DC1 19714

CRP Irvine - south of 82 Avenue NW, east of Gateway Blvd / Canadian Pacific Railway Station (CPR)

Bylaw 13859 (December 8, 2004)

Charter Bylaw 19714 (June 8, 2021)

To accommodate the development of a mid-rise residential building and the historic preservation of the Canadian Pacific Railway Station designed to create a high-quality urban environment along Gateway Boulevard NW. 

This Provision shall apply to Lot 2, Block L, Plan 0521161; as shown on Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, CPR Irvine.

Area A and B

  1. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
  2. Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries
  3. Business Support Services
  4. Child Care Services
  5. Commercial Schools
  6. Convenience Retail Stores
  7. Creation and Production Establishments
  8. General Retail Stores
  9. Government Services
  10. Health Services
  11. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
  12. Liquor Stores
  13. Market
  14. Media Studios
  15. Mobile Catering Food Services
  16. Nightclubs
  17. Personal Service Shops
  18. Private Clubs
  19. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
  20. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
  21. Restaurants
  22. Secondhand Stores
  23. Special Event
  24. Specialty Food Services
  25. Urban Gardens
  26. Vehicle Parking
  27. Fascia On-premises Signs
  28. Projecting On-premises Signs
  29. Temporary On-premises Signs

Area C

  1. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
  2. Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries
  3. Convenience Retail Stores
  4. General Retail Stores
  5. Live Work Unit
  6. Lodging Houses
  7. Major Home Based Business
  8. Minor Home Based Business
  9. Multi-unit Housing
  10. Personal Service Shops
  11. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
  12. Residential Sales Centre
  13. Restaurants
  14. Specialty Food Services
  15. Supportive Housing
  16. Urban Gardens
  17. Urban Outdoor Farms
  18. Vehicle Parking
  19. Fascia On-premises Signs
  20. Minor Digital On-premises Signs 
  21. Projecting On-premises Signs
  22. Temporary On-premises Signs
  1. Each Commercial Use in Area C shall be limited to 200 m2.
  2. Personal Service Shops shall not include Body Rub Centres.
  3. Each Secondhand Stores Use shall be limited to 275 m2 of Floor Area.
  4. Residential Sales Centres shall be limited to the sale or lease of Dwellings on Site.
  5. Signs in Area A and B shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59H of the Zoning Bylaw.
  6. Signs in Area C shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59B of the Zoning Bylaw.
  7. Minor Digital On-premises Signs shall only be permitted if affixed to a building and only in Area C.
  8. Temporary On-premises Signs shall be limited to project advertising associated with an on-Site Residential Sales Centre and shall not include trailer mounted or signs with changeable copy.
  9. For Area B, a Comprehensive Sign Design Plan with a focus on pedestrian-oriented signage, promoting building identity, and compatibility with the historic character of the Canadian Pacific Railway Station shall be prepared for the development and submitted with the Development Permit application for construction of new buildings to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer.
  1. The development shall be in general conformance with the attached appendices.
    Area A
  2. The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 2.0.
  3. The maximum Height shall be 11.0 m.
  4. The minimum Setbacks for new development shall be as follows:
    a. West: 4.5 m, except 7.0 m at a minimum height of 3.0 m within 8.5 m of the existing historic Canadian Pacific Railway Station;
    b. North and East – 0.0 m
    c. South (from the boundary with Area B) – 1.6 m.
  5. A minimum 5.6 m separation space shall be provided between the existing historic Canadian Pacific Railway Station and any new building to the north. 
    Area B
  6. The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 1.0.
  7. The maximum Height shall be 12.0 m. 
  8. The minimum Setbacks shall be as follows:
    a. North (from the boundary with Area A) – 4.0 m;
    b. East – 2.8 m;
    c. West – 2.8 m; and
    d. South (from the boundary with Area C) - 19.7 m
    Area C
  9. The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 3.8.
  10. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 125.

    A minimum of 25% of Dwellings shall have 2 bedrooms or more.

  11. The maximum Height shall be 28.0 m.
  12. The minimum Setbacks shall be as follows:
    a. North (from the boundary with Area B) – 15.0 m;
    b. East – 0.0 m;
    c. West:
      A. 0.0 m north of 80 Avenue NW, except that the Parking Area shall have a minimum Setback of 1.75 m;
      B. 1.75 m south of 80 Avenue NW at ground level; and
      C. 0.0 m above a Height of 3.75 m.
    d. South - 5.0 m.
  13. The rooftop amenity structure may encroach on the Gateway Boulevard NW road right of way to a maximum of 3.3 m, subject to execution of an agreement to the City’s satisfaction.
  14. The Underground Parkade shall not be subject to required Setbacks and can extend to all Lot lines.


  1. Architectural treatment of all Façades of the new buildings shall create a unified building exterior and be designed in a manner that differentiates it from the historical Canadian Pacific Railway Station. The building shall incorporate design elements to reduce the perceived mass and add architectural interest, including but not limited to:
    a. clear articulation of the Façade, using a defined pattern or projections and recessions to break the appearance of the Façade;
    b. the use of a variety of exterior building cladding materials and colours; and
    c. prominent front entrances.
  2. The exterior of the buildings shall be finished with high quality, durable materials such as, but not limited to, stone, brick, metal, wood, concrete, architectural panels, and/or glass. The use of vinyl siding is prohibited.
  3. All mechanical equipment, including surface level venting systems shall be screened in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or be concealed by incorporating it within the building. Ground level vents shall be oriented away from adjacent Sites or on-Site amenity or pedestrian circulation areas.
  4. The principal entrances to the development shall be universally accessible and have direct external access to the adjacent public sidewalk along Gateway Boulevard.
    Area C
  5. Winter design elements such as weather protection in the form of a canopy or other architectural element shall be provided above ground floor entrances to create a comfortable environment for pedestrians.
  6. The Surface Parking Lot shall be screened along Gateway Boulevard NW. Screening shall incorporate visually interesting architectural elements such as texture, material variety, screens, artistic or stylized glass and/or other materials, and/or other methods which disguise the Surface Parking Lot to create a visually pleasing façade.
  7. The ground level Storey containing the Surface Parking shall be constructed in such a way that it could be fully enclosed and converted to active commercial uses in the future.  Prior to the issuance of the Development Permit for construction of the building, a statement from the project Architect confirming this is the case shall be submitted, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

Area A and B

1. Bicycle Parking shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation), except that:
  a. A minimum of 10 short term Bicycle Parking spaces for visitors shall be provided in an easily accessible location and available for public use.
  b. Vertical or stacked racks may be used to satisfy long term bicycle parking requirements if it can be demonstrated that they can be safely and efficiently used to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation). The minimum size of vertical bike parking stalls shall be 0.60 m wide, 2.3 m high, and 1.1 m deep, with a minimum 1.5 m wide aisle.
2. The access from Gateway Boulevard NW located south of the Canadian Pacific Railway Station building and north of 80 Avenue NW shall be restricted to short term delivery/pick-up, loading, servicing and waste collection vehicles only, and be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and Waste Management Services.

Area C

3. Bicycle Parking shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation), except that:
  a. A minimum of 10 short term Bicycle Parking spaces for visitors shall be provided in an easily accessible location and available for public use.
  b. Long term Bicycle Parking spaces shall be provided at a minimum rate of 0.75 spaces per Dwelling in a secure facility within the building that is easily accessible to cyclists via access ramps that are separated from vehicles, or a route through the building that facilitates easy and efficient transportation of bicycles;
  c. Vertical or stacked racks may be used to satisfy long term bicycle parking requirements if it can be demonstrated that they can be safely and efficiently used to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation). The minimum size of vertical bike parking stalls shall be 0.60 m wide, 2.3 m high, and 1.1 m deep, with a minimum 1.5 m wide aisle.
4. Vehicular access and egress shall be provided from Gateway Boulevard NW abutting the Site.
5. Parking, loading, and passenger drop-off areas shall be designed to minimize pedestrian-vehicle conflicts and prioritize pedestrian movement through the Site.
  a. Pedestrians accessing and exiting the screened Surface Parking Lot must have a clearly defined path with high visibility to reduce potential pedestrian-vehicle conflicts near the 80 Avenue NW access.
6. A 3.0 m wide public access connection shall be provided east to west through the site at approximately 80 Avenue NW.  The public access connection shall be accessible to the public at all times through the registration of a 24-hour Public Access Easement in favour of the City of Edmonton which shall be a condition of the Development Permit.
7. All Residential Vehicle Parking, except visitor parking, shall be provided within an Underground Parkade.
8. All waste collection and storage areas shall be located within the building, not visible from public roadways, and be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation) and Waste Management Services.


1. The required Landscape Plan submitted with a Development Permit application for new building construction shall be prepared by a Landscape Architect registered with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA).
2. The Landscape Plan shall show details of off-site improvements including enhancements to the public realm along Gateway Boulevard.
3. The selection of plant materials shall consider plants and shrubs that provide colour throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development.
4. The Landscape Plan shall address the interface between the public and private realm along the west Façade of the ground floor and Gateway Boulevard NW. The plan shall include the following design elements, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
  a. Patios, benches and/or seating areas;
  b. Trees and/or decorative landscaping;
  c. Decorative paving and surface treatments; and
  d. Pedestrian-scaled lighting.
5. A detailed exterior lighting plan shall be provided with a Development Permit application for construction of a new building to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
6. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall be provided to ensure a well-lit environment for pedestrians, to accentuate building elements, and to highlight the development at nighttime and in winter months. Exterior lighting associated with the development shall be designed to minimize impacts on adjacent properties. A detailed exterior lighting plan shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
Area C
7. Required Amenity Area can be satisfied by using balconies, terraces/patios, Rooftop Terraces, and indoor Common Amenity Areas such as communal lounges, entertainment rooms, fitness areas and bicycle rooms.
8. A Common Amenity Area shall be located at the top of the building in the form of a rooftop indoor amenity area and a rooftop outdoor amenity area.


  1. Prior to the issuance of a Development Permit for any buildings greater than 20.0 m in Height, a Wind Impact Study shall be submitted for review.  The development shall incorporate design features to minimize adverse microclimatic effects such as wind tunneling, snow drifting, rain sheeting both on and off Site, consistent with the recommendations of the Wind Impact Study.
  2. Site and building layouts shall include design elements that take the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) into consideration. These elements may include, but are not limited to, elements that allow for natural surveillance, increase sightlines and use; and high quality interior and exterior lighting. The physical layout and landscaping shall reduce the vulnerability of pedestrians by avoiding areas of concealment or entrapment such as: long public corridor spaces, stairwells, or other movement predictors; avoiding landscaping hazards such as: unpruned trees, rocks that can be thrown, or blind corners; and by locating parking areas close to building access points and using wayfinding mechanisms. The Development Officer may require a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design assessment prepared by a qualified security consultant, and may apply conditions to the approval of the Development Permit based on the recommendations of the CPTED assessment to promote a safe physical environment.
  3. Development Permit applications for Residential or Residential-related Uses within 75.0 m of the CP Rail Yard or Rail Line shall include a noise and vibration study and any Development Permits shall include any required noise mitigation measures, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, as long as the CP Rail Yard is operational.
  4. An arborist report and tree preservation plan, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Urban Forestry, shall be submitted with the Development Permit application to determine the impact of the proposed development, including excavation and construction, on the existing boulevard trees along Gateway Boulevard.  If required by the Development Officer, an air spading tool shall be used to determine the amount and size of roots that may need to be cut for the parkade/foundation wall. If:
    a. the arborist report indicates that the development will unduly compromise the ongoing viability and health of a tree or trees, each tree shall be removed as part of the redevelopment of the site. The owner/developer shall be responsible for the cost of removal as well as for compensating the City for the value of the tree being removed. If required by the Development Officer, each tree removed shall be replaced by a new tree in an enhanced growing soil medium in the form of soil cells or continuous trenches, at the cost of the owner; or
    b. the arborist report indicates that the development will not unduly compromise the ongoing viability and health of a tree or trees, each tree shall be retained and protected as per the City’s Corporate Tree Management Policy C456B.
  5. The storm and sanitary drainage systems required to service the development, including on-site stormwater management, shall be in general conformance with the Drainage Servicing Report or alternatives to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Development Services (Drainage).
1.  As a condition of any Development Permit, the owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for improvements necessary to serve or enhance the development, including improvements to the public realm of Gateway Boulevard NW, in coordination with the City’s planned streetscape improvements in this area (if required).  The Agreement process includes an engineering drawing review and approval process.  The cost of these improvements may be shared by the City and the owner or be the responsibility of the owner, and shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in conjunction with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation), City Operations, Integrated Infrastructure Services, and others as required.  Improvements to address in the Agreement include, but are not limited to:
  a. the repair of any damage to the abutting roadways, sidewalks and/or boulevard resulting from construction of the development;
  b. removal of the existing access to Gateway Boulevard NW approximately 15 metres north of 81 Avenue NW, and construction of the boulevard, sidewalk, curb, and gutter as required;
  c. removal of the existing access to Gateway Boulevard NW approximately 5 metres north of 80 Avenue NW, and construction of the boulevard, sidewalk, curb, and gutter as required;
  d. construction of the east leg of the Gateway Boulevard NW and 80 Avenue NW intersection, including any required traffic signal enhancements and considerations for a future active modes connection through the Site;
  e. construction of a new site access to Gateway Boulevard NW approximately 40 metres north of 80 Avenue NW; and
  f. streetscape improvements along the east side of Gateway Boulevard NW in general accordance with any Plan for Gateway Boulevard NW and that may include:
    i. a boulevard and/or sidewalk that may extend onto the owner’s property to enhance the pedestrian realm.  Any portion of the public realm that is on Site shall be shall be accessible to the public at all times through the registration of a 24-hour Public Access Easement in favour of the City of Edmonton which shall be a condition of the Development Permit.;
    ii. pedestrian scaled lighting;
    iii. quality, durable street furnishings and materials; and
    iv. other boulevard treatments specific to the roadway.
2. In Area C, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit for:
  a. a building that contains 12 or more Dwelling units; or
  b. a building that contains less than 12 Dwelling units, but is part of a Site with 12 or more Dwelling units in total.
    The Development Officer shall ensure a signed agreement has been executed between the City and the owner, requiring the owner to provide the City, at the time of each Development Permit approval, the option to purchase up to 5% of the proposed number of Dwelling units (rounded to the nearest Dwelling unit) in each building with Dwelling units, at 85% of market value or the equivalent value as cash in lieu (at the discretion of the owner) to the City.


1. The Canadian Pacific Railway Station and associated lands are a designated Municipal Historic Resource. Exterior alterations and additions shall be sympathetic to and compatible with the historic Facades of the Canadian Pacific Railway Station to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer. The following standards and guidelines shall be applied when reviewing development applications for the Canadian Pacific Railway Station:
  a. the General Guidelines for Rehabilitation contained in the City of Edmonton Bylaw 13470, Bylaw to Designate Canadian Pacific Railway Station as a Municipal Historic Resource; and
  b. the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.

Bylaw attachments