages, under 100 occupants or 240m2 of Public Space
r.Specialty Food Services, excluding alcohol beverages, over 100 occupants or 240m2 of Public Space, limited to 6.
s.Veterinary Services
t.Personal Service Shops
u.Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
v.Minor Secondhand Stores
w.Minor Amusement Establishments
x.Minor Alcohol Sales
y.Minor Amusement Establishments
z.Minor Alcohol Sales
aa.Government Services
bb. Extended Medical Treatment Services
cc. Community Recreation Services
dd. Child Care Services
ee. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
ff. Private Clubs
gg. Private Education Services
hh. Public Education Services
ii. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
jj. Fascia On-premises Signs
kk. Freestanding On-premises Signs
ll. Projecting On-premises Signs
mm.Temporary On-premises Signs

Development shall be in accordance with Appendix I, Site Plan; Appendix II, North Elevation; Appendix III, South Elevation; Appendix IV, East Elevation; and Appendix V, West Elevation.

a. Density:
i. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 6.5 which shall not include space used for covered parking less than 1m above grade.
ii. The maximum number of Dwellings shall not exceed 755.
iii. The maximum gross floor area of all Commercial and Basic Services uses shall not exceed 24,154 m2 within the existing building footprint.
iv. The maximum additional gross floor area of Extended Medical Treatment Service, Hotel, Apartment Hotel and Boarding and Lodging uses, for up to a total of 120 Dwellings, shall not exceed 6,503 m2.
v. The maximum gross floor area of Community, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Services uses shall not exceed 2,322.5 m2.
b. Height:
i. The maximum building height for the residential development on 83 Avenue and on 111 Street shall not exceed 78 m nor 27 storeys, as measured from the existing main floor elevation, as generally illustrated on Appendix II.
ii. The maximum building height for the office tower on 112 Street shall not exceed 76 m nor 22 storeys, as measured from the existing main floor elevation, as generally illustrated on Appendix V.
iii. The maximum building height for the Commercial/Retail development within 3.0 m of the south or west property lines shall not exceed 8.0 m nor 2 storeys to the uppermost limit of the roof, excluding architectural features, as measured from the existing main floor elevation.
iv. The maximum building height for Hotel/Residential/Basic Services development fronting onto 82 Avenue shall not exceed 19.0 m nor 6 stories as measured from the existing main floor elevation, excluding architectural features, as generally illustrated on Appendix III.
c. Yards:
i. A minimum landscaped Yard and building Setback of 7.5 m shall be provided adjacent to 83 Avenue and 111 Street. This Setback may be reduced to a minimum of 4.5 m to accommodate existing building structures as generally illustrated in Appendix I. The minimum Setback may be reduced to 2.1 m and landscaped Yard waived adjacent to Commercial developments on 83 Avenue, as shown on Appendix I, where the maximum building Height for the directly adjacent façade does not exceed 8.0 m nor 2 storeys excluding architectural features as measured from the existing main floor elevation.
ii. A minimum Yard and building Setback of 3.0 m shall be provided adjacent to the property line abutting 82 Avenue and 112 Street.
iii. View Corridors, a minimum of 7.5 m wide shall be maintained through the property, with no buildings allowed within this corridor above 12 m nor 3 storeys as generally illustrated in Appendix II and III.
iv. No permanent parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor services or display area shall be permitted within a required Yard. Permanent loading, storage and trash collection areas shall not be accessible from 82 Avenue and 112 Street, and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 54 of the Zoning Bylaw.
v. Where an open canopy, marquee, porch, entrance or similar architectural feature has been included as an integral component of the overall design of a building or designed to provide protection from the weather over an entrance or sidewalk, the structure may encroach into a required Yard or building Setback.
d. Vehicular parking and access:
i. There shall be no vehicular access to the site from 112 Street.
ii. Should substantial redevelopment or modification occur at grade, issues regarding an encroachment and access grades on 82 Avenue and garbage truck circulation on 83 Avenue would need to be corrected. The final locations and geometric details of the vehicular access roads, driveways, curb returns and curb drops shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Transportation Department.
iii. A minimum of 890 vehicular parking spaces including visitor vehicular parking spaces shall be provided, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Transportation Department. A minimum of 115 unassigned vehicular parking spaces shall be available on the first level of the covered parking structure for residential and commercial visitor vehicular parking.
iv. A minimum of 90 bicycle parking spaces shall be provided as follows:
a. A minimum of 36 bicycle parking spaces shall be provided on parking level 1 of the Parking Garage.
b. A minimum of 54 bicycle parking spaces shall be provided such that at least 10 bicycle parking spaces are located within approximately 15 m of each major entrance to each Apartment Tower, Office Tower, and Hotel/Residential/Basic Services development, in a visible area.
v. The size and design of the bicycle parking spaces shall be in accordance with Sections 54 of the Zoning Bylaw.
e. Amenity area:
i. A minimum Amenity Area of 540 m2 shall be provided as communal recreational space, to be accommodated through the provision of indoor facilities such as, but not limited to, swimming pools, exercise rooms, recreational and social spaces.
ii. Minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Area of 15 m2 shall be provided for each Row Housing and Stacked Row Housing Dwelling unit, any part of which is contained on the first storey.
f. Landscaping:
i. Any major redevelopment on the Site shall require a detailed Landscape Plan prepared by a registered landscape architect for review and approval by the Planning Department, Asset Management & Public Works and the Transportation Department. The Landscape Plan shall include all existing and proposed utilities within the road right-of-way, pavement materials, exterior lighting, street furniture elements, pedestrian seating areas, sizes and species of new tree plantings and other landscaping elements as applicable as requested by the Development Officer. Landscaping on the Site shall consider the use of plant materials that provide colour throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development during cold weather months.
ii. Yards adjacent to Residential developments on 83 Avenue and 111 Street shall be landscaped in accordance with the General Landscaping Regulations of the Zoning Bylaw, except that those portions of Yard located over an underground parking structure shall not be required to meet the General Landscaping Regulations of the Zoning Bylaw. These areas shall be landscaped with grass, shrubs and hard landscaping to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
iii. All planting shall generally be installed to the finished grade. Where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, this is not practical, planters may be used. Such planters shall be of adequate design, having sufficient soil capacity and insulation to promote healthy growth.
iii. Trees and shrubs preserved on the site shall, at the discretion of the Development Officer, be credited to the total landscaping requirements.
iv. A minimum of 3 m wide on site sidewalk shall be provided on site adjacent to 82 Avenue and 112 Street except adjacent to passenger drop-off areas where the on site sidewalk width may be reduced to 2.1 m to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Planters and street furniture may be placed within the minimum 3 m wide sidewalk provided there is adequate space available and the sidewalk continuity is maintained, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
v. Landscaping of Yards adjacent to 82 Avenue and 112 Street shall generally consist of hard surface features, planters, street furniture designed to create a pedestrian oriented walkway.
g. Signage:
i. Signs shall be developed in accordance with Schedule 59H of the Zoning Bylaw except as follows:
a. Signs for Commercial Uses shall be allowed as provided for in Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw with the intent to complement the pedestrian-oriented commercial environment except that:
i. The maximum height of a Freestanding Sign shall be 6 m;
ii. A Projecting Sign may be used to identify businesses which are located entirely at grade or above the second storey level: and
iii. The top of a Projecting Sign on a building two storeys or higher shall not extend more than 0.75 m above the floor of the second or third storey nor higher than the window sill level of the second or third storey.
h. Additional Regulations for Specific Uses:
i. There shall be no Commercial use or Basic Service use in buildings fronting on to 83 Avenue and on to 111 Street, except the most westerly 50.6 m abutting 83 Avenue and the most southerly 12.2 m abutting 111 Street.
ii. The maximum total number of Dwellings for Hotel, Residential and Residential - Related development fronting onto 82 Avenue shall not exceed 120.
iii. The 2 storey development fronting on to 82 Avenue and 112 Street shall be limited to Commercial use.
iv. Notwithstanding the above, the total number of occupants for all Bars & Neighbourhood Pubs combined on this Site shall not exceed 200 and shall not exceed 240 m2. The total number of occupants for all Restaurants and Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs combined on this site shall not exceed 400 and 480 m2 of public space
a. Urban Character and Built Form:
i. The design of the new buildings, additions and exterior renovations shall establish a harmonious architectural theme, and the principal design elements, finishing materials and colours shall be applied to each building, with minor variations, regardless of the staging sequence of the development.
ii. New buildings, additions and exterior renovations at the corners of the site should address both the street and the avenue.
iii. All exterior finishing materials of all new and renovated development below 10m or 2 storeys must be of a high quality, durable, attractive in appearance including masonry, concrete, prefinished metal, decorative painted metal, stucco and similar products which are consistent with the character of the surrounding urban built form. All exposed sides of new and renovated development shall be finished in a consistent and harmonious manner.
iv. All mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be completely screened from public view from street level or be concealed from street level by incorporating it within the roof envelope.
v. Separation Spaces between buildings above 10 m or 3 storeys shall be established to provide privacy and preserve a sense of openness between structures and allow for solar access and views between buildings, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and in accordance to the view corridors as shown on Appendices II and III.
vi. Exterior lighting shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the site.
b. Street Level Architecture:
i. Renovations of the podium below 10 m or 2 storeys shall include design elements and variations that will add architectural interest and a human scale dimension including lighting, landscaping, benches and street furniture.
ii. Facade treatments along 82 Avenue and 112 Street on the first two storeys shall incorporate architectural and urban design elements to promote a lively pedestrian environment. Such design elements include canopies, awnings and arcades; large windows with clear glazing at street level to promote pedestrian interaction and safety; well defined entrances to individual businesses and front facades designed to break the appearance of the building into modules of 10.06 m or less.
iii. Developments above the second storey building face shall be designed so as not to compromise the two storey appearance of the streetscape. This appearance may be achieved through such means as horizontal architectural elements at the top of the second storey level including cornices, eaves and similar architectural features.

Bylaw attachments