DC1 16763

Oliver (Area 11) - southeast corner of 98 Avenue NW and 111 Street NW

Note: Section 15.12 was added through Bylaw 16762, March 24, 2014.

Bylaw 16762 and Bylaw 16763 (March 24, 2014)

This Provision is designed to retain and preserve the John T. Ross Residence while accommodating a high density residential tower with street level accessed units in the form of row houses that provide a transition in scale and family oriented dwellings fronting onto 98 Avenue and 111 Street, with site specific design controls to reduce the mass, sun shadow, and view impacts of the tower on adjacent developments.

This Provision shall apply to 0.28 hectare site on the southeast corner of 98 Avenue NW and 111 Street NW legally described as Lots 7 -10, Block 10, Plan B, adopting this DC1 Provision, Oliver.

a. Apartment Housing
b. General Retail
c. Live Work Units
d. Minor Home Based Business
e. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
f. Residential Sales Centre
g. Specialty Food Services
h. Fascia On-premises Signs
i. Freestanding On-premises Signs
j. Temporary Signs
4.1 General
a. The development shall be in general accordance with the attached Appendices.
b. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 6.7.
c. The maximum number of dwelling units shall be 260.
d. The maximum height of the building shall not exceed 100.0 m.
e. The maximum height of the podium shall not exceed 12.0 m.
f. Tower floor plates shall not exceed 650 m2.
g. The length of any Tower face shall be a maximum of 30.0 m.
h. Minimum Building Setbacks shall be as follows, as shown in Appendix VI, Setbacks:
i. 1.5 m on the east;
ii. 3.0 m on the west;
iii. 1.5 m on the north; and
iv. 1.5 m on the south.
i. Minimum Tower Stepbacks and Setback shall be as follows, as shown in Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan:
i. 8.0 m Setback from the east property line.
ii. 7.0 m Stepback from the Podium on the west side;
iii. 20.0 m Stepback from the Podium on the north side; and
iv. 5.0 m Stepback from the Podium on the south side.
j. Balconies and balcony structures may project into the building Setbacks, however they shall not encroach upon City owned lands. They may project a maximum of 1.5 m into the Tower Stepbacks.
k. A minimum average amenity area of 7.5 m2 per dwelling shall be provided through the following:
i. A minimum of 230 m2 of Outdoor Amenity space shall be provided as an open communal roof terrace; and a minimum of 150 m2 of Outdoor Amenity space shall be provided as publicly accessible quasi-public pocket garden space adjacent to the John T. Ross Residence;
ii. A minimum of 150 m2 of Indoor Amenity space shall be provided;
iii. Balconies with a minimum depth of 1.5 m may be used to satisfy required Amenity Area.
l. The development shall create a pedestrian-friendly environment on 98 Avenue and 111 Street, which will include such things as individual entrances to the ground floor units, landscaping and other features that lend visual interest and a human scale to the development along the street to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
m. A Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Assessment shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995) in accordance to Section 58 of the Zoning Bylaw.
4.2 Parking, Loading, and Storage
a. The development shall provide parking in accordance with Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw. The Development Officer may consider a variance if a Parking Demand Study is submitted in conjunction with an application for Development Permit to justify any variance in parking requirements.
b. All resident vehicular parking shall be provided underground, except that a maximum of 20 vehicular parking spaces, and a minimum of one universally accessible vehicular parking space, for visitor and non-residential parking may be provided at grade located at the rear of the building and accessed from the abutting lane or in the parkade as required, in general accordance with Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan.
c. Interior and exterior bicycle parking on the site shall be developed in accordance with Section 54.3 of the Zoning Bylaw.
d. A minimum of 25 bicycle parking spaces shall be development in a safe secure location on the first underground parking level.
e. Vehicular access and egress shall be provided off the lane abutting the development in accordance with Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan.
f. The driveway ramp shall be at grade at the property line and must not exceed a slope of 6% for a distance of 4.5 m inside the property line to the satisfaction of Transportation Services.
g. Adequate sight lines shall be maintained for vehicles entering and exiting the parkade, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
h. Objects such as retaining walls, fences, and landscaping must not exceed a height of 0.3 m for a distance of 3.0 m from the driveway entrance to ensure adequate site lines to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Transportation Services.
i. Storage and trash collection areas shall be concealed from view from adjacent sites and located within the building. Waste collection areas shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management and Transportation Services.
j. One (1) loading space shall be provided at a minimum of 3.0 m in width and by 6.0 m in length, as shown in Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan.
4.3 Landscaping
a. Landscaping requirements shall be in general accordance with Appendix VII, Illustrative Landscape Plan.
b. Landscaping on the site shall consider the use of plant materials that provide colour throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development during cold weather months.
c. Existing mature City boulevard trees along 98 Avenue and 111 Street shall be retained and protected.
d. A landscape buffer 0.5 m in width and maximum 0.5 m high shall be provided along the lane to the east.
4.4 Signage
a. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59B and in accordance with the General Provisions of Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw.
b. A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan and Schedule in accordance with Section 59.3 of the Zoning Bylaw shall be prepared for the development and provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. No signs shall be placed on the John T. Ross Residence. Only one (1) Freestanding On-premises Signs with a height no greater than 1.0 m and an area no greater than 2 m2 shall be permitted in the northwest corner of the site, at the corner of 111 Street and 98 Avenue, as shown in Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan.
d. Temporary Signs shall exclude trailer mounted signs and/or signs with changeable copy.
e. Freestanding Signs for non-residential Uses shall be developed to be visually harmonious and compatible with the architecture character, finish, and landscaping of the development to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
4.5 Development Regulations for Non-residential Uses
a. Residential Sale Centre(s) shall be limited to the sale of on-site condominium units.
b. General Retail, Professional and Financial and Office Support Services shall be limited to a maximum floor area of 180 m2 and limited to within the John T. Ross Residence.
c. Specialty Food Services shall be limited to less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space and limited to within the John T. Ross Residence.
d. Live Work Units shall be limited to the at grade street oriented units and the John T. Ross Residence.
4.6 Family Oriented Dwellings
a. There shall be a minimum of thirteen (13) dwellings developed as family-oriented dwellings which will meet the following criteria:
b. The lowest storey of the dwelling is no higher than the third storey of the building;
c. The dwelling has two (2) bedrooms or more, with a minimum of four (4) three bedroom dwelling units; and
d. The dwellings at grade shall have an individual private access to grade; except in the case of Apartment Housing, access to Dwellings above the first Storey may be shared, provided that entrances to not more than six Dwellings are located on any one Storey or landing.
4.7 Other Regulations
a. A Sun Shadow Impact Study shall be prepared by a qualified, registered Professional Engineer or Architect, to professional standards. The Sun Shadow Impact Study shall be submitted with the development permit to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b. A detailed Wind Impact Study shall be prepared by a qualified, registered Professional Engineer, and shall be based on a computer model simulation analysis, prepared to professional standards. The wind impact study shall be submitted with the development permit to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. The Development shall incorporate design features to minimize adverse microclimatic effects such as wind tunnelling, snow drifting, rain sheeting, shadowing, and loss of sunlight, both on and off-site, consistent with recommendations of the Sun Shadow and Wind Impact Study to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
d. The Development shall incorporate design features to minimize adverse microclimatic effects such as wind tunnelling, snow drifting, rain sheeting, shadowing, and loss of sunlight, both on and off-site, consistent with recommendations of the Sun Shadow and Wind Impact Study to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
e. Prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, a geotechnical study, including a stability assessment, prepared by a qualified professional engineer shall be submitted and approved to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the City’s Geotechnical Engineer and Transportation Services. In addition to the provision of site and development specific geotechnical recommendations for design and construction, such report must also provide recommendation to minimize and mitigate geotechnical risk to the development and surrounding properties and infrastructure.
a. Podium:
i. The podium shall take the appearance of a two storey row houses oriented onto 98 Avenue and 111 Street with at grade residential dwellings providing separate, individual access and feature visible identifiable doorways, landscaped terraces, pedestrian lighting, and patios. Sliding patio doors shall not serve as this entrance.
ii. The podium exterior shall be finished with clear glazing and quality, durable building materials that may include masonry, stone and pre-finished metal.
iii. The scale, form, and materiality of the podium shall be determined by the retention and incorporation of the John T. Ross Residence, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer
iv. The building shall be designed to include the use of different architectural elements and treatments, articulated facades, materials, and colours to add variety, rhythm, break up the massing to provide a sense of human scale and must fit within or be complimentary to the John T. Ross Residence architecture to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
v. The materiality of the east and south facades shall be similar to that of the street-facing facades to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
vi. A minimum of 50% of the linear building frontage of the ground floor facades shall have transparent glazing, where fronting onto a Public Roadway, other than a Lane. Linear frontage shall be measured as the horizontal plane at 1.5 m above grade, excluding the John T. Ross Residence.
vii. The Podium shall form a continuous streetscape with the main floor and patio height a minimum 0.3 m to a maximum 0.6 m to compliment the John T. Ross Residence, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
viii. The Podium’s north and west Setback shall be within 0.2 m of the north and west setbacks of the John T. Ross Residence.
ix. The minimum separation distance between the John T. Ross Residence and the new development shall be 2.0 m to the south and 14.5 m to the east.
x. The space created by the required separation distance between the John T. Ross Residence and the podium to the south shall act as a walkway, be universally accessible, and landscaped to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
xi. Where podium roofs are visible from existing adjacent developments, the development shall improve rooftop aesthetics to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b. Tower
i. The Tower entrance at grade shall be designed to be clearly visible and distinct and oriented to 111 Street.
ii. The exterior of the Tower shall be finished with high quality, sustainable, and durable materials, such as masonry, stone, and glazing
iii. The mid-Tower zone shall be differentiated from the podium, but should reinforce some of the design details, colours, materials, and architectural expression from the podium.
iv. The Tower top shall contribute to the ‘signature’ of the building and the City’s skyline through architectural treatment of the top five (5) floors and roof. The Tower shall provide articulation, visual interest and reduced massing effects by combination of sculpting of the building, variation of materials / colour, architectural features, or other means and shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
v. The Tower shall incorporate design features to minimize adverse microclimatic effects such as wind tunneling and rain sheeting.
vi. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall be provided to ensure a safe well-lit environment for pedestrians, to accentuate artwork and heritage facades, and to highlight portions of the development at night time, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Heritage Officer.
vii. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building.

The building shall meet the requirements of the Green Building Rating System LEEDTM, Canada NC 2009, to achieve a minimum LEED Certified Silver. 

Development of the historically designated John T. Ross Residence shall be in accordance with the following regulations and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and the Heritage Officer.
a. The John T. Ross Residence at 9749 111 Street, has been designated a Municipal Historic Resource as per Bylaw 14637 on November 26, 2007 and shall be preserved and integrated into the redevelopment of the site.
b. The John T. Ross Residence shall have a minimum west Setback of 3.0 m and north Setback of 1.5 m.
c. There shall be no building development in the front of the John T. Ross Residence.
8.1     Off-site and On-site Improvements to Serve the Development
a. As a condition of any development permit, the owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. The Agreement shall include an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements to be addressed in the Agreement include but are not limited to the repair of any damage to the abutting roadways, sidewalks and/or boulevards resulting from construction of the development, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. The site must be inspected by Transportation Services prior to the start of construction and once again when construction is complete.
b. The lane directly abutting the site to the east shall be upgraded to a commercial standard.
c. A publicly accessible quasi-public pocket garden, with a minimum area of 120 m2 of the total site shall be developed on the north side of the site, east of the John T. Ross Residence, abutting 98 Avenue. The pocket garden will include seating and landscaping in general accordance with Appendix I, Illustrative Site Plan, and Appendix VIII, Illustrations – Quasi-Public Pocket Garden, and be used for passive recreation by residents of the development and the community. The quasi-public pocket garden, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, shall:
i. bedesigned in a manner that is open and inviting to the public;
ii. engagewith the street and shall act as an ‘outdoor room’;
iii. beseparated from the at grade units directly to the south by a visual screen such as a planted trellis;
iv. includepublic art in accordance with Section 8.2 of this provision.
d.  As a condition of the development permit, the owner(s) shall register a Public Access Easement to ensure that public access to the quasi-public pocket garden on the north side of the site will remain available between the hours of 7:00am to 10:00pm.  The easement shall make the private property owner(s) responsible for maintenance and liability, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
8.2     On-site Public Art Contributions
a. As a condition of the Development Permit and prior to the issuance of the Occupancy Permit, the owner shall commission public art to the minimum value of $175,000.
b. A committee with representation from the owners and the Edmonton Arts Council shall oversee this Public Art Program, and, in consultation with the Development Officer shall determine the appropriate locations for artworks to be installed.
c. Public art shall be located on-site and visible from the public realm.
d. If a development application has not been made within five (5) years of the date of passage of this Bylaw, the Public Art contribution shall be increased from that point forward according to the annual rate of national inflation as determined by Statistics Canada.

Bylaw attachments