Central McDougall - west of 107 Street NW, and north of 110 Avenue NW
Bylaw 17009 (January 26, 2015)
To accommodate Apartment Housing with Family Oriented Dwellings provided on the ground floor.
This Provision shall apply to the lands legally described as Lots 403, 404 and 405, Block 7, Plan 7540AH; located west of 107 Street NW, and north of 110 Avenue NW, Central McDougall, as shown of Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.
a. | Apartment Housing |
b. | Personal Service Shop |
c. | Minor Home Based Business |
d. | Residential Sales Centre |
e. | Fascia On-premises Signs |
f. | Projecting On-premise Signs |
a. | Development shall be in accordance with the following regulations and generally in accordance to the attached appendices. | ||||||||
b. | The maximum Floor Area Ratio for the site shall be 2.25. | ||||||||
c. | The maximum number of dwellings shall be 40. | ||||||||
d. | The maximum Height shall not exceed 18.0 m. | ||||||||
e. | Minimum Setbacks shall be as follows: | ||||||||
f. | A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per dwelling for dwellings above the ground floor shall be provided. Any rooftop patio, may be included as part of the Amenity Area. | ||||||||
g. | Amenity Area for ground floor dwellings shall be generally located in accordance with Appendix I – Site Plan. | ||||||||
h. | Amenity Area for ground floor dwellings shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and shall create a defined edge to delineate the Amenity Area as private space. | ||||||||
i. | There shall be a minimum of three (3) dwellings developed as family-oriented dwellings which will meet the following criteria: | ||||||||
j. | Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Assessment shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995). |
k. | Development shall comply with Section 93 of the Zoning Bylaw for Inclusive Design. |
l. | Separation Space shall comply with Section 48 the Zoning Bylaw, except that Separation Space shall be reduced on the north side of the building to accommodate the Setback requirement. |
m. | A Sun Shadow Impact Study shall be prepared by a qualified registered Professional Engineer or Architect, to professional standards. The Sun Shadow Impact Study shall be submitted with the Development Permit to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
a. | A minimum of 45 vehicular parking spaces shall be provided within an underground parkade, and 1 vehicular parking space shall be provided at grade level to the rear of the building as generally located in Appendix I – Site Plan. |
b. | A minimum of 6 of the underground parking stalls shall be designated and signed as visitor parking spaces. |
c. | Vehicular access and egress shall be provided off the alley abutting the development. |
d. | The entrance to the underground parkade shall be from the alley. The entrance shall be designed to address safe traffic operations and maintain good sightlines associated with vehicle movements to and from the adjacent alley located along the west property line, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. |
e. | Proposed walls or retaining walls bordering the parkade ramp must not exceed a height of 0.3m for a distance of 3m from the alley to ensure adequate sightlines can be met. The walls shall be articulated to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
f. | The driveway ramp for underground parking structures shall be at grade at the property line and must not exceed a slope of 6% for a distance of 4.5 m inside the property line, or to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. |
g. | Adequate sight lines shall be maintained for vehicles entering and exiting the parkade, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and the Transportation Services. |
h. | A minimum of 7 bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 54.3 of the Zoning Bylaw. A minimum of 5 Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in a safe and secure location within the building. |
i. | The waste service area shall be constructed to the satisfaction of Waste Management. Garbage enclosures must be located entirely within private property and gates and /or doors of the garbage enclosure must not open or encroach into road right-of-way. |
j. | The owner shall enter into a Municipal Improvement Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. Such improvements shall be constructed at the owner’s cost. The Agreement process includes an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements to be addressed in the Agreement include, but are not limited to the following: |
k. | Construction of the north-south alley adjacent to the site to a commercial standard, designed to accommodate waste management vehicles, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. |
l. | Removal of existing access to 110 Avenue, construction of the curb and gutter and sidewalk and restoration of the boulevard to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. |
m. | Removal of existing sidewalk, curb and gutter and construction of curb ramp and restoration of boulevard at the northwest corner of 107 Street and 110 Avenue, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. |
n. | Repair of any damage to the abutting roadways, sidewalks and/or boulevards resulting from construction of the development, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. The site must be inspected by Transportation Services prior to the start of construction and once again when construction is complete. |
a. | Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59B and in accordance with the General Provisions of Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw |
a. | Personal Service Shops shall not exceed 80 m2 of floor area and shall be located on the main floor. |
b. | Personal Service Shops shall be accessory to the Apartment Housing Use. |
a. | Building materials shall be sustainable, durable, high quality and appropriate for the development. The contextual fit, design, proportion, quality, texture, and application of various finishing materials shall be to the satisfaction of Development Officers. |
b. | The Building shall be designed to include the use of different architectural elements and treatments, articulated facades, materials and colors to add variety, rhythm, break up the massing and provide a sense of human scale to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
c. | A consistent building treatment shall be provided for all facades. |
d. | A transformer generally located within the SW corner within the 110 Avenue setback, shall be properly screened to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
e. | The primary building entrance on the east side of the building shall be identifiable and prominent and will incorporate weather protection in the form of a canopy or any other architectural element. |
f. | All mechanical equipment including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building. |
g. | Where a Dwelling unit is provided at ground level abutting a public roadway, other than a Lane, the principal entrance to the unit shall have direct external access to the adjacent public sidewalk. Sliding patio doors shall not serve as this entrance. |
h. | Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall be provided to ensure a safe well-lit environment to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
a. | A Landscaping plan for the site shall be submitted as a condition of the issuance of the development permit that is in general conformance with Appendix Site Plan and shall be in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw. |
a. | Prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, the owner shall enter into an agreement with the City of Edmonton whereby the owner will provide a contribution valued at $10,000 that shall be made toward the acquisition of art to be permanently displayed in a publicly accessible location on the Site. In addition, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit an art plan prepared by an art consultant shall be submitted to the City of Edmonton for review and approval by the Development Officer. The art will be acquired through an art procurement process administered by the art consultant in consultation with the owner/operator, and shall be owned and maintained by the owner/operator and placed permanently on the Site in a space that is publicly visible and accessible. |
a. | The design and implementation of this development shall apply techniques to reduce consumption of water, energy, and materials consistent with best practices in sustainable design. Green sustainable targets shall include Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality. The development shall meet the equivalent of LEED Silver standards. Upon submission of a development permit application, the applicant must submit a detailed report, endorsed by a third-party registered professional engineer or architect, indicating how the LEED Silver points will be achieved upon construction completion. This report must be approved by the Development Officer prior to the issuance of the Development Permit. Upon completion of the building, the Owner shall provide a report by a professional Architect or Engineer that demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, that the design and construction of the building meets the target LEED Silver points described above. |